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  1. Some will, but I can't confirm that on an individual basis, there may or may not be a lot of people in the queue before you. Each batch now covers between 1-2/10ths of all pre-orders. This might disappoint some, and we understand this given how much all of you had to wait for the device, but the bigger picture is positive - we are producing and shipping devices a lot more frequently now that we addressed production and logistics related issues that were slowing us down.
    19 points
  2. Tracking details were emailed to our APAC and US/CA customers to those with stock assigned letters. The EU stock is in transit with a courier to our EU warehouse right now. I will write an update on the news thread later today when I get a chance.
    13 points
  3. I shall do this as soon as I get mine. I would NEVER use Scroogle Pay or any other GcrApp and shall wear an unlocked bootloader as a badge of freedom. 🙂 I don't lock my house or my cars, so why would I lock my phone?
    9 points
  4. We are now having batches leaving the factory every week, another one is expected to be in transit between the warehouses by the end of this week, so technically another batch of "stock assigned" letters should be going out early next week. I will provide more detailed info on this today once I get some time :).
    8 points
  5. If there are between a 1/10th and a 1/5th of phones shipping each week and there are only 2 weeks left until Christmas, then it's not pessimistic to say *the majority* of pre-orders won't be completed by Xmas, it's simple maths. Whilst it would be lovely and exciting to get it before xmas, I simply want this phone! I will get it when I get it. I spent money on the Cosmo over 1yr before getting that device. (The next part aimed at F(x)tec) Of course with thousands of well paid engineers here at Google UK's hq, it would definitely be in F(x)tec's benefit to have me walking aroun
    7 points
  6. Got a tracking # for 12/10 This is the most progress I have had so far. I'm in the US, It's moving.
    7 points
  7. This might be disappointing news to some (not me), BUT the forthright communication is much appreciated by all (including me)! It's long overdue and much needed. Thank you.
    7 points
  8. Got my tracking number!!! ETA 12/10 (US, IGG backer, had a stock assigned in the first batch)
    7 points
  9. The problem is that your boss can see your screen 😄
    6 points
  10. Well, welcome back when things settle down a bit 🙂 But please stop lying by saying people are lying when they are not... They gave an ESTIMATE, And yes that did not hold, but wrong estimates are, well wrong estimates and not lies.
    6 points
  11. Here here ...And to everyone (like me) who has been upset for a while and is still waiting ...this is what we have been asking for - and now we have got it ...So let us all treat Erik with respect and make sure he feels welcome here, and feels comfortable to be honest at all times, irrespective of whether he is the bearer of good or bad news!
    5 points
  12. I have contacted support yesterday and had some mail conversation. Today they have shared some valuable information with me and I have asked if I am allowed to share their reply with you. As now I have permission to share it, here is what support wrote:
    5 points
  13. So I have spent most of the day today trying to get TWRP to decrypt FBE. It has been quite an adventure, as my only prior experience with TWRP decrypt has been FDE on Android 7.0 which is quite simple to support. FBE on Android 9.0 requires a lot of infrastructure that I had not known about. I'm not done yet. Hope to have it working in the next couple of days. I'm also preparing an EDL package for user consumption. This will allow anyone to un-brick their device and restore the stock factory image no matter how badly they damage the software. But don't go erasing your entire
    4 points
  14. Thank you all for the feedback! Team is working on the fix for the keyboard unresponsive issue. It's quite random and cannot replicate easily. But we will do out best and solve ASAP.
    4 points
  15. If we are pessimistic, yes. We've had 2 batches shipped already, and the 3rd one is on the way.
    4 points
  16. You can safely replace "could happen" with "will happen". Even if illegal, at some point data gets stolen by someone. There are no tight systems. Though I would not consider other OS more safe as such, but at least they do not openly collect ALL the info they can scrape together like Google does, so the data could be leaked from either the phone OR Google. But the risk of an individual phone being hacked to get it's info is much much less than that the massive storage of data at Google will be attacked - a simple inside job is all it takes....
    4 points
  17. It is nice to see devices delivered 🙂. I will try to keep my spirit up till I receive my unit sooner or later. Just remember to post your feelings as soon you get Pro1 😉.
    4 points
  18. Although less outspoken about it, I'm also in the camp who does not like google and I intend to remove as much of the google apps as I can or use Lineage (although both are Android which is made by google but anyway). The sneaky thing about google is that it tries to gather as much data about you as it possibly can and uses it for profit, even when you try to turn it off there is always hidden stuff buried in menus in my experience and then it will for example ask me how did I like the supermarket or bar I just went to, why does it know this and why does it need to know it? And maybe fair enou
    4 points
  19. I wish I was posting on my own behalf, but here's a Japanese tweet that will likely not result in a forum post by itself: They seem happy about the shipping notice. So yeah, that's one for APAC.
    4 points
  20. Call it what you want. Estimated, scheduled, anticipated, due, I don't really care. But when you even hint at something happening and don't have an intention of following through, I consider it a lie. Withholding information is also a lie (10/29 they shipped a small batch and called it on schedule, leaving the majority of pre orders thinking they would get theirs, but we haven't. It's not like they didn't know how big the batch was or were unable to tell us that) I find it VERY hard to believe they didn't anticipate some of these delays. Also knowing that an outcome is highly un
    4 points
  21. Got mine too - fedex 1224703xxxxx Seems they're shipping US orders direct from HK too.... mine's still at the airport over there according to tracking. email:
    3 points
  22. Thanks a lot for this. I think that a lot of people that were asking for more information wanted info like this. Sure, it's not necessarily as good as "your device is shipping now" or something, but it is info and like you said the bigger picture is positive. This also to me seems like a pretty realistic estimation, compared to some of the previous information we had gotten.
