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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/13/2019 in all areas

  1. Hi everyone, A small informal update for you. As you should be aware by now, my updates do not represent what PR might have to say, but I'll give you the latest and best to my knowledge. As per the last time you received a director's update, there's nothing significantly new - our team is still working really hard to meet our own deadlines to fulfil all pre-orders and launch before the festive season. While stock rotations between warehouses (factory > Hong Kong hub > US & UK/EU) took slightly longer than initially predicted, due to the customs and weekends off, the first b
    48 points
  2. From now on we will use the thread below for news. This one is for commenting.
    13 points
  3. Thank you Erik for this update! maybe should disable posting in this thread, delet our messages and leave discussions to other threads. Edit: this was my answer on the on the new info thread before beeing moved
    9 points
  4. ....And the first nine are in, will try to find time to test later. But here the preproduction unit slipped into an unmodified Note7 flip-case, before cutting holes. Even the closing mechanism works!! Though it is 3cm at the very widest over clasp
    8 points
  5. 6 points
  6. A cynical person might say that the update from Erik is a distraction from the apparent lack of any of the tracking numbers that Liangchen suggested on Monday were "likely" by today. Good thing there are no cynical people on this forum.
    6 points
  7. Yayayayayayaya!!! Thank you for the communication! It means alot to us all waiting and I am not gonna lie.... I may have to wait for the third batch but I am SUPER EXCITED! Whoop! 🙂
    6 points
  8. Here is an interesting bit of information. I am subscribed to the dragonbox newsletter due to pre ordering the pyra years ago: Grab your new smartphone with physical keyboard now! It took quite a while since the last keyboard-slider phone, the Droid4 had been released! So many fans out there were anticipating the release of the Droid5 which sadly never happened. Then there was the Gemini clamshell phone, which was pretty good as well - but not everyone liked the keyboard and it had the issue tha
    6 points
  9. Add another to the very dissatisfied. I've been lurking here for a long time and have seen the hyperbole from both the fan boys and trolls. Both have some valid points but fxtec isn't doing it's self any favors. It would have been far better for them to under promise and over perform. If my significant other was giving me the kind of slippery information fxtec has been peddling they wouldn't be trusted or significant for very long. I'm giving it till Saturday to at the minimum hear from one of those first batch people then I'm out.
    6 points
  10. This is actually a well-reasoned analysis. I would add the possibility of one other factor-- that the second and future batches might go faster simply because many logistics procedures and problems were worked through with the first batch. So, having seen the product already, customs might be smoother, the logistics in shipping to warehouses has been ironed out, etc. Like most things, guesses on my part. I don't know that that is true and I don't have enough experience in logistics to know for sure. Just a thought.
    5 points
  11. I tested the above mentioned, and fitted the flip case. See this for details, Here one of the images
    4 points
  12. @Erik thank you so much for the update! This is the kind of marketing that fxtec needs to do! Consistent communication is so important.
    4 points
  13. @EskeRahn @Doktor Oswaldo @A Dude have we all just seen @Erik update? I am gonna be honest! I am super optimistic! You guys have all got orders before mine so expect picture spam and a heads up to any tricks or shortcuts or apps that work best! Thank you in advance! 🙏😉 @Hook I can't believe to add you in this! Between the 4 of you all you should have all sorted in time for when I get mine! 🙂
    4 points
  14. I beg You not to forget people like myself in here, albeit it's probably hard to estimate the number of people with almost their CCs in their hands just waiting to see preorderers receive their Pro1's to click the "Buy" button. I'm actually hanging out for the first independent reviews from something like techradar as well, but I'm pretty sure there's a lot more cautiously-natured people interested than just me.
    4 points
  15. That was me, in late October. Doing exactly what ksal95 replied to you, since it just has been exactly two weeks since then. It may feel like eternity to customers, but it really is not much in reality, especially with several days of public holidays in many European countries during the first two weeks of November. I am impatient, but have more pressing matters than trying to decipher and enumerate the multiple reasons why production, custom clearance, shipping, stock management and overall logistics could be delayed for a startup that has no leverage to pressure contractors.
