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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/17/2020 in all areas

  1. Sorry for my ridiculous rant earlier. Dont even remember posting it. But it explains the way I'm feeling today, and why it was so hard to get up this morning. 1.75L bottles are big. Nothing justifies what I said or the way I said it tho.
    10 points
  2. Yeah, Though I sit with one question for @tdm, @Sean McCreary and others helping: Where are your guys donate buttons, so we can send you 'a beer'?
    7 points
  3. Not exactly a protective case, but it sure does add some texture, This is a matte black DBrand skin intended for a Note 10. Didn't have to do a lot, The camera fit fine and the microphone hole was *almost* right. I trim the width and that's about it. My production skills with trimming are not the best, but the matte black color hides most of my flaws. It definitely gives the phone more grip while leaving the nice feel of the phone in your hand. I wasn't brave enough to try a cutout for the F(x) Tec logo. 😉
    7 points
  4. @tdmhttp://www.mytelescan.com/vendor.img.gz
    7 points
  5. That is so awesome! This is truly a community build! @tdm is clearly the fearless pioneer, but you and @Sean McCreary and probably other people I haven't noticed have made meaningful contributions as well. Bravo!
    6 points
  6. It takes a big man to admit when you were wrong. Thank you for doing so. I'm sure the people involved will forgive you. It's rather harder when the poster wasn't intoxicated and isn't sorry, which has also happened.
    6 points
  7. Thank you for your consideration. 🙂 I generally don't accept donations when I've been given a device for development. But I've spent a lot of time on this device. Here's my paypal: https://www.paypal.me/tdmcode
    5 points
  8. I've been actually developing on the Pro¹ today, which is a bit of a strange experience. I'm using ConnectBot to ssh into my build box, enabling adb over network, and connecting back to the device to push files and etc. Then I run "adb reboot" and *poof* the terminal goes away and the device reboots. Anyway... so I've been pulling in patches from @Sean McCreary and it looks like he's got the keyboard backlight fixed and the wake on any key fixed. So I'll probably make another build with those changes tomorrow. PS. Please forgive formatting errors, this forum does not
    5 points
  9. Regarding the slider causing the device to sleep, this is a build time configuration that, as far as I know, has no run time setting. So I guess whichever people like the most is what should be done. Personally, I find it very frustrating when the device goes to sleep on closing the slider because I frequently open the slider to type some text and then close it to go back to portrait/touch mode. Regarding wake on keypress, I've got an idea for that and it is both pretty simple and should work for all systems (including sailfish). Just track the screen state in the keyboard drive
    4 points
  10. test5 build is up. I've added a changelog section to my lineage page so you can see what is new. Most all the changes from test4 are keyboard related. Please note that in addition to the listed changes: The vendor blobs are unchanged from test4. I got the updated vendor image from @bmccrary but haven't had time to pull in the updated files yet. a2dp is still not working. I looked at it briefly but still can't figure it out. I don't think it's super high priority right now, so I'm not blocking test releases on it. qwertz keyboard users must still set their
    3 points
  11. @tdm Hello Since you're The Pro1 Developer, do you think it might be possible to add kernel support for "battery idle mode" - I mean the state with charger plugged in, when battery is charged to some level, for example 80%, but is neither charged up further nor starts discharging - phone takes energy from charger, but not from battery. There are apps that can utilize this mode to preserve battery life (i.e. ACC: https://github.com/VR-25/acc/ ACCA: https://github.com/MatteCarra/AccA). As for now, with these apps, Pro1 stops charging at given threshold, but instead of keeping this
    3 points
  12. Wish had been there for that session 😂🤣
    3 points
  13. 3 points
  14. By my calculations, that's roughly 32 units of alcohol per bottle. Pardon the personal interjection, but I certainly hope you didn't go through the entire thing in one night. I mean, I've drank quite a bit in my day (but haven't in quite some time now) and I think that would have killed me even at my peak of drinking.
    3 points
  15. Thanks for all the info, its good to take a break from developing and explain things from time to time. It really helps to know the state of the project. It would be nice if FxTec took more of an interest in helping make the software work, after all they were advertising it as Linaege compatible. In any case keep up the good work and don't mind the complainers.
