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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. OpenGapps only supports up to 11, not 12. So that does not work. You will need a factory reset after switching to MindTheGapps in my experience, after having had bootloop.
  2. (lineage-19.1-20220725-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on July 5 security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-12.1.0-arm64-20220605_174313)
  3. Oh and comparing time frames: The Planet computers Astroglide that started in March 2020 (That is seven months before the Pro1X), should have produced 2000 units and "and will be sent to the warehouse in Hong Kong soon.", so I guess they have encountered similar problems as the rest of the industry. Only making it more impressive that the Slim has been sent out. I wonder if it made a difference in getting what they needed that both FxTex and Planet are British companies, where I believe UniHertz is based in Hong Kong.
  4. The big difference being that UniHertz had test samples before going to Kickstarter in May. FxTec had to rediesign the whole inner works after they had taken the pledges and was swindled. UniHertz started their design phase one-two months before FxTec started their redesign. Also remember that all the major inner components of the Slim and their Pocket are identical, so software and most likely almost(?) all drivers from the Pocket could be reused, so little software development (if any?). Just like the Pro1X was supposed to be versus the Pro1 before the swindle. But indeed impressiv
  5. Stick-splitting it was not a full delivery, it was delivered without the "unibuds" that was part of accessories to the pledge I took. ADD I: Got a mail that they should be on their way in a separate parcel. ADD II: Got them from Amazon (?)
  6. Oh just found out they delivered it in my carport two hours ago, without neither me nor the dog I'm taking care of noticing! So UniHertz won the race.... ADD: I put a bit about the Slim here https://eskerahn.dk/?p=4539.
  7. Personally nothing.... Bought it out of curiosity as I did with the Titan pocket, that have been on my desktop since I got it - still with protective plastic on the display, and the only thing I have done with it are the Google wizard restore and numerous later updates of the apps. Except once where I used the GPS in a walk around the border of my lawn, to compare the accuracy with the reception from my Automower.... The GPS of the titan is much better in getting an accurate position than both my Pro1 with stock android and the Automower
  8. I made three 'polls' so we can see the progress of the deliveries of the Pro1X. So please 'vote' so others can see how things progress. It is divided into three individual polls for technical reasons: 1/3 Shipping Info 2/3 Surcharges 3/3 Delivered This thread is meant for general discussion on getting a Pro1X
  9. Glad I did not take that bet.... Just got a mail from UPS that my Titan reached Hamburg, so most likely I will have it Monday or Tuesday. Got it, see below
  10. I did too, back in October 2020 to support the whole idea...
  11. Sounds good to me, but have no idea if it do to them.
  12. Indeed it is a very illusive bug. If you look in the Nokia thread, p3, they had a small update in February that fixed it, so it clearly is a known issue that can be handled.
  13. They have in broad terms talked about this as general issues. But if FxTec publicly point at some companies in particular and blame them, it is hardly going to improve the relation, and thus not exactly speed up things. Most likely they will just get an answer like: "Feel free to take your business elsewhere"
  14. (I noticed on the AICP download site that at the least some devices are on their third iteration of 'S', e.g. Pixel 5a, so hope we will get a less buggy version soon)
  15. And this is precisely the problem FxTec and many many others in all kind of branches are faced with... It isn't even limited to tech. Sure we have paid to fxtec so they are the one we can blame, and they can blame someone else and so on, perhaps in a long chain - but it unfortunately will not bring the devices closer to our hands, so rather futile. FxTec isn't a huge player with a lot of punch. If someone does not do what they have promised, what exactly do you think FxTec can do? Most often they are faced with only two options: More waiting, or looking for alternatives - and either mea
  16. We have in the lineage threads for 18 and 19, as well as AICP-R had a number of posts on a strange charging issue, where it keeps the battery at a stable level, neither charging nor discharging while connected. This seems not to be limited to the Pro1, but is an issue that also affects the Pro1. See the post I made here in the Lineage 19 thread. Unfortunately this common problem is rather illusive, as it is not easy to say how to trigger or avoid it. All we know for sure is that it is temporarily gone after a reboot. I have tried multiple times to find a 100% reproducible method, b
  17. It may be the easiest for FxTec as it is out of their hands, but that does not mean that it will be fast... 'everyone' is whinning over how hard it is to get stuff from China, that a few years back was as easy as pie to get... Just heard about the bicycle(!) sellers in Denmark having two years of backlog as they can not get the parts they are used to.... Had anyone guessed this crisis would last this long, local production would have been (re)started for many things.... On the other hand some things still gets here within a few days. So have no idea on the finer details in what is go
  18. (lineage-19.1-20220718-nightly-pro1-signed.zip on July 5 security patch installed smoothly using adb sideload and MindTheGapps-12.1.0-arm64-20220605_174313)
  19. I doubt it is hardware, as we 'only' have it reported in here for Lineage 18+19 and AICP-R and neither Stock Pie nor Sailfish nor earlier Lineage/AICP. However it COULD well be that something in Android 11/12 (And thus Lineage 18/19) needs to be set up differently than what it is currently to work correctly with the Pro1, so could well be outside what is changed by the LineageOS implementation. If we had a plain AOSP 11 or 12, we could see if it has the same problems. BUT as we have not (yet) found a consistent way of triggering the bug, it is really hard to test/debug what is going on.
  20. Interesting that you detected QC charge issues as well, but that is unfortunately an additional bug you found... I'm not using QC and the bug I see is NOT that it will not draw power. It keeps the phones battery at a stable level. So the attached power DO feed the phone, but without really charging (or discharging) the battery.
  21. Though I doubt that it is software, you could try to install and run KeyEvent. Showing the make and break codes for each key. If you press one key, and keep it down, and then another you will see that it you wil get independent codes, and two different up's If you do the same with the two shift keys, you will see that they act as parallel. Press and hold 1, the press and hold the other, and relase the first then the second, and it acts exactly as if it was one key. The yellow arrows does not (and if they work, the ctrls act in the same way as the shifts(
  22. I hope you are right 😁 Though we never found a way to consistently trigger the bug, so hard to say for sure. Has anyone that updated to 20220711 seen the charging-bug since? Bad news: Just managed to trigger it...... (at 67%) What I did was: In unlocked state, Plugged, unplugged and replugged a few times Locked, waited three minutes (while it was charging on a table). Picked it up and unlocked the device with fingerprint Unplugged and replugged Tried to do exactly the same after a reboot, but it did NOT trigger it again, so not a consistent method, Tried
  23. He he. If so I doubt things would work as relative well as they did... Especially the camera But is a bit odd that it is 'released' in a state where I can not even do a clean wiped GAPPS-free flash and boot it.... So I assume that in special conditions an upgrade might work. An obviously thing to try would be a clean gapps-free wiped AICP-R and then do a AICP-S flash without wiping. I have not tried that (yet?) Tried, no cigar...
  24. See this thread for working install: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Below is initial attempts where I used a wrong boot image Using this AICP.S mage aicp_pro1_s-17.1-WEEKLY-20220713.zip I was super optimistic and went from 16.1 with OpenGapps to 17.1 and MindTheGapps 12 in one go, without a factory reset (=wipe). ...and that did not go well,,,, I got a boot-loop (I used the recovery-image from Lineage lineage-19.1-20220711-recovery-pro1.img) Then did a factory reset, and it booted - obviously with
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