    4 points
  16. My order number is bigger than 30,000. So I'll go for "at least 35k orders". 35k orders 2587 users 77 (now :D) with 10+ posts 10 power-complaining => 7.4% of people who ordered, registered on this forum (every 14ths person) 0.22% are active on the forum (every 455ths person) 0.029% voice that they are very unhappy (one in 3500 persons) If you sell a product and only one out of 3500 customers complains, I'd argue, you did a good job! 🙂 Edit: This might also explain, why Fxtec does not hang around here - because they would only reach l
    4 points
  17. These quotes come from This is contradictory, you can't have the orders be on the way to customers, and also have it be fulfilled. That's not what fulfilled means. I'm guessing it's meant that they're ready to ship towards customers from whatever warehouse they're in now. Let's take these estimations and calculate how many days it takes to get from the factory, to customers. The first batch was sent out from factories on the 29th of October. 29th of October to the 14th of November (earliest what I'd call of "late this week"), is 16 days. However, since holidays and weekends ar
    3 points
  18. You conveniently left off, from the same message: " *Should happen but not definitely, if not then Thursday" It's noon Wed where I am. Let's wait and see. Sheesh. 🙄
    3 points
  19. This is last update: "As per the last time you received a director's update, there's nothing significantly new - our team is still working really hard to meet our own deadlines to fulfil all pre-orders and launch before the festive season. While stock rotations between warehouses (factory > Hong Kong hub > US & UK/EU) took slightly longer than initially predicted, due to the customs and weekends off, the first batch has been fulfilled and is on it's way to the customers that have been emailed, even if there's no tracking yet - it's coming. We expect everyone from the first batch
    3 points
  20. That's a very polite understatement!!!! 😉
    3 points
  21. Your calculation is extremely wrong. It was said before that we can expect up to 3000 paid orders, it's probably even less. Order numbers seem to be given for any phone sitting in a cart (in order to prevent double orders), but not being paid yet. That fits with the 2.5k users in the forum, although many of them will be spectators not having bought a device yet (speaking of future user base). Let's say at least 30% of the orders are registered users in this forum, which would mean 1000 orders with forum "activity". The amount of active users doesn't matter, it's the amount of re
    3 points
  22. Which 718€ phone are you talking about - and what 350€ has the same hardware? I would be quite surprised if those existed. If it was parfume, ok, but I never saw somthing like that regarding technical devices. Well he is (unsurprisingly), forgetting a slight detail in that compare: The keyboard slider. I guess for the remaining 99% in here, that is the only reason why we are interested in the Pro1.... 🙄 I wonder if he would compare the price of a galaxy fold with a galaxy S10, with similar specs, ignoring the slight detail that one of them folds? The only rough
    3 points
  23. Which 718€ phone are you talking about - and what 350€ has the same hardware? I would be quite surprised if those existed. If it was parfume, ok, but I never saw somthing like that regarding technical devices.
    3 points
  24. To me the interesting part is the thursday the 14th. That is tomorrow. If you want the phone before christmas (special deal between fxtec and dragonbox). And note how it's still just "almost" guaranteed before christmas if you order by tomorrow. Which really sounds like the general availability before christmas gospel has gone to smithereens. But as a corollary, everyone who has an order right now should get their phone before christmas still 😅 Or they are creating pressure for people to order fast, because they have a huge batch before christmas but don't want to sit on the s
    3 points
  25. We're currently at 2587 users, with 432 having at least posted once. What is the metric for active? More than 10 posts? We're at 76 users then. There are a few, but the majority of customers stays silent, even if you assume the lowest order counts presented.
    3 points
  26. No one said they shouldn't be criticized. But the same people repeating the same criticisms over and over begins to border on Troll behavior. We got it the first time. 🙄 I'm still here. I'm still excited about my Pro 1. I don't feel betrayed, lied to, or even misled. I trust Chen to come through in the end. The communication is bad, but it isn't going to get fixed right now. And, oh, by the way, I find nothing weird or misleading about it taking a little over 2 weeks to get from shipping from a Chinese factory to getting a tracking number from a logistics hub since the tracking
    3 points
  27. Also, it was clear in the email of July 31st telling us that it was time to pay that the above was no longer in force. "We are beginning the manufacturing in the next few weeks with estimated first shipping to pre-order customers during the 2nd week of September." Thus, before you paid you were told it would be at least 6 weeks and that was only an estimate.
