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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/27/2020 in Posts

  1. Found the specs on the new device Head here for details! SCNR
    7 points
  2. Excellent idea! Let us add @Erik and @Elysia to make sure they see it. Some might also want to buy spares (e.g. me...)
    5 points
  3. They ought to make a spare parts perk with a keyboard for Pro1 owners. @Waxberry @Erik @Elysia
    4 points
  4. Looks like they are giving up on the shifted keyboard layout.
    4 points
  5. People who have "normal jobs 'n stuff" can pay the normal price. Leave "early bird" offers to the rest! 😜
    4 points
  6. I had one of my clients order a Pro1 for me after purchasing a Cosmo Communicator myself. The Cosmo was a huge let down in many aspects. I had hoped to get a Pro1 shortly after. A year later and I still have no Pro1 after having it ordered in November 2019. The reason I'm posting today is, I got an email promoting the new Pro1-X. I would be quite pleased if they would send a Pro1-X instead, or send an email asking if we'd rather use the money we already gave to FXTec to put towards a Pro1-X instead. How long do I have to wait for a QWERTY phone?
    3 points
  7. Since i got my Pro1, the proximity sensor (light sensor) is one of my biggest sources of irritation. Both on the original Android and on LOS, it prevents me from making phone calls without inadvertently hanging up or changing the screen brightness. The proximity sensor does not always register my ear pressed to the loudspeaker, the screen switches on, and the touchscreen registers touches from my earlobe and cheek. This happens with the phone app as well as with the Signal messenger, but it might be worse with Signal. With the app DevCheck, I found that the proximity sensor (TXC PA22A) on
    3 points
  8. I think f(x)tec should offer you one phone for free, considering the time and effort you have dedicated to this forum 👍 I'm sure that many users would have lost motivation about the Pro1 project if you were not present here 🙄
    3 points
  9. https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2020/10/fxtec-pro1-x-sliding-keyboard-phone
    3 points
  10. So... really cool about the proX and congrats on reaching the goal in under 3 hours @Waxberry! Despite just getting my pro1 3 weeks ago, I was hoping you would have a new model in the works 'cause I want to see you doing good. In the future I would need a company that makes phones I would actually buy. 😄 Three questions: Besides the 2 extra GB of RAM, improved keyboard layout and double storage, are there any other hardware differences? Software-wise would anything impede us pro1 owners to have the same OSes installed and have the same experience as on the proX? Does it
    3 points
  11. You seem to be Portuguese as well so I'll just point out that physical key layout is not the same as software layout. I'm writing this on my Pro1 and I can type é è à á ç ã etc without issue. I'm using the FinQwerty app with the US Intl layout btw.
    3 points
  12. These are mostly software problems which may more likely to be fixed if this IGG campaign will be successful. It may also help keeping the possibility of a future Pro2. Selling the same hardware (with only some increased specs) is may be because they most likely not satisfied fully with the number of sold Pro1 or they feel it can be gained a bit. Practically we may say this also affects their long-term plans. Modifying the hardware may be a later job and that is much more complicated and more expensive. What is the problem with SD cards (except I feel it could be faster whic
    3 points
  13. An official protective case (back and screen) would also be a great thing. My Pro1 is sitting on my desk since I got it because I fear of breaking it, and I feel bad wasting such a good phone. I try to take care of my phones as I can, but they inevitably end falling on the floor from time to time (my Jolla 1 has a cracked screen, broke and replaced my Xperia X's screen, dropped 3-4 times my Xperia10 but it survived thanks to a TPU case and a tempered glass screen protector).
    3 points
  14. @WaxberryCan we have perks to order AZERTY mats or even better keyboard replacement kits? I already own two Pro1s one of them has a dodgy keyboard mats I wish I could replace without bothering your support and service team.
