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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/06/2020 in Posts

  1. I'm working on the changes to allow selecting qwertz in the kernel hardware key map. I should have something to test tomorrow.
    5 points
  2. Hello. If any of you experienced poor sound quality, here comes the solution! Our Pro1 definitely has some problems with sound quality. In particular it couldn't play 24-bit audio sources in more advanced audio players, like PowerAmp (16-bit played quietly on headpones causes a lot of hiss/noise). I also found some annoying clicks on some games (i.e. Talisman). These problems are caused by Snapdragon 835 energy savings, which disable high quality DAC chip and switches it to some limited operation mode. The apk I attached can enable hq sound. After installation 24-bit playback on Powe
    4 points
  3. Although its's more of FedEX issue but I will pushing / checking with out logistics partner see if there is anything we could do to speed that up. That seems rediculous to me as well!
    3 points
  4. Done. Feel free to edit the doc yourself though 😄
    3 points
  5. Thank you, so much! (Receiving an award) I'd like to thank my manager, my parents, all my colleagues and also folks at F(x)tec for making this possible. (Applause and music) ... Who's next? 😉
    3 points
  6. Thanks for including the link to the dev page. Installing a "random" APK from a google drive that requires root doesn't seem safe. Not that I particularly trust it now that I have the dev page though, would've preferred to see the source code or something. But thanks.
    3 points
  7. I got a black carbon fiber skin from Skinomi for the Note 10, and the back piece is a pretty good fit. The camera and sensor holes are in the right place, although quite a bit larger than they need to be. I filled in some of the gap using other pieces from the kit. I also clipped the corners on the skin, much more than I needed to it turns out, but overall I'm pleased with the result. It looks nice, and it definitely makes the device much more "grippy" to hold.
    3 points
  8. Okay all you qwertz folks, here's a Lineage boot image with my new keyboard driver: files.nwwn.com/android/pro1/boot-newkeyboard.img To use it, flash it to your boot partition, "fastboot flash boot boot-newkeyboard.img". Upon reboot the keyboard will have version 0002 which will make Android ignore the custom keymap file in the vendor partition. You will find the following files: /sys/devices/soc/c17a000.i2c/i2c-6/6-0058/layout This is the layout file. It can contain "qwerty" or "qwertz". So start by setting it to qwertz: echo "qwertz" > /sys/devices/so
    2 points
  9. I finally got a response today. Whew lads!
    2 points
  10. @Slion has the same, and added a bunch Jan 28th in this thread
    2 points
  11. See above pics. 1. Cut finger reader slot. 2. Volume cut little section out, slightly under case but works. 3. Power and Camera buttons are covered and work. 4. USB cut out 5. Top side (left) speaker cut out from existing hole 6. Hole punched with 'belt hole maker' near camera for secondary mic (needed to cancel echo on speaker phone. 7. Cut plastic holder from case and spun 180 degrees, need to open case to use camera. 8. Cut card slips from inner case. 9. Kept headphone hole covered to keep dust out. Don't use headphones. Picked up from lo
    2 points
  12. Is this the GPlay link? https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=androidexpert35.com.audioDACBooster Looks like it. EDIT: 'Contains Ads' 😞 EDIT EDIT: Seems the developer had a thread on XDA, but the account has since been disabled, and the thread closed due to 'piracy'. Sketchy IMO.
    2 points
  13. I think it "just works" - at least for QWERTY layout if you not select a specific layout. Specific layouts may also work. However, yellow-labeled keys should have some configurations because basically they are not necessarily there where they are written. For QWERTZ layout, keys should be remapped if lower level drivers are unmodified.
    2 points
  14. Hello all IGG supporter from Canada, just received the pro1 and all things considered it was worth the wait, the only issue I would consider reporting is the tinting effect that has been mentioned elsewhere in the forum. The default colour temperature is already cooler than I prefer, (thankfully this can be adjusted to taste via apps) however about 1/3 down the brightness slider the colours appear to suddenly get pulled even cooler (bluer?). It is noticeable when the auto brightness slides around. Other than that, fantastic device I'm glad Fx team put in the effort to build such a devic
