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  1. As someone who never had a keyboard smartphone before the Pro1, I would say it very much matters what you are used to. The QWERTY layout on the Pro1 might be shifted a bit, but it’s nothing different to simply getting a new keyboard for your PC. There always will be a learning curve. I find the Pro1’s keyboard much more functional than the compared devices above, particularly for the spacing on the Pro1 keyboard. Give it a week, and you’ll see how much faster and accurate you are, especially in the technical tasks such as using terminal. I will not accept disputes on this subject at all,
    8 points
  2. note that FinQwerty now have released a new version, with additional and extended layouts. Including US-International for both qwertY and qwertZ https://android.onse.fi/finqwerty/#pro1
    6 points
  3. I've created a small tutorial that might help you to get around some quirks you might have with your F(x) Tec Pro1. Let me know what you think about it and if you have further suggestions which I can add to it :) It's available both in German and English and you can find it here: https://www.dragonbox.de/index.php?fc=module&module=ybc_blog&controller=blog&id_post=9
    5 points
  4. With a little testing, Anssi (the Finqwerty dev) made a version that preserves using Esc to wake the Pro1 but is also able to function as Esc. It will be in the next update. Another thing I love about this phone... it has great dev support now, and that will only increase in the future as more of these phones get out there.
    5 points
  5. I guess it all depends on what you want out of a keyboard and your hands. I find this a fabulous keyboard and I have hated every Blackberry I have ever had. BB keyboards are way too small to type on with any comfort or accuracy. Thank heavens we still have a few choices.
    3 points
  6. For others who may wonder, my experience here is different, must depend on your hands or so... I find the keyboard pretty comfortable in general after about a week of use. It's nicer than n900 to me and i have 0 issues using the number row without touching the screen, i'd have to try to activate them simultaneously. The only time i accidently touch the screen often is while opening the device, it can be tricky, but it seems to get easier with time. It does need more thumb movement than the last keyboard phone i used, a nokia e72, but there are many more keys and the device is more functional.
    3 points
  7. They put them on the curved edges. But since the curved edges distort what is displayed, you won't notice them. Joking.
    2 points
  8. For what its worth, I was the lucky person to win this phone. Locane has shipped the phone and with any luck it will arrive on Friday 😍 I am currently on a droid 4 under a verizon pay-as-you-go plan, and will be attempting to migrate my sim to the phone using a galaxy s5 as a mule. If there is interest in the community I can film the process
    2 points
  9. Thanks for the heads up. I have actually butchered cases about to make phones fit. My next project will be my Xperia X. I've got a Bluetooth Micro Keyboard on order that I plan to mate with it, so I'll have it to hand when I open the case. But as for the Pro1, I'm not finished yet. I'm planning on a trip to the nearest big city to scour the phone shops for bargain bin cases that might fit the bill. (Not really, I'm going just to flash the Pro1 off and annoy the hell outa them) πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
    2 points
  10. Phone keyboard layouts always have been different from a PC keyboard layout... Their usage always has to be learned... And, as @Zamasu correctly mentioned, even an identical layout would imply a completely different usage if only for the use of your thumbs... I especially fail to see, by the way, how a tiny BlackBerry keyboard layout could be better than a full five-row layout like the Pro1's – except if all someone would ever want to type were letters. No numbers, no symbols... Besides, I used to have a PRIV and I really liked the mechanical construction of the keyboard, while my most si
    2 points
  11. I don't know of any other device I'll use that'll have a keyboard that I use with my thumbs. It's a completely different muscle memory. I don't have the Pro1 yet so I'm speculating, but I don't think the muscle memory will collide with regular keyboards. I didn't have any significant issue with the Desire Z even though that merged and moved some things around because of the small keyboard.