    3 points
  15. So basically the same hardware, with some added storage and RAM. Biggest differentiating factor is the software. This seems like good news for LineageOS support on the original at least, I'm guessing a lot of that overlaps. But this doesn't bode good for "official" Android support, that was already subpar I think, and now that seems to be dropped even further. I do hope firmware and the like will be kept up to date for longer now. The similar hardware is also good and bad. Good in that repair support is likely to be possible for longer since the hardware is similar. But on the other hand,
    3 points
  16. So it's a Pro1 with preinstalled LOS and 256GB storage/8GB RAM. Interesting but not interesting for someone who already owns a Pro1.
    3 points
  17. https://www.androidpolice.com/2020/10/27/fxtecs-new-pro1-x-keyboard-slider-is-the-first-phone-to-ship-with-lineageos/ Now about the software on our current phones...
    3 points
  18. Ordered mine on 19 Feb. 2020 if memory serves me and I got it about 3 weeks ago. Since I've only had phones with a physical QWERTY keyboard, it was worth the wait. The device itself is all I wanted in a smartphone: a mini laptop, not a social-media centric slab that dangles awesome hardware specs in front of you with no adequate input method. 🙂
    3 points
  19. I wonder if we could get retrofit kits for the original Pro1, it would be great.
    2 points
  20. Thank you for the many compliments. I feel sorry and regret a little that I was only thinking of the ones who can print home and adjust offsets etc. by themselves. We don't have such a 3D printing service for personal use where I live... I should have tested well before I share it. I intentionally made this case tight-fit to hold the Pro1 body (it should be slightly tight). Unlike other smartphones, I can't wrap whole dimensions for Pro1's case because I need to open/close the keyboard. Inner sides need to be open for both front and rear parts. When I printed the case in larger dimensi
    2 points
  21. I'm sorry @Erik but since you are our local hero and solver of problems, I'm tagging you here.
    2 points
  22. Since a lot of this will hinge on what the shipper or the new person in your old apartment did with it, can you go over and ask them if they got a package for you and what they did with it? F(x) Tec is likely to take a while to get back to you, honestly, because of the new campaign. It might be a week or two. Do you have any information on who shipped it or a tracking number. If so, you could query the shipper. Tough situation. Hope it gets resolved. But freaking out won't help, though I understand. It's a problem to try and solve. Not much else I can suggest... except make
    2 points
  23. I thought they were referring to a perk with just a spare keyboard (the new one) and screen. Lol.
    2 points
  24. That is the very same hardware which is expected to ship in March next year. It has an improved hardware option but definitively it isn't a 2nd generation, so all issues exists here will exists there, thus, all pending issues should be ironed out also here. As of the pending pre-orders, they should be fulfilled before these new orders will be shipped and as timeframe is big, it should very likely happen. Also, as far as I read well, they will try to ship them as fast as possible, so it may potentially result in a "constant output" of manufacturing.
    2 points
  25. I just received an email saying "For those that missed out on our Super Early Bird perks, we have now added another super special perk. Get them before they go!" However, I see nothing different.
    2 points
  26. They just posted this design in the IGG comments:
    2 points
  27. I grabbed a $599 early bird as soon as I found the announcement in my email (about 2hrs late) ...before I actually stopped to look at the specs... So it's just the exact same phone I have right now, but with more RAM/EMMC, and blue. I too may cancel my pledge before this ends. Unless they plan on announcing indiestarter goals such as phone cases I'm not too keen on just buying the same phone I already have...
    2 points
  28. They are the same in this relation, so it strengthens also the support of existing Pro1s.
    2 points
  29. I am all for this, just don't neglect the standard Pro1 and please finish Android 10.
    2 points
  30. I don't think that would beat my custom ones 🙂
    2 points
  31. Instead of fixing: - ugly green hue on lower resolutions - hardware camera button being hardcoded to worst camera app ever - clicking sound on headphones - no ability to get national symbols on hardware keyboard - problems with microSD cards - this horrible curved screen you are making this abomination called Pro1-X which is just Pro-1 with more memory(8GB RAM is not even needed) having the same hardware design problems(horrible fingerprint button placement, curved screen) and I guess same software ones. Pro1 after almost a year still feels like some prototype device i
    2 points
  32. I spend like a good minute doing spot the difference on the proto pics and wondering what I was missing 😅
    2 points
  33. Excellent! Did not spot that 😁
    2 points
  34. Nice to see that the Scandinavian layout is present on the Indiegogo page for the Pro1-X (https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/pro1-x-smartphone-functionality-choice-control#/). 😀 I just see that "$" and "€" are still swapped on the Scandinavian layout: Is there a particular reason why they are not located the same way as on the QWERTZ layout?
