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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/18/2020 in Posts

  1. And that lasted for five minutes 😄 It reminds me of some guys talking about promises not kept and/or expectations that did not hold.... 😇 Good luck to you too - and have mercy on the manufacturers of what ever you may pre-order in the future.
    6 points
  2. This entire discussion makes it look like FxTec caused the delays on purpose. And we can be sure they wouldn't. So as long as the delays are obviously out of their control it really doesn't make sense critizising them. They can't change anything anyways.
    5 points
  3. That's not how it works, Samsung will not just give you their stuff and reverse engineering it is more work than it's worth.
    5 points
  4. ....with all the time people are confined to be at home, expect a baby boom...
    4 points
  5. I started reading this post today. I guess since I haven't left the house much and primarily use my phone as a phone, it hadn't occurred to me to come visit this forum. I apologize for that. I should have checked in, and checked in on my peeps. It's just surreal. This post here, and moving forwards, you can almost track progression. We go from concern to trepidation, to fear pretty quickly. And I get it - people want their phones. What I want is for all the people like you to be around when this whole thing has passed. I want to know that you are safe and then one day we can go back to norm
    4 points
  6. Sheesh. Look, I understand not wanting to wait any longer and deciding to get something else (no, actually, I'm lying, this phone is so awesome, I can't imagine ever getting something else, but the frustration with waiting I understand 😉), but why do you have to throw a hissy fit on your way out the door. Why not just, "Okay, I'm tired of waiting so I'm moving on. Good luck to the rest of you."
    4 points
  7. Which might happen and might not. And if it happens, it still proves nothing. If the virus should come back to China, which everyone hopes it won't, but the rest of the world is already suffering higher infection rates than China had during the height of its crisis, that "guarantee" will immediately prove worthless. Yeah, which of course is exactly the same as building and marketing an Android phone for mass market. You don't seem to "understand" much, actually. We all want our phones and are not happy about the delays, but venting exaggerated (and, by the way, potentially illegal
    4 points
  8. @sixaxis , you could add a number 8, see mail posted yesterday by @Raksura above. When they say nothing: people are whining When they say something without a when: people are whining When they try to give a vague estimate stating that it is out of their control. people are whining When they tell that the supply lines are working again and production and shipping is expected to be resumed: People are whining too ?!?!? What do you expect them to do in the current situation?
    4 points
  9. @FlyingAntero, since you will be taking your phone part way apart anyway, which I believe voids the warranty, if you have a chance to take photos of both sides of the battery, that would be very helpful in possibly finding a source online where we can get them. I realize you are replacing the screen, and might not need to open the bottom, but I'm just mentioning it since you will be doing some surgery anyway. Also, close up pictures of the flex cable, flex cable connectors and USB port would all be valuable, as those are parts we might want to replace over time and currently don't know w
    3 points
  10. I don't want to restart your debate, just would like to write my own opinion. Those of high risks usually do some precautions. So they apply for vaccination and try to avoid to catch the virus. However, for this virus, there is no vaccination yet and it can spread very quickly and causes pneumonia not as the result of weakening the person's immune system but directly. The biggest and worst part of this whole virus I think is the very long incubation period. So if you are ill, you can do many precautions to not infect others... but if you don't even know you are ill (yet), then yo
    3 points
  11. I haven't noticed a single random reboot. I *might* have had one early on, but my brain could be confusing that happening to me vs reading about it with someone else. :-) I'm on stock, though, and I also did a factory reset at one point. I used to have reboots fairly frequently on my Relay 4G phones with Cyanogenmod and whatever apps I was using and constant memory/storage swapping, due to low available RAM. I have hundreds of apps installed on the Pro1. Even though I don't use all of them, there are probably quite a few background processes. It could be some app I don't have ins
    3 points
  12. Again I'm puzzled. I have never said that there's nothing worth noting; only that the extreme precautions and any panic at all are unwarranted, based on the available data. I am between your extremes as you stated them, having observed that those at high risk would do well to take extra precautions, as they should during flu season anyway, but that the general freakout and resulting general shutdowns are completely unwarranted. Caution is not panic, and many actions being taken now by both individuals and governing bodies are not representing, in my opinion, caution, but panic. It sounds like
    3 points
  13. I am also a developer of both hardware and software and I would not say that creating a phone from scratch is easy. You are right about the SoC itself does a lot of things but you should follow several considerations, select appropriate components and routing, so you have to have appropriate skills and experiences. Also, creating a phone from scratch can be relatively easy for an expert who is also familiar with multi-layer PCB design, but creating a good phone needs much more experience not speaking about good mechanical design and EMI / EMC considerations and the price of testing a
    2 points
  14. To ignore it would be foolish, and to lock down the whole world is too. I wonder if it would not have been a more rational approach to this whole thing to find ways to separate in clean and unclean, at let the disease 'rage' among any below say 50 (or where you want to put the cut), as any other flu/cold, All us above the limit working should be strongly advised to work from home. Isolate the vulnerable, and use the resources on guaranteeing disinfected deliveries of whatever groceries etc needed. One could even have transformed some holiday-camps and/or hotels to safe-havens for the
    2 points
  15. My 3M strips have arrived last week, I hope they'll be joined by my Pro1 soon 😁
    2 points
  16. It’s better not to have business with fxtec. That they do not hesitate to feed with promises like "next week." And the fact that we are not completely respected. (It's my personal opinion). And the fact that I personally was disappointed in fxtec. I myself am a developer of both hardware and software, and I understand that for YEARS it is possible not only to build a telephone, but to surrender it from scratch, patent, certify, test, navigation equipment for small aircraft. This is what My firm has done. If you think that creating a phone is hard, then you are not competent in the matter. Fo