    2 points
  15. Am from Singapore. Yes, this is a great idea.
    2 points
  16. Now we just need to find a business that offers padded phone testing rooms. :-)
    2 points
  17. There's always a way to fix it. Worst case you can restore to stock following Waxberry's thread. If you want real time help, try the discord chatroom https://discord.gg/BFGzMw7
    2 points
  18. Me: "I am so sick of this damned thing slipping out of my hand every time I pick it up. Hubby: "What do you want? Just something that will give you some grip?" Me: "Yes, but I don't want anything permanent. I want something that will come off cleanly with no residue." Hubby: "Are you looking for practical or pretty?" Me: "Functional. I don't care what it looks like." Hubby: "Let me work..." So I give you generic Ruggies and a perfect tactile grip that comes off clean, low profile, doesn't make the phone heat up.. And I am pretty sure with it looking like this NO ONE will be inte
    2 points
  19. It is Alt+Sym (it emulates a Keyboard-Open, that for unknown reasons sends F6 key code)
    2 points
  20. Okay all, I finally found some time to look at this some more. As it turns out, the xbl partitions are not actually being written by the current package due to a bug in the programming instructions. Or, well, a mismatch between what the programming instructions say and what my program expects it to say. Anyway, I'll fix this and have a new package up shortly. This should be able to fix the currently bricked devices (I know there are at least two out there at the moment).
    2 points
  21. Interesting, let me just tag @Waxberry to make it more likely that he sees it. 🙂
    2 points
  22. on 1) I've been quite fond of VLC, and it works on the Pro1 too. on 2) You most likely have selected "US qwerty", the odd thing is that you shouldn't! De-select ALL tick-boxes to use stock F(x)tex qwerty. YES it is odd, but if you do it acts as Erik writes above, and the symbol over the numbers then needs the arrow and not Shift. You might want to have a look at the free open source project FinQWERTY that offers an extended keyboard experience over the stock one, not installing any fancy stuff, 'just' offering improved key-mappings. E.g. both the yellow arrow and shifts give access
    2 points
  23. I intentionally left it covered. I hardly ever use the headpone jack and it is usually the first place to fill with crud. I usually fill the hole with a "Pressy" android button. edited 9. in original post
    1 point
  24. Hi, When I power up the device with keyboard opened, screen orientation is not in landscape. Steps: Lock in landscape is already set on keyboard open. Device is powered off Open keyboard Power up Enter Pin Let boot complete Layout will be in portrait Lifting up the device in landscape will change display orientation, but moving it in as portrait will change display in portrait. Close keyboard, device will continue to change display orientation as expected. Open keyboard again, orientation lock is in effect. Build: QX1000
    1 point
  25. comparing influenza vs corona virus is like arguing about black lives matter vs all lives matter. Both are deadly and we shouldn't discount either. Influenza at the least we have yearly vaccines to attempt to get ahead of while also having a better understanding in regards to how it operates. The coronavirus seems to be quite deadly with the global reaction to shut down ports, transit, etc appears to be effectively working to prevent the spread. We don't need any more viral outbreaks beyond influenza so the reaction I'd say is reasonably warranted. Both are bad. Focusing on Coronaviru
    1 point
  26. Yeah, it is so big you can use the back as a plate eating 😇😜 It is nice that it is rugged though 👍, To me the Passport design offers the worst of two worlds: A cramped always out keyboard and yet too big to possibly operate even partly one handed. The Key½ design I can understand, as you get a keyboard (though cramped), and a screen that at the least to some extend can be one hand operated. I mean the Titan is really Titan-sized, it is humongous. Liiterally like three SonyEricsson txt pro landscape-keyboard-sliders side by side--- (including the weight)
    1 point
  27. I faced this "one key reapeating" issue again. This was 4th time and it happened during writing a doc so it is not related to Chrome (like other ones have reported also).
    1 point
  28. Nuremberg, Germany. Please get in touch via this forum first.
    1 point
  29. I am happy with unshifted QWERTZ, however, I don't like CTRL being Strg and I would much happier with unshifted QWERTY (as I don't think my national layout will ever come up as an option). Otherwise, those extra keys are very good for using international layouts as they may also contain meaningful letters instead of special characters like in intl. US layout.
