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  1. In theory Lineage should provide equal performance as stock for all components. If it does not, let me know and I will look into it. Some of the sub-systems that you mention (gps, wifi) have partial open-source components and partial closed-source components. If for some reason the open source components do not work as well as stock, I can look into it. But I am not aware of any such issues at the moment. Some of the sub-systems are pretty much completely closed source (camera, cell radio). These should certainly perform identical to stock. With that sai
    4 points
  2. Good point. Yes, this is crucial! 😁 Funny that some of us can't do that because the production of that device has been interrupted by the virus itself...
    4 points
  3. I'm pretty sure it (except the very first batch) is sent with an unlockable not an unlocked bootloader. It is only the last OTA that broke the safetynet test.
    4 points
  4. I'm not saying any of this as fact. Just some things some of the experts have shared that I found interesting. They could be wrong, of course. - I believe that they believe the reason this spreads faster than other infectious diseases, is because people *might* be contagious almost immediately after exposure and before they get sick (which is 4+ days after exposure). And, at a minimum, I believe they have shown that people are very contagious even when they are first getting sick (showing symptoms). And by sick, I mean mildly, as well as deadly sick, depending on their immune system.
    4 points
  5. My initial AOKP build won't boot. I swear, this device has given me trouble every single step of the way. I've never seen any device cause more trouble in my 6 years of doing custom ROMs.
    4 points
  6. Thanks, Just got confirmed from @Waxberry that the 20200306 is indeed a variant back on September security level, that IS in compliance with CTS / Safetynet (Those of us that updated to 20200304 will have to wait for a later common update - it is finished but awaits to be certified, hopefully in the coming week)
    3 points
  7. New issue filed on GitHub with attached log. The following line seems suspect: 03-13 13:26:09.895 2843 2843 I FingerprintController: fp wakelock: TIMEOUT!! Obviously the full log may be more helpful. Let me know if you need more.
    3 points
  8. I haven't noticed any difference in signal strength or signal quality between stock code and LOS. I don't find the radio in the Pro1 to be all that great (when compared to my other phones), there was no difference between stock or LOS. However, there is an amazing difference in usability and function with LOS. I would highly recommend it if one doesn't need all the safety net garbage, errr... capabilities.
    3 points
  9. I will not comment on whether stock is subpar or not. That is a subjective call. But I will say that stock is pretty much just a basic BSP build with a few changes tossed in here and there (like landscape mode). This is something that a developer team at any other company would use as a starting point for their stock software. It is not a finished product that was meant to be used by consumers. There are reasons for this, as I have mentioned -- IdeaLTE is a hardware company and FxTec cannot afford a software team. But folks who choose to use stock should know about this situat
    3 points
  10. And a very important factor here is that some will need an Iron lung for a while, but recover completely afterwards. So to the extent this treatment is available the mortality will be lower than if not. So even if the mortality in hindsight shows a low number, a lot of people might have needed the help of the health care system to survive. And this brings us back to the whole purpose of all that various governments are doing is to to stretch the whole thing over time, so the health system will not break down, as it seems to have done locally in northern Italy. So to assess the danger
    3 points
  11. Unfortunately we do not really know the numbers here. I think those figures are over-optimistic.
    3 points
  12. Yeah I think the problem is that I am not native English speaker. I took a minute to choose the word, and was actually going to use holocaust instead.. But then thought that genocide could work better (basically the same but doesn't refer to particular group of people like holocaust does). But did you read my next message? Where I tried to explain what I meant. Seriously speaking, I wouldn't like to see anybody to die, to corona virus or any other reason. I was originally making sarcastic reply to EskeRahn, trying to point out that we have to try to prevent/delay/stretch corona wave instead of
    3 points
  13. Sorry for having to be this explicit, but everyone who complains about and rejects measures being taken against the free spreading of SARS-CoV-2 assenting accepts the sure death of millions of old and weak human beings on this planet, for whom there is neither vaccination nor cure as soon as they catch the virus. This is a danger and a lethality several magnitudes higher than with a cold, and still much higher than a full-grown influenza. Please read and follow what the professionals say on the subject. Having a strong opinion based on hearsay and the internet is no substitute for an ac
    3 points
  14. Right, so do I – but I have no need to use R for the time being. My plan is to use LineageOS 17 with SafetyNet cared for by Magisk (if I ever find out how this is done) as long as it is supported, and after that, if we're really out of luck with regard to SafetyNet + LineageOS then, I'll have another look at the state F(x)Tec's stock Android will be in. And maybe we're lucky and it will be good! Anyway, for me, that's the point in time to start worrying, not earlier.
    2 points
  15. Also, had you previously installed the 20200304 update? Not being offered anything here and that could be a difference.
    2 points
  16. Yes, they are available to copy. It's pretty trivial to do this. Oh, and I forgot to mention config files. Those can affect behavior also. But I think I've got all the relevant config files in place and up to date. Also note that Lineage is free to take changes to improve performance that aren't in stock. Particularly with WiFi and GPS. For example, on a previous device I owned, stock only enabled 2.4ghz on WiFi but 5ghz worked perfectly fine. So I enabled it.
