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  1. There once was a man from Ohio While in search for a phone he went psycho He then found a brand new one When he thought that there were none But he did not at first know the logo. Its full keyboard laid out so neatly The potential for typing so clearly F(x)tec they were called They were new from abroad "I must have it!" he exclaimed emphatically. Pictures and videos began to emerge Diligently the man did his research One day his said "Screw it" His budget, he blew it For this phone he decided to splurge.
    11 points
  2. Hi! Yes, it is something we are looking to use in the near future - in fact I would be the one looking after it 🙂. It will be out as soon as we can allocate more workforce to post-launch support tools.
    8 points
  3. For bug reports, it's best to email [email protected]. We're a startup. Everyone does everything as necessary. The entire Fxtec team sees those emails at the minute. We have our specialities but we all put our noses in all aspects of the company. Keeps it eventful :).
    6 points
  4. I am really curious to know what the problem was, if it's not too much work to explain 😇 If you're referring to not having LED notifications (except charging), I can confirm. Notification vibration I have though. @Polaris: Just to make sure, you haven't accidentially disabled vibrating notifications? Not only the global setting, but maybe just for the apps you use? Sometimes things can get weird and the default notification channel settings may not be what you'd expect (I know that I had chat notifications for a certain app completely hidden by default, for some reason). Many h
    5 points
  5. The BSP uses a feature called "split a2dp" and handles a2dp in the audio HAL. This is proprietary and does not work with the open source audio stack. So Lineage does not use it, a2dp is handled by the AOSP code. In order to make this work, the audio configuration needs to be updated. Because of the way audio works in pro1 vs. 1+5/5t, the audio configuration file is in a different place (/vendor/etc/audio vs. /vendor/etc). I neglected to update the correct file. As soon as I updated the correct file, it started working. There are a couple other related changes but that's the big one.
    4 points
  6. Hey @Erik You probably get tired of seeing this by now, but are there any plans to get an official bug tracker? Bugzilla, Trello, anything? I know you're all busy, but there's a big benefit from both sides if it can be done.
    4 points
  7. Just for information, I was in email contact with the guys at MediaDevil.com. They said they were interested in developing cases and screen protectors for the Pro1. In our last email they said; "We're hoping to get the Pro1 at some point for testing and screen protector design but with a few other projects in the air at the moment it's a little tricky, and odds are good we will be contacting the manufacturer at some point"
    3 points
  8. Its a nice one to have. Good for watching videos with keyboard out. It will save some power not sure if it would be much. Guess the only thing would be must turn back on when a key is pressed. I always use a modifier key to activate on my laptop in the dark.
    3 points
  9. I found this google documentation about Pixel keyboard shortcuts some of them possibly apply to Pro1. Note that, Search 🔍 shortcuts aka Bookmarks are not accessible with the default keyboard layout.
    2 points
  10. Kinda meta, using a hwkb phone with a BT keyboard but I digress: I'm using a Trust bluetooth keyboard with my Pro1 but i'm having massive input lag issues, to the point my inputs are basically ignored because i'm that much of a fast typer.
    2 points
  11. a2dp works now with my earphones. :) thank you! I'll try car connection tomorrow.
    2 points
  12. I also think that the reason for reboots in B8, because later I checked the phone with a SIM card of another carrier, that use 3G B1 (2100 MHz) only, and the phone did not reboot. I gave this information to tech support.
    2 points
  13. @Hook Last night I read a post where you mentioned you like reading e-books in portrait with the keyboard open. I saw your screenshot with white text on black background, and thought to myself, that would probably work for reading in the dark in bed - except now that the keyboard backlight works, that might be annoying. Then I remembered, @JooJooBee666 solved that with his KB Backlight Manager. With the handy-dandy KB Backlight toggle in quick settings, one could turn it off. https://community.fxtec.com/topic/2721-kb-backlight-manager-for-lineageos-builds/
    2 points
  14. I'm not quite ready to jump to Lineage yet waiting until it is nearer Official, but I did send tdm another couple of beers for his hard work again and plan to keep doing so. 🍺
    2 points
  15. Alright things are moving right along now... I've got the touch screen margin/deadzone implemented and a nice little settings preference for it. The display margin will not happen until later, if at all. That's much more difficult to implement and intrusive to the system (it will likely require a reboot to take effect). I'll be adding a keyboard layout setting (qwerty/qwertz) next. Then I'll see what I can do with the fingerprint reader mitigations.
