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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/18/2020 in all areas

  1. Thank you @Waxberry and @Erik -
    6 points
  2. Serial Number #344 QWERTZ Ship Date: January 21st Delivery Date: February 18th Customs had their great time with it. Unsealed, taken out of the plastic bag and not put back in and full of fingerprints. However, it's totally fine apart from that. Well, physically. Haven't turned it on yet. Edit: Of course I did turn it by now but further posts were moved elsewhere. Nothing atypical. Everything is running as fine as it can in the current software state!
    5 points
  3. After a half a year of delay I don't really care if my phone comes later. I have managed to get used to my dying phone for now. I was in India for three weeks and could not make photos because my camera on my phone is broken. I can't always have my DSLR with me. That really sucked. However, humans dying is certainly worse. I hope they are all safe. Being on point now doesn't really matter anymore anyway. Please ensure everyone stays healthy.
    4 points
  4. The point is that that the case needs a strategically placed magnet, matching the position of the sensor. It already sends F3/F4 on close/open. So all we need is that F(x)tec alter it from sending KEYCODE_F4 (86h) to KEYCODE_WAKEUP (E0h) and from sending KEYCODE_F3 (85h) to KEYCODE_SLEEP (DFh) YouCut_20200218_095817803.mp4
    4 points
  5. OKay so I posted this a while ago: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Cartoon-Hello-Kitty-Flip-PU-Leather-Wallet-Phone-Case-Cover-For-Samsung-Galaxy/153051236557?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&var=452880191076&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649 If you look at the last image, it's white. The seller said that they also have a black - not listed. This is a google drive link that has all the full size pictures as well as a couple videos that show the case being manipulated. It words. My hunt for a phone case is over until they come out with ones designed specifically for the Pro1 It sticks, i
    4 points
  6. OH MAN are we going to owe you some BEER! You are the greatest!
    4 points
  7. I believe the core issue is that Android does not have a separate concept of lid/cover and slider. It only has logic for a "lid". We are using this for the slider but it's not really suitable for our usage. Eventually, when some of the more major issues are sorted out, I would like to resolve this by separating the logic for these things in the core Android logic. I'm not sure AOSP would take the patches but I'm pretty sure Lineage will.
    4 points
  8. I just published what's basically a modified variant of FinQwerty called Fx Qwerty with focus on Pro1 usability.
    3 points
  9. Only had normal a Xperia Pro and a E-Ten Glofiish M800 (that's some WinMobile thingy) before as far as keyboard phones go. However, I almost religiously watched slow-motion Pro1 clacking videos more often than a normal person would. I went in fully aware what to do to say the least.
    3 points
  10. I got a cheap case to tests out https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07GW2388G/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Works well sides are silicone and the back is solid plastic needs the usual holes! 🙂 ofc need something to protect the screen still.
    3 points
  11. test5 build is up. I've added a changelog section to my lineage page so you can see what is new. Most all the changes from test4 are keyboard related. Please note that in addition to the listed changes: The vendor blobs are unchanged from test4. I got the updated vendor image from @bmccrary but haven't had time to pull in the updated files yet. a2dp is still not working. I looked at it briefly but still can't figure it out. I don't think it's super high priority right now, so I'm not blocking test releases on it. qwertz keyboard users must still set their
    3 points
  12. It is certainly a big leap between an Iphone and a Pro1. Nice that some variety exists now, so each can find what suit them the best. I for one hope I never have to go back to Ios. Though my magnetically attached landscape&portrait keyboard solution for it worked reasonable well. See here for more images. (Note how it when attached in portrait, is mounted so the device is centred between G and H)