    3 points
  16. @tdm I agree with Polaris your post are quite insightful and the work you are doing is very much appreciated 👍
    3 points
  17. Yes, there are two hall sensors. I'm not sure if they are both present and working in hardware though. Supporting both hall sensor may be tricky. I'll have to dig into it if/when someone makes a flip case. But I think there is really only support for one "lid" sensor in the Android framework. And that is used by the keyboard slider. This is oem_hallb in the DT file, and it generates SW_LID. The other hall sensor generates key F3 which seems strange.
    2 points
  18. You made my day! This is amazing. I immediately checked if swype can do the same, but they can't. Swype would have had the advantage that you get a lot more suggestions.
    2 points
  19. OK, there's a lot of confusion here. I believe what @Polaris was describing is the slider in settings on LOS that turns on the root binaries in general. I believe it's under developer options. It's been a long time since I turned it on. If it's off, nothing can even request root. If it's on, any app that needs root still has to request it, a la Windows with its UAC popup, and I believe it's a simple allow or deny with a checkbox to remember your answer, unchecked by default. @VaZso is right to be worried about universal root access, but this is never the case in Android; they thought through t
    2 points
  20. Brave mobile. 😉 In all seriousness though, thank you for all your hard work. It appears that very soon LOS will be much better than stock.
    2 points
  21. The part I put in bold type is the most interesting part of this discussion to date. It indicates that Verizon now knows what it is, which would indicate that someone may in fact be working behind the scenes to get the clack accepted by Verizon.
    2 points
  22. Thank God it's just half a mind because your posts are super informative and I, for one, would sorely miss them. Thanks for all you are doing for us!
    2 points
  23. You really should be more open with sharing how you feel. 😉
    2 points
  24. The Pro1 got two Hall-probes, one for detecting Slider open&close and one that seems designed for detecting a Flip-case! See this. Now THAT was a nice surprise! It does not seem to be part of the BOE screen assembly looking at their imges, so a nice Easter egg from F(x)tec! It does not currently seem to have any action (yet), But I hope an OTA will add a functionality similar to the power button, to turn off&on the screen. Any comments from @Waxberry here perhaps? Suitable magnets we can inject in a flip-case are by far expensive. e.g this. Sen in portrait It
    2 points
  25. Bkackberry had autocomplete suggestions with the hardware keyboard. Is there any way to have the same with pro1? sure, we can't have the touch swipe on the keyboard, but on screen a couple of suggestions should only require software.
    1 point
  26. My main problem with FinQwerty was that you need to use one modifier to access the yellow prints on some keys and another to access the same yellow prints on other keys. That somehow screwed with my brains 😁
    1 point
  27. That's an older build then. The one the phone OS has mounted has a January 2020 date. Maybe it's vendor_b? I'll pull that one and loopback it and see now that I know what to look for.
    1 point
  28. Yes, having a way to retain root and disable Magisk modules is very useful indeed. "EdXposed Manager" is not a Magisk module. It is an app, just like Xposed Manager, to handle the EdXposed framework (which is a Magisk module) and Xposed modules (which are apps).
    1 point
  29. Found a reasonably sober review over here , He is quite positive (well they sell it...), though he ends up with a little on who it is for... (Google translate)
    1 point
  30. OK I tried again today and got different behaviour (?). Deleted all partitions on the card in Windows, and put the card into the phone. It didn't ask to format the card this time (?) it just did I guess, because it shows all 64GB. I then hooked up to the computer with USB debugging and MTP, and the card is showing (but not internal storage, maybe because of USB debugging?). Transferring the backed up files via USB.
    1 point
  31. Here a (collage) version with my descriptions (and colouring) added.
    1 point
  32. The channel was advertised the first time yesterday and there will be more adverts for it. Also, the way that YouTube works, I expect a lot of publicity for it sooner or later. I'll be alright.
    1 point
  33. I'm insecure. I don't have any lock-screen passwords or thumbprints or fingerprints or patterns. I'm crazy like that. If someone gets my phone, they learn all about me. I just find it unlikely that will ever happen, and if it does, I'll be sad.
