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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/06/2020 in all areas

  1. Just received an email that stock has been allocated to my order and it should ship Thurs/Fri!! Layout: Qwerty Ordered & Paid: 9-21-19 Order #: 36808
    7 points
  2. Me 3... 238xx placed July 29th, paid August 2nd or 3rd I think.
    7 points
  3. Got the very exciting Stock Allocated email this morning for order #403** (QWERTY) paid for on 2019-10-25. Should be shipped out by the end of the week! 🎉🎉
    7 points
  4. OMG, I got stock allocated to my order #23xxx QWERTZ, less than one year after paying! 😍 Supposed to ship by the EOTW.
    7 points
  5. Finally. The long awaited stock assigned email. - #316xx - Paid August 15 - Qwerty - Netherlands Bought a Unihertz Titan a few months ago when my Moto Z Play (without keyboard mod) gave up on me, but i really want a Slider Phone. Still no status update and my order is still listed as processing. The stock assigned e-mail with a promise of a tracking id at the end of the week was maybe a joke or wrongfully addressed.
    5 points
  6. Just got my "stock assigned" email! Layout: QWERTY Ordered & paid in August 2019, made a change to the order in October 2019 Order #34xxx Shipping to Canada
    5 points
  7. Can confirm QWERTZ layout is fixed. Big THX.
    4 points
  8. Also got stock assigned email: Order: #29XXX Placed: Early August 2019 QWERTY United States
    4 points
  9. Shortly. I'm working on fixing the device specific stuff right now. Then I'll make a new release and push up the changes.
    4 points
  10. Finally received a stock assigned email for shipping by the end of the week. 35xxx - Paid September 9 - Qwerty - United States
    3 points
  11. test18 is up. The only changes are fixing device specific selinux rules (for eg. fingerprint, keyboard, touchscreen margins, etc.) Again, this is on the verge of being submitted for official Lineage builds. Please report any issues. Also pushed up code changes to github. Enjoy!
    3 points
  12. Keeping my word like FxTec does theirs. Got my allocation. 🙂
    3 points
  13. #25xxx Ordered 29 July 2019 Paid 2 August 2019 QWERTY USA
    2 points
  14. I flashed Test18. So far no problems. I use Nova. Arrow keys work again. 😄
    2 points
  15. #33xxx QWERTZ, Germany: got my allocation-mail today for dispatching within this week. So you should just be a little bit more patient.
    2 points
  16. Well out of the blue today all of the updates started coming through and I'm now on the latest. So if anybody else runs into this issue it ended up taking five days to resolve by itself and a little patience!
    2 points
  17. There is no dream OS. Everything has tradeoffs. But mainline linux with real X support with good touch UI window manager and full android app support with optional full google safetynet (tap-to-pay etc). And if we're dreaming it can run x86 and x64 apps too. And since already getting ridiculous with dreams, also it can run dos & windows apps.
    2 points
  18. That rings a bell. I vaguely recall having issues with the proximity sensor when using one of those sensor test apps together with Fx Service. Do you have any other third party app using the proximity sensor too?
    2 points
  19. 2 points
  20. For me ability to dual boot so I can use the OS I need at the time. I'd want to run Android + Ubuntu (Any not necessarily ub touch) and that will keep me covered.
    2 points
  21. I did a full charge last week on Tuesday. I've still got 25% left I've been letting it sit idle no apps open except a terminal (accident) only wifi enabled. Did notice another bug the Last Changed info box just says N/A in the Battery Settings. Also it's not tracking the power drain usage 😞
    2 points
  22. For me I think the hardware is the best part of the phone, the software isn't my favourite. For me getting a smooth running version of PostmarketOS with anbox and PHOSH working would be the dream.
    1 point
  23. Don't really know how helpful this will be. I got mine last December and that was a really different world, for shipping as well. I was told on Thursday December 5th that my order was completed. I'm pretty sure I had a notification from FedEx the next day showing the package in Hong King. It then sat there the entire week-end and then began moving on Monday. It went to Alaska before coming into the big FedEx hub in Memphis and still managed to reach me in Virginia by Tuesday afternoon. International shipping has been affected like everything else by the Covid stuff, so I would probab
    1 point
  24. WooHoo. finally. after my nokia 6.1 kept turning off and on randomly, i decided to buy the Pro1 on august 31st. after waiting so long, and my nokia kept being garbage, i had to order a Nokia N9 off of ebay. Just few days ago, that phone wont turn on or charge. (maybe battery?) order number 341xx united states qwerty this hope of an assigned stock and ship date by friday gave me hope that this year might turn out better.
    1 point
  25. Just for clarification: The wizard does connect to WiFi, but it doesn't proceed after the connection is established. Thanks for uploading the image, will try it tomorrow!
