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Pro1 Known Bugs [Updated 19 Nov 2019]

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As users will start receiving devices now, we want to give some update about the bugs and features we found / currently working. Shipping software version: QX1000_EEA_20191028191835 Known bu

In theory, after Jan 3rd update there should be no more issues with screen frozen and keyboard lost. We are working on the current issues and hopefully to deliver a build not too long after the C

I'm going to do a mini data dump of some issues I have noticed while bringing up LineageOS (a beta/test version is only a couple days away, I will post a thread here when it's ready)....   *

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15 minutes ago, EskeRahn said:

(I assume craig meant "USB debugging", that is used by ADB)

I *thought* I had to enable usb debugging to get the Pro1 to connect over USB to Windows to do file transfers.  I will test turning off usb debugging to see if it still connects.  

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2 hours ago, ermghoti said:

I suspected it was subject to wear, and it's a major blemish on a surprisingly elegant design. I believe all the information is available in various menus, is there a downside to removing the sticker entirely?

The sticker is the only place where you can find the user-readable serial number. The serial stored on the device might be derived from that in some way, but looks entirely different and might as well be random.
Is it important? Not quite, but I'd rather keep my number intact once I get mine.

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33 minutes ago, david said:

I *thought* I had to enable usb debugging to get the Pro1 to connect over USB to Windows to do file transfers.  I will test turning off usb debugging to see if it still connects.  

I have to go into settings > connected devices > connection preferences > select connected device > select USB data...
I have to do it every time; the phone doesn't remember what was previously used.

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3 minutes ago, sequestris said:

I have to go into settings > connected devices > connection preferences > select connected device > select USB data...
I have to do it every time; the phone doesn't remember what was previously used.

When you make the connection, there will be a notification saying "charging this device via USB".  Tap that and it will add "tap for more options" Tap again and all the options will be listed.  Just tap "File Transfer."

And no, it won't remember.  That's Android 9.

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2 minutes ago, Hook said:

When you make the connection, there will be a notification saying "charging this device via USB".  Tap that and it will add "tap for more options" Tap again and all the options will be listed.  Just tap "File Transfer."

And no, it won't remember.  That's Android 9.

Ugh. But thanks. My ZTE stopped getting updates after Marshmallow so I have no familiarity with Pie

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3 hours ago, david said:

I *thought* I had to enable usb debugging to get the Pro1 to connect over USB to Windows to do file transfers.  I will test turning off usb debugging to see if it still connects.  

USB debugging is for adb, not for file transfers, and requires developer options enabled to even get that setting I believe. Sorry I mixed up the term.   For MTP file transfers gotta tap the notification lotsa times like Hook described, does not require developer options or usb debugging.

Edited by Craig
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2 hours ago, Craig said:

USB debugging is for adb, not for file transfers, and requires developer options enabled to even get that setting I believe. Sorry I mixed up the term.   For MTP file transfers gotta tap the notification lotsa times like Hook described, does not require developer options or usb debugging.

That is what I thought too, but then I thought that I was just always assuming that (because I always have it enabled) or that Android changed something.  What I can say is that the  Pro1 is working the following ways for me (not on latest OTA updates though):

1)  When I plug into a Windows 7 laptop without USB debugging enabled, the phone does not show when I use PTP nor when I use File transfer (MTP) settings.

2)  When I plug into a Windows 7 laptop with USB debugging enabled, the phone does show the internal storage when I use PTP, but does not usually show the SD card storage.  It does not show when I use File transfer (MTP).

3)  When I plug into a Windows 10 laptop without USB debugging enabled, the phone does show the internal storage when I use PTP.  I don't know if I ever saw it show SD card storage with this combination.  It does show the phone when I use File transfer (MTP), showing both internal and SD storage.

4)  When I plug into a Windows 10 laptop with USB debugging enabled, the phone does show the internal storage with PTP.  I believe it will also sometimes show the SD card storage, but it isn't consistent.  It does show the phone when I use File transfer (MTP), showing both internal and SD storage.

5)  For (2), I can copy a 1 GB file from the phone to the laptop over PTP successfully.

6)  For (3), I can only rarely copy a file successfully, whether over PTP or MTP and whether from internal storage or from the SD card.  I get the following error part way through the copy:


7)  For (4), I can usually copy a file successfully, whether over PTP or MTP and whether from the internal storage or the SD card.  I rarely get the error in (6).


