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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/11/2019 in Posts

  1. Well at the least all the whining seems (almost) limited to this thread, so it is better than having it cluttering all over other threads (IMHO)
    7 points
  2. F(x)tec Pro1 is very soon becoming to a reality so let's take a look of those rejected/concept QWERTY sliders that you were dreaming about in the past. 1. Nokia N950 N950 actually became to a reality but not as a consumer product which the reason it hurts so much. It would have been great successor for the mighty N900 2. Motorola Droid 5 Droid 5 was in development during 2013 but it was abandoned before public release. Probably it would have had the same specs than the other Droid series phones on that year (Mini, Ultra and Max). 3. Nokia "Lauta" An
    6 points
  3. ...this is not standart xt897...this is model with sim slot from manufacturer , 2GB Ram and with worldwide LTE support...cancelled 😞
    6 points
  4. I think the point is, yes they are not (a properly set up manufacturing process) and yes, they did (underestimate what was involved in manufacturing). I think this is a small group of engineers with corporate titles who overestimated how smoothly things would go with third parties for whom they are low priority. I bet they are way more frustrated than we are. But they are also, thankfully, dedicated to seeing it through.
    5 points
  5. Silly question. If I was someone who'd cancelled, it means I want the phone, I'm just crazy paranoid. Doesn't mean I dont wanna see if I'm wrong, or how it works out for ppl, and buy later once I'm not worried.
    5 points
  6. The more people cancel, the faster I'll get mine! πŸ˜„
    5 points
  7. FYI, As a Moto Mod Indiegogo backer, with a preorder number of 1008X, and having paid immediately on July 31st, I emailed info@fxtec for an update. Was advised that I am not part of the first batch (small batch was emphasized), and that my "batch" is expected to be ready mid November, but won't arrive in my hands until December. Patience.
    4 points
  8. I had hoped that BlackBerry would one day make a landscape slider, but it was not meant to be... I really hated the lucky few who got their hands on an N950. Hot damn what a gorgeous piece of machinery that was. I'm positive Nokia's mobile division would have survived The Treason if they had produced it. Heck, if HMD would decide to go ahead and update the internals and leave the dimensions as-is, I would buy it in a heartbeat! As for my personal favorite out-there fan concept: the Nokia Envelop!
    4 points
  9. Basically this whole Forum is a mess (Don't look at me, I am completely innocent). This is unlikely to get better until there is some real user2user content here. So I would say do not put too much work into it until we got the phones.
    4 points
  10. I think we are all waiting patiently for the phone of our dreams and it has been delayed (which is driving me nuts as I declined my upgrade in the thought of getting this bad boy in my hands by Oct) but I am trying to remind myself that the wait will be worth it. I work as an assistant to 6 people and am continuously away from my desk and work a lot with excel, which is why I loved my blackberry back in the day. Do not get me confused I really hope it comes out soon as my current device is possessed by tech gremlins and has a habit of just shutting down or not holding a charge. Basically
    3 points
  11. Lumia 992 was also an interesting concept. Split keyboard makes it easier to reach every button.
    3 points
  12. Once I get my phone, I'll most likely be following XDA more to see what the wizards and warloks are doing to make the phone better
    3 points
  13. I think the word "neglegible" he used might be not that well chosen, but his point stands that no one should depend that much on a particular device. Let's think of alternatives. For the user that is on a tight budget but still wants/needs a real keyboard, a BT-keyboard and a simple smartphone is a cheaper alternative. Sure it is by far as convenient to carry around and use - but the functionality is there. So from that perspective what we are buying is the convenience. Thus we are (primarily) talking those willing to spend the extra money on convenience - sure there are those that will
    3 points
  14. We have seen people in here wanting it even huger before. As well as smaller. I think FxTec have done a long deliberation on the size before settling on the 6" 2:1. Already people are calling the whole real keyboard thing an attempt to return to the past, and we would have had more of that if the screen was smaller. Personally I would have preferred it smaller, but I think that would have limited their market even more to the segments of old dinosaurs (like my self). Try to think of it in a different aspect: Will the huger size wheel in more young people than loosing old dinosau
    3 points
  15. Precisely. This is why I cancelled. Their lack of communication and updates is a shockingly typical habit of shady kickstarters. I wouldn't care of the delays extended until next year... *if they bothered to keep us in the loop every step of the way.* Keeping us updated is not outside of their control.
