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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/13/2019 in Posts

  1. I am not posting this in the main news thread as this is a relatively tiny update. EU stock arrived in the warehouse today. We are just waiting on the warehouse to ship them out now. Tracking will be sent any minute today, or on Monday if the warehouse is too busy. I am not sure what's happening with the new stock assigned letters, but we know stock is on the move regardless of this. In the worst case newly assigned orders will be shipped pretty much immediately after they are assigned. Liangchen is back in the factory and he's inspecting the freshly made units and components pe
    24 points
  2. Hi All, I am no longer the proud owner of a Pro1; Chris is. The LTE issue seems to be resolved. Although the indicator does not show "LTE" the benchmarks show that it is receiving the proper signal. Bluetooth Non-issue for Chris. I apparently just have the wrong car. Keyboard Works just fine. The virtual keyboard is no longer appearing when the physical one is deployed. Wifi Calling Still a no-go, but a non-issue for the new owner. Camera Amazing! I am going to miss that. Thank you to all who reached out to me to purchase it, but
    8 points
  3. For those not following all threads, it looks like the T-Mobile LTE issue was that a custom APN needed to be added with the correct parameters for T-Mobile.
    4 points
  4. Well, they are probably going to be off for the Chinese New Year, but we hope to have most, if not all devices made by then.
    4 points
  5. Thank you for posting this so we'd know his experience! That was very thoughtful.
    4 points
  6. I hope there is some news for the US/North America customers soon! *fingers crossed* Either way good to see progress!
    3 points
  7. I ended up buying sequestris' pro 1 who reported the trouble on T-Mobile. I was able to get it running by manually adding the APN posted on T-mobile's site. So far I have only seen it attach to bands 2 and 4, and the signal meter on the status bar says "4G" instead of "LTE." From what i can find online it could be using the old 4G service since bands 2 and 4 are also used for that, or it could be the rom simply calling LTE 4G which is still technically correct (apparently some asop based roms do this). I can't say for certain based on speed since the two areas I've had the phone in didn't get
    3 points
  8. I've been playing around with this. Think I've settled on 35,0,15,0. The 35 prevents bumping touchscreen when using number row and moves special keys etc from some apps up a bit to more reachable position. The 15 gets the android status bar out of the curve a bit and hopefully helps with being able to hold it w/o touching screen. This isn't enough to get rid of the rounded corners. This is something to play with, a problem that could have been avoided with flat screen.
    3 points
  9. @Erik Thanks for the update, but please allow me to offer some very friendly advice and suggest a couple of corrections so people won't get their expectations up and then slam you in case others in the company don't follow through. EU stock arrived in the warehouse today. We are just waiting on the warehouse to ship them out now. Tracking will be sent any minute today, or on Monday if the warehouse is too busy. Suggestion, replace with: Tracking will be sent whenever there is time, we have no idea when this will be, but are moving as quickly as we can to make it happen. 😀 I am not su
    2 points
  10. Yup, which further reinforces my point that time of past shipments don't translate to current or future shipment times. Meaning we don't know when anything will ship aside from what we've been told, which we already now is unreliable at best.
    2 points
  11. As always mr @Erik thank you for the update! I will keep my fingers crossed for my assigned email when batch 3 makes it way out! Also will keep an eye open for the PR email. Thank you! 🙂 As I am UK based I am happy to pop into the warehouse and collect my handset to make it easier! Lol (Serious though)
    2 points
  12. Woot! Awesome, thanks a lot. Hell, I'll take the Eurostar and come help them myself if they want. No tea time for them today! 😉 Actually transporters usually work on Saturdays, so that'd be great if the warehouse managed to ship some boxes today. Also, just to clarify before someone misinterprets: the stock that arrived at the UK warehouse is the EU part of the second batch, not the third, at least that's my understanding.
    2 points
  13. I have had a look at the kernel source lineage has, and the hardware is most certainly capable, the issue lies here: https://github.com/tdm/android_kernel_idealte_msm8998/blob/lineage-16.0/drivers/input/keyboard/aw9523b.c I even submitted a pull request with an attempted fix (which I can't test myself just yet :D). Also for reference the IC that driver talks to is this one http://www.richwellgroup.com/Private/Files/20181025101009251∮DS_AW9523B_EN_Multi-Function LED Driver And GPIO Controller With IIC Interface_V1.1.1.pdf
    2 points
  14. If I'm the "pessimistic member" that you're referring to, I'm actually not a pessimist, but a realist. I have know for some time that there was no way all the preorders could be fulfilled by Christmas! It wasn't a guess, it's from having experience. There are just too many orders to be filled yet, and not enough devices going out such that the large numbers could be completed by Christmas. Basic math, that's all. However, personally, I'm not in any rush, and when it gets here it gets here. I'm just happy they built the phone and customers have started receiving them; way to go F(x)te
    2 points
  15. Mine shows 4G, which is LTE. It's just how this rom is displaying it, nothing to worry about there.
    2 points
  16. For my compatibility list, was your buyer also a T-mobile customer? It sounds like it, but I'd like to be certain.
    2 points
  17. Those were the days. I knew what EVERY file on my pc was for and knew what EVERY setting in the ini-files meant, and what values they could have.... Totally forgotten most of that,,, But It was quite useful for support and educating supervisors.
