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Everything posted by EskeRahn

  1. It would be if the software development were based in a place without COVID19, but unfortunately idealte is in China (AFAIK), and china have not had a tradition for even IT-people to work from home. So most likely things are not set up allowing that. It would require a VPN setup, and a company sponsored computer per person, and if they not already got that, it will be hard to get that too now, even if the budget for that was accceptable.
  2. Thanks. Well I have no idea. And do not know how to check, sorry.
  3. Thanks, works like a charm AND you forgot to advertise that it nicely re-awakes the screen by the magnet only, if re-opened before the Lock-time-out. 😎
  4. Just curious, why are the options in LiveDisplay reduced with Test10 compared to Test8? (do not recall how it was on Test9)
  5. Try press and hold the power only for about 7s and release. That should force it to restart, and that should show something on the display within a few seconds. If not it is almost certainly a hardware issue. I assume we can rule out a completely flat battery, right? If not attach it to the charger and leave it say half an hour, and retry the about 7s power-press. It should at the least show a logo.
  6. ... Or the more realistic 3) , they don't have anything they can send currently. If you should have missed out on it, they still have not got neither all the phones nor alle the parts they need.
  7. An odd issue I have had quite a number of times: When the screen is locked, I try with a finger to unlock, but get the double-stroke haptic feed back telling me it was rejected, I can try two-three times with same result, If I then press the power button, and tries the finger again, it is accepted without any problems. It is not that it never is accepted, it just happens a little too often to be accidental, I think, I do not see it on Stock. Does anyone else see this behaviour?
  8. I tried to simplify the flashing process so I did not need to fiddle with the devices buttons, and remember/read as much If I do this at the bootloader fastboot reboot recovery the response looks sensible Rebooting into recovery OKAY [ 0.001s] Finished. Total time: 0.003s BUT despite saying otherwise it boots into normal and not recovery, so can not simplify that step So now my script for lineage+gapps is like this @ECHO off if %1.==. goto :EOF ECHO * Wait for boot to bootloader to finish (or do manually holding VolDown+Power) adb reboot
  9. AFAIK they are electrically wired in parallel, so the 66 physical keys represents 64 'logical' keys.
  10. In other threads someone have reported that this issue on other devices is often linked to buffer under-runs. But of course there can be many reasons for that, but a buffer increase would be a place to start, if it is not a problem with pulling data faster than it fetches it.
  11. But just imagine if it turned itself off when not needed/relevant, so we did not have to do it manually.... It would make things easier...
  12. Well sort of. Root ALSO breaks SafetyNet, but it requires more than just not rooted to pass. (yes yes, I am aware that rooted there are tricks to get SafetyNet happy)
  13. See the text written in red in what you quoted. 😥
  14. It is clearly having several issues that needs to be adjusted when used as speaker phone, as discussed elsewhere.
  15. Hmm I see this as a feature not a bug.... It can make a lot of sense to put the device on the desk with the bottom pointing towards you. It would be rather odd if the far speaker was used. And it is also dangerous if it is the one closest to the ear used, if you pick up the phone from the table during a pause in the conversation and accidentally forget it is in speaker mode... As long as they can handle any feed-back between the close speaker and microphone, it is the better option IMHO. So using the far speaker I would see as a potential workaround for handling lacking de-cou
  16. THE OTA have been Temporarily suspended, as it had a bug breaking the "SafetyNet", fix should be on it's way quickly.
  17. Yes we can get two results, both bad:
  18. Chen found this reply that might explain things....
  19. It has worked before, answering red, and later green after it was fixed. But now:
  20. on the bootloader screen it says Device state - Locked. But also Secure boot - no ADD, for old status a few weeks ago, see this https://community.fxtec.com/topic/2521-notice-regarding-getting-google-safetynet-certified-software/?do=findComment&comment=44278
  21. It is not happy.... (Though it still is marked as certified in the Android Market, Settings)
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