    3 points
  13. I'd be happy to send you a working SIM card you could use if you would ever want to play around with it.
    2 points
  14. I've started going through the issues on the github issue tracker. There are relatively few things left to fix to get a good stable build, shown below in rough order of severity (IMHO anyway): * General stability. @Craig reported that test4 was unstable. Please try test6 and report back. * Phone call audio issues. * a2dp does not work. * Virtual keyboard showing and hiding at appropriate times. * FM Radio does not work. * WiFi signal strength does not work. * selinux is permissive. Other less severe issues that probably shouldn't be considered
    2 points
  15. @EskeRahn yes, just sending KEY_WAKEUP and KEY_SLEEP could work for a simple cover. But if there is a window in the cover, the system needs to know when the cover is opened and closed to show the appropriate information through the window (this is done via the FlipFlap package in Lineage). So I guess we'll see what kinds of covers show up, if any. @mcdinner I'll have to look into the backlight code. It's currently in the lights HAL (this is where @Sean McCreary put it). I don't think the lights HAL will get notified on lid events, so it may need to spawn a thread and listen to
    2 points
  16. I just wanted to mention that I don't care about an aged processor. We knew they had no other choice on it and we also know about the problems they encountered. Corona is one of the bigger ones impacting even big companies. I just want to make sure that they will earn some profit to be able to design a Pro2. And seriously, who cares about some cheap headphones in the package? I'd rather have a bugfree system with high usability than headphones that would get replaced soon after receiving them. Wasting fees and shipping costs for headphones really doesn't make sense.
    2 points
  17. Send me a message with your address and I will send you a few.
    2 points
  18. Do make sure you have enough key left to press 😂
    2 points
  19. @Pete I posted this in another thread, but mentioned I would get around to it here, so I'm posting it here as well. I finally got around to doing extensive testing with the Pro1 and both a Motorola Droid 4 and a Samsung S8+ in multiple bands and with multiple carriers. The Pro1 was always 3 to 5 dBm weaker than my Droid 4 in the same band (only B13 on the D4), to the same sites, and from the same locations on Verizon. In regard to the S8+, the Pro1 was always 3 to 7 dBm weaker in the same bands, to the same sites, and from the same locations on AT&T. I used the actual values being repor
    2 points
  20. ....Or someone making a small android program listening on the keyevents, and catching F3 and F4 and convert them to sleep and wakeup. Have you tried if something as simple as the .kcm can do it for us as a temporary measure?
    2 points
  21. My original batteries for my Sony Ericsson Xperia Pro are still good. The important thing is to remove it from the device (or just insert a piece of plastic as an insulator at a terminal), If the battery is charged and left with only self discharge, it keeps it charge for years, and can still be charged. Just make sure that you charge them say every second or third year, so they do not reach 0V. That is the problem with newer phones, you can not leave them truly off and hence the battery will be murdered, if the phone is just kept in a box, without occasional re-charging. I also got (chea
    2 points
  22. I've done this with my TV and it was confusing as heck... You need definitely some device that supports chromecast or miracast or whatever (I don't even know which one my TV does), in my case I have a "smart" TV that runs LG WebOS and in the menu i have stuff to enable casting, and then i selected direct cast and when I did that it showed up after pressing the cast thing on the phone, in a small dialog on the phone. And selecting that did nothing. And then I did it again a few times and it started to work xD. I could also tell the TV to do it over the network (it's connected with ethernet cabl
    2 points
  23. I dont think we can store batteries for 10 years we sure can buy 4 or 5 batteries but the problem is these will died in 3 to 4 years regardless of in use or not. Also i have seen few people here having issues with charging. most likely the problem is usb port as plugin in and out the cable several times a day might hurt the usb port. so i would highly recommend to get the magnetic adapter. i am using one and it saves the usb port from wear and tear
    2 points
  24. 2 points
  25. If you are rooting with Magisk, the first time an app requests superuser access, a dialog will pop up: It defaults to "Forever", but you can tap on that and only have it be active until the app is shut down (Once), or you can limit it based on those time limits in the dropdown list. If you set it to Forever and want to change that later, you can go into Magisk Manager and remove the app. The next time you run the app and it wants superuser access, it will pop-up the dialog again. If you want it to ask you ever time you launch the app, then you can pick Once.
    2 points
  26. Umm...did you forget the most important thing? It has HK on it! :-)
    2 points
  27. I found others reporting this same thing online for other phones. It looks like it is just an android bug in how it reports it. It seems to do it with some brands of SD cards, but not others. It only happens when you use it as adoptable (shared with internal) storage. So it seems like nothing to be overly concerned about. You'll just have to mentally subtract half the space when you look at that screen. Apparently other storage tool apps will show it properly, so you could try one of those.