    2 points
  17. What are you trying to show us with that?
    2 points
  18. I'm very happy for getting any information at all. At this point, the best they can do is estimate. And I don't believe anybody who is in a place where Corona spreads out can handle it differently. I'm impatient as well, but at least they don't ignore us (anymore) when they don't have secured/new information. Also think of them being treated the same. All companies and partners they work with will be promising that they will receive parts, start working, etc. They are in the same boat as we are.
    2 points
  19. This isn't a Pixel device and FxTec is no Google. You'll be lucky to just get support equal to other manufacturers. Read the Lineage wiki. I'm sure this is covered in detail. Hint: extract-files.sh. If you need to do a full factory restore (you won't if you are careful), just grab the latest fastboot package and flash it, then "fastboot -w" to erase userdata.
    2 points
  20. I'm just curious how big this batch will be 😀... I placed my order in January ( so I know I can't complain yet ) ... but I am a glass half full kinda person, so I'm kinda excited that the factory is getting back to work ( hopefully everyone is staying safe )
    2 points
  21. - Be probably already aware that people whine regardless of talks. - Hopefully soon be able to crank out more of these awesome phones :).
    2 points
  22. In a summary of what Germany's "Heise" IT news portal published today, there are a lot of special offers for software and services available right now, albeit some of them restricted to a limited time of free or cheaper usage. Collaboration: Google G Suite, Lifesize (meetings, videochats), Microsoft Teams, Pronto (also videochat), Teamviewer (free version is normally intended for non-commercial use only, but those who use it professionally during the Corona crisis do not need to fear payment requests. Inofficially it is said anything less than 150 simultaneous connections is tolerated), Z
    1 point
  23. Which I suppose is exactly what Foucault wanted to express – a utopia for the rulers, a dystopia for the inhabitants. The complete title of the book is "Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison", it is about the Western penal systems, and being confined to my home for the next ten days this might be a good time to read it, which I didn't do yet. 😉 Totalitarianism, by the way, is a subject which has even more to do with this current situation than one might think at first glance. If we look at what people in affected countries are still allowed to do and what they aren't, we find th
    1 point
  24. The burden of justification lies in the accusation, not the defendant. ... And with that you ignored everything else... Including You mean "bye bye"? If you say so. If you always run away from a discussion and keep giving accusations without proof, you will never win one.
    1 point
  25. Are you sure they are promises? When I read their texts, I read expectations: Got any examples that state otherwise? Good for you. So am I. You do know that f(x)tec owners are not programmers, do you? You do know they are at mercy of snapdragon and google (android), don't you? What? It's not? Elaborate, please. Please be more technical on what you mean by "tie". So... You mean they changed linux for the PRO¹, is it? What kind of changes do you notice? Have you ever tried to make a new piece of hardware that has never existed before to
    1 point
  26. It may also cause "random" reboots but it seems there is a problem somewhere in radio band switching which may cause reboot (there was a thread somewhere here where also another phone was mentioned which used to have the same problem on the same chipset). So it is not random but caused by certain circumstances. I had two unexpected reboots so far (since December) and both happened on the same road (motorway), same direction and near the same place where there are a few tunnels the road goes through. So some weaker signals are noticeable there. However, most of the times I traveled there
    1 point
  27. Here's some additional food for thought on the subject (which I got from a German source that was cited in another forum I'm active in, while I cite the 1977 translation by Alan Sheridan here) – perhaps worth reflecting on especially in our day and age, even if we agree with most of the concrete measures that have been taken against a quicker-than-necessary spreading of the virus... The plague-stricken town, traversed throughout with hierarchy, surveillance, observation, writing; the town immobilized by the functioning of an extensive power that bears in a distinct way over all individual
