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  1. I've done a first build of AICP Q using the Lineage 17.1 sources as a base. After it is tested for a while, I will probably try to get official support. The boot image is used just as in the Lineage test builds. Flash it with fastboot, boot into recovery, and then flash the main zip. If you want gapps, I tested OpenGapps pico for Android 10.0. Don't forget to switch slots before flashing gapps. Please report any issues and I will try to sort them out. Boot image for initial flash: http://files.nwwn.com/android/pro1/aicp_pro1-q-boot.img
    8 points
  2. Hi, There's no good reason for me to post, I don't have one of your phones, yet. However I'm signing up on the indigogo tonight. Really all I want to say is that I just watched your interview on Linux for Everyone's YouTube channel. Right at the start Adrian says you wanted to bring back the hardware keyboard to a modern device. That line was brilliant ... I really think you should put that clip front and centre! The line completely hooked me as the same thing I've been hunting for ... I carry 2 phones, one of which is the BlackBerry key2, nuff said? No? Well otherwise I resurrecte
    4 points
  3. I will be maintaining AICP for a long time, I'm sure.
    4 points
  4. Maybe this 36 pages long thread have finally been seen as an indication of some users being interested in protecting the Pro1(x)... 😇
    4 points
  5. ...I dont know what happens (and why) with los. Cyanogenmod and then Lineage was full of customisations to which I was accustomed. I dont know from which version - my last daily used version was 14.1. Now is los more clean...for new users it is good...because they don't know nothing about old functions 🙂 For me personally are custom settings really needed. I have on fx aosp extended for two months...it have all from lineage deleted functions + some more 🙂 ...soo thanks to @tdm for another rom for fx 🙂
    4 points
  6. Definitively! I am one of those rare people who can't get enough options and settings to screw with Anyway, we have advanced settings and developer options already in AOSP and LOS, and LOS offers more settings than AOSP. I don't think LOS would agree to add even more settings
    4 points
  7. These tools change the way Android works. If they have a bug or if they are misconfigured, it is difficult to track down the issue. So users will frequently file bug reports against the device in Lineage and waste developer time trying to reproduce an issue that doesn't really exist. For me, personally, I don't like to give that kind of power to any program that I have not personally built and reviewed. And both of these tools are complex enough that I'm not going to go through their source code. Further, they both have a modular system where anyone can contribute. This means
    3 points
  8. Good question. I had not actually checked. It seems "su" is present in their sources, but does not build by default. This is the good old bog standard "su" that ships with AOSP, no integrations with Privacy Guard or anything like that. So I have to assume everyone who uses AICP and wants "su" is running magisk. But I'll look into it some more, as I refuse to install magisk on any of my devices.
    3 points
  9. For those asking why AICP, I personally have two main reasons: It has more customization options than Lineage. It is more fun to work on, Lineage takes themselves too seriously. I've been using custom ROMs on my devices since my first Android phone in 2012. I have always run AOKP for the above reasons. But AOKP is gone now and AICP fills the same needs for me. That said, I'm aware Lineage is perfectly fine for a lot of folks. That's great. The beauty of it is that you can choose what you like. 🙂
    3 points
  10. IGG has nothing to do with warranties. They guarantee nothing, including whether the device/perk gets made or gets delivered. F(x)Tec has clearly stated each Pro1x will have the same 2 year warranty as the Pro1.
    3 points
  11. They /F(x)tec/ wrote this at IGG page: "The Pro1-X comes with a 2 year warranty & this covers any manufacturing and software related defects. Devices that have been physically modified are not covered by the warranty." However, as far as I know, Indiegogo does not provide or expect any warranty from campaigners. Anyway, I don't think warranty problems are the reason but they may wanted to gain some attention and sell some more devices which may gain some profit. Also, currently the Pro1 is in a state software-wise where it is starting to be useful for regular users. As of
    3 points
  12. 11 business days later, not even a response on my request for an RMA. Let alone an update on my pending warranty claim. So I have a broken unused Pro1 on my desk for over 4 weeks now. Waiting to be shipped back. And another one not working, and I'm pretty sure, that's still unpacked @ headquarters. I bought my son another phone. We'll just have to see how much I can get for a 2 month used, one year old Pro1. If it ever gets repaired 😡. Business continuity is important, I get that. But not responding to support requests for over two weeks is just ridiculous. All the while referring to
    3 points
  13. I tried to add arguments to strengthen our proposal, and also emphasized that all this was a discussion where everyone was welcome, not just one isolated community member's suggestion (but I'm very grateful to Craig for starting the initiative and taking leadership here). I wanted you guys to see the revision history but didn't want to force anyone (myself included) into using a word processor and eventually get cancer, so I put my changes in a Gist that you can all review, comment and maybe edit directly (not sure). You can view the revisions from the "Revisions" tab at the top. Tho
    3 points
  14. Is there any information when the next batch of Pro1s will be shipped?
    2 points
  15. 2 points
  16. That seems to be the reason why you hear it. In Nokia 3310, sometimes it was relatively loud anyway. It can be hard to solve this problem in a phone where transmission and low-signal parts are close to each other. Transmission power depends on the signal - if it is weak, the device tries to "shouting" more and more to be able to provide a usable user experience. It also affects battery consumption as it needs more power, while if you have high signal, the used power is highly reduced. I think other phones also have some noise in the very worst situation (worst signal level).