    2 points
  18. ...These days the kids will think the header is about a Denial Of Service attack.... 😇
    2 points
  19. Since you have used the phrase about Eric being honest a couple of times, I'd just like to say that I don't think Eric has *ever* been dishonest. I think information he has given at one point in time has turned out to be not how things ended up, but I don't think that makes him a liar. I do think it's great that he is communicating more frequently. 🙂
    2 points
  20. Would it be possible to get an updated firmware with the November OTA update?
    2 points
  21. I know some orders were shipped to EU today, with more to follow on Monday. Let’s see if it included anyone on the forums 🙂
    1 point
  22. Same here, I bet it will run faster than it did on my 486 DX4 😄
    1 point
  23. I can't list everything I've tried. It's too much. But these steps *should* erase everything on the phone, so it shouldn't matter what I did beforehand. Here's the latest test, which highlights the concern with the script and resources provided in this thread: flash all back to stock (use the provided script and resources, but uncomment the lines to flash userdata and misc. I also modified this script to run on linux.) boot fails. Prompts for password, nothing works. fastboot erase userdata boot succeeds, can use the phone normally. run the script provided in
    1 point
  24. Yeah, I saw that too, but I was hoping for a fancy screenshot of it in action and to see if the multi-keypress thing was a problem with it. Us delayed-Pro1-shipment customers have to live vicariously through you have-it-in-my-hot-greedy-hands customers. 😂 It is great that the old games are so relatively small that a person can have them all at their fingertips.
    1 point
  25. Agree let's say it looks hurried, not necessarily unprofessional.... (But you are wrong about the spaghetti code, amateurs can do that 😄 )
    1 point
  26. The second was supposed to be affected as far as I know, if this magically affects the third now as well... the rest of us are 100% not seeing this phone this year.
    1 point
  27. Well, he said that the the batch is leaving the factory, not that it had left already. He also said that he would expect 3-ers to get stock assignment letters early this week. I'm not saying that it didn't leave the factory, only that we don't have confirmation of that. They still have IGG orders to catch up on, so don't get your hopes up unless you're one of them.
    1 point
  28. Some update on that: someone has already managed to get Gentoo Prefix running on Sailfish OS, so I am guessing it is indeed doable. They've even been so kind as to provide instructions and files to let others replicate the process: https://together.jolla.com/question/210626/has-anyone-tried-installing-gentoo-prefix/?answer=219122#post-id-219122. 🙂
    1 point
  29. This is incorrect. I am also on T-mob and posted my findings in the network compatibility thread.
    1 point
  30. It's nice to know that this compensation tweak is available, but I agree, the curved screen is stupid, but it turns out that it was the only thing they could find that would meet the needs of their device at a reasonable price point with sufficient supply available. Apparently flat screens in that size just aren't widely made anymore. I observed elsewhere that a curved screen was pandering to the type of person who wouldn't buy this device anyway, but was informed that the pandering has been so widespread in the industry that it was the only reasonable option anymore. I do hope that the Pro2 w
    1 point
  31. I'm on a Verizon MVNO. I tried just moving my already activated SIM from my Z2 Play to the Pro1. I was able to get data working by copying the APN settings from my Z2 Play, but I haven't been able to get calls or texts to work. I know my MVNO (Total Wireless) should support VoLTE, but I'm not sure if it's enabled on my account. I'm looking into it now. Edit: I tried turning on VoLTE through the *#*#4636#*#* Menu, but it rejects calls that way. It appears that I need to get a new SIM and re-activate the old phone because the old SIM I'm using doesn't support VoLTE. I'm going to try bu
    1 point
  32. But all the people here who got one and love it should sway you back! They are coming!
    1 point
  33. Yes, essentially the strategy was to ignore CDMA, or hope it worked anyway. Certainly changing an IMEI to match a mule is not stupendously easy for most. With working LTE and VoLTE the phone should be fully functional with no CDMA at all, and as Verizon has stated their intention to decommission their CDMA equipment soon, it will all be moot soon.