    2 points
  16. Yes it would be nice with a formalised channel for this. Currently we have two threads: One for discussing and testing possible bugs and the like, and one that was supposed to have confirmed bugs... But they are not 'clean', so hard to find anything in them. There is an unofficial bug-list here that is more easy to read. But a more formalised system would certainly be to everyone's benefit....
    2 points
  17. I hacked the FMRadio code locally to build. But I haven't pushed the fixes up to Lineage because it doesn't actually work. After investigating, I found that the QCOM BSP uses an entirely different FMRadio app and libs. Not sure how I'm going to handle that yet, so I've just left it as-is for now. The easiest thing to do is just what you've done -- remove the FMRadio package from the device tree.
    1 point
  18. That is Pie. There are no warning that you forgot to turn off Bluetooth. Same on a galaxy S8-
    1 point
  19. I often keep the display on for longer than that and it never gets warm. Both SIMs are working fine too.
    1 point
  20. It might not be so, it COULD be that the exact same issue would show it self on another specimen. What worries me here is the warming up. The SIM2 SIM1 sits deeper in than the SIM1 SIM2, so it will feel the heat first, and it just MIGHT put it outside its working limits. corrected, it is the other way round, so that is not the explanation. But one SIM might be more robust than the other? Reading for 40 minutes should not really make the PRO1 warm. I have not tried to use it for reading that long though...
    1 point
  21. I have been using my Pro1 with a bluetooth headset for quite a while and had to use a wired headset today. I too experience the horrible audio crackling bug. Also when using the phones internal speaker it pops/crackles all the time when using certain apps. Things like Spotify/Youtube work fine. But when I am using an app like "Rhythm Trainer" for example every beat gives a solid crackle/pop. The problem has been persisting for a while on the forums. I hope an OTA is soon otw for this :(.
    1 point
  22. Sorry, had some personal issues going on that drained alot of my time. Likely have time to work on the case next week again! 🙂
    1 point
  23. Anecdotal evidence is never sufficient for something as critical as a filesystem. And I have another anecdote -- I worked next to Steve Kondik (the "Cyanogen" in CyanogenMod that preceded LineageOS) while Cyanogen, Inc. was a thing. One day he announced that btrfs ate the data on his laptop and vowed never to use it again. On the other hand, I have never experienced a single data loss event in over 20 years of using ext2/3/4 on many different devices (desktops, server, and laptops) that wasn't hardware related. Sure, if you want to use it and it works for you, go for it. And I
    1 point
  24. My device was crashing all the time, even with no SIM card inserted. Perhaps it was connected anyway, but it seems a bit far-fetched in this scenario. Anyway, I was just notified that a replacement device is on my way to me, after sending it in for repair. Let's see if it makes any difference!
    1 point
  25. I thought of one other. Some dos games use control or shift keys separately. So, an option to make the right slant arrow into right shift or right control could prove useful in some situations.
    1 point
  26. I'm pretty certain it's a network issue, as I've had the same issue with other phones and providers in the past. This could be useful for diagnosing and locating which tower could be the culprit there's a wealth of info that may be useful. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.staircase3.opensignal&hl=en_GB
    1 point
  27. How did you make "Detect edge swipes" working? It does not work for me and not being able to swipe is as painful as accidental touches on edges.
    1 point
  28. I didn't know that there is shortcut to change layout of physical keyboard. Select keyboard layout Access the next physical keyboard layout if you have more than one enabled. Ctrl + Space That is really handy since you could make separate layout for special characters for example. Also, it is possible to remap some key to Search (🔍)? I tried Search with Keyboard with Keyboard/Button Mapper but it is only a shortcut to Google search.
    1 point
  29. Can this be fixed at the application level? I'm using OpenAL for an application I'm working on and it suffers from those crakles while playing music. Same application same build running on Huawei P30 Pro, no issues.
    1 point
  30. See this post @Slion made on existing shortcuts, it seems 🔍 works as Meta, That is as LogoF. 🙂
    1 point
  31. Thanks. It looks like 🔍 is used the same way Meta works. (E.g. in LineageOS test7 LogoF+B = launch browser)
    1 point
  32. It would be nice with a time-out. Screens can do dimming before timing out, But as I guess it is on/off with the backlight could we make a few blinks? The idea would be that if you are indeed still typing - say considering what to write next for a longer text, it might be annoying if it just goes off, but a 'warning' could be nice. How fast can it go on/off? Can we fake a temporary dampening or even fading by many quick on/off or is it so slow that it would be flickering? According to this, strobing should not hurt the lifespan of LEDs.