    2 points
  12. FinQWERTY has done it. Their proposed US qwerty map for pro1 qwertz is awesome. Even has dedicated slash key on the right πŸ˜‰ Eske posted it in some random thread... The problem with using it that way, and the advantage of it, is that they remapped most everything besides letters. The y/z print mismatch is trivial and wouldn't affect me, but when the symbols dont match the print and they're not what you use every day and they're in non-standard locations, I can see that being annoying. If someone would make some really nice stickers that fit pro1 keys, then qwertz w/finqwerty would be
    2 points
  13. Oh wow, my Cosmo arrived weeks ago* and I've barely used it. For me it's far more useful to be able to type quietly lying on my back on the couch, than at a table with a laptop style keyboard. The Cosmo weighs a heck of a lot. I tested the pro1 at an event at the f(x)tec office, and immediately noticed the shifted keyboard issue. I figured I would just get used to it. I had no idea the qwertz keyboard wasn't shifted, I wonder what the option would be for some Tipp-Ex and a software keyboard remapper to make this qwerty. - Damion *apparently there are threads on Cosmo for
    2 points
  14. Hm. I don't really see a case where the information I asked about could lead to more panic than we already have on this forum. I think worst case scenario could be that every single device that was shipped until now was mentioned in this forum, what would mean batches are even a bit smaller than ps555s worst estimate. Not really a bummer. Or that it takes until June next year until preorders are completed. But I think most people would prefer a 'You will get your device in July' over a 'Oh it's not that long anymore we're working hard' every now and then. Maybe I'm wrong about that.
    2 points
  15. https://eskerahn.dk/?p=3620 and I got a new one too, bit the page is not updatet with this yet.
    2 points
  16. The QWERTY Keyboard is shifted relative to a regular PC keyboard, or relative to the number row - all the letters are one key over to the right. Thus they put a few non-letter keys to the left of the letters. The theory was to make it more comfortable to type letters. The reason some may not like it is cuz it' takes a little getting used to cuz keys arent exactly where you expect them to be.
    2 points
  17. Thanks for all the replies - the Pro 1 is sold. I took a chance on the Cosmo Communicator, hopefully it's more in line with what I want.
    2 points
  18. Ran into the non-responding keyboard. Restart solved it. I'm only bringing it up to point out that, having been spending a week putting the Pro 1 through it's paces and hitting this only once makes it a *very* infrequent issue, which means it's going to be damn hard to figure out. Have I mentioned what an amazing, premium phone this is. Nothing wrong with an 835 SOC, that's for sure!
    2 points
  19. I doubt anyone is interested, but Microsoft Word for Android (haven't tried the other office products) seems to work nicely with the keyboard.
    1 point
  20. This is brilliant! I finally have an easy restoration of Shift to evoke special characters. ? ans / still require the slant arrow, but I'm getting used to that. The one sacrifice is that Esc no longer wakes screen. I've emailed the dev to see if that is something he can do. I've decided it's worth it to sacrifice for using shift. Still hoping TTW will get working at some point.
    1 point
  21. I think you'd need a custom launcher for that one, to my knowledge it isn't available in stock Android or with a stock launcher.
    1 point
  22. as a N97 owner your muscle memory will kick in, and you can do the slightly odd arch from day one. It is the exact same logical mechanism
    1 point
  23. Wired, 3,5mm plug. First two days I also had no problems but now there's constant clicking sound. My phone was always lying on a flat surface so no stress for the connector. It also may be an update that broken it.
    1 point
  24. There's another bug that started happening yesterday: When I use earbuds I hear "clicking" or "popping" sound every half second in right earbud. It's subtle but extremely annoying and noticeable. It's happening with every media file in every app and with every earbud, I started using my old phone for music because of that. Also, despite the fact that SafetyNet certification was "fixed" and current units should have bootloader locked Google Pay still doesn't work. It saddens me that there are so many bugs, there were supposed to be beta tests for fixing all these issues, right? I
    1 point
  25. @rtuz2th It doesn't appear as though you'll ever, at least officially, get the info you are requesting. I'm not happy with F(x)tec's lack of communication (to put it mildly as it just leads to unwarranted expectations and a large amount of disappointment), but I don't think there is anything nefarious taking place. That said, it has been shown, by people who know these things that there is currently approximately 2,500 actual devices that have been ordered (I believe it's somewhere between 2,500 and 3,000, but not more than 3,000). So that answers that. Then you can look at the folks posti
    1 point
  26. note there seems to be a HUGE difference on their classic and newer version. Looking at the feedback of the new version people hated it so much, that they re-released the old as classic.