    1 point
  34. Lotta simple games on Play store won't go landscape. I have found one built-in solution if you want to force landscape on such apps... put them splitscreen. Obviously not ideal as it makes them small, but does work... Also, in regular settings, setting font small and display small and playing with dpi, you can get a lot more on the screen than default.
    1 point
  35. Been a day on Android after years on SailfishOS, I am deeply missing SailfishOS, I am going to be patient and not really in the position to test, however, when Jolla supports it with android (damn you whatsapp and signal) then I will jump back! Looking forward to it... let's us know what support, moral or otherwise is needed!
    1 point
  36. Since April Fxtec NEVER kept promise, never! This is what i become angry about.... is there anyone who will bet against the next 'promise' with me?
    1 point
  37. It supports landscape, and keyboard navigation just fine, entering/closing folders with Enter and swapping sides with Tab, BS (not Del) gives a Delete dialogue. There might be other keyboard integration too. Some of the text is EXTREMELY small though. The whole word "Donate" in the centre is just 3mm wide!! So not an app for the weak sighted...
    1 point
  38. Do you have VoLTE on the G6? If not, it might be grandfathered in, but the SIM won't work in a VoLTE capable phone? In other words, maybe the mule needs to be a VoLTE capable phone now? And are the APNs identical to what you get on the G6?
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. What this refers to is using a phone with an IMEI that Verizon will activate (as though you plan on using it and not the Pro1), this is the mule. You can confirm they will activate the mule by using the link Craig posted. If the mule phone's IMEI isn't accepted at this link, that phone can't be used as a mule. Once you have this mule phone (and a SIM card for it), you just activate it as normal with Verizon. Make sure all the services are working (voice, text, data), then swap the SIM card into the Pro1. It's that simple. However, the mule will be dead (unless you can change the IMEI, or
    1 point
  41. I'm getting confused by this "Mule Device" talk, basically because I don't know that term. Let me give a little more detail of my experience. The first thing I did when I got the Pro 1 was go to the page Craig posted above. That slammed the door right down, saying the phone associated with that IMEI could not be activated on their network. So I went into the Verizon store. I had a small crows of Verizon techs who were really impressed by the Pro 1 (I told them it was the Droid 5 😁). They *really* wanted to get it working on Verizon. They created a SIM for it but no matter what they did, i
    1 point
  42. I was just commenting that they use the IMEI (separate from the SIM info) for 2G and 3G service, and also to activate a device. You are correct that they could use the Pro1's IMEI (which in their eyes is a non-compatible, non-acceptable device at this time) to block service after the SIM is swapped. Thankfully, AFAIK, they haven't been doing this. In the past, I have used the mule procedure to activate different devices that weren't allowed to be activated directly. It has always worked, but those were the days before the new VoLTE flags and provisioning issues. This is why I suggest maki
    1 point
  43. I guess asking for spontaneous updates when delays happen does not help. Let's do this instead. Dear F(x)tec, please never inform us of delays when they occur. We greatly appreciate being left in the dark until someone starts a rumor about a potential delay and we don't get confirmation for days, after which it is all like the new ETA was what was announced all along.
    1 point
  44. I may even use it like this :).
    1 point
  45. Yes, I understand the production and shipping issues/delays. At this point, it is an issue of TRANSPARENCY. I suspect FXtec knows of the imminent increase in import cost and that is why they are modifying their shipping model, in order to off-load the extra expense onto the buyers. It will be a rude surprise to hear from FedEx that we must fork over a C-note to take delivery, after FINALLY receiveing a Tracking Number. TRANSPARENCY. This is becoming a Case Study in how NOT to launch.
    1 point
  46. Another $100 to Uncle Sam is definitely not going to talk me out of my Pro1. It might talk me out of my second one, or at least into waiting a little longer. I understand about informed consent; the problem is that no one expected manufacturing to take as long as it did. That is what it is, and no one can change it at this point. $100 doesn't stand between me and anything I truly wish to have at this point. I'm not rich but I have enough to get what I need and some of what I desire. The Pro1 is definitely on my "desire intensely" list. :)
    1 point
  47. I dont know why Fx Tec need to refund a tax applied by US customs. it will be a loss for FX Tec. cant we pay a bit more to help FX Tec?
    1 point
  48. We had a discussion about this topic some time ago, you are not alone in thinking that these curved screens and corners are a little strange:
    1 point
  49. Thanks. I'm not bothered about the missing pixels, I just think a rounded rectangle display on a rectangular phone looks weird. I'm sure I'll get used to it!
    1 point
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