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  1. It’s typically within 24 hours, but it’s the busiest time of the year for everyone.
    6 points
  2. I'm honestly sorry to attack you personally, since you didn't take these decisions. But what you are saying is simply wrong. The support answers very fast, which is exceptional. However, since they aren't provided with any information, the "official helpdesk" is equally useless as the conspiracy theories in the forum. The support only tries to gain some time. We even have a separated thread with official information (from Chen or you). Nobody gets their devices on Christmas, but it isn't worth a post? And don't tell me about the e-mail, which repeated what we hear every month.
    6 points
  3. Ubu chroot on Pro¹ running SFOS: Thanks Preflex and TheKit!
    5 points
  4. @Erik, thank you for stopping in and your interest and for getting us whatever information you can, even if things are changing fast.
    5 points
  5. I wouldn't base your buying decision off of the rantings of some tech journo. The people who write these articles are some of the most myopic and ignorant people that exist out there. I don't know why this is endemic to tech writers, but most of them can't seem to see 5 inches outside of their face. Let me sum up the entirety of what most tech journalists write about: "Golly gee! I only use my device for vapid consumption and ego validation on twit-face-gram-tok-gasm. There are people out there who don't spend the entirety of their lives posting needless updates about life in &l
    5 points
  6. So, after a few days I've come to the conclusion that I'm not too keen on the supplied sleeve. It was a nice gesture by F(x)Tec, considering you can pay £1000 for some phones and not get a protective cover. But I find the case a bit too tight and not too keen on using so much force to insert and take the phone out. So I decided to buy another case and found this one in a local shop. Let's see everyone else's cases.
    4 points
  7. Hi Community, I've been one of those guys just scrolling through the forum everyday but never posted anything, but now this all has become so absurd that I can't remain silent. I backed the IndieGoGo Campaign on 20.05.2017 (Backer #13**), I remember scrolling through the comments everyday to find all 'Miniupdates' that were only posted in the IGG comments. Now, two years later, I find myself still daily scrolling through a forum thread that will hit the 100 pages mark very soon to find all 'Miniupdates' only posted there. I don't wanna start about Twitter, talk.maemo.org and all that stuff.
    4 points
  8. For others who may wonder, my experience here is different, must depend on your hands or so... I find the keyboard pretty comfortable in general after about a week of use. It's nicer than n900 to me and i have 0 issues using the number row without touching the screen, i'd have to try to activate them simultaneously. The only time i accidently touch the screen often is while opening the device, it can be tricky, but it seems to get easier with time. It does need more thumb movement than the last keyboard phone i used, a nokia e72, but there are many more keys and the device is more functional.
    4 points
  9. At least one other user has regretted selling the phone... 30 minutes probably isn't enough time to get the feel for something you'll use daily for years. Maybe give it another shot?
    4 points
  10. At one point, they did mention having to rework an entire batch due to yield loss (or something). So maybe, this one got it's serial number sticker, and then they realized there was light bleed and re-inspected all the outgoing units - found your unit had light bleed - then had to wait for next batch of screens to arrive after the whole new 3rd party inspection process - which appearntly took week(s) - before it got a new screen then shipped out - with the same back cover/serial. Just a random plausible theory.
    4 points
  11. and nothing is won by people like you who justify and try to pretend black is white. by the way you are wrong, i have won anyway
    4 points
  12. Actually, staff from F(x)tec reacting to our complaints is the main way we've been getting information so far.
    4 points
  13. This forum is the only reason that I have not yet cancelled my order. I wouldn't have been confident to wait for so long without the support of this community... Many members here may feel the same way and FxTec is lucky they don't have big cancellations, only because of this forum! So it's time the company took more interest here and had someone dedicated to this forum. But again, the way things are handled and delayed, no staff may want to be seen around here. 🙂
    4 points
  14. I would venture to say most of us don't want any of that, having a keyboard gives me full control of that myself..... however that doesn't mean the toggles to turn it on/off shouldn't be there for people like you that dont get annoyed by it, I usually just turn that stuff off if its enabled. Now that wouldn't be bad. A one line bar of suggestions. There's an app I've tried key mapper, doesn't require root, for this. (In fact I factory reset and unrooted now and its working fine). I started a thread about it.
    4 points
  15. ...i mean that it is problem of all amoled displays...default color is black - led(in pixel) is off...and really dark grey is problem.it is step between led on and off. On tft, retina etc displays is never visible black due technology...because under these displays is always powered on backlight foil and all is "grey". soo if you want really black you need amoled...but not too good greyscale....if you want approx good grayscale then you must buy tft,stn,retina etc phone. AND i am not sure...fx use pentile matrix RGBW?