    2 points
  17. I can certainly do a build for you. But be aware once the device is submitted for official Lineage builds, I will stop doing my builds and you will need to find someone to do the patched build. (Or just stick with my last build, as 16.0 is in maintenance mode). Where can I find the microg patch for Lineage 16.0?
    2 points
  18. @tdm: Thanks for all the hard work :). As I've said before somewhere I want to try and go googlefree, with microg. From what I gather signature-spoofing is required for some things and I know @Loader009 did a one-off build with support for this. I have no idea how much work this would be and if it's something you're up for, but would it be possible to get a micro-g ready build together with the regular build? I've been thinking about setting up a build and release pipeline myself, but all of my experience with this is limited to azure resources and database stuff as I'm a bi-develope
    2 points
  19. Jesus christ, I can't believe some of the replies here. People die because of this, the lethality rate is much higher than the flu (or the cold), people that survive can have a significantly worse quality of life, and there's a significant hospitalization rate among the people that get it putting pressure on hospitals that might not be able to take it if drastic actions aren't taken. I sincerely hope everybody stays safe during this pandemic.
    2 points
  20. I think the biggest actions should be taken by the government. The best option would theoretically be to infect all (healthy) children to prevent the biggest infection threat. Children don't show symptoms and they don't care about hygienic actions. Next thing is to isolate elderly people or make sure that infections won't be possible. Visitors should be reduced as much as possible, those who take care about the people will have to pass through huge safety precautions (which is already the case in most places). A word to the panic: I would understand if people were suddenly vom
    2 points
  21. While I don't agree with the concept of your statement, and wouldn't delight in massive amounts of the population being killed, my biggest objection is with your use of the word "genocide." A genocide is defined as deliberate acts against a specific group, or groups, of people in order to exterminate them. I don't believe a genocide is ever warranted, regardless of whether one believes there are too many people on our planet or not. Furthermore, I have some good news (phrased from your perspective) for you... If a third of the population being killed enough for your liking, then you are
    2 points
  22. Anyone know any real good deals as a result of coronavirus, etc? I spent some time searching cruise ship rates, seems they're not heavily discounted. And the way they advertise is tricky, had to actually go thru adding to cart to see all the fees and actual rates, etc, but needless to say a trip thats advertised as 42/night ends up twice that.... And apparently rules prevent direct erson-to-person resale. I found disneyland tickets a little cheaper than normal, so did buy those....
    2 points
  23. Not only that, as some people will build an immunity the spread with be permanently slowed down hugely if they manage to contain it a bit now.
    2 points
  24. My understanding is that in R (which will surely be LineageOS 18), Google has implemented some sort of cryptographic authenticator using the TEE for safetynet attestation. In layman's terms, this means the validation is happening in a place that cannot be easily seen or modified, and thus cannot be easily faked as it is now. But keep in mind I am not an expert on SafetyNet -- I don't use it and generally don't care about it. I only read a short post by John Wu on the subject.
    2 points
  25. Yeah it is a cold. Pretty the same way than Ebola is casual gastroenteritis.
    2 points
  26. This is my problem as well. I want to use the Pro1 for work and banking and a lot of apps required for those will not work without SafetyNet. And seeing @tdm's fantastic work on LineageOS, fixing all the issues that bothered me in the stock ROM, I'm leaning towards using LineageOS more and more but only if SafetyNet can work somehow.
    2 points
  27. No, LineageOS does not pass SafetyNet as shipped. It passes everything else though (eg. Play Store / Play Services will see the device as registered and authorized). Folks that use custom ROMs and need SafetyNet compliance usually use magisk. I can't say much else on the subject, as I don't need SafetyNet and never installed magisk.
    2 points
  28. @silversolver For most people it will be just a cold. But for a certain percentage of people it is deadly. Trouble is, we still don't know how many people will catch it world wide and which percentage of them will die from it. The German chancelor apparently mentioned yesterday that 70% of the German could catch it. If 1% of them die that's more than half million dead we are talking about, just in Germany. So no, it's not just a cold but it's apparently also not a mass extinsion event either, as it looks like the human race could recover from it 😁 However who knows what pol
    2 points
  29. Quick update: @EskeRahn I'll add LiveDisplay back for the next build. @auvo.salmi something happened with my DNS and it lost all the IPv6 entries. I have restored them and it should be working again. I asked about gapps persistence in Lineage Slack and the answer was that gapps persistence only works for OTA on A/B devices, not with sideload. This is because nobody has been able to figure out get it working with sideload. So, as you are surely aware by now, gapps needs to be flashed after updating. I'll try to fix this soon. But this won't be a problem
    2 points
  30. Lineage does not have gapps, so an official Lineage build could not be used for stock. It would be technically possible to build Lineage with the approved gapps for a stock replacement, but this would violate the contract with Google. Unfortunately, IdeaLTE is a hardware manufacturer and FxTec is too small to have a software team. So the current situation where stock is a basic no-frills system while Lineage is a much nicer alternative will surely persist for quite some time.
