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  1. I could wait even longer. The Pro1x is a device I plan on using for years, it's an investment for the long term and being niche, I know it won't get iterations and updates every year. I'd rather wait years and have it finally delivered with no compromises. An older SOC is not an issue for me, I plan on using mainline eventually, which also answers the question on whether I care about certification (however, I believe having Android as an option really increased the backer base and was therefore likely a sound decision). My plan is to use the device to run Mobile Linux, meaning it's best if the
    6 points
  2. That would be my approach too. I am not directly affected for now, as I have my Pro1 and did not order a Pro1-X. However, I do worry that Fxtec may not survive this disaster if people keep freaking out like this. There is no evidence suggesting Fxtec were a band of crooks. I have not read a single story here where, in the end, anyone did not either finally get their phone or their money back. Theories suggesting Fxtec purposedly spread lies to suck money out of their community really have no grounds, and I suggest people (here and on the Indiegogo forum) think twice before uttering s
    5 points
  3. If the new SoC would be significantly better (Benchmark + Features) than the one we purchased, I would be ready to pay the difference for the SoC. But I don't support losing important security features.
    5 points
  4. Yes, I need that certification. I don't buy a $700 phone just so that I have to carry yet another phone for the important things like communicating with my health insurance. By the way, I voted "Other option", but I really meant "5 months but worse SoC" – it may sound worse, but if someone doesn't buy the Pro1 as a gaming device they won't even notice. I don't care for benchmark figures on paper. I've been using a Moto Z3 Play for 1Β½ years. It has a SD 636 which is slightly slower than than the 662, both in CPU and GPU, and it's been more than enough for anything I'll do in the fore
    5 points
  5. Hello! I've been following these discussions for a while, but finally signed up. I have a Z3 that's paid off in August, and the Pro1 will be my next phone. Really wanted the keyboard Mod, but I think having a full-time keyboard phone is a better solution. I miss my HTC Pro 2 running XDAndroid back in the day. As far as the SoC change, My Z3 has an 835, and my son's Z4 has a 675 (which is similar to the 662 in performance). For the way we use our phones, I've never seen any disadvantage to the Z4. The Z4 is generally faster at loading apps, such as Pokemon Go. Also, I'm hopi
    4 points
  6. Regarding the 835, mine runs AAA games just fine. The only game that I had to turn the settings down just a bit on was "Forgotten Memories" and that's quite a demanding game. I have about 45 android games installed and also psp emulation works great. I am very sorry that FxTec ran into this issue as personally I would prefer a 4th gen i7 to a 8th gen i3, but it all depends on the intended use of the device. Personally, even if I didn't already have my Pro1, I'd still buy the downgraded one as there isn't anything like it on the market and I need a keyboard on my phone.
    4 points
  7. The PCB supplier is the one who also sources the SoC for the customer, and for the PCB the customer wants. If the PCB supplier can't get more pieces of that SoC, that's it. After all, the customer can hardly source the SoC elsewhere and solder it on the PCBs themselves. Also, when a SoC has been discontinued, it can hardly be expected that anyone could still purchase it just because some other PCB manufacturer might still be lucky to have some in stock. And a tiny company like Fxtec with such small quantities of their single (!) product doesn't have a choice. They can't go to Samsung
    3 points
  8. But can you give an alternative? Remember this is crowdfunding. So if they get cheated, we as the investors in the project get cheated, but these good guys does not just fold, but say, hey we can give you something close for what is left..
    3 points
  9. Thank you @claude0001 for putting that down to words. Even if F(x)tec goes with the SD662, I will follow them. All because they have shown to deserve the trust and they are the ones being screwed. I don't want to screw them more than what they already are by canceling my pledge. I do wish they would explain better the situation they are in. Could it be stress?
    3 points
  10. QCOM isn't at fault here - they're probably entirely unaware of any of this given they haven't supported the SD835 for years. It's IdeaLite, the ODM that went back on their word.
    3 points
  11. As said earlier these might not be the two real alternatives, I would guess 662 or no Pro1 X at all
    3 points
  12. I see your point, and I even might offer to pay for the difference, too. Still I guess it would mean additional expenditures for Fxtec to handle those new payments. More importantly, other poeple might not want to pay the difference and would rather go with what Fxtec has announced. Fxtec can hardly do both, which would mean developing two new phones with even lower quantities than one new phone would imply. So they have to decide which way to go, and as it would be worse making people pay who don't want to, they go the cheaper route. Personally, as I said, I don't care for "benchmar
    3 points
  13. 3 points
  14. Experience tells that time estimates from Fxtec tend to be very optimistic ... I think a re-design of the device into a Pro2 (with different radios) would take very long before being ready for shipping. I woudn't expect anything less than a year, probably even significantly longer. During all that time they would not deliver a single phone anymore. I think Fxtec cannot afford such a long absence form the market. I am also disappointed by this development, but downgrading to the inferior SoC for maximum compatibility with the existing design is probably the only thing they can do now.
