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  1. My recent adventure getting Verizon to work made me realize that drawing hasty conclusions about such a new and different phone is not a good idea. You might decide to return the phone before you've given it a real chance. There are a lot of smart people on this forum. If it weren't for @Polaris @david and @silversolver and probably some others I'm forgetting, I never would have stumbled on my solution to the Verizon problem. And they don't even have Pro 1s yet. Give it time. I feel bad because I helped generate a "This doesn't work with Verizon" moment, which turned out to be false, but
    12 points
  2. @Waxberry I hope you realize that there are a certain percentage of us who have your back 100% on this, no matter how long it takes (within reason.) If a certain poll is accurate, it's about half of the people here. As long as it looks like devices are shipping, I'm totally peaceful that mine will come when the time is right. Speaking for myself, I would happily let you send mine to impatient children who scream loudly so you don't have to hurt your company by refunding them. If you choose to reroute some of batch 3 from their rightful places in the queue to the screamers so you can actually p
    7 points
  3. In the US if you expect a phone to just work without mucking around, you buy it from a carrier. If instead you buy a retail/international version of a phone, or move a carrier-provided phone to a new network, there's often some effort involved. Setting APN is trivial. For example, it's on the instructions that came with the SIM card I used, right on the package. The only instruction in fact. And of course described in detail on their website. https://support.freedompop.com/hc/en-us/articles/360026010513-APN-Configuration-Steps-LTE-SIM-Card
    5 points
  4. As a fellow US customer, I can ASSURE you that his statement is entirely correct. You have basically 2 options here: get a phone from a giant company directly through the carrier of your choice, in which case it will "just work," or get the phone of your choice and try to fiddle and coax it into working with said carrier. AT&T is possibly the only US provider operating more-or-less with vanilla GSM, so no surprise, it "just works." Everyone else is marching very much to the beat of their own drum, and getting your phone not designed for that beat to march to it can be a hassle.
    4 points
  5. that's very generous of you, but you shouldn't generalize. Just because people will wait calmly for their devices doesn't mean they want to let pass other people in the queue. It could help to calm down some screamers, but I think the effect on the others would lead to a worse feeling, at least if they didn't accept that explicitly. For example myself nearly never starts to scream, because I think it's worthless and it doesn't make sense to needle someone every week. But if I feel it's enough I just will take actions.
    4 points
  6. Very well stated. I think you are right on point, give it some time, and we'll all work on solutions; it's just too new right now!
    4 points
  7. Yes and no. I think for the most part, the Pro 1 does work right out of the box. There are some bugs being picked up in the software, but that's to be expected even with big companies, especially when the users are so tech savvy (the ones finding the bugs). As for getting US telco stuff right, small companies and international phones have always had trouble with that because, frankly, you can never do all the testing required. The big boys like Samsung, Apple and Google have the clout to work directly with the big Telcos and get their phones to all the big telcos and have the right se
    3 points
  8. Not clear to me what network problem you are referring to. All the problems seem to be with US Networks and it is mostly a matter of figuring out what is needed. Verizon has been solved (see the Verizon thread). Sprint seems to have problems, but has not been widely problem-solved and is probably due to their reliance on CDMA. Some are a question of getting the right APNs. This is an old story. US has such ass-backwards telecoms that International phones have never been smooth here, but we are largely getting things solved. It's not the phone.
    3 points
  9. No worries, but we should be crystal clear here so someone else doesn't hit the same pitfall you did and think it can't be activated for LTE use. Thus, to clarify... If using a mule to activate a SIM for use in the Pro1. You (meaning all of us who are interested in currently using Verizon) will need to activate a SIM then be 100% certain, as you are testing all the different services, that the mule is able to place VoLTE calls! This might not be readily apparent (especially if you are calling someone who isn't using a HD voice service and device) because if the preferred network settin
    3 points
  10. @silversolver This needs to be updated for Verizon. Verizon works with mule or old SIM from a VoLTE capable phone. However, Volte provisioning has to be turned on for the Pro 1 as it is off by default. See Verizon thread.