    2 points
  35. This feels like the same phone with just a few minor tweaks. Biggest changes are software related. Extra ram is great, but I don't really care about the extra storage. 128gb is more than enough to start and expansion cards are cheap. Wished the saved the money or dropped the price. At 499, early birds got a great deal. But it's really tough to keep justifying the SD835. It's not getting any younger Am I missing anything here?
    2 points
  36. Exactly the same phone, but more storage for some models? Yeah... No. I would at least expect a tad better processor. This one runs OK but this CPU is now at the end of its legs. It is now three years old, and older when the phone actually ships. That Christmas perk? Sorry, I'm as much an F(x)tec fan as the next person in line but I don't trust a release in such a short timespan. Plus: that blue is... no thanks.
    2 points
  37. This does raise a point, what's the bootloader like on this new one? The current one has a locked bootloader that can easily be unlocked. But you can't just lock it with LineageOS I think because it checks if the original ROM is on there or something (not sure). I am guessing that for BYOD policies they check if the bootloader is locked, or if the safetynet thing passes (which checks the bootloader among other things). This isn't possible to pass on LineageOS without rooty shenanigans, which I'm sure would be even worse for BYOD situations. The reason the Pro1 has a locked bootloader is to pas
    2 points
  38. I wonder from the context if this is not just a translation issue. My guess would be that they mean "casing" - but I hope I'm wrong.
    2 points
  39. Oh please, please release an official case!
    2 points
  40. I think the black variant looks much better too. The way the antenna lines are slightly visible as an ornament I find very elegant. The black on blue lines... not so much. But I'm sure some Old-Nokia fans will find it a nostalgia trip. The XDA print at the bottom part I certainly hope is an initall sketch, or it will need a sticker or a case - that detail looks horrible in my oppinion
    2 points
  41. Android Police published it too early.
    2 points
  42. I actually prefer phones built mostly out of plastic, at least for the outside parts, as long as it's good quality and well designed (I guess plastic cases tend to have to be made a bit thicker). Plastic tends to look better when worn a bit, and absorbs impacts better, etc. The main downside of course is higher thermal resistance.
    2 points
  43. Indeed, this is basically what we do with a P20 Pro shell. So yes that would certainly work. I think the reason some of us 'like' the flip-case, is more like in lack of a better option. But the case @LIMA presented, certainly looks like a fine alternative.
    2 points
  44. I gotta say I find all this hype very annoying. Finish pro¹ damnit, talking about something else when pro¹ still not delivered just pisses me off. Finish shipping peoples orders. Ship our headphones. Finish the stock software, there's still people using it that have been waiting a friggen year now! Just pisses me off every time I get another email about this something special bullshit. FINISH DELIVERING WHAT YOU ALREADY PROMISED BEFORE MAKING ANY NEW PROMISES, PLEASE. Ten minutes to preorder something new? Who would be stupid enough to do that if they are alreaedy faimilar with thi
    2 points
  45. Thankfully we have the Angelic Blessing of Heaven to fix that. See: https://github.com/Fxtec-Community/Pro1-Android/issues/6 Whatever issue you may have could also be remotely related to: https://github.com/Fxtec-Community/Pro1-Android/issues/5
    2 points
  46. Unfortunately, we don't know the progress of delivery or what kind of contracts they have or what solutions they may try to find. So currently they are the only one who knows what is possible to achieve or what is not. I really hope if they can do "something special", that means they are in the finish line of delivering all of their existing pre-orders. Also our existing Pro1 may benefit of XDA collaboration if it means they can help in software development in any ways. Don't forget, basically F(x)tec is a hardware development company, so what they may really need is some help in so
    1 point
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