    3 points
  16. The Priv is 147 x 77.2 x 9.4 mm The Pro1 is 154 x 73.6 x 13.98 mm So really not that much bigger. It is actually substantially less wide, making it less bad for one hand operation - though still too big for my hands. On the other hand you get a full keyboard in the right direction. The price for that, the solid metal build, and the 15% larger display is that the Priv is 20% less heavy.,.
    3 points
  17. The best information we have is that the first batch (a small batch) was sent from the factory last week and was going through customs in the US/EU (not sure bout HK) and that we should expect tracking numbers (those of us who received emails confirming we were in the first batch) this week. The second batch (much larger) is being manufactured and is expected to ship from the factory probably the week of the Nov 18th (that is a guess, not based on firm data). Presumably, emails will go out to the folks the second batch goes to. The first batch covers some but not all former IGG Backe
    3 points
  18. Actually, I believe that tweet was for comments being made elsewhereβ€”Telegram, IIRC, but I could be wrong. He does post here, as Waxberry I believe. I doubt he has a lot of time to spend here these days. If he does read here, hopefully he remains aware of the rule of forums. People tend to post most when they have complaints but there are probably a lot more people who are disappointed by delays, but are happy to keep going and give them their support. Yes, their communication sucks. But their phone won't. The communication won't get fixed right now. I still trust them. B
    3 points
  19. What bugs me is that a few hundred or even few thousand phones are a really low number for a properly set up manufacturing process, even if the assembly is mostly done by humans. Nokia back in the day could produce more than five thousand phones with similar complexity and design on a single day on a single manufacturing line with maybe 30-40 people. Of course they first had to have a continuous source of all the parts, create all the tools and processes for mass manufacturing and testing which took a lot of time. But they didn't claim that they were ready for mass manufacturing until they wor
    2 points
  20. I think that is about second batch.
    2 points
  21. The Galaxy NXT concept had physical QWERTY keyboard.
    2 points
  22. Lets say the new batch is just the next one !?
    2 points
  23. I think the forum is getting messy with people making new threads that are slight variations over existing threads. If I was less lazy, I guess I ought to merge more not less... On the other hand some threads are getting messy because things go off topic, so these ought to be split - and some of the splits from different threads merged.... But it's complex, especially if (as is often the case) the comment that starts a thread to go 'off topic', also includes something that is ON topic, so it is the comment in itself that ought to be split first, and that is not a simple task to do th
    2 points
  24. I mean sending from China to "Fulfillment centres" - I think they are speaking about this process. So the process is something like this: - Sending phones to EU/USA - ticked - Being at outbound Customs in China - ticked - Left China - ticked - Arrive in EU/USA - ticked (as far as it seems to be) - Being at inbound Customs of the country in EU/USA - ticked - Arriving at destination in EU/USA - unticked (or currently in question) After arrival of the phones: - Separate them by final recipients and sending every phones to its final country/address - unticked So if I u
    2 points
  25. I have it exactly he same way, And I have (until now in vain) tried to persuade them to make a firmware/software fix for that. In the simplest form, simply have a logical lesser size with 'dead' edges of user selectable size. I can not imagine that it would be hard to do, and would make both user groups happy. It would be best if they did not have to be the same in portrait and landscape, but even if the same. Let us say we choose 4mm dead zones at both edges, that would leave us with a flat LOGICAL screen of 136x60mm that is a 5.85" 20.4 : 9 with the odd 2160x952. In the advanced v
    2 points
  26. Hmm the amount of money isn't neglegible to me, but I'm not gonna panic over it, I knew when joining a pre-order there are certain risks but getting the phone as fast as possible outweighs those in this case πŸ˜„. I'd be more worried if I didn't have a pre-order.
    2 points
  27. I do agree the 6" size is good for sales, even if me and a few dinosaurs prefer smaller, and I understand and agree with FXtec's reason for that. Still not sure about the curved screen tho.... but I like the no bezels, make maximal use of that area.
    2 points
  28. That is the point. There is a lot of stuff I only do on my phone if it has to be done immediately (like writing mails). So this device will make my everyday life more efficient again!