    3 points
  11. I've been pretty quiet this week so I figured I'd give everyone an update on what's going on. We had the cold virus come through our house this week. I had to stay home to take care of the wife and kids on Tue, then I was sick on Wed. I was working on my EDL flash tool Thu and Fri. It works well on Linux but I'm having some issues on Windows and MacOS. Hope to get it working next week. I'm attaching a screen shot with the latest pro1 package loaded and ready to flash. Next week, I hope to get the flash tool wrapped up and start working on the Lineage buil
    3 points
  12. I'm still agonising over whether to buy the Pro1. There are a lot of great things about it, but I just can't get accept the bad keyboard layout. I was considering getting the QWERTZ model and having some vinyl stickers made up to change the remaining keys - but it seems ridiculous to spend so much on a phone and then put some crummy stickers on it. The worst thing is that this hack would hide the backlight on the keys (ultimately why I've given up on the idea). I tolerated the N900's limited layout, but the N900 was a much smaller device and there really wasn't enough room to have everything 1
    2 points
  13. I'm done with this thread for good. Certain people feel that the poor communication and missed dates are a big deal. I don't, but it's clear that I'm not going to change the minds of any of the people who do. I am going to focus on the important stuff: the clack exists, mine is coming, and when it gets to me, it will be a good day. Those of you who feel the need to fuss and fume, go ahead without my company.
    2 points
  14. Mine says it will be worth the wait 😁
    2 points
  15. My crystal ball appears to be up and running. It's showing that all of us who are on this forum, and who don't cancel, should have a phone by the end of July 2020.
    2 points
  16. I don't want to argue on the wording, you are right that they are accountable for the errors or delays of contractors, and as such they broke a promise. What is more important to me is to what extent, and whether they are being dishonnest or not. I believe they are not, even though communication could sometimes be more transparent. On that topic, however, for all we know they are very few people in the company, and none is 100% focusing on communication (Erik is not there only to post on the forum, and even their Twitter account seems to be partly externalized). Employees are most likely
    2 points
  17. I'm not sure if anyone else with a Pro1 is in Australia, but you'll need the OTA update to get phone calls working. On the original stock firmware everything worked but outgoing calls which would not dial out and incoming calls would be engaged or straight to voicemail. Same for LineageOS, but currently no update to fix it. There is one other thing I noticed; when I dial *#*#4636#*#* I see that "VoLTE provisioned" is greyed out and disabled. Hopefully that can be turned on in future.
    2 points
  18. What it comes down to - for perhaps the other half of us - is: Having absolutely no idea of how 'little' the longer might be? So, @eric posted a couple of interesting pictures; sorry, but that doesn't tell us anything definite or realistic about shipping time. I, too, have been in email contact directly with support. The only genuinely believable thing they replied with was, "We don't know the exact shipping date for each order as batches are coming in varying sizes" So after weeks upon months of production, & multiple different excuses for delay after delay - it's getting to the point,
    2 points
  19. I've switched from the Pro 1s native launcher (called Quickstep) to Nova launcher, which I have used for years and enjoy it's greater feature set. For now I'm not going to use the assigning keys to apps as I use a lot of input ready apps that end up with letters being printed from the held down key. If they fix that later, I will look at that feature again. Also, Quickstep organizes the homescreens into two columns which prevents you from placing widgets in the center (or at least it did me-- maybe user error). What I wanted to show is that Nova behaves very well jumping from Portrait t
    2 points
  20. I know nothing on the Australian setup. But in general terms: Does the bands your carrier are using match the Pro1? Is the registration SIM bound like e.g. Europe or IMEI bound like the US? In the latter case, some of the tricks mentioned for the US might work for you. Have you tried a different carrier's SIM? Try installing an app that can tell you a little of what bands it is connected on, and at what strength. And compare that with carrier requirements. Under Settings, Network & Internet, Mobile Network, Advanced, Preferred network Type. You MIGHT need to scroll and find a more fit
    2 points
  21. No... If or when the production and delivery issues are sorted, I'm likely to buy then. The reason I sent the message to support is to give them the option to fix the issue or issue a refund before I have to request a chargeback... I'd much rather have the phone, but, on 31DEC, 153 days of my 180 day chargeback time will have passed. I'm not willing to let that protection go... I've run my own IT business since the 90's. Built custom hardware and I've never repeatedly blown deadlines like this. I will admit I've never done mass production overseas, however, I have contracte
    2 points
  22. From prior experience, I'm certain I'll get accustomed to the peculiarities of the existing QWERTY board when it arrives. I can also say unreservedly that I prefer your layout, and honestly don't fully understand why they didn't settle on something much closer to it. Perhaps the Pro2 will implement some of these changes. In the meantime, a slightly odd keyboard is a huge improvement over what EVERYONE else is offering. :)
    2 points
  23. Why do you feel the need to post your tantrum in multiple places? I think many will be sympathetic with your plight, but not your attitude.