The recap on all that is that the phone does not interface properly to the Windows 7 laptop nor the Windows 10 laptop.  The degree to which it does not work varies between the two.  The Windows 7 laptop and the Windows 10 laptop have mostly consistent ability to transfer files from the phone to the laptop when USB debugging is enabled, but they don't both allow for the same mechanisms or allow for access to the same data source on the phone.

Both of them are flaky when it comes to showing the SD card storage under PTP.

USB debugging allows the Windows 10 laptop to copy without getting errors (usually).  USB debugging is *required* to even see the phone on the Windows 7 laptop (although only through PTP).  Without USB debugging enabled on the Windows 10 laptop, file copies will almost always fail.

When you enable USB debugging, it states, "USB debugging is intended for devlopment purposes only.  Use it to copy data between your computer and your device, install apps on your device without notification, and read log data."

Now, in the past, if I would have read the bolded part, I would have assumed they meant through ADB.  But since the phone doesn't even show on my Windows 7 laptop without USB debugging enabled, I figured I either remembered incorrectly or that android had changed and now it was required for regular file copies through Windows explorer.  Given that I can't copy on either computer without having it enabled, and it affects whether the phone can be seen in Windows, either that is the way it is supposed to work, or there is a bug in the version of the firmware I have on my phone.  

Once I get up to the latest OTA updates, I can re-test and give an update on whether that changed any of the behavior.

UPDATE:  I forgot to mention that the Pro1 did not ask to authorize the Windows 10 laptop at any point, unless I somehow missed it and accidentally acknowledged the dialog.

UPDATE 2:  I should mention that, in my experiences, android phones, in general, have a poor track record of working properly with USB connections to computers for data transfer.  Whether that is due to Windows, the drivers used in Windows, or the firmware programming in the phones is unknown.  On the Windows/drivers side of things, over the years, phones that would connect just fine in the past would no longer connect without jumping through a lot of hoops of uninstalling the USB drivers and reinstalling different drivers found online.  It *seems* like (no proof) connecting different types of phones in between connections of the phone that may have worked in the past somehow confuses the system.  It has always been a headache for me.  

Wireless data transfer is another option, albeit usually slower than a physical USB connection.  However, it would be nice if something could be done to improve on the Pro1's handling of physical USB connections.  As stated above, however, it is unclear if the problems are in the phone firmware or in the Windows drivers, which may be from Google.

Edited by david
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I have issue in video recording.

While playing recorded video what was supposed to be bad bearing noise i noticed that audio was almost completly muted. After testing with few videos i noticed that first 1-2seconds audio gets recorded normally and after that somesort background noice cancellation gets activated and all noises are filtered away. If i try to speak while recording it will record again normally but after that the noice cancellation cuts almost all audio again. This happens in both snapdragon and google camera software.

Also all taken videos and photos are upside down when transferred to computer.

Edited by Raafu1
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A possible bug:

- Multiple users have seen that pinging their wireless access point on their LAN, over wifi, results in 20+ ms latency most of the time. 

Testing on one network showed that a pixel 1 phone running Android 10 reports about 5 ms.  A Samsung Galaxy S Relay 4G running Cyanogenmod 11 (Kitkat/4.4.4.) shows 1-2 ms usually. 

This could possible lead to longer page load times for web pages and some delays in gaming applications.

More information can be found here:

UPDATE:  It has also been shown that speed testing tools, like speedtest and fast.com show lower latency values when testing over wifi, where the source internet connection is fiber optic.  It is unclear exactly what those tools are doing vs what the ping command and ping apps are doing that is showing this difference.  Once again, more details are in that other topic linked above.

UPDATE 2:  This is a different situation, so possible a different root cause, but since it is WiFi related, I'll add it on here.  The Pro1 may send faster than it receives over WiFi.  I need to do more testing when I have another 802.11 AC system to play with, other than a Pixel 1 phone (to ensure it isn't something in the Pixel 1 that is limiting the speed of data going to the Pro1).

See this for more details:


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Thank you @david This could be a potential bug and thank you for making improvement for us. 

I have observed certain mis-behaviour of WiFi in certain conditions myself (as you might seen in other threads) I will work with engineer to dig deeper into WiFi drivers etc., when virus lock down is lifted...

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I experienced the following yesterday: my wife called me and the phone was flickering - was showing the call screen for a second, then the lock screen and so on. It was not possible to pick it up on the screen, but since I got my smartwatch paired (finally!) I answered it over there and then everything went back to normal. JFYI.