    2 points
  31. That's got to be at least tricky legally. Searching a bit it seems that technically they should be able to do that, at least in the EU. Anywhere else and they might run into problems with the contract with google for the play store certification since it apparently says you can't sell devices with and with google play services. Aside from that, if they find a way to sell it with LineageOS instead, they'd be selling a phone that technically doesn't have all the features advertised since it wouldn't have google pay. They could do some other tricks to ship LineageOS with working google pay, but I
    2 points
  32. I created a Linux shell script version of it, maybe it will be useful for someone (I'm not sure if read -p is POSIX compatible, but should work in most shells): #! /bin/sh [ x"$1" = x ] && echo "Argument needed" && exit ver="$1" echo "* Wait for boot to bootloader to finish (or do manually holding VolDown+Power)" adb reboot bootloader read -p "(Enter to continue)" a fastboot flash boot_a LineageOS/lineage-16.0-pro1-test"$ver"-boot.img fastboot --set-active=a # fastboot reboot recovery does not work, so do manually: read -p "Roll down to recovery boot with VolDown, and pr
    2 points
  33. Well at home its crappy (as it is for all my phones), but I'm pretty sure WiFi calling works fine for me. I am lucky enough to have a T-Mobile tower right outside my work building because I've never seen my signal drop there 😁
    1 point
  34. I just tried installing it and got FAIL Reason 20. I followed the procedure in the Magisk thread. I have modified /system so that's probably it. Since it wasn't a full image I figured it was worth a try. I'm not sure yet whether I want to flash back to box-stock, apply all the OTA's, and then re-root, or just wait for Lineage to mature with a decent recovery.
    1 point
  35. It was always known that default LineageOS wouldn't pass safetynet. Only "new" information is that the stock software is perhaps subpar, but I wouldn't say that's news either and I expected that, and it's also subjective. I don't think this is even a problem with the phone, more so with proprietary apps being stupid.
    1 point
  36. That's outdated, current devices are shipped with a locked bootloader. First shipments were with an unlocked bootloader, but customers had to lock it to pass safetynet. See
    1 point
  37. They might. But I do think that other estimations are pessimistic. China only documents cases with symptoms, so the lethal rate looks higher than it is. Italia has LOTS of undocumented cases that also increase the proportion of (documented) deaths. The countries with well documented cases and a good health system always had rates of 0.1-0.5% but we will only know in the end.
    1 point
  38. Having to use my phone as a hot spot a lot at the moment and I have noticed 1 wi-fi is poor generally (already mentioned elsewhere) but also it does need a reboot after a while something seems to crash and enabling disabling wifi + hotspot doesn't make it work again.
    1 point
  39. The script is just an automatised version of the process @tdm described here. I have compared the boot-images, and they are binary different (I do not know why). (I could have added some echo-text of optionally wiping user data before the first main sideload, to be used when switching from stock, or when you do NOT want an upgrade - e.g. a downgrade from test10 to test9 would require a wipe)
    1 point
  40. Unfortunately, this scenario could play, but it won't be because of the virus, but because of the PANIC. Under normal circumstances, those who really need treatment seek it, and the rest just drink chicken juice and take long naps. Under a panic situation, people believe that their non-life-threatening illness, whether scare-onavirus or something else, may be life-threatening, and seek treatment, therefore creating massive demand for services, most of which are completely unneeded. Again, at this point it's all but a guarantee that THE PANIC will be deadly.
    1 point
  41. Today my country (United States) and State (Michigan) have basically cancelled EVERYTHING. International shipping, public events, school....you name it, it's cancelled. First it was masks, and now people are hoarding toilet paper, of all things....you can't find it on store shelves now. Coronavirus. With the panic that this virus has created, you'd think it was like rabies where no one survives, and we were facing mass extinction. Personally, I think that it's becoming increasingly obvious that this will not be remembered as a major medical catastrophe, but as a major PSYCHOLOGICAL catast
    1 point
  42. As you can see from @puppymang above, this happened to him/her and, from my reply to him/her, that it happened once to me. Unfortunately, if they found a solution they didn't report it. Mine was solved after I had to reflash the factory image and therefore I have no idea what solved it, but it hasn't been back since. At the time, I assumed it might have been the January OTA which I took when my phone was reflashed. I assume, since you were checking your SMSC, that you checked to see that your provisioning switches were all on. The funny thing about the SMSC number is mine doesn't sho
    1 point
  43. Turns out it was a loose pin. I went in with my basic iFixit tool kit, followed the steps in this PDF took off the screen, unplugged and re-plugged in the section that was marked LCD screen, put everything back as it was, and it works again. Everything is back to normal and good to go (except for sending SMS, but that's a different problem having to do with Verizon).
    1 point
  44. Here an example with some allegedly 0.5mm thin rubber strips from here suitably cut I placed two 'long' strips (5x65mm) at each end, and two minor pieces, one next to the space bar under the screen (3x17mm), and one on the opposite long edge side (7x17mm).
    1 point
  45. I just tried PUBG first Time and won. There must be some magic on Pro1.
    1 point
  46. How odd! But nice to know, and easy to remember too. J for when the keyboard is Jinxed. 😇 If anyone gets it on a qwertZ it will be interesting if it is the letter J or the same physical key (that is letter K on qwertZ)
    1 point
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