    3 points
  15. 720G is not a 5G chip. If F(x)tec would use SD720G, SD730G or SD732G they would not need to redesign antennas. However, I don't know if it would be as easy swap as SD662.
    3 points
  16. 3 points
  17. From the spec, 720G also doesn't have video out. I would rather choose one that does, like 730G for instance.
    3 points
  18. I would say 9-10 months is optimistic. But I understand what you are saying 12-18 months would still be fine in my mind id say.
    3 points
  19. Wow, I missed this. I should have upped my selling price 🀣. Seriously, I can totally understand the frustration. Been there, done that. Actually, still doing it, for one phone. I am totally keeping one Pro1 spare for myself, 'that's fo sho'. And the question becomes, how about repairs. You can forget that now. Or will they design so that you can swap out the mainboard and keep everything else πŸ™„. Questions , so many questions πŸ₯΄ To my fellow community members, my prayers are with you πŸ™.
    3 points
  20. The good news is we now have more time to convince them about improved layouts. :> I must admit I was secretly hoping the March production batches would be delayed, so that we could at least get some feedback on the layouts suggestions that were sent, and a chance for Nordic and Azerty backers to see what they purchased before delivery.
    2 points
  21. SD662 (Q1 2020) is almost the same chip than SD665 (Q2 2019). I think that both chips will be supported to same date. Same goes for SD732G (2020 Q3) and SD730G (2019 Q2). So, I don't think that there is difference between SD730G vs SD662 in the life cycle. And there is also SD720G (2020 Q1) which is as old as SD662. I think that it is all about the cost. Personally I would ditch 48MP camera sensor if that could save some money for SD700 series. But if the SD662 is the only choice then I take it.
    2 points
  22. It seems they're currently doing damage control in the Indiegogo comments. Information so far is the 662 can in fact do HDMI/Ubuntu Touch video output. ...One juicy tidbit seems to be that part of the reason for going with the 662 is: ...its the chipset their supplier already has access to, and going with something else would cost extra.
    2 points
  23. It is sad indeed, and sure there is a risk of it all collapsing. That is the risk we took when we supported a crowdfunded project. I for one would rather have the Pro1X I perked for with a 662, than just lost my money. Even at their best will they would hardly have the cash floating around to refund all, if they already ordered and paid various parts And even if they technically could use a 730 with the same antennas and shell, would the majority of us be ready to pay more to cover the losses of them being cheated? I think that currently they would be lucky to break even with it delivere
    2 points
  24. <Hook considers the cost of a flight to Berlin... πŸ˜… > Great offer! Hope some lucky person grabs it. πŸ‘
    2 points
  25. To me, the message they released reads like the decision for the 662 stands. They were informing us about the new facts, not trying to seek our advice.
    2 points
  26. They should continue to do pro1x campaign, so they can make enough money to keep their operation running. But they should also start the campaign for pro2 with a vastly better SOC. That way the campaigns can run concurrently; I'll happily buy both devices. That way the pro1x will come this year and the pro2 will come early next year. I'm sure they took their time and considered all their options before deciding on the 662. They took their time putting out this update and they're fully aware of the ramifications of their decision. They didn't put it up to a community vote, cause the never
    2 points
  27. Is anyone here in Berlin, DE? I have a pro1 that I'm not using. The condition is basically mint - except for the Sim tray, that thing can go straight to hell. There might also be an issue with the FP sensor, I never quite got it to work, but might be my fingers.. I don't want anything for it, so giving it away for free - the thing is I don't want to deal with shipping or anything, so you'd have to come pick it up. It would be nice if the person uses it instead of profitting off it on ebay but that's mostly a pinky promise.. Edit: it's given away now.
    2 points
  28. For example the Trust Zone feature is very important for mobile wallets. (Hardware Encrypted Storage) Or the NX Bit segregates areas of memory for use by either storage of processor instructions, which also rises the Security. Not getting acceleration for AES is sad, but as you said it can be handled by using CPU power which will drain the battery faster.
    2 points
  29. It's not that you lose them. You just no longer get hardware acceleration for them. That causes their processing to become slower.