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a few things ive noticed

1. audio has static/cracking noise in full screen games. this is through the speakers or through earphones. havent tested BT

2. if i open teamviewer and try remoting to my pc the phone will hard reset. after numerous tries ive been able to get it to work but its like 1 out of 5 times. it does seem to connect as i get the message on my pc about the connection so i believe it has to do with rendering the video?

3. playing videos with MX player will occasionally hard reset the phone as well. the audio does not stutter. this was using the software codec (cpu)

4. camera app stopped working a day after using the device. it kept saying camera api not ready. i reset the camera app (deleted cache and data) and it started working again.

5. if i plug in earphones through the 3.5mm slot it disables the speakers. even if i remove the earphones and crank the volume all the way up there is no sound until i reboot the device

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I was wondering if anyone else can confirm they see the following behaviour:

The "Landscape orientation lock" setting, in Settings, Slider, seems to have an unexpected and undesirable side effect. At least, unexpected by and undesirable to me!

That is, with that setting off, the virtual keyboard will always pop up when a text field is clicked, even if the physical keyboard is open. This happens whether the phone is in portrait or landscape.

For extra info, I was experimenting with having "Lansdscape orientation lock" off, and found it useful, for example, for using physical keyboard arrow keys to scroll down in documents being read in portrait. But this side effect means having it turned off is impractical, sadly.

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47 minutes ago, John Veness said:

I was wondering if anyone else can confirm they see the following behaviour:

The "Landscape orientation lock" setting, in Settings, Slider, seems to have an unexpected and undesirable side effect.


Confirmed. 😥

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Hi all, my phone have a problem. It's randomly reboot when used 3G network, especially if i switching wi-fi network. When i switch network settings to 2G, LTE or 2G/TDSWCDMA/LTE, all fine. What's the problem?

My network use WCDMA 900/2100 MHz (B8/B1). Phone have the latest update QX-1000_EEA_20200106110245.

P.S. Sorry for my bad English. Thanks!

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Is there actually a concise list of bugs being kept somewhere or are we just using this enormous thread?

I am experiencing the issue with all learned fingerprints being forgotten. On build QX1000_EEA_20200106110245 .

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5 hours ago, J_P said:

Is there actually a concise list of bugs being kept somewhere or are we just using this enormous thread?

I am experiencing the issue with all learned fingerprints being forgotten. On build QX1000_EEA_20200106110245 .

There is an unofficial list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15uE12Yv5nMvIF42U33cY5FQoF6M66QIn00cC876uf7Y/edit#gid=0

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Today I have also experienced the Fingerprint sensor is not available error message on lock screen - I had to restart the device to work again.

Then I had to set fingerprints again - as usual...
...however, a few days ago, I have restarted the phone several times - first to see if system starts when I connect a charger cable, then I went to fastboot mode and enabled offline charging (sorry for not appropriate wording) then restarted again.
I have wondered because this was the first time it did not loose my fingerprints... otherwise I always had to set them again and the same situation applies for now...

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The speedtest app causes my phone to reboot when it runs a speed test.  It happened 4 out of 5 times today.  Today is the first time I have run the app on my Pro1.  I uninstalled and reinstalled the app multiple times, but it did not fix the issue.

The first time it happened, when my phone rebooted, it forced me to use my lock screen pattern before it would finish booting, in addition to at the lock screen.  I did not have lock screen security enabled at the time this happened.  I had security enabled for the past week, but when I unlocked my bootloader and rooted my phone and did all the OTA updates this weekend, the phone went through a factory reset.  I did not reenable the lock screen security after that, and I had never enabled boot security.

In other words, it remembered my lock screen security pattern across the factory reset, and somehow, the forced reboot by the speedtest app reenabled lock screen security and turned on boot security.

After this happened, I disabled lock screen security and reenabled it, telling it to not enable boot security.  Subsequent forced reboots from running the speedtest app test did not reenable the boot security.

I am on the 20200106 OTA firmware.

UPDATE:  There are more details in the other topic, but the problem has been narrowed down to only happening with 802.11n, on 2.4GHz (did not try 802.11n on 5.8 GHz), and only on one of my two routers.  That is a higher performance router, so it could be one of the advanced 802.11n features that is not being handled well by the phone, combined with whatever the speedtest app is doing in its "Connecting..." phase.  802.11ac never shows the problem.  802.11a or 802.11g (not sure which) never shows the problem.  Cellular never shows the problem.

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