    2 points
  24. I'm using a phone that is rapidly approaching 8 years old, and right now I'm on a laptop which may actually be over 20 years old. I suspect my performance is worse than yours. It all comes down to this: is something worth having worth waiting for it a little longer? Clearly you have already decided it's not. I can't exactly applaud that; the Clack is the phone we've all been awaiting for most of a decade, and now you're willing to throw it away over a potential few weeks? I cannot even understand that. Put up with your old "Mr. Right Now" phone a little longer, and get "Mr. Right," instead of
    2 points
  25. I think we may be talking about two different things...? I thought what you were asking is if you can just turn on all the VoLTE provisioning flags in the Pro1, pop in a fresh Verizon SIM, and then activate it (online or at their store). Is this correct? If so I still say no go because unless Verizon sees a device (in this case the Pro1) as compatible and accepted for their network they won't allow it to be activated. How do they do this, by using the IMEI, that's it. So until Verizon officially okays the Pro1 none of us will be able to activate it directly (without the mule procedure).
    2 points
  26. Just to clarify, the phone has a bootloader mode, but no recovery mode. Bootloader: power phone off, hold volume down and press power. Continue to hold volume down until the bootloader screen. Or, via adb, run "adb reboot bootloader" Recovery: From the bootloader screen, use arrow keys to navigate to "Recovery mode" then press power once. Or, via adb, run "adb reboot recovery"
    2 points
  27. I have i tracking number! 🙂 It's from UPS, so far just says label created, so UPS has no day scheduled yet but from experience that will be early next week. Can't wait to check out the phone in person!! Very good job to all working on getting the phones out :-).
    2 points
  28. I did try TWRP, but it has very little functionality at the moment. It did not prompt for a password, for example. I am *not* stuck at the moment. I bit the bullet and completely wiped. I was also able to root -> use phone -> unroot -> Apply OTA -> root again without losing data, which is what I really wanted. I am not likely to experiment further while that is still true. The process of getting everything working just takes too long.
    1 point
  29. Well, I thought it was clear I just meant with a light tone that this thread is not the right place to argue on lawyer terms either. I guess I'll stick to the real core topic, it would be a shame to dilute the dense and non-speculative production information being posted since 87 pages.
    1 point
  30. It's entirely possible that they did not break the promise, but that the few people who got a unit without an IGG coupon (as far as I know we're talking about less than 4 or 5 people so far) were selected testers/developpers/commited community members + the result of limited qwertz units + a few errors as stated. I have no information whatsoever and I don't know if people were selected and upgraded, so please don't quote me out of context without this second paragraph, but it would not be shocking. Of course it would not hurt to communicate if that is the case, but if this really concerns
    1 point
  31. Aw, cmon, let us know how you really feel. 😄 I think a better feature for all launchers would be separate grid controls for portrait and landscape. I admit that I need to play more with widgets where I may run into problems that will send me back to Quickstep. I just don't like not being able to free place my widgets. You can see it in my screenshots by looking at what happens to the clock widget (but, hey, it's in the middle of the screen 😂) and the changes in the spacing between icons. But I also like that I can control the size of icons and get a 7 icon launcher bar. We'll
    1 point
  32. I feel like this was sold as a standard Android phone with a keyboard though, something that just works out of the box. You can't expect everybody to want to muck around with APNs and the like, that's what I thought the pre-production and the like was for. I do think people in general can be more patient before drawing conclusions and posting things on the internet, but it's a valid opinion to think it should just work without needing to do things people have never done with other phones.
