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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. See above posts, it is the payment data that matters, not the order number in it self. Though an earlier order number gave an earlier opportunity to pay.
  2. This mornings sunrise over the mist and one of the last photos of my gorgeous dog, that I had to put down due to nasal cancer a few hours ago. Ten good years. (Reduced to get below the limit)
  3. You are welcome. And yes, this does not have to be productivity apps. But if you found say a sudoku app that worked particularly well with a keyboard and/or in landscape over the tons of others, it would be a good candidate 😁
  4. Haven't tried the MS Office on a keyboard phone, and as no one has suggested if it is good or bad here, it is not on the list. I just added a few apps by my self, and collected what people suggested. But the idea never got much traction, I had expected more people to chip in... The whole thing looks a little odd after the forum upgrade, but forgot to straighten in out.... Will see if I can pull myself together and reformat it.
  5. Here in Denmark UPS got a better reputation than the traditional Post. After the Danish and Swedish post merged into PostNord, it has become a mess. We blame the Swedes, And as I understand it, it has become a mess in Sweden too, so they blame the Danes....
  6. I never got an answer on why, Take the route 66
  7. Count again, 66, it is only the ads that insists on 64... 🙄
  8. But on a more serious note , the reason for it that many languaages that uses A-Z have additional national letters that are usually on the right of the A-Z block, So if you want to use a national standard keyout, the qwertZ wil have a few misprints, but using the shifted qwertY will require you to memorize totally new positions for them. So while the shifted qwertY might be fine for writing proper English or the US or other pidgin variants, it is suboptimal for the rest of the world.
  9. Yeah, it is fun to see how these simplifications makes the common roots of Nordic, German, Dutch and English stand out. But why not go back to the original "Thorn" Þ rather than Z for "Th" ?
  10. I'm still not convinced Canada exists, since I haven't been there yet. 😂
  11. (Android apps with that functionality build in exists. e.g. Android Assistant)
  12. Likely, I picked it from Google here fastboot version 29.0.5-5949299 Installed as C:\util\ADB\fastboot.exe
  13. I see a slightly different set of commands (Took the liberty to mark the above quote as Code to increase readability)
  14. I have not settled on a typing mode yet. sometimes two thumbs, and sometimes left thumb and two/three fingers on the right hand. Time will tell what I'll setlle on. Most likely thumbs.
  15. What I meant was that it was neither the muscle-memory of ten fingers nor had I used a full five rows thumb keyboard like this.
  16. Well perhaps not muscle memory, but the expectation of where keys are relative to each other matters - at the least it does for me. As I expected/hoped, I make a lot fewer errors on the qwertZ set for DK qwertY after a few weeks, than on the shifted qwertY used for months...
  17. Indeed it does, there are no ideal size that fits all. And usage pattern is also important, some will use it with two hands anyway, Sorry for leading this thread off topic, my point was that it is actually a matter of how you hold it to reach the full keyboard, and IMHO the shift is not even needed in the first place. As I explained here
  18. Well I guess it is debatable if BBmob would ever do another keyboard device. I HIGHLY doubt that that they will ever make a Priv II (Remember the Priv was not TCL, but while BB made hardware), and also doubt TCL/BBMob will even make a Key3, though that is less unlikely than the Priv II.
  19. Sometimes you can get a corner of a piece of paper, or thin stiff plastic, in aiong the edge of a button, and with a little luck push whatever pocket lint that got in there to a side.
  20. We have that discussion elsewhere, but frankly it isn't an issue in landscape, though it -like most slabs today- is too large for most people to operate fully one handed in portrait while keeping a secure grip. See e.g. this (And sorry for the cursing above each of the graphics)
  21. Interesting perspective. I had no idea of the power consumption of either a SIM or an SD-card, and thus no idea if heat dispersion could be an issue. Definitely a potential issue with this hack/solution. Anybody with experience with hot or just warm cards after intensive usage? (And I do not mean if the entire device gets hot). A little googling on SIM: 200µA in idle state 60mA during operation. from ETSI TS 102 221. But SD cards seems worse, them seem to be on 200mA at the worst, so in worst case we would have about 0.9W heating combined.
  22. My point was that if people needs dual sim AND an SD, then the mechanical damaging of the Sim and SD to make a merge is not a big deal, as we are likely to be using the Pro1 for a number of years. And when we want to change, the sim as we know them today are history, and ½TB is likely to be cheap (if still available).
  23. I would certainly prefer not to use them, but if the alternative are the horrific pest of ads, and not a way to buy them away, well then I take the risk...
  24. Personally I would just LOVE to have a way to do micro-payments for NOT wasting my screen with ads, at the exact same amount each site get for showing the ads! I imagine that the companies providing all this junk by law was ordered to also provide the users with an option to pay to not see. Technically with some limits on the amount per view, if more I could choose to see the junk or leave the page. This is especially interesting for the small mobile devices, where the bandwidth wasted for ads also eats a LOT of peoples battery stamina. I use various kinds of adblockers, and feel a l
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