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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/01/2019 in all areas

  1. Hi guys, Tiny informal update before I split this thread to make the news easier to find. We are on track with the 1st batch as previously suggested. I have been told that customers from the 1st batch will soon receive a confirmation that stock has been assigned to their order. I expect it to be done by tomorrow. Obviously, this won't be sent to everyone who has an order, as the first batch is relatively small to the ones we expect to come shortly after. On a side note, please be aware that I do not represent the PR or communications team - I am a techie at Fxtec involved in de
    16 points
  2. This thread has gone off the rails. @Erik I HIGHLY suggest that you create an updates only thread that is locked to other users, so that we can read your updates without needing to wade through pages of complaining and wild theories. AND I suggest putting a disclaimer on every post you make in such thread that anything you say is subject to change at the discretion of f(x)tec's directors. I work in administration at a large company, so I'm fully aware that there are people above your pay grade making all the decisions and changing things without telling you and other staff. I underst
    14 points
  3. Yes and no. A percentage of the first batch, proportional to how many orders we have in Asia has been shipped from our Hong Kong warehouse to customers at the same time stock left on it's way to our UK and US warehouses. This is a very small quantity, so the earliest I expect (and hope) people will share some pictures of arrived devices would be next week. I am here to give you as much information as I have at the minute :). I am waiting to hear more today for a tiny informal update later.
    13 points
  4. I am trying to get some news for you to share later today. I don't, however, believe I've ever said that the first batch will cover most pre-orders. If I did, it's mistake and I apologise for it. What I am saying instead is that the second batch is much larger than the first one, and it will cover most pre-orders. The first batch is much smaller than the ones that will follow in mid-November.
    8 points
  5. I don't think everyone is loosing trust, the few here in the forum throwing a tantrum is just a small subset of those who ordered. Most are just quietly waiting I guess. I'm still with fxtec and happy they provide us a phone soon, so keep going! BUT please as many here stated work on your communication.
    7 points
  6. Exactly that is what I said before. Wait or don't, cancel or don't cancel but there is no need to complain here non stop.
    7 points
  7. Let's be realistic here: Fxtec hasn't been reliable when commenting on the shipping dates of the phone. They have been far too optimistic, and you can't trust their new estimates. That being said, it's a unique phone and the only way I'm getting my hands on it is by waiting patiently, so I wait. And continue to wait.
    7 points
  8. Well I would not expect a startup to be aware of all the hiccups that can (and most likely will) occur. But I would expect that they adjusted their ETS (Estimated Time of Shipment) when they know it to not hold, and do so BEFORE the day of the previous ETS... Let me put it this way: If I should invite these guys home for dinner I would for sure not prepare a soufflé, but would wait to prepare the food to they had arrived.
    6 points
  9. Yeah communication sucks... But that's it. I'm still thankful for this (upcoming) phone, courtesy of FxTec team. I'll repeat my statement. If you entrusted your time and money to a privately funded kickstarter/indigo/whatever like project and did not contemplate on the thought the project could (would!) be delayed, the issue lies with you because you lost touch with reality. All these phone projects were delayed, ALL. So it's out normal that the addition of a physical keyboard adds a couple of months extra. If it was my company I'd ID all whinoes and cancel their order. It's
    6 points
  10. I'm also rooting the phone when i have it :D.
    6 points
  11. @Erik thank you for being a bit more responsive today and yesterday, that's highly appreciated.
    6 points
  12. As far as I know, our online shopping platform calls "Pre-orders" anything that was signed up for, but hasn't been paid yet. When we started it took a few months before we charged for the pre-orders. I think now the website calls them "orders" because we take payment immediately after you place it. In real terms, however, anything is a pre-order if the device is not in general availability yet. And to us, the device will only be in general availability once we have stock sitting in the warehouse and waiting to be sold. Right now stock is being assigned to our pre-orders backlog as soon as
    6 points
  13. Hey @Erik, thank you for this update. I really appreciate you being here standing out to the community giving us news and taking all the tantrums and critics! ❤️ Guess then tomorrow a new wave of happiness and disappointment will roll over this forum. :D Hopefully I'm with the happy ones. Maybe comms team should stop tweeting (tweets are hilarious ) and interact more with the community. 😉 Great work so far, keep going!
    5 points
  14. add me to the club, screw the crybabies, go do my phone Fx and don't sweat the small stuff, invest in tech before PR, invest in PR when you can afford, good luck, and let's hope I would not need to eat my words 🙂
    5 points
  15. Honestly I understand your fear. But they would have saved them a lot of shitpost by leaving open gates. But they do not seem to be informed enough that they are able to leave gates open, or at least not the right ones. So I understand your fear and anger, well I am not amused myself. But I think you see to much in that. They actually do the opposite. They do not leave gates open, and then run through the door. I have given up listen to the communication, but still wait for the phone. The only thing I still care is getting the phone before X-mas and that people here stay a little calm.
