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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. I think it is much a user-dependant thing. When opened I'm yet to experience accidental touches clicking the numbers. But it requires more care opening. Personally I ONLY have problems with the edges when it is closed. Not when opened. Others have huge problems clicking the numbers. I would say the thumb-width is what matters. So I would prefer a setting. But when you got one slider, would it be much work to copy and paste to four? Giving the user complete control of the two edges, opened and closed. You MIGHT even add a tick-box (default set) "Same margin", that links
  2. Seems like we got quite similar units 🙂
  3. Sad to hear you don't like it. 😥 But glad to hear you are not in it for the profit. 👍
  4. When doing images comparing the toning of either white or black, I strongly suggest doing it at a real white background, as the white balance of the camera can easily get confused and show things either better or worse than they actually are. I often use a bright red table for background of device photos, for the nice effect of it. But the downside is that it can come out in the digital images as anything from pink to burgundy, and even orange some times. Sorry to hear, hope you come back at a later time. 🙂
  5. Oddly only ONE of the two units had this ??? The "Final Sample". The old "Pre-Production" did NOT. And anyway it was only initially, so at most a very low priority thing. You got a Pre Production too for the testing, right? So it just MIGHT be that they changed something - or that it was merely a strange coincidence. Let us not dwell on it, we will see if any other see the same. 😊
  6. BTW it would be great if the two edge margins were handled independent. The Keyboard-edge can take a lot more margin than the opposite without affecting functionality. And it is the side that is most prone to accidental touches both opening by pushing, and for entering numbers.
  7. I see, not a big deal in any way, only an initial issue looking for it. 🙂 Thanks for the explanation. If it is power consuming, perhaps it would be beneficial to slow it down to say 100ms when the keyboard backlight times out, so it only consumes when needed. It did not work when I initially changed it from zero. But after the restart I can change it and even set it to zero and up again. Could it be an initialization issue?
  8. AH! Thanks! Looked around a bit but did not find it. The setting-search does not list them either, is it limited to the build in Lineage stuff, or does it require manually adding keywords? Just curious, what does "Fast poll" do? OH, a TINY request: In the new Margin selection screen, A text saying something like "Restart to activate changes".
  9. How do I activate the new touchscreen margin? I can not find the settings UI for keyboard and touchscreen BTW interesting option in DevOps for testing
  10. Well then I count for 5 of those (Two devices, Test6 and Test8, one of them had test7)
  11. Just a thought. @galaxy, are you using some 'free' apps that wastes your battery on fetching and showing ads on part of the screen while you are reading? That is the first thing that comes to my mind of things that could generate heat for no use.
  12. That is Pie. There are no warning that you forgot to turn off Bluetooth. Same on a galaxy S8-
  13. It might not be so, it COULD be that the exact same issue would show it self on another specimen. What worries me here is the warming up. The SIM2 SIM1 sits deeper in than the SIM1 SIM2, so it will feel the heat first, and it just MIGHT put it outside its working limits. corrected, it is the other way round, so that is not the explanation. But one SIM might be more robust than the other? Reading for 40 minutes should not really make the PRO1 warm. I have not tried to use it for reading that long though...
  14. For the BB Priv it works really well BUT that is because the Priv got two chrome strips above and below the display, that protect the protectors(!).
  15. The problem is finding a curved glass protector, it is easy to find a flat one for elephone U on e.g. ebay, e.g. this.
  16. See this post @Slion made on existing shortcuts, it seems 🔍 works as Meta, That is as LogoF. 🙂
  17. Thanks. It looks like 🔍 is used the same way Meta works. (E.g. in LineageOS test7 LogoF+B = launch browser)
  18. I doubt t will draw much power, but could be nice Off while say watching a film. A less elegant (but simpler I guess) option would be to have some special key-combo that could force the backlight OFF.
  19. It would be nice with a time-out. Screens can do dimming before timing out, But as I guess it is on/off with the backlight could we make a few blinks? The idea would be that if you are indeed still typing - say considering what to write next for a longer text, it might be annoying if it just goes off, but a 'warning' could be nice. How fast can it go on/off? Can we fake a temporary dampening or even fading by many quick on/off or is it so slow that it would be flickering? According to this, strobing should not hurt the lifespan of LEDs.
  20. People very often confuses the percentages shown with something meassured. In reality it is estimates - or less kind "guesses". A bit like the ETA of a train or plane. A LOT of factors come in. The workload, the temperature, the age of the battery... See this ancient post.
  21. My guess would be that after a period a lot of things are initialized and even cached, so your total system has less to do, and thus less 'stress' now than immediately after install. Similar it is not unusual that the battery stamina on a charge is relatively poor just after an install. We usually don't register this, as the extra load is often drowned by the extra screen-on we usually have with a new phone.
  22. Yup that is why I'm keeping it. Reported both as bugs to Swiftkey.
  23. Could well be. Interesting theory. I'm on a carrier not supporting 2G, so the phone won't try to go there (except emergency calls) So that could explain why I do not see the bug.
  24. You are really doing an awesome job, can't repeat it enough Less the Google certification some need for banking apps and the like I will say that the Lineage implementation is better than the stock one in several ways. I certainly hope they will adapt some of it in stock.
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