    2 points
  29. I am always a little bewildered by how 'emotional' some people are, especially regarding a buying decision pertaining a cell phone. I mean, it's just a phone. If the amount of money that I "invest" into a phone is anything but negligible, I made a wrong decision in the first place! (read: if your "business success" depends on a cell phone, I might question the business case :D) Sure, I get the hype about finally having a cell with an actual keyboard again. Trust me - I want it just as much as the other guy, but honestly: It's just a phone and if I have to be honest to myself: 95%+ a
    2 points
  30. You're awesome at clarifying specifics.
    2 points
  31. Then why are you still hanging around on the forum?
    2 points
  32. This should end this thread :D. As Kintaro Hattori said: "don't hurry, don't stop".
    2 points
  33. I am also hope so. Anyway, some of us (who are in the first batch and received mails) may receive valid tracking numbers during this week and maybe they will receive their phone soon. So something may change on this forum very soon if everything go right. πŸ™‚ I am looking forward to see their feedback soon.
    2 points
  34. Certainly. You might consider reading all the way down to the line below starting with "On the other hand some threads ...." 😜
    1 point
  35. I hope you all get your phones before Christmas! Unfortunately I couldn't afford to pay 650 Euros for a phone that doesn't really exist yet. I saw first hand how hard it is to manufacture a new phone, even for a companies with a lot of resources and experience like Nokia (before selling the brand) and I was afraid to pre-order.
    1 point
  36. Though I would love it if the Pro1 would sell in the multi milions like Nokia did in the hay days, I find it highly unlikely. So dedicated tools are hardly in play here, more than perhaps some moulds - but honestly I think it more likely that it is programable machines that cut things than moulds.
    1 point
  37. Lets say the new batch is just the next one that includes me 😝
    1 point
  38. This is pretty awesome! I had no idea of the existence of that Soiro phone, and always thought lauta was just a codename for n950... Thanks for showing this :). And damn, I'd really have liked a a PQ with the europe bands back when.
    1 point
  39. I am in the same camp, yet I am glad they made it as big as it is at the same time... It seems to be a good size, bigger screen is nicer but at some point it becomes inconvenient to handle so to me it makes sense to go for approx the maximum size that is practical.
    1 point
  40. First, if you treat 650 euros "negligible" then either you have rich parents or you have extremely well paid job, no offense. Pro1 is extremely expensive phone and for most of us the most expensive phone even "bought". There are no alternatives to Pro1 right now so you can't just buy other landscape slider and Pro1 is meant to be long lasting device unlike other android phones like Samsungs. Also, it doesn't mean if it's a phone, a PC, a car or whatever, 650 euros is 650 euros. I guess that less that 1% of people who "bought" Pro1 see 650 euros as "negligible". Second, as I said already "
    1 point
  41. I'm still around to , and i have send proof of cancellation. Being invested in a project, wanting to know how it's going... There is nothing wrong in staying around. It's actually because i was passionate that i feal let down and betray. You just can't complaint again and again ...
    1 point
  42. Because it'd make too much sense to cancel an order and leave the forum.
    1 point
  43. Well I am not entirely sure since I haven't checked my banking account since Thursday, but apparently since I didn't get a notice of the phone being shipped, I was not charged. Scam wouldn't do that; they'd get as much money fast as they can - and run. But they don't. I believe it's just their poor communication with their customers. But other than that they are probably doing well.
    1 point
  44. The forum is read by Fxtec, someone in this topic said that Fxtec lied and Chen made a twitter post whining about it. So, even the top person knows what is happening here on forums. Fxtec just decides to ignore own customers and treat us like we aren't even worth being told what is happening with the phone and they think that some information about first batch that barely covers anyone is enough. Anyway, I would be surprised if Fxtec didn't read the forum at all, it would be an insult to everyone who write here. This is the only way to force information from Fxtec because they don't tell their
    1 point
  45. As you will find out, it is really hard to operate the PRO1 while it is in a pocket of some pants.... so a pocket is an alternative to a sleeve, not a case. And on the coffee thing, just eat the beans and drink the water, much simpler 😜
    1 point
  46. And they cancelled all their pre-orders... πŸ™„
    1 point
  47. Yup, how many years was the galaxy fold to be launched "next year"? Five?
    1 point
  48. It took me a week to transfer money from my bank to theirs, so a bit of patience is needed. The physical appearance seems to be a safety "feature" to prevent people booking their money back while already receiving a phone. For a small company that would mean a lot of trouble.
    1 point
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