    1 point
  28. Indeed, just ran across that problem again and launching the camera app saved me a reboot.
    1 point
  29. Agreed – although it seems we differ in that by a large margin... The same to you!
    1 point
  30. Sometime late November. I'm stuck in the middle with you two. :P
    1 point
  31. I grant you that "making a mistake" is a third option beside "stupid" and "malicious"... But it never did in the first place. In judging the case at hand, we have a large bandwidth of possible assessments, with two extremes – one extreme that fears the end of the world, spreads panic and has bought truckloads of toilet paper, and another extreme that doesn't see anything worth noting except that everyone else are fearmongers and panic spreaders. As usual, both extremes are wrong, and, as usual, science and the professionals of the involved fields are the places where the most sensible
    1 point
  32. OK, that's fair....I wasn't comparing apples to apples there, now that you mention it. You caught a mismatched dataset that I genuinely didn't notice. I think my general point still stands without that item though. With one possible exception, no one here is wishing for anyone else to die, from this or anything else. Life is a balancing act, where we decide what is an acceptable risk for a possible reward. I feel that the balancing act is not even being contemplated right now. We're pursuing the impossible dream of total risk mitigation, and not caring who or what is destroyed along the w
    1 point
  33. Whiney kids will whine .. Ordered mine at the 13th of august. Good luck Chris. 😄
    1 point
  34. Yeah, the update feels like it has tremendously improved keyboard useability. I thought I'd be stuck with non-responsive keys because it would've seemed a hardware issue but this is golden. No issues here!
    1 point
  35. The update is great. The "multiple keys at once" fix has vastly increased my typing speed. Before I couldn't break 40 WPM before I stopped getting dropped keys; now I am 50-60 WPM on a good day. Thank you f(x)tec for fixing this! Before the fix, it was a great phone; now it is stellar.
    1 point
  36. As long as you follow the instructions and you don't install anything that modifies the system partition, then you should be able to update via OTA. You just have to be sure to follow the proper steps before and after you do the OTA and don't reboot in between.
    1 point
  37. I also have had this unresponsiveness issue few times now. Usually it happens overnight, when alarm clock starts ringing but the device won't wake up. It doesn't respond to touching or keyboard or power button. Only way to get it working is to reboot by long-pressing power button. I had the issue on stock too and perhaps it was more comon on stock (currently running test9). Also looks like random reboots are on LOS too. It hasn't happened me on los before today though, but on stock it was much more common. In Random reboots thread there's some speculation of rebooting happening while in w
    1 point
  38. I have done the update. mine seems to be all fine. keyboard works without any issue landscape and portrait is working fine gpay is fine speaks sound is ok so i dont see any issue at all
    1 point
  39. Well it seems to work! I was more focused on the hinge (the flex circuit) , trying to open and close the keyboard multiple time. But you're right, I spent a bit of time to press all the keys with my thumbs, and so far I don't see the problem anymore. Maybe I was too careful! Thanks a lot for the advice! To come back to the topic's subject, go ahead with the update 😉
    1 point
  40. Next time try launching a program that ignores your auto-rotate setting, And rotate the Pro1 back and forth within the app. e.g. the snapdragon camera app or AndroSensor. It usually solves it for me.
    1 point
  41. A tiny thing that cause some reboots: When in inverse landscape, the Power-menu is in the same order as in landscape. So when you press the one close to power as usual to do a screen shot - you get a shut down!?!? The icons should be at fixed positions at the fixed bar rotating the icons only, like they already do correctly between portrait and landscape. In Inverse portrait, it fails completely, placing the bar identical to portrait, and thus at the wrong side and in the wrong order... 🙃 This goes for both Lineage and Stock, so tag @Waxberry hoping he sees it
    1 point
  42. I just love the helpfulness of people in here, thanks. 🤗
    1 point
  43. Is there anyone in UK who would like to order directly from the original seller and forward few stickers to the community members (in Europe for example)? I can also use the forwarding service to Finland but I would rather pay for a community member. Also, I don't need 1600 stickers. I calculated that there are 11 or 12 stickers in Pro1 so 50-100 should be just fine for several repairs.
    1 point
  44. He said MI6 was asking questions. I told him to send them to @EskeRahn.
    1 point
  45. I figured, for the extra 81 cents, I would get the extra stickers, since I would be paying 10 times the price with the service fee and shipping fees. 😁 I'll be prepared, in case I find a crate of Pro1s on the side of the road. Or I open a repair business. Or if they fall off often. Or if it takes me hundreds of attempts to cut the non-circular ones at the corners of the keyboards.
    1 point
  46. So I finally took some pictures of the holder and wireless charging pad I'm using. There are thinner and smaller wireless pads available. But I already have this one, so I haven't bothered yet looking for a smaller/thinner one. If I had a bumper, I would definitely keep it on there. That's how I used it on my Sony XZs. I don't really need the physical port. The pictures show it works just fine. Both holder and pad are from Baseus. The holder has a sensor but also operates on touch. I'm stil contemplating on how to provide power via the air duct, so the cable isn't visible anymore. The wire
    1 point
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