    4 points
  16. So, the upshot of this thread is that the title is clickbait. They aren't ignoring anyone's refund request. 🙄
    4 points
  17. Please note, this is not an official FxTec tool. It is my own creation. FxTec should not be expected to support this tool or any damage caused by its use. This tool will allow you to restore your Pro1 to a factory clean state no matter how badly it is messed up. You may use it to restore a "bricked" device or just load the latest firmware. You can find the software and detailed instructions here: Factory Restore for FxTec Pro1 Please report any issues here.
    3 points
  18. As someone who never had a keyboard smartphone before the Pro1, I would say it very much matters what you are used to. The QWERTY layout on the Pro1 might be shifted a bit, but it’s nothing different to simply getting a new keyboard for your PC. There always will be a learning curve. I find the Pro1’s keyboard much more functional than the compared devices above, particularly for the spacing on the Pro1 keyboard. Give it a week, and you’ll see how much faster and accurate you are, especially in the technical tasks such as using terminal. I will not accept disputes on this subject at all,
    3 points
  19. I guess it all depends on what you want out of a keyboard and your hands. I find this a fabulous keyboard and I have hated every Blackberry I have ever had. BB keyboards are way too small to type on with any comfort or accuracy. Thank heavens we still have a few choices.
    3 points
  20. Yeh maybe you shouldnt follow this thread then Because you also lack to understand some basic logic and rules of business. if people received emails, asked to pay right now to ensure their delivery by mid september, and here its already the end of 2019.
    3 points
  21. This device definitely does not look cheap. Its sleek and smooth and clean, open and closed. I haven't tried looking for leaking glue tho, and don't plan to.
    3 points
  22. I think it's not that black or white. While it sucks that fxtec mostly lost pre orderers to the resellers (which is honestly their fault at this point) at least with how fast the reseller stock was sold out this should send out a good signal that there is demand for the pro1 which bodes well for keyboard sliders in general (hopefully). Also I wouldn't expect the deal with the resellers to be so bad compared to production costs, what is the point of dealing with them in the first place then?
    3 points
  23. I don't see any glue or so with the screen, it looks pretty nice to me... Not a huge fan of the curved edges yet but I really wouldn't say the device looks cheap in any way.
    3 points
  24. I want a terrace! All I have is a cement block with a giant crack in it pretending to be a patio :(
    3 points
  25. The community is for use by the community - it is unstaffed and it’s ran by the community. I am here out of personal interest only. We keep speech as free as possible. On a side note, we have a perfectly fine help desk where everyone gets timely and personal answers. The community forums are not a place to reach out to us, or to request official help, even though the forums are under our domain. We mostly monitor it without intervention, unless if something is terribly wrong.
    3 points
  26. I wonder why they didn't close it the minute it was opened. It is their forum, they don't have to take abuse and slander. It's a strong point for them and their honesty that they don't immediately delete (not just close) such threads.
    3 points
  27. This phone had all the right ingredients to be a huge hit, but I absolutely hate it. The whole point was the keyboard, and it's just awful. If you're waiting for one, beware that the screen edges activate while you type on the number row, the keys are slippery and hard to type on, and the whole layout is shifted to the right causing thumb cramps. Oh also - the stereo speakers fire out the sides. Not toward you. Anyway, if you still want to buy it, I'll ship it to you asap: https://www.ebay.com/itm/FxTec-Pro-1-Android-keyboard-phone/114025919171
    2 points
  28. The QWERTY Keyboard is shifted relative to a regular PC keyboard, or relative to the number row - all the letters are one key over to the right. Thus they put a few non-letter keys to the left of the letters. The theory was to make it more comfortable to type letters. The reason some may not like it is cuz it' takes a little getting used to cuz keys arent exactly where you expect them to be.
    2 points
  29. Yeah, they pretty much sell a QWERTZ variant while not providing any visuals of the layout on the website. I don't doubt you can get used to the QWERTY one, but you can kind of tell how the QWERTZ layout was shaped by the community.
    2 points
  30. OK. Thanks for your answers! So I did not miss too much within almost 100 pages here. The production status we know today is: batch 1+2 are out and a retailer-batch, too (maybe this has been batch 3 with the higher percentage of qwertz). And the serial number thread indicates that there are considerably less than 200 devices out in the wild. (maybe 160, a quarter via retailers?) Somewhere in the thread were "informed speculations" about preorders: maximum 1000 IGG backers (probable much less) about 10.000 oreordered devices with a big impreciseness