    2 points
  28. thank you, EskeRahn, the sub-LED test worked just fine, all three colors, that's reassuring - but as observed by others, the notification system for messages and phone calls seems to dead, sadly. perhaps a future software upgrade will help here. or an Fxtec-supported Android 10 install, if/when available ? ADDENDUM : Light Manager 2 finally started to work as described here in this forum (which wasn't the case for me earlier). i guess my recent manipulations with this sub-LED test did something to some permission settings, and now my calls/SMS/etc get their LED spot light attention, fi
    2 points
  29. To make sure all three sub-LEDs are working, try the first test on the list described in this thread. It turns on Red, Green and Blue one at the time, and then ask if it worked. And if you try oher tests BE CAREFUL! There is one calling emergency with no warning. (see my comments a little down the tread for descriptions in English)
    2 points
  30. ...but if I understand well, I would not have an option to enter a password for root every time. I mean root should not be used automatically in any case... if necessary, some permissions may be granted, but not a general access. If (and when) root access is really needed, one should authorize. ...and not allowing root access (in general) like Android's official behaviour is the opposite side of the horse which is also a really bad restriction. Ps: (falling to the) opposite side of the horse is a Hungarian phrase which I don't know if it is a local phrase or something came fro
    2 points
  31. I have been trying to use Cast option in the dropdown drawer but not sure how it works. Can someone explain how to make it work to cast to any tv please? So basically after enabling Cast option, what else is needed? Chromecast dongle? and an app? Maybe if someone can explain all the requirements and step by step guide to setup Thanks
    1 point
  32. Already mentioned and linked one page earlier ;)
    1 point
  33. Sure looks like that. The events sent by the sensor are actually Fn+F3 and Fn+F4 but trying to replace those did not work either.
    1 point
  34. I would like stickers like the round ones for the cases... I have actually planed to ask a friend of mine that makes stickers to produce something like that.
    1 point
  35. What are those? Sleep and wake up? Sleep and wake up are working when mapped to other keys. However the kcm file appears to have no effect on the events coming from that Hall sensor.
    1 point
  36. I did take some, but nothing that would proof anything per say. Almost one complete print visible on one of the photos though! Device is on by now. Everything seems fine so far! And that's with me being invested and pretty much looking for all kinds of known typical defects. I don't know what issue people have with opening the clacker either. I had no issue doing it one-handed before even turning that thing on for the first time. Sure, you need to make sure to do it right, but it's not like "damn, I can't open that darn shitty thing".
    1 point
  37. PS do NOT expand the caps hole that much on the real units, the LED on the PreProd unit is much weaker (and the hole smaller), hence the need here... PreProd left Retail right. Backlight off, caps on for both.
    1 point
  38. That just means the keys are separate parts i guess
    1 point
  39. Let me put it this way: I made the underscore on the PreProd unit longer by scratching... (it currently has SFOS without backlight, so can not show a usable photo...)
    1 point
  40. (moved the spare batteries discussion over here)
    1 point
  41. Interesting alternative. I guess it would have been simpler to take a £4 flip case for a Huawei P20 Pro, and just adhered the logo part from the sleeve.
    1 point
  42. Anyway, also the amount of workers in the factory may be a real problem in China (as travel restrictions are still apply as far as I read).
    1 point
  43. Tried on stock with adb shell input keyevent 223 adb shell input keyevent 224 And they work perfect.....
    1 point
  44. This isn't a criticism, just a statement of personal preferences. I much prefer the natural flow of having shift reassigned to, well, shift, for the number row and such, not only because that is what I'm already trained to do, but because the shift keys are easier to use than the Fn (arrow keys). The color coding doesn't even really enter into my thinking. I'm not asking you to do this-- I already have that with FinQwerty. I know several people have been wanting the F Keys, so I imagine there are going to be folks quite happy with your efforts. It's great to see the continuing com
    1 point
  45. @tdmhttp://www.mytelescan.com/vendor_2020-01-06.img.gz It was vendor_b, I should have checked the mounts on the OS beforehand.
    1 point
  46. Niederrhein, Germany (next "big" town is Venlo, Netherlands)
    1 point
  47. Just write an email to support. They will probably offer to send you a screen replacement. At least they offered that to people in telegram.
    1 point
  48. Sorry, this juxtaposition gave me a chuckle. 😉 Still, if you get the WiFi Calling solved... hopefully, you will.
    1 point
  49. First off, have you enabled it in the INFO menu (*#*#4636#*#*)?
    1 point
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