    1 point
  33. I think it is a good idea. Maybe another option would be to behave fn+arrow keys as home / end / page up / page down or not.
    1 point
  34. I'm implementing the UI for device specific features. So a couple of questions... The keyboard map option should show a few common, sane, useful options. Like, say, making FN plus top row keys send F#. What other useful options do you think should be there? Currently the keyboard backlight stays on while the screen is on and the slider is out. Would it be useful to have an option to time out the keyboard back light after a period of inactivity? Any other interesting ideas?
    1 point
  35. I think someone would have to test it to know. We do know stock doesn't support exfat and does support FAT32. Other filesystems like btrfs, f2fs, ntfs untested but unlikely imo. Lineage a lot more likely, I've had f2fs support there before and presumably still works now, and tdm (los dev) recently mentioned exfat is on his to-do list. But you're the first to mention btrfs that I know of.
    1 point
  36. You are really doing an awesome job, can't repeat it enough Less the Google certification some need for banking apps and the like I will say that the Lineage implementation is better than the stock one in several ways. I certainly hope they will adapt some of it in stock.
    1 point
  37. There is an add-on su package for Lineage. See the extras download page.
    1 point
  38. I've got the same Brotect Flex screen protector and am also not very happy with it, mainly the gummy feeling when you swipe your finger on it. I usually like the Brotect Airglass protectors, which have a nice glass feeling, but they don't make that for a curved edge screen. Are there any glass screen protectors with curved edges for our device?
    1 point
  39. The Tasker Profile "Edge Block" created by @elvissteinjr works really well to solve the problem with typing the top number row on the physical keyboard. You don't even have to really know how to use Tasker. Lol. I don't. Just import by tapping the Profile and scenes tabs and away you go. Has advantages over Edge Null as explained in the post, especially the not getting kicked out by Android.
    1 point
  40. You are not alone, however, I currently use stock firmware. When I enter numbers (like a port number or IP address), I have to be extremely careful not to touch the edge of the screen which is inconvenient a bit but I am still happy with the keyboard itself. 🙂 Anyway, TWRP decryption would be a really good feature. 🙂
    1 point
  41. Hi all, I have made a test with another USB cable and it worked. But I tried to go back to the previous cable and it also worked... This said, there was a different behavior on the device: I tried right away with the new cable with my head unit, and the phone asked to allow location while Android Auto was loading. Not sure why it wasn't asking this on my first tries the other day. Once this was done, using either cable loaded AA normally. I say "normally", but I also found out that the previous cable had an issue, at least one contact isn't perfect with the Pro1, but good enough
    1 point
  42. Now having caught up a bit 😄 "What is the maximum dead-zone that allows us to drag an icon from one screen to the next in various launchers? With Trebuchet you have to be really close before it moves over." The Microsoft launcher also has this problem of needing to be very close to the edge you have to be on the curve for it to trigger the other screen.
    1 point
  43. I had already forgot this message. I haven't changed any network settings so I believe that when I am using 3G either B1 (2100Mhz) or B8 (900Mhz) is selected. Those are bands that are used in Finland. B1 is usually used in cities and B8 outside cities. B8 might be the reason for reboots since I have faced reboots only when I travel between cities. There is a high change that B8 is used on those situations. If I am at home where 4G or 3G (possibly B1) is used I have no issues.
    1 point
  44. yeah home contents is the way to go with this.
    1 point
  45. Haven't seen a single reboot in over 2 months of usage yet. I think the phone is great, but you should be aware of a lot of rough edges software wise.
    1 point
  46. Mr Laska's right. His workaround solves cracking sound issues. The Magisk module is available from Magisk Manager - it's name is "Audio Compatibility Patch". I run it with LineageOS, also with Viper4Android 2.7 (installed as Magisk module, but not available from Magisk Manager). Installer demanded also "Audio Modification Library" module for multiple patches to work together. As I found somewhere on the internet, the issue is caused by too small audio buffer - crackles happen on buffer underruns.
    1 point
  47. Thank you, I will try this. However the USB connector being at the back of the unit, this is no quick task. With my Z2 Force it does work all the time with the cable currently in place. In the mean time, I've captured logs while connected to my head unit, so knowledgeable people can take a look at it. While I do some programming, I've barely touched Android programming for now. 20200218-pro1-androidauto-logsextract.txt
    1 point
  48. Interesting, let me just tag @Waxberry to make it more likely that he sees it. 🙂
    1 point
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