    3 points
  23. It would be very helpful to send an email or post in the locked thread, rather than burying the information here.
    3 points
  24. From what I understand, banks do use it sometimes, but so does Netflix and lots of enterprise apps.
    3 points
  25. Got my tracking number as well! Everything the same as zurvan2.
    3 points
  26. I believe that it is better when the device comes with locked bootloader. Then people can use all Google services if they want without hassle. If someone wants to flash different OS to the device, it is trivial to unlock bootloader and flash whatever he/she wants (just like with OnePlus devices). If you do not input any personal information during start up I believe that Google does not collect anything from you since the device is fully wiped during flashing process. Of course it would be different thing if the bootloader would be locked permanently. Luckily that is not the situation with Pro
    3 points
  27. I think the thing people aren't mentioning is the employees at these places do you trust them? I'm a software engineer and I see all sorts which I could easily put on the internet anonymously.
    3 points
  28. And worse than that. In some countries information about political activity or even just sexual preferences could have life-threatening consequences in the hands of the wrong people.
    3 points
  29. Thanks for getting back quickly. Makes me feel cared for as a customer. Most of us are supporting F(x)tec through and through in the best way we can which is holding on to our preorders and to the edges of our seats. We are rooting for your continued success even if it is against all the odds.
    3 points
  30. Addendum to that xda video:
    3 points
  31. Good to know, I can stop smashing "refresh" button and get back to work
    3 points
  32. Off topic: In that link i stumbled upon fastboot oem off-mode-charge 1 That allows the Pro1 to charge while staying turned off. I do not know if there is a good reason for them to turn this feature Off by default (Or maybe it is Off by default without FxTec changing it?) Tried it On with slow charging, and from what I can see it works exactly as you would expect. Will try with fast charge when the level is sufficiently low for it to make sense. Works fine with fast charging too. ADD: When the off-mode-charge is Off, the device will automatically power up when power is appli
    3 points
  33. I regularly don't lock my front door wife goes mad 😄 (my area is definitely not crime free!!!)
    3 points
  34. I'm seriously thinking of ordering a second unit for this very reason, and also to make sure I don't need this Loo......err, PRIV anymore LOL
    3 points
  35. Were launchers 1 and 2 not good enough? I've always wondered why it was named launcher 3. 🙃
    3 points
  36. Now that we have a working Lineage install, I think we need an issue tracker. I think the easiest thing to do is to use github since it has a built-in issue tracker for projects. https://github.com/tdm/android_device_fxtec_pro1/issues
    3 points
  37. So I'm posting this in General because this is purely a matter of curiosity on my part, and I'm still (im)patiently 😉 waiting for all the logistics and production issues to pass so I can receive my device, so wouldn't really call it a support item. Does the Pro1 have esim support? And if not, is this something that could be enabled at a later stage with a software update? Some phones with the Snapdragon 835 SoC support esim, but not all of them: https://www.gsmarena.com/compare.php3?idPhone1=8733&idPhone2=8647&idPhone3=8523#*,*,g955u https://www.manninfo
    2 points
  38. I am looking forward to the phone and don't mind them holding my 736 Euro. As I pointed out in another thread there's no alternative for me and I currently am on a Samsung S8. But RDP and Putty is too painful with OSD-Keyboard. Edit: waiting for QWERTZ-layout, Germany.
    2 points
  39. Sounds good. Got my fat cat SDXC today, just need something to put it in 😉
    2 points
  40. And if it does, can you have an esim, a normal sim, and a microSD card at the same time?
    2 points
  41. The really dangerous stuff is: They could sell the data, for example to insurances. Then you can't get a new one, just because you googled some things about a cancer type (could be medical research for school even). Or banks will deny you loans and stuff like that...
    2 points
  42. See the XDA review linked here
    2 points
  43. Yes sir. Something weird happened with that one and it got all goofed up (weird and goofed are technical terms here). 😀
    2 points
  44. I just don't agree. They are getting it together and doing as expected for a startup bringing a smart phone to market. However, as I have said before, they need to overhaul their communication skills. They are almost non-existent, and it's causing too many people to not trust them. That is a problem and the sooner they fix it the better.
    2 points
  45. On the keyboard layout issue. The qwertY and qwertZ keyboards are electrically identical. Basically the qwertZ is a logically unshifted qwertY. That is the letters are shifted back to their natural positions, and then a few national keys in the right pane. Have you tried if FinQWERTY works under Lineage too?
    2 points
  46. I can't imagine a situation where you wouldn't be allowed to use it under lineage on the same device tho, even if other use is somehow restricted....
    2 points
  47. To be fair, the Moto mod was not discontinued because of Livermorium, but because of Motorola dropping everything.
    2 points
  48. And moto mod had issues with third parties which could probably never be resolved, yet Chen handled it like a champion and a winner. And I am certain the lessons learned will help to make the Pro1 successful :).
    2 points
  49. Maybe - on hardware, they may be called workarounds. 🙂 Like working with an SPI sensor which does not release MISO line when CS pin goes high (although datasheet says it does) but has another operation mode when it releases it. So there is a workaround possibility to switch operational modes before and after using that sensor. Another case, same (big) manufacturer, another SPI device, same problem but written in data sheet (in a separate place at interface documentation), however, without any possible workarounds at all. ...had to redesign the circuit and it went to I2C. ...anyway,
    2 points
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