    2 points
  31. We had #1 for a while, we need just a few more votes to win :)!
    2 points
  32. Thank you very much. Apparently I have the number 22 bought from Dragonbox 3 days ago. oO
    2 points
  33. No and no. It is, for one, in other words just what F(x)tec wrote here in this forum, and, secondly, it should be obvious for anyone who at least has a bare minimum of basic logic and economic common sense. And it is really too funny that those who are most obnoxiously complaining about F(x)tec's bad communication don't even read what they write (and actually even expect others to read it out to them). And this is the end of this discussion for me at this point. —————————————————— I never wanted to follow this thread in the first place, especially not since it turne
    2 points
  34. No customer claimed having received anything from batch 3, as far as I know. The one at the warehouse on 2019-12-13 was batch 2. Batch 3 does seem like it started shipping before the 2019-12-11 [1][2 (3rd paragraph)]. It is also seemingly starting to ship this week [3]. If the combination of the two previous sentences makes no sense to you, don't worry, it does not to me either. Could be that the devices from the first batch 3 were the ones sent to resellers. Hopefully not, because the way this was presented would make that more than a little dishonest. Whether batches are still goin
    2 points
  35. Sorry. I lost the track about the current status of batches and so on. (many messages to read, many things are happening here 🙂 ) As far as I know there has been a "batch 1": arrived some time ago. US-part of this patch is lost space at the moment "batch 2": produced November / shipping week DEC2-6 / replacement for batch 1 US and some others worldwide. "special batch for retails": see long discussions. arrived retailers, got resend, arrived at lucky customers. "batch 3": produced DEC2-6 / shipping week DEC9-13 / has been at warehouse on DEC 13, no stock assignment mai
    2 points
  36. Don't use SystemUI tuner.
    2 points
  37. To be fair you have to recognize that Erik is an utter badass if he is doing this on his own initiative. The alternative (if he was not doing this) is nothing but the update emails and support. That would be terrible! I think fxtec's communication strategy makes sense given the intent of having actual pre-orders as opposed to crowdfunding. They might have been better off doing actual crowdfunding or recognizing early that the "real consumer order" thing wasn't going to work well without hiccups, but who am I to judge. Edit: honestly imho the entire conflict in the community is
    2 points
  38. Boo! Selling your soul to the reseller devil for a buck that takes 100 out of F(x)tec's not deep pockets. This is short-sighted.
    2 points
  39. i checked out LOS briefly for the first time on pro1 and it seemed very nice 🙂 stock turns out to be more practical for testing something i'm poking at though, so i'm stuck with that for a while
    2 points
  40. BTW...about softkeys (navkeys) on bottom...what i want is classic layout as on all droid phones - menu-home(recent)-back-search...this is the best layout for me
    2 points
  41. I canceled my cancellation request 🙂 There are more benefits than the keyboard and after researching a bit more the hardware isn't that bad after all. At least sufficient for my needs.
    2 points
  42. Makes me think of Italian Job. The original 1969 (i think) movie. Charlie Crocker (Michael Caine) says to his taylor: "erm... and shorten the sleeves, will ya, love? I'm not a gorilla!" 🤣
    2 points
  43. I'll take all of them! Honey, Sweetie, Baby, Babes, Muffin, Cupcake, Noodle, Dolly, Love (I call so many people Babes, Sweetie and Love - man or woman). I would have made a great 50s housewife. Instead I am an IT Project Manager with a Masters degree who has to work to pay off student loans. Maybe next life...next life I will be a 50s housewife or a cat that belongs to a really rich old lady.
    2 points
  44. Chicago says Term of Endearment.
    2 points
  45. Yes, there is a difference. But it is the reaction upon such differences that makes the real difference. WRT the "principles" see below. From all that's been said it seems quite clear that as long as the hardware is not already on its way, the money can still be refunded and will be. And now about your German "principle". For one, everyone buying a Pro1 is buying themselves an expensive toy. If people were starving because the food they ordered didn't come, things were different, but here my sympathy is limited – and it is limited because of my very own principles.
    2 points
  46. If my husband says to me, "You're my girl.", it's cute and sweet. He refers to me and my cat as "his girls" and I love it. If he were to say, "You're my woman.", it would take on a WHOLE different connotation. I think that you were trying to be pithy or amusing and it just failed abysmally for you. Thanks @AnnieC and @kaythe for understanding.
    2 points
  47. Wow. Though I read this info by you in some other post ages ago. It is only now that "it clicked" in my head. This phone is humongous! For some reason I was only thinking "eh... it's a little bit thicker, ok, whatever, no problem". But seeing that a Note 7 case is about the right fit!? Haha it'll be my biggest phone ever by a large margin, and yet I'm sure I'll love it. 😂 Fxtec, bring them on!
    2 points
  48. The 6 months are likely about charge-backs. The actual period during which you have this option solely depends on your bank, as far as I know. It's also a last measure kind of thing, and it's not warranted here. Basically, the bank protects your from fraudulent merchants that fail to deliver without reimbursing you. It breaks the suspicion of innocence on the merchant's part: by default, the customer wins, unless the merchant can prove they did nothing wrong. Do not use this against F(x)tec at this time. You would basically be abusing a rather significant customer protection law (and thus, pro
    2 points
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