    2 points
  30. For me it was clear right from the beginning in 2019, even though the original Pro1 already seemed a good offer at the time (and still seems one today, if you ask me), that it couldn't have been anything but a first shot at a great keyboard phone that would bring us over the waiting time until they have their refined and upgraded Pro2 ready πŸ˜‰
    2 points
  31. I see. I'm not much updated on that. I'd still rather have those and go forward than this bate and switch from Qualcomm who took the money and then didn't deliver to f(x)tec. Maybe any of those ones would be easier and faster to work with... I just wonder if Qualcomm blocked F(x)tec from using them. Fxtec doesn't just have to prepare a new phone, they also have to calculate their costs... Even if they could use one of the 7xx series of SoCs without needing a complete redesign of the hardware, it wouldn't help them much if the device's production costs would eventually exce
    2 points
  32. @brunoaisWhere did you get that information about SD720G and 9 months timeline?
    2 points
  33. I rather wait 9 months to get the 720[G] instead of 5 to get the 622 and get a long-lasting good product, given how much I'm paying for it.
    2 points
  34. Reading about the downgrade now 😞 Am I glad I got my Pro1 a few months ago! Sorry everyone that hasn't...
    2 points
  35. Here's a small update. Got the "Chargie" today and the first tests are encouraging. The device seems very much thought through, so far everything works as expected, without much setup at all. The app is well designed and user-friendly. For us geeks, it keeps three hours or so of statistics about what actual charging power is being used to up the charge to the configured limit. If someone insists on quick-charging their phone even though it has a tendency to be detrimental to the battery health the "Chargie" is supposed to preserve, it does that, too, it is even compatible with the non-standard
    2 points
  36. Is that the interpretation it is supposed to have? if so, then I'd change my option. @Erik Please confirm. If so, I will change the poll above. The announcement doesn't specify it. The baiter and switcher is the one F(x)tec hired and not F(x)tec itself. I wonder if it is a Chinese company... This kind of maneuver seems designed to kill small companies!
    1 point
  37. Delivery of my first phone was delayed by 5 months, the others 10 months. So, if you're delivery is delayed by 6 months, and you've been waiting less than 4 months, you have no right to complain πŸ™ƒ. Just putting things into perspective. Current Pro1 owners have had to wait anywhere between 10 months and 2 years between initial order and delivery. Besides, Pro1x owners have a decent chance of owning a phone with a usable camera and fully licensed Android support. Unlike current owners who can forget about ever receiving a decent upgrade to their camera software or official Android OS. Don't fo
    1 point
  38. Merged, not cluttering the forum with yet another thread on the same topic
    1 point
  39. Me to, and/or have my backing transferred from the Pro 1 to a future Pro 2 device.
    1 point
  40. Yes, right same here, I am willing to pay the difference for the better SoC
    1 point
  41. Do you mean this one? https://community.fxtec.com/topic/3292-pro1-and-pro1-x-design-change-to-use-snapdragon-662-no-new-devices-before-august-2021/?do=findComment&comment=56087
    1 point
  42. I honestly hope the way this "resolves" itself is that maybe FxTec somehow still make enough money from Pro1 and ProX sales in the future so that they can take their time, gather their resources and come out with a Pro2 that's truly a flagship device in a year or two. We, their clients now, are part of this company's first stumbling steps and I hope we can get it to a constant sprint in a few years time. For the sort of "Mom and Pop" shop they are at the moment, I'm quite impressed with what they managed to do up to now. But yes, if I didn't already have my Pro1, the downgrade news w
    1 point
  43. Any idea what this means for security updates for the 835 and LineageOS for example?
    1 point
  44. If you think "hey this guy is demanding something unreasonable"... I am working for OEM business, and I know how the semiconductor companies announce EOL of the product. They usually provide the notification 3 months before they announce the EOL. F(x)tec mentioned "negotiate with supply chain" - actually it happened 3 month before. It does mean, they had not placed the order in Nov 2020, while they had observed the back-orders, presumably from Jan 2020 to Nov 2020. Don't you think their logistic management is seriously terrible, not to order the cr
    1 point
  45. 1 point
  46. I think nobody told it is the case. I don't know the progress of stock Android 10, but LineageOS does provide it anyway and I don't think they stop supporting it in the near future. I don't think it is hard to continue supporting Pro1 while there is official support... so later Android support is a bigger question... What is worse, it seemed to be some effort of FOSS community supporting SDM835 more deeply which will not happen because of this step of Snapdragon. ...and trust me, it will also happen with this model in a few (maybe two, maybe three) years. One of the reasons
    1 point
  47. So those of us with the 835 are screwed? We are not getting even Android 10? This is like the PRIV all over again jesus...but at least we can replace it ourselves... I would have been happier if I didn't have to deal with that.
    1 point
  48. I just upgraded to FX Pro1 X Sapphire blue 😁 So I decided to wait another 8 months, but I think it will be worth in the end. By the way, today itΒ΄s 1 year since ordering, it was the February 10, 2020 πŸ˜†
    1 point
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