    2 points
  17. Thanks. 😎 Could you point to a good link on AICP versus Lineage ? What are the Pros and Cons of choosing one over the other? (Googling did not really give me any recent good overviews)
    2 points
  18. F(x)tec is using the Pro¹X as a way to introduce new keyboard layouts, but I noticed the latest proposal on IGG doesn't address the biggest issue with the original Pro¹ shifted qwerty layout (missing slash/question-mark key and the problems that causes and workarounds it necessitates), so I hope Fxtec uses this opportunity to not only un-shift but to also improve functionality, especially as alternate OS's like Linux are targeted. I would like to propose two minor changes that will make it much better and more functional: Function is key, right? Put /? and \| in standard US QW
    1 point
  19. Since i got my Pro1, the proximity sensor (light sensor) is one of my biggest sources of irritation. Both on the original Android and on LOS, it prevents me from making phone calls without inadvertently hanging up or changing the screen brightness. The proximity sensor does not always register my ear pressed to the loudspeaker, the screen switches on, and the touchscreen registers touches from my earlobe and cheek. This happens with the phone app as well as with the Signal messenger, but it might be worse with Signal. With the app DevCheck, I found that the proximity sensor (TXC PA22A) on
    1 point
  20. I have also experienced a similar issue using my Moto G6 and its stock Android. That case the solution was I think switching an option what tells what kind of sources Android may use for location services (maybe WLAN, Mobile tower, etc)... I don't remember the exact name but I had to switch it to other option then back to work it again. Switching GPS off did not help, restarting did not help, GPS had no lock. Other phone and other system, but it may worth a try.
    1 point
  21. There were two changes around the location provider overlay about 2 weeks ago. But I don't think that should affect your ability to get a lock.
    1 point
  22. I am on the same build, and I do NOT nave similar problems. So it still works in this build. However we have previously had people reporting being unable to get a GPS lock. I do not remember the details of the 'cure' (Nor if it was Lineage or Stock), but I believe it was clearing some cache somewhere.
    1 point
  23. I regularly either mute myself or activate some other function by accident on "traditional" phone calls with this phone. And it's also slow to turn the screen on when I move the phone away from my head. There is definitely something weird with this proximity sensor, more so than other phones I've used.
    1 point
  24. The earpiece on my phone stopped working. It would work when I pressed down on the screen in that area. Almost like a cable was unplugged. It was like that for at least few months. Not sure how long because I rarely talk on the phone. Last week, I was cleaning the screen and pressed a bit hard on one of the corners. Heard and felt a pop. Now it works properly. A bit strange
    1 point
  25. Actually, I may have found my first regression in my LineageOS 16. I found out today that GPS is not working anymore. Neither OsmAnd~ nor GPSTester seem to get a GPS lock, no matter how long I give them time to do so. I toggled the few available options under "Settings -> Location" to no effect, permissions are granted as they should, deinstalled and reinstalled both apps. I for sure know that location worked flawlessly in the past. Last time I remember actively using it for navigation was approx. 2 week ago. I also somehow remember that I had a setting somewhere to toggle AGPS on
    1 point
  26. I hope it is also a setting. 🙂
    1 point
  27. That's true but given those labels are just for third-level symbol, that would probably be acceptable anyway in my opinion. People who need them just need to be able to find them until they get used to the layout (which they might already be since it's standard). At worst, F(x)tec could always change the hue for something slightly lighter, or go for a layout with just intl labels on the alpha keys. Also, here we used the online editor because it is convenient and looks good, but in practice the labels seem to be printed in bigger and bolder font on the Pro1.
    1 point
  28. In principle I like the US/international print idea. But the blue labels might be so discrete (Even with back-light) that only the most eagled-eyed among us can distinguish them Try to scale this 1:1 on your monitor. I bet it will require substantial brightness&contrast for most people....
    1 point
  29. Do Pro1 X purchased from IndieGoGo come with normal warranty? Just asking cause apparently IndieGoGo is not shopping but rather just sponsoring a project and company. Moreover Pro1s are not exactly known for their quality so purchasing one without warranty is probably not a smart move. I'm afraid the answer could be that you don't have any warranty on perks. Perks are just perks, you sponsor the project and hope for the best with your perk without any warranty. I'm concerned FxTec is going through IGG cause they have too many warranty claims and can't afford to deal with them anymore.