    5 points
  16. Stop it Karen xD of course he meant 2019! What are you trying to achieve here? They can tell you anything and don't do it afterwards anyway! I don't want to attack you or anything. But I think we all should decide for ourself now if we want to take it up with a company like FxTec or not and stop attacking people like Erik!
    5 points
  17. I stand corrected. Actual phones carrying the chipset were released later in 2017, making the chip two years old by now. You still don't say anything about the rest of my post, though. Plus: the 835 is a high-end chip and will serve us for quite some time. We're basically getting an S8 with an additional keyboard! When FX gets its shit together and becomes big enough to matter, THEN we'll get qwery with current specs. Up until that time: quit bitching about "older hardware". Because none of us are prepared to pay iBlah price upwards of a grand for their phone...
    5 points
  18. I am patiently waiting, just checking this thread daily but trying not to complain too much about the delay(s). Honestly I still think that they will pull this off and it is a feat in itself to make a smartphone. For those who are getting increasingly bitchy, I do understand how you feeel but do try to take into account how an incredibly complex product a smartphone is. If you ever want to go to the next level of complexity with a consumer product, I think you would have to build a car. I am still rooting for these guys and hoping the money I knowingly put at risk by pre-orderin
    5 points
  19. That's BS. Those phones will not deliver the experience the Pro1 will give you. You're comparing phones which are 8 years old at best, to a chipset from last year. Give me a break...
    5 points
  20. Now let us all speak the following words: It is only a fu***ing Phone. My life is still OK without a new Phone in November. I still have the same friends and all my followers on Insta without this new Phone. Tonight I take my girl to a good restaurant WITHOUT any Phone and I try to talk with her. Talking not texting :D :D
    5 points
  21. I believe most of the pre-orders will be completed until the end of November. We really want to be in general availability in December, which we can't do before all pre-orders are fulfilled.
    5 points
  22. Hi Erik, It is really nice that you post in these forums despite not being officially working in PR team. It looks like very soon some customers will get individual notification of shipping devices. Additionally I think it would be nice that PR team would officially support this forum. We as customers are left alone and some might lose patience. It could even be that fxtec does not even notice the emotions from this forum. This is alsi quite important, as this thread has already more than 25000 views in the mean time... Thanks, ravelo
    4 points
  23. I understand the frustration, but I don't understand the anger nor the calls (not you) for others to cancel their orders. Yes, their communication has been horrible, but they are knee deep in getting the phones out so it's not going to change. It is what it is and Erik tries with what he has to work with. Later, when all the pre-orders have been delivered and all the warehouses are stacked with phones that can be bought and immediately shipped, they must sit down and figure out how to fix it. I suspect their big problem is they are incorporated, but they are really just a room full of
    4 points
  24. Nice to occasionally take a break in this thread. I'm definitely still rooting for you folks.
    4 points
  25. Customer presure has been shown to work many times. There is no reason they can take action and improve their communications and transparency now, and not just ignoring the community that should be their greatest cheerleaders at launch, with vague and in some cases misleading information. They have all the power to stop people complaining, and either choose not to, or dont have enough control over their delivery process to give us correct estimates. Both are worrying.
    4 points
  26. I personally like these small bits of info
    4 points
  27. "We expect the majority, if not all pre-orders, to ship by the end ofOctober." this update was provided before all of us saw the directors update mentioning the first batch will be shipped on the 29th of October. We understand this didn't go as we all wished. Since the update above, the information hasn't changed. Shipping began on the 29th as we promised - with more news to follow.
    4 points
  28. Now I hope that's some kind of a bad joke. Las month we read EXACTLY the same: "The first batch of the Pro1 will be on it's way to our earliest orders in mid-October. We expect the majority, if not all pre-orders, to ship by the end ofOctober." In September we also read the same thing. Please share with us the info how many devices have been sent - no personal details, locations nor another charades, just plain number. I took my time to read Your posts regarding delivery dates and batches. You are right, You have never said that the first batch covers most of the pre-orders - at
    4 points
  29. Changed the spam settings. We shouldn't see anymore spam, but I am also afraid it will flag the good users too 😕. Let [email protected] know if anyone has trouble posting.
    4 points
  30. I am going to change the spam settings. I am just afraid it might start blocking the good users too. Email [email protected] if anyone has trouble with the new spam system which is active now.