    1 point
  26. Flashed and did NOT get it. Flashed one more time, and did still not get it,
    1 point
  27. Restarting did NOT bring this back. I'll try a new flash and see if I get it again.
    1 point
  28. That is also not bad anyway. 🙂 I don't know how about stock Android, however, if a mail client also runs with IMAP Push and two SIM cards and also a relatively active usage, it lasts about a day for me...
    1 point
  29. You can change the selinux mode without flashing a new image afaik: SELinuxModeChanger (Set SELinux mode on boot) - https://f-droid.org/app/com.mrbimc.selinux
    1 point
  30. I think I figured out what that setting affects - longpress touchscreen icon in launcher. I tried to remove an app from launcher screen and couldnt figure out why longpress not bringing up thing to delete it, then remembered i'd set this to 5sec. Also, it didn't take effect til after reboot.
    1 point
  31. And for hardware, I'd hoped for IR and mentioning it for years, only major hardware feature we're missing. I've never had fm transmitter but that'd be a lot easier than bluetooth in many situations. And if it could broadcast hdfm wouldnt even have quality concerns.
    1 point
  32. Even After one year still they have so many excuses..
    1 point
  33. No. Just FXService is using the sensor AFAIK. I completely uninstalled WaveUp by force stopping it then clearing the cache and data then uninstalled. I'll keep a beady eye on it, anyway. 👍
    1 point
  34. I'm getting mixed results from this, for some reason. I've just had a fight with getting it to work with the prox sensor. Found out that my prox sensor had stopped working (magnet was fine though). I force stopped FXService, cleared the app cache and storage, which then brought the prox sensor back online.🤔 Just installed the update, so will keep you posted.
    1 point
  35. New mailing from Fxtec: Hello! We hope you are well and keeping safe. We just wanted to get in touch to give you an update with regards to manufacturing and shipping of remaining customer orders, but also to fill you in on everything that has been going on with the F(x)tec team. We are still currently understaffed as some of the F(x)tec team are on on furlough. This has undoubtedly resulted in our customer service and email responses taking much longer than usual to sort through and respond to, and for this we really do apologise. We are working through queries as quickly as we ca
    1 point
  36. With both sim and WiFi active on LineageOs but without any real usage, it used about 50% the first four days of July (if you set it in Aeroplane mode much less)
    1 point
  37. ...and another thing which is good to know is the Pro1 hardware itself seems to be not eating the battery too much when the phone is switched on. 🙂 So its power management / power handling seems to be good anyway.
    1 point
  38. It probably needs to be a system app.
    1 point
  39. Yeah I just hadn't used it since last charge due to my service provider issues. Ah one thing to note here had no sim card in it as I transferred it to my other phone. So that may have helped save power. But it's good to know ubtouch isn't eating the battery when idle. Just realised I forgot to report back on messaging and calls my service provider is having issues so I think that was a red herring with phone calls and messaging in ubtouch its probably fine.
    1 point
  40. Personally I prefer PocoPhone F1 port but the viewfinder is upside down if you select Night Sight. However, the picture is right way in the gallery afterwards. There is also BSG port (with fixed viewfinder) but it does not provide as great picture quality in very dark situations (noise level is bad).
    1 point
  41. Simply pulling the apk and side-loading will not do the trick, it just keeps closing on launch, without any dialogue ever appearing. I guess it is dependent on something?
    1 point
  42. Does the lineage camera app not work? It's probably possible to copy snapdragon camera to the device.
    1 point
  43. Just get rid of the bugs in the stock software and I'm good.
    1 point
  44. Frankly, I just want smoothly operating Android, which Lineage is fast becoming. I've used Android for 10 years and have assembled a fine set of Apps that do what I want in pretty much the way I want them to do it, allowing me great productivity, especially with a physical keyboard.
    1 point
  45. I'll sell you mine, just not quite what I expected and doesn't fit my needs well, only used for a maybe 3 weeks at the most. Really good condition, let me know if you're interested.
    1 point
  46. Flies with honey. Ever just talk to them and say hi?
    1 point
  47. Ah I see. If you rely on straight edges being held by the stretch and friction, I think the conic shape might trick you. That is preventing all the hard cases and hard cases with soft inner shell i tried in staying on. Of course they ALSO have the problem that the bottom is stiff, and that helps pulling them off I believe the reason why the soft TPU and Silicon cases for Huawei P20 Pro and Samsung Note 7 fit so well is because they are made for a rounded shape so the top of the shell is going inwards, and this just catches the phased edge of the lower part. BUT these cases/shel
    1 point
  48. Just finished a quick sketch of the bottom part of the protective cover: Will run a test print tonight to get first dimensions with hard plastic to see how the shell fits, then adjust and further develop. The plan is that the fit should be about 0.5-1mm too tight. That way silicone will grab itself onto the enclosure :). The holes for the switches are temporary for allignment, on the end design these will be filled in with silicone aswell, that way the entire bottom is enclosed and the rockers will go slightly heavier from pressing the silicone layer between them.
    1 point
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