    1 point
  30. Yeah. I agree. The 2nd suggestion (picture 3)
    1 point
  31. Absolutely, and maybe F(x)tec won't deem our proposal relevant anyway. :> In any case, I guess if they accept a layout change, it will be featured in an IGG update and those who got the Christmas perk should get the opportunity to get their device as announced and for Christmas, or wait more for a unit with the upgraded layout, so it'd still be better to send the suggestion early enough. My personal favourite is now the 2nd one (with full us-intl labels). Initially I was not a big fan of printing all labels, yellow international labels used to make the keyboard very busy and I thought
    1 point
  32. I just updated the gist with the missing pictures, and fixed a couple aesthetic issues in the others (no layout change, just fixing some alignment inconsistency when having or not having us-intl labels, and removing us-intl labels that were actually visible in dark grey in the first layout). Looks OK to me now. If you guys agree, maybe we shouldn't wait too much before sending it to porters and to Liangchen. It would maximise our chances to get it reviewed before they start production (the Xmas perk should already be under production actually).
    1 point
  33. Indeed. If the conditions are poor, it might even matter what ear that are used and how the device is held! As the signal might have to pass through the head or hand, if the mast is to the side of where you stand.
    1 point
  34. Do you have a low signal at the place where you trying? Usually I don't hear such a noise which I used to hear using my Nokia 3110 regularly. However, in very rare cases, I heard this also in newer phones including Pro1, but usually there is no such a noise for me. (If that is what you heard.)
    1 point
  35. Sounds like a developer option with say "Use AICP extensions" on/off would have been an ideal solution, seen from a user perspective.
    1 point
  36. Well, one argument I get to hear way too often is "Too many options/settings confuse most users!". It might be as simple as that. In addition, even settings that exist and work on LOS or AOSP might not be easily accessible because it would be too much work to add them to the settings UI (for just a few power users). Having said that, I don't know why the AICP does not add all these settings to LOS and maybe hide them in an "advanced" tab. Apparently, AICP also contains additional software, not just easy access to settings through the UI.
    1 point
  37. AICP has an impressive list of features: https://github.com/AICP/vendor_aicp/blob/q10.0/docs/features.md It looks like they implemented features from GravityBox and other customisation apps and Xposed modules. @tdm Will AICP be maintained like LOS, or is there a chance development for AICP will stop sometime in the future? I don't have a clue about how much work is involved in maintaining two or three Android varieties instead of just one.
    1 point
  38. Yes, the handsfree mode could be fixed in software by using the other (upper) speaker. When I have my Pro1 lying on a surface, or when my finger is close to the bottom of the phone, where the loudspeaker and microphone are, then people hear an echo. I am afraid that the distortions when doing a "normal" phone call (not a Wi-Fi call) cannot be fixed. These distortions seem to be the modem signals getting picked up by the audio amplifier for the upper loudspeaker.
    1 point
  39. AICP versus Lineage versus AOKP because I'm not into Android too much 🙄
    1 point
  40. What a terrible experience 😥. Allow me to tag @Erik hoping he can look into how things went this wrong.
    1 point
  41. Lineage OS 17.1 for Pro1 can be seen from the scheduler. https://www.lineageoslog.com/build/scheduler
    1 point
  42. I've had the screen unlocking during phone calls just a couple times. Then again I don't do traditional phone calls so much. It's been mostly working fine for me. However the sensor is indeed slow to respond and I'm pretty sure that's a software issue. Maybe you need to get close to the sensor without touching the screen for a few seconds before resting your face on it. Pro1 indeed needs much improvement when it comes to call quality. Well let's face it call quality is shit compared to most big brand Android these days. Tricky proximity sensor, mic issues in speakerphone mode and in call
    1 point
  43. yes, i have the same problem. the back and forth with having to input numbers in the dialer while on the phone call, the screen takes foreevvverrr to turn back on... also in the beginning when i got the phone, the screen wouldn't turn off when on my face, next to my ear. so i had a bunch of accidental mute presses and end call presses. but i fixed that because i realized how i was holding my phone , (like a normal person), my thumb would be a centimeter or two onto the screen. so that was a setting in lineageOS to set the margin of the edges of the screen.
    1 point
  44. Hello, Same here and I'm on LineageOS. This is annoying, and I don't know if it could be a hardware problem or not. One time your screen is totally dark when incoming phonecall and you don't see who is calling you, one time it's the total opposite and your ear press the screen with weird result at the end... This problem and the fingerprint sensor who is randomly working are the two points of improvement I expect to be solved in future, but I don't know what to to in order to help our competent developpers here. Maybe dmesg could help ? I don't know... However I trust in the community an
    1 point
  45. Last I heard ... end of October was a target ... unsure if that changed with the indiegogo campaign
    0 points
  46. Months ago my Pro1's USB port decided to stop working after less than 100 connect/disconnects (I had barely used the device because the software was just nowhere near what I deemed 'ready for daily use'). Due to some issues it took me a while to send the phone to FxTec and now it has been lieing there for 6 weeks. So @DieBruine's decision to repair the phone herself was the right choice. *Edit* To anyone reading this: the USB port was fine. A piece of metal got stuck at the bottom of the port. Support fixed it. Also I should get my eyes checked. Probably.
    0 points
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