    1 point
  27. It is a shame but this made me also sell it. I bought a gemini PDA...awful keyboard. bought the pro1...awful too. going back to my BB, at least they have a great keyboard.
    1 point
  28. OK. I have no pro1 so far. But I read about the problem, the touchscreen reacts, when typing the number row. Maybe the deadzone feature (above) would be helpful. I have another suggestion: what about disabling the complete touch screen while typing. implementation 1: when typing the screen could be unresponsible for a short period of time (200ms) But the type could already do something on the touch screen implementation 2a: one shortcut on the keyboard could toggle deactivate / activate the touchscreen. So I can chosse, when I need it. There should be a indication of this state
    1 point
  29. This is the first time, I realize, that there is a huge difference between QWERTZ and QWERTY (I immediately googled pictures and only QWERTY is shifted!) @Locane: sorry to hear, that you are not happy with the Pro1. Would you be so kind to tell us, what QWERTY/QWERTZ phones you did use and were happy with (the keyboard)? This could be really helpful to other people, considering to buy a pro1 (or waiting for it and considering alternatives).
    1 point
  30. @Val: OK. I have to specify: I have calculated with 50 - 100 delivered devices for non-IGG-preorders. With the 0,5% info this may be to high. (and I counted devices not orders, so I count the retailer devices as 40-90 devices not as 2-4 orders) What do you think are the boundary values? Here is a shorter form for the speculated values IGG preordered devices min - max IGG delivered devices min - max preordered devices min - max (including the IGG) total delivered devices min -max (including the IGG) So my values from the last po
    1 point
  31. At least one other user has regretted selling the phone... 30 minutes probably isn't enough time to get the feel for something you'll use daily for years. Maybe give it another shot?
    1 point
  32. At one point, they did mention having to rework an entire batch due to yield loss (or something). So maybe, this one got it's serial number sticker, and then they realized there was light bleed and re-inspected all the outgoing units - found your unit had light bleed - then had to wait for next batch of screens to arrive after the whole new 3rd party inspection process - which appearntly took week(s) - before it got a new screen then shipped out - with the same back cover/serial. Just a random plausible theory.
    1 point
  33. No customer claimed having received anything from batch 3, as far as I know. The one at the warehouse on 2019-12-13 was batch 2. Batch 3 does seem like it started shipping before the 2019-12-11 [1][2 (3rd paragraph)]. It is also seemingly starting to ship this week [3]. If the combination of the two previous sentences makes no sense to you, don't worry, it does not to me either. Could be that the devices from the first batch 3 were the ones sent to resellers. Hopefully not, because the way this was presented would make that more than a little dishonest. Whether batches are still goin
    1 point
  34. I also had a phone with AMOLED display before and did not have problems like that. The difference between black in pixels turned on and off was barely noticeable. Back to Pro1, I have some images on the phone where blacker spots on the picture are completely black and I experience some heavy color distortions. This doesn't happen at brightness above 50%. However I believe this is not caused by AMOLED turning off pixels but because of other colors being distorted, making a difference between almost black and completely black just huge. I can show how this photo looked like in my old A
    1 point
  35. Does anyone know if the phones the worriers at US customs confiscated made it back yet? This represents a device pool which could be deployed to customers as soon as it is received, if it has not yet been. In the grand scheme of things, this is a small matter, but I would like to know if Uncle Sam gave them back their stuff yet.
