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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/12/2020 in all areas

  1. Used to have this issue. Installed an app called ultimate rotation control to deal with the rotation. Working perfectly for my use case.
    3 points
  2. Sorry! Its chrome page autotranslater... I writed it in anglish 🙂
    3 points
  3. Sneaky me didn't see your sneeky sneekyness and chose the next age group since it wasn't long ahead. Also, I thought about the Pro1 not getting delivered before anyways. Now we have to do another poll. Shame on me!
    3 points
  4. Well, in October they expected delivery by end of that month, in November it was the 29th and in december "before Christmas". Currently they say that all orders will be completed by the end of this