    4 points
  31. Some of them. But not all. Even from the ones linked, we've had some that do and some that don't. For example the any-directional one was only usb 2 2.4amp - I liked that one but was disappointed no quick charge. But theoretically if you want your battery to last longer you don't quick charge, so maybe for some people that's preferred.
    4 points
  32. I sincerely appreciate all the work you're putting in. Please keep it up, only a bit more to go! Make this device the way you want it to be. These things.... they take time.
    3 points
  33. Thanks Erik! We do appreciate your efforts really.
    3 points
  34. . I'm feel like I'm losing a bit of trust. I keep thinking that this company will be supplying updates, support, and any warranty cover that I need for a little while to come. And yet so far they've shown at best naïvety and at worst dishonesty. But in the other hand they are aiming to pioneer the return of the physical keyboard form factor. I believe in them for that, and I want to support that return which I'm not doing if I cancel my order.
    3 points
  35. I would suggest making beef jerky if you are going to do it ahead of time.
    3 points
  36. Let me get this straight I can totally see why people are starting to get mad. Me in primis. I was on board since early March, but I do not care how far the delivery goalpost was moved, i just got a little disappointed but that's it. However, as soon as they confirmed a fixed date for shipment, I do expect tracking number starting appearing in the order's section of the first users the same day or least the following day. To this day, nobody got any tracking number or at least a confirmation of their order being included in the first, second or in the nᵗʰ batch. I totally under
    3 points
  37. I've been demanding they add a keyboard and threatening to cancel my pre-order if they don't, but they don't reply :-/.
    3 points
  38. You guys need to seriously invest on some people who are good at communication. What a way to completely wreck any trust your customers might have, no matter how good the product actually is and how much of a good job you might be doing. Here's a list of the recent lies: "small batches will follow within days of each others" now it's half a month (mid november), W.T.F. Also now the first batch is infinitesimally small, too bad you omitted this information -_- "shipping to customers on the 29th" (now it's shipping to warehouses, what a loophole) "pre orders probably compl
    3 points
  39. 3 points
  40. That's the information we all have most of the time. As soon as there is anything significantly new and different you'd see an official directors update.
    3 points
  41. It might B seen as wrong interpretation of your wording, but you are talking to your customers - not Fx staff. For us, we understand 'shipping' as Fx sending phones to us customers. *not* factory shipping, with customs & international transport delays. 😪 Nonetheless, I still only hope for my phone sometime this month...
    3 points
  42. It seems ignoring someone has very little affect on new posts. I ignored this guy cuz when I check unread posts, it was full of Korean nonsense, yet unread posts is still showing his stuff, albeit with a note that says it's ignored. I'd rather just not see it at all than have it noted, what's the point of ignoring his posts if I still see his posts just saying they're ignored, the reason I ignored them was so I could see if there was anything else I not from him.
    3 points
  43. True for those of us in Europe and North America, but they also said some from this first batch would be going out direct from Hong Kong to Asia/Oceania, presumably the IGG backers and perhaps early payers. So one might have expected by now to hear something from someone in New Zealand, Australia, Singapore, Taiwan, China, Japan, India, etc....
    3 points
  44. New pro1 spotted for musicians!
    3 points
  45. I can't be bothered with this thread anymore.... @Erik please make an announcements thread and lock & pin it :D
    2 points
  46. We have been complaining for a long time now. I don't think it will help. If you think otherwise, go ahead. But I just do not think they have the possibilities to do better until the phone is shipped.
    2 points
  47. We have reached the milestone when people upgrade their phones less and less (this is partially why iphone sales are dropping), because phones last longer and are fast enough for most use cases. Every performance increase 10-15 years ago was noticeable, but lately phones have become so fast and optimized for specific tasks that it no longer matters. Sure, you want the fastest phone on the market to play some cashgrab mobile games, but will +-0.1s loading time make a huge impact on your daily use? The keyboard sure will.
    2 points
  48. So far nobody confirmed receiving the tracking number. Please share with us the numbers - how big the first batch is and how much devices have been sent. We all wait for it, it's a simple request. If what You have written is true and the first devices were shipped on Tuesday, this should be already revealed, since shipping is the biggest success we're all waiting for since months.
    2 points
  49. I researched the company Chen shot the last video at. And as it turns out, it's actually not the one we think it is:
    2 points
  50. guys, can we move the convo to another thread (@EskeRahn, could you split the topics maybe)? that's not a production status discussion any more, for those of us who monitor this thread for updates. Sorry to be naggy🙂
    2 points
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