    1 point
  33. Supertux! It does require remapping the keys (in the game options menu) to use keys that by default are et up to allow multiple keypresses. Note that supertux calls the Sym key 'left super' and both slant arrows 'right super' and both control keys 'left control'. So in my case, I'm using the right control to jump and the right slant arrow to shoot (and alt/sym on the left to move). On screen controls lake the peek function and I rarely use it, but put that on the arrows works good. You can turn off on the on-screen touchscreen controls overlay thing from the sdl settings at the begi
    1 point
  34. Clearly this issue needs to be looked into. Many people will take advantage of the unlocked bootloader, but if there is no recovery or if the phone asks for a pin code upon reset, we have a problem. @Erik, @Waxberry?
    1 point
  35. That it isn't charging anymore, does not in anyway sound like a known bug. So I fear some thing has been shaken loose or even broken by the impact. You can select to have the device charging while off. (If you can get in connect with it through fastboot) see this: https://community.fxtec.com/topic/2521-notice-regarding-getting-google-safetynet-certified-software/?tab=comments#comment-36008
    1 point
  36. I had wondered why I didn't see anything from you, but figured you were busy with reallife...guess I wasn't too far off. Hope you and your family are feeling better and that nobody starts a 'second wave'! Nice to hear that you now have a proper FxTec device 🙂 .
    1 point
  37. I don't know how it looks like inside, but maybe some cable(s) slipped out (maybe partly) inside - or worse, a connector may have been felt off partly. I would contact F(x)tec directly and ask them what is their suggestion and if they could help find out what can be the cause of your problem. Maybe warranty covers it or at least they have other suggestion - a service may be able to repair it if you (as most of the users) not have the appropriate skills to open/work on such a device. Suggestion: do not open the device if you are not familiar with electronics and definitively not ope
    1 point
  38. Nice that you are being so patient, but anyone still stuck with having to use a Priv should be moved to the top of the list in order to end their misery! 😁
    1 point
  39. You are right.. it's the beginning of where letters are that would be more centered... Being so comfortable typing on a normal keyboard I don't even realize my pinky rests on ; and not a letter in the home position, those things become taken for granted after time.
    1 point
  40. I now also have one as above, for reference my order number is #11XXX, IGG backer, UK QWERTY, paid 1 August 2019. Feeling relieved that it is finally on its way, and happy that F(x)Tec seem to be getting a bit better with communication, but that is still an area for improvement for sure.
    1 point
  41. 100% not. To do so you need a good organized Database and a well planed shipping logistic. The problem should be the QWERTZ and QWERTY difference, too. If you pack a complete batch (nobody knows how much devices is one btach, maybe only 100 Phones) you send QWERTY to USA. It is not possible to follow the correct order - or paysituation. But for everybody here I think we will get the phones and that is the only important thing. You can count it...maybe 15K Phones are ordered and paied. Take 600 Euros as a good middle balance you get 9 Millions. This is the best bas
    1 point
  42. It's a known fact that telling angry people to calm down is just making them more angry.
    1 point
  43. Wow that's just quite the clack!
    1 point
  44. Yesterday I had sent a support inquiry to Fxtec asking about transfer of warranty. Here is their response: Thanks for your message. Yes, the warranty would still be valid if you buy the device from someone else. Feel free to let us know if there's anything else we can help you with. Kind regards, F(x)tec Support
    1 point
  45. I'm still not convinced it exists, since I haven't received mine yet 😂
    1 point
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