    1 point
  30. Usually a giant padded mousepad on a table should be sufficient. I do worry everyday about dropping the phone during the daily commute in the train. Anodised metal looks cool, but oh so slippery
    1 point
  31. USA, Minnesota, near Minneapolis and St. Paul (Twin Cities)
    1 point
  32. It would be nice if the Fxtec key could be mapped to super (meta) instead tho, for use as a modifier. Press&Release could still be home if fxtec insists 😉 And yep, if one or both of the oem keys could be mapped to right-alt, then it'd be sticky w/alpha. (I think) edit: I keep learning more. Apparently, if its made into meta, then we get some automatic key combinations built into android already - that are not launcher dependent. https://github.com/aosp-mirror/platform_frameworks_base/blob/6bebb8418ceecf44d2af40033870f3aabacfe36e/core/res/res/xml/bookmarks.xml 'a': Cal
    1 point
  33. As of hardware key codes, that should use the same code as "-" key in standard layout. (National layouts have always used the same key codes as standard US layout but included some special characters instead of original function, so like ";", "'" or "=" characters are replaced.) The strange part of F(x)tec keyboard is for example that ";" character of QWERTY is located at the right side of "P" and it should have been at the right side of "L", however, it generates the same code as being the ";" key. So on a QWERTZ device, the same key has "Ö" marking but located at the right side o
    1 point
  34. So, how much more of a delay would have been acceptable to you, for them to continue slogging through that list? There comes a point where you just need to ship it. Thing is, I give them a ton of room -- they are a startup, it's their first phone, and they had to partner with a bunch of companies to get this done. Other phone companies that were far better funded have churned out some hot garbage. Blackberry or Blackberry/TCL released the PRIV, a mess of a phone with overheating problems, terrible RAM management, and no updates, then the KEYone with displays that fell out, no updates, and
    1 point
  35. Could have, would have, should have. Whether you understand or not, this is the only vertical slider phone you get at this point, you have no choice, and complaining doesn't make it better. Either get along with the few bugs it still has and wait until they've been fixed, WHICH THEY ACTUALLY ARE BEING RIGHT NOW WITH THE HELP OF BOTH FXTEC PEOPLE AND THE OTHER USERS HERE, or go look elsewhere. Whining about what they could have done better helps noone – at best it achieves nothing, at worst it keeps someone busy reacting to useless accusations who could use the time and energy to be produc
    1 point
  36. ...This is rather absurd. You REALLY honestly believe that there were/are no Quality Control and they have not ironed out a LOT of major and minor bugs before you even saw it? Please get real. I for one have since last spring reported a bunch of bugs that have been fixed, many they already knew. And that was even before the beta-testers got them. And yes it happens that fixing one bug creates a new one, that no one imagined could be related, and hence did not test...
    1 point
  37. Wilhelm was right, its magic dosbox free. I did mention that somewhere earlier in the thread. And yes the main thing people do with dosbox today is play dos games, which is why dosbox often gets categorized with games. Doesn't mean you couldn't run i.e. microsoft office if you wanted, just have to be a really old version.
    1 point
  38. Well then. Color me embarrassed. @SirBaconIII had it exactly right. My previous experience with wi-fi calling had it in the network settings (if you do a search in settings it will actually show up as a result), although I did look around the phone app at one point but I guess I didn't look hard enough (and I didn't dig deep enough here either). Wi-fi calling is now active. Thanks everybody 🙂 (Now if I could get visual voicemail working through the phone app that would be the cherry on top :P)
    1 point
  39. If I was F(x)tec I would get a portrait device in development to cover that section of the market.
    1 point
  40. @sequestris http://www.skinomi.com/sk35070-note-10-phone-black-carbon-protector.html
    1 point
  41. anything on here about the keyboard backlight not lighting up about 30 to 40 perfect of the time...only an issue at night and currently cause still learning a few of the keys but i cant find a pattern to it just randomly 30 to 40 percent of the time and im poking in the dark
    1 point
  42. I've been working on an app to restore the backlight functionality on LineageOS builds (It will NOT work on stock). It's called KB Backlight Manager. It runs as a foreground service to monitor the system for the slider events and turns the backlight on or off depending on it's state. It also includes a QuickSettings tile so you can easily turn it on or off from there and an option to disable the backlight completely as well as an option to enable/disable the QuickSetting tile. You can get the latest builds over on the Github page for it here: https://github.com/JooJooBee666/KB_Backlight
    1 point
  43. Just a suggestion - could one of the moderators keep a concise list of known issues/bugs in the first post? That's typical approach on xda developer forums, and it really helps get a quick overview. On a related sidenote - is any of the problems found so far a complete dealbreaker for daily use? I'm thinking sensor-poking apps crashing isn't ideal, but it's not something one needs every day. Headset pairing is a bit of a bummer from what I see. Anything else?
    1 point
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