    1 point
  36. ...i mean that it is problem of all amoled displays...default color is black - led(in pixel) is off...and really dark grey is problem.it is step between led on and off. On tft, retina etc displays is never visible black due technology...because under these displays is always powered on backlight foil and all is "grey". soo if you want really black you need amoled...but not too good greyscale....if you want approx good grayscale then you must buy tft,stn,retina etc phone. AND i am not sure...fx use pentile matrix RGBW?
    1 point
  37. I canceled my cancellation request πŸ™‚ There are more benefits than the keyboard and after researching a bit more the hardware isn't that bad after all. At least sufficient for my needs.
    1 point
  38. I hope that as many people as possible sign up for a Pro1. The better the sales, the greater likelihood we are to get a company that stays in business and provides us service and updates. I just don't want a year to go by, fxtec, be out of business, and my carrier won't provide me updates because my device is not supported.
    1 point
  39. He bought his through a reseller who no doubt bullied F(x)tec with their lawyers to get product ahead of the real customers. He then cancelled his preorder and smugly patted himself on the back.
    1 point
  40. Making a working vendor image is proving to be quite the adventure. But! ... I just got a good boot with a hacked up vendor image. πŸ™‚ So the next step is to retrace my steps and figure out how to translate my hacks into a working build. I may be able to get that done tomorrow, but I'm not sure.
    1 point
  41. Got mine! From a retailer, but since it was about as cheap as fxtec was selling them - I don't know why I shouldn't have jumped ships. As far as I could figure out, it works (with android). Gonna take me a while to figure everything out. German retailer, about 720 Euro, next-day-delivery. Thank you, you know who you are! Edit: it's quite thick, but the sound and keyboard are awesome.
    1 point
  42. The Playstore has often refused to download Netflix when I have had devices with bootloader unlocked, rooted and an alternnate ROM. I don't know which or what combination of those sets it off since I always had all three conditions, though I now suspect it's bootloader unlocked since I am not rooted. Netflix is not supposed to work with rooted devices I believe. I have found inconsistent results on that. Sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't. If it doesn't work when I'm rooted, I find an older version of the apk I have kept archived works. It may be that using Magisk, when I get there
    1 point
  43. Yes, but the problem is: I think they planned to deliver the preorders first, then to the retailers. So they made a few deals with a few smaller retailers a while ago that they will have units available shortly before christmas. That didn't work out, unfortunately. So in order to NOT risk having to pay a retailer back (which are quite huge sums of money), they decided to do it like this. It's doubt it's because they want to piss anyone of. And yes, even if demand is high that won't help if they might need to pay back huge sums of money NOW. I'm pretty sure this company is working t
    1 point
  44. Why do they limit the devices that can download it from the playstore based on safetynet, but then provide an APK themselves? That doesn't make any sense lmao.
    1 point
  45. Thank you for that additional information. Good to know πŸ™‚ I just thought it would be the safest source for the app.
    1 point
  46. The team is going through them all, we are not ignoring anyone. Please be aware that replying to unanswered tickets will bump it to the end of the queue. That's how all help desks work from the back end, including the one we use - Zendesk. If you keep replying periodically without us having had a chance to check it, we will never get the message. Give it some time without replying and we'll get to your request. This is implemented to keep it fair for everyone - queries are answered from the oldest to the newest. A reply to a ticket, whether it's ours or yours, qualifies as an update, therefore
    1 point
  47. Ok, I know that, under some circumstances, to be made waiting can constitute an act that borders on torture πŸ˜‰ – and thereby may possibly do strange things to someone's brains, too... But I wouldn't ever have thought it could go as far as that the banal fact that two or three tiny resellers have each gotten a minuscule dozen or two of devices, too, between all those phones already shipped, the ones on its way right now and those which yet have to be shipped and manufactured, could make someone actually and in all seriousness construe a betrayal-conspiracy theory directed against thousands
    1 point
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