    2 points
  28. Not quite. It said that they would ask for payment details 2-3 weeks prior to shipping:
    2 points
  29. Ya, I know; I backed the keyboard mod, and now lucky enough to be in this first batch 🙂 BTW... hello Tomas 🙂
    2 points
  30. I emailed the team just before @Erik put his statement up and when I got a reply for once is was not vague. It was very 'By Christmas your phone will be with you.' no longer 'we hope', 'we expect', 'we are aiming for'. And with Chen's recent Tweet.... Well my thumbs are itching for a great device! To be the annoying optimist... I think we are getting phones soon Ladies and Gents! *Happy Dances*
    2 points
  31. A bit off topic - and I even had eight days with VERY little usage, after two years usage, so let me try to answer a bit more generally here I tried to explain a lot about it on my blog, and if you are still having issues after following that, you might consider the following Things people tend to ignore in my advices (any device) are 1) Keep the phone where the reception is as good as possible. This REALLY matters, install e.g. GSAM to easily see the portion burnt by the phone radios - it can be 2/3 ... Especially if you have the device in the pockets and moves around between m
    2 points
  32. So you agree to disagree? 😉 If most people are yet to come, this means we are indeed that hard-core-geek-group, that found the device already. 😉
    2 points
  33. ditto, the other thread other than @Erik updates has nothing useful.
    2 points
  34. I guess if less than 8% of buying customers register on this forum, the amount of maybe-customers will be even more a lot less. So shopping-wise, you're an absolute PRO - and there aren't many PROs out there (also not many Pro1s :D). Most people would consider a Pro1 if verge/anandtech/yourFavYTInfluencer talks about it. So my estimate would be that more than 90% of potential interested customers for this device is currently not yet aware of its existence. It's only "hard-core geeks" like us, who actively searched, who found it already. Yet, we need to be honest to ourselves and
    2 points
  35. Honestly.. if it was bigger I would have reconsidered buying it, too. I loved my HP Veer. If only it's battery and specs were up to date and the OS more recent. If a Pro1mini was to be released I might get it in addition to the Pro1.
    2 points
  36. It was said multiple times here that order numbers are not sequential, so all of your calculations are unsound.
    2 points
  37. Okay, after *many* hours of fighting with this, I finally fixed the tablet. That was quite the challenge. If anyone wants more details, feel free to ask, but I'll try to explain what I tried that failed and then what finally worked. First off, I had a stock ROM, with Android 5.1.1, that was rooted before I began all this fun. This is a Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 2014 Edition (SM-P600 = Wifi version, not cellular). The method I used to root this previously is this: https://www.droidviews.com/root-galaxy-note-10-1-sm-p600-and-install-twrp-on-it/ I did flash TWRP and then
    2 points
  38. Maybe we all should stop guessing and just wait a little.... You don't know how many canceled, gon does not know and I don't either... Few people here whining do not represent the masses this is not specially meant for you, for all here. For the climate of this forum we should just stop and kill this thread, it is toxic....
    2 points
  39. Hi, all. Great news! For all of you who are getting frustrated at not knowing when the Pro1 will be available, I have your problem solved! On the homepage there is the option to: Be the first to know. Sign up for updates.👏😀
    2 points
  40. Please follow the article above for my updates.
    1 point
  41. Yes, as I wrote here: Hole for the USB-C Hole for the fingerprint sensor Hole for the 3.5mm Jack Hole for the rear camera arrangement, Inner only Optional a bend of the top cardboard gives a better fit
    1 point
  42. I believe that Neo900 must be mentioned in this thread.
    1 point
  43. Thanks for that tip on the other model name. "Note 7" produces a lot of false positives, because other companies have "borrowed" the name. I've started including "samsung" in the search terms to counter this. I'm not a flip case type of guy, but thanks for the link to that one. I appreciate it. For someone who does like those cases, that seems like a nicely priced solution. I do have a question about flip cases. How is the phone held in place? Update: Nevermind. I figured it out. I was wondering why you had one of the other cases on the bottom of the phone while it was in th
    1 point
  44. I really tried to buy no more accessoires until the phone is in my hands. But after seeing these pictures and since such a note 7 flip case costs ony 4€ I could not resist any longer.
    1 point
  45. @EskeRahn I could never get more than a day and a half of use from my Priv while you somehow can get 5 days of usage from the device. I'm not sure what voodoo you're doing (You mention on your blog that you basically just disable and remove lots of apps) but you seem to get a LOT more usage from your devices than I or an average person does.
    1 point
  46. Finding better things to do than constantly complain about existing issues we know won't be fixed anytime soon. 😒
    1 point
  47. Not to be a dick, but: you do better. I will buy the phone you and your friends make today if you have one. I know I don't and I can't do better. I would prefer a better communication, but I do not have a choice, do I? And in turn, I am sure they would prefer to have a PR team, logistics team, their own factory in my neighborhood and yours, have at least 5 different models for us to choose from, colors and personal engraving, keyboard layouts, you name it. But then reality check comes in, and suddenly: no one else is doing this; small team means everyone has to do everything, they so
    1 point
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