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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. Never uses PTP either, but it CAN make sense if you want to show images on some computer you are not 100% happy connecting to. As the PC is not supposed to be able to access other than the photostuff. (the pc can still copy/delete/modify those, but should not be able to do it outside the picture folders)
  2. No, never seen it. I use 3C battery monitor (or rather the extension 3C Toolbox) to see what enters into the battery and a USB Volt+meter to check what the charger supplies. (and sometimes a 220V Watt-meter to see what the charger pulls)
  3. Finqwerty is not an 'active' app. It 'just' presents the system with some alternative pre-fabricated .kcm keymaps, and lets the system do all the active work. The KeyMapper is installed as a keyboard driver, that is an active app, and let you map things one by one. Nice versatility, but quite a bit of work to set up fully. I do not know if the setups can be exported and edited in an editor and reimported though - that could help. (Unless I'm mistaken the keymapper only handles individual keys not combinations, but i could be wrong) KeyMapper requires a LOT of high privileges, so
  4. Suggestion: Remap Keyboard close/open to something different than current F5/F6 - My least bad suggestion would be Media_close and Media_eject.
  5. You beat me to it, yes. that is the one. Anyone can try installing e.g. KeyEvent
  6. Well if if the Yellow arrows becomes Meta then why not let the Logo become Fn? And map Fn+] respectively Fn+Y as home (for qwertY and qwertZ), the key just above the logo, so very easy to press with one finger... And PERHAPS (similar to press and release Alt with Gboard) let Press and release Fn do Home as it currently does, if this does not require some special coding. Giving both the existing and potential additional behaviour.... Fn+1..0 plus next two could give F1 to F12.
  7. Well it might work while closed, but I doubt they would stick when slid open, but could be worth a try. Note though that the hard edges could be complex to modify for the buttons and fingerprint reader. Being creative, what about modifying TWO sets? One for each part of the Pro1, cutting down the covering back on one case and the front on the other case...
  8. Did you expect the display to be as good as the five year old Priv? 😇 ...Jokes aside 441DPI is not a bad resolution at all, actually even 10% finer than the Pro1 (an aPple Iphony 11 has 326DPI). Most humans can see details down to around 1/11000 of the viewing distance, as the extreme limit. (Note this is not a need, but what it is pointless beyond). So if held more than 25" (or 63cm) away you can not see the details, holding it a bit closer it will only be extreme images that would have looked better on a Priv. So that should not be what should hold you back on the Titan.
  9. I see this on a Pro1 too. Pure stock, no rooting or the like.
  10. For a period it is (I do not know how long) Just tell what you want changed, and I can do it 🙂
  11. Interesting. Though neither of those are 'edge type' ...Hmm... we will need keep looking. Something matching the new Galaxy S20+ might be interesting even though it is way too long, but perhaps it might be modified with three sides preserved. On one of these
  12. Well the answer to the "why" is easy: Because the symbols are printed in yellow in top right corner and not white, to indicate that you should use the yellow arrow pointing top right. If you then ask why they are printed in yellow and not white in the first place, I can not offer a logic explanation. Maybe an aesthetic choice? Personally I don't really care about easy access to anything on the current qwerty as it is partly shifted and thus messed up anyway *LOL* Though a work-around for qwerty could map Alt+L and Alt+P as doublets, as Alt would be sticky. Or just to use FinQWERTY
  13. Yes, it was discussion earlier, see the following comments to the linked. My best guess would be a note7 Front-over-back if that even exists, and we will expect that to have edge issues. So the least unlikely candidate I guess would be a shell intended for the screen-side of a Note7, that is intended to be used with a film or flat back-protector (I have never seen that set-up)
  14. Sorry if my English is unclear. I meant that if the symbols not above the letters (e.g. over the digits) are only supposed to be accessible with the YellowArrow and not by Shift, it would be much more important to have those sticky, and that could be done by letting these send Meta-Left and Meta-Right. As Meta is one of the key-types sticky with Alpha. On the other hand if accessible by BOTH shift and sticky it will for qwertY only affect symbols on L and P not being accessible with sticky, BUT we are talking fourteen on the qwertZ : on Q, W, E, R , U, I, O, P, Ü , L, Ö, Ä , Y and M...
  15. Well we expected at the least the first part see discussions on the different variants with front-over-back or back-over-front previous in this thread.
  16. Well it was my bug confusing with irrelevant USB-debugging.. 🥴
  17. The point is that sticky to get to symbols would be much more important than two clicks shortcuts (IMHO). Especially if they { F(x)tec } do not want shift to double to the access above the digits.
  18. It would be better to let the yellow arrow do Meta rather than Fn. As this will allow for sticky if Full is changed to Alpha, See other thread.
  19. It is slightly left of the speaker. Note that it got quite a delay in reacting to changes, but pressing power off and on, triggers a new read.
  20. 2.4 Works fine here too. I noticed a setting Multi/Single under connections before pressing GO I have tried both, and immediately pressing GO. The colour is different for single, otherwise the same. (a tiny bit slower in single)
  21. I saw in the long case thread @wilhelmfitzpatrick has fitted a carbon fibre skin for a note 10, and it looked quite good.
  22. I'm on 5GHz here. As you see it with WiFi only, does it make a difference if you pop out the SIM? (Just to narrow it down)
  23. Unfortunately it seems like swiftkey messes with that. I know no usable workaround, sorry.
  24. The point of a "teardown" skin over another skin is that it looks like you can peep into it.... So to improve the illusion you should be able to 'look in' everywhere. If you want that AND easy access to the screws, well then the foil would need cut outs for the screw-stickers and screw image-stickers on top of the stickers hiding the screws....
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