    1 point
  34. Yet another reason to use LineageOS! You'll have a slider (at least in v.16) that allows you to turn it on and off. There is also an option to select root access for ADB only, apps only, or both ADB and apps. It's a great setup.
    1 point
  35. ...but if I understand well, I would not have an option to enter a password for root every time. I mean root should not be used automatically in any case... if necessary, some permissions may be granted, but not a general access. If (and when) root access is really needed, one should authorize. ...and not allowing root access (in general) like Android's official behaviour is the opposite side of the horse which is also a really bad restriction. Ps: (falling to the) opposite side of the horse is a Hungarian phrase which I don't know if it is a local phrase or something came fro
    1 point
  36. I think I was too fast to post success. Even if this app does something, it doesn't fix clicks in games, and also is not required for 24-bit output. If only I could lower headphones and handset volumes on call. Under lineageos they're lower, but in contraction you cannot raise volume. This phone is a very good hardware released with beta software.
    1 point
  37. I am confident that we will get our smartphones at least one month before 3g and LTE networks are switched off and the 5G standard is outdated. Not everyone has the chance to unpack a freshly produced museum requisite.
    1 point
  38. It's a shame that he also received a phone with many software bugs but I guess it's fair since we do as well. I just hope they (FxTec) can start production soon, otherwise many potential new buyers will disappear soon. By the way, I had a reminder in my phone that told me every three months to check if there were new keyboard phones. If I hadn't, I would have received the information from Linus first. So there is definitely a wider consumer group out there.
    1 point
  39. Have to agree. But I hope they do sort out a range of cases so they have more to sell in the store.
    1 point
  40. I got a black carbon fiber skin from Skinomi for the Note 10, and the back piece is a pretty good fit. The camera and sensor holes are in the right place, although quite a bit larger than they need to be. I filled in some of the gap using other pieces from the kit. I also clipped the corners on the skin, much more than I needed to it turns out, but overall I'm pleased with the result. It looks nice, and it definitely makes the device much more "grippy" to hold.
    1 point
  41. The Verizon tech did everything. I handed her my phones and she took care of it right there at the counter in front of me. I think provisioning a new SIM in an established phone originally purchased from Verizon, then moving it to the Pro 1, made a difference. The only adjustments made after the SIM was moved was to the network configuration in Settings. I asked if *#*#4636#*#* was necessary on the Pro 1 and she said no. She said she would submit a DMD request form for the Pro 1, it's an initial step for Verizon to approve the device.
    1 point
  42. I live out in the country in an area with a lot of hills. The Pro 1 has held a solid signal no matter where I've taken it. I even get a ghost of a signal in "farmer Faraday cages," AKA windowless metal pole buildings. Voice call quality is excellent, and using speedtest.net I'm getting 30-40 Mb down/10 Mb up consistently. In rural areas around here Verizon has repeaters set up every two or three miles that my S5 could never use. The Pro 1 finds them all. Now all I need is a stable Lineage build...
    1 point
  43. I swear I did that a couple times. It took a bit of waiting, but I got on the phone with tier 2 tech support and when we did this again, it works now. Not sure if they did anything on their end but I need to thank Nick from tech support for the help. Thanks to all of you as well!
    1 point
  44. The most likely reason for this problem is your SIM not having been provisioned for VoLTE in your old phone. That has to be done on the old phone first, before it can work in the Pro 1.
    1 point
  45. Slot 2 is the dual slot so it matters if you are going to use an SD-card. I do not know if a single card usage works better if in slot 1 than 2. I have tried both some time ago, and did not notice any difference - but there could be.
    1 point
  46. I find it painful to use in the dark. To me that's one issue that will be keeping me from switching to Pro1 as my main device. Does anyone have access to that Elephone U hardware to see if it does a better job at lowering the screen brightness using the same panel? I can't be bothered about colour accuracy TBH. That's about functionality and usability in dark environment. How can we get FxTec to prioritize that issue? I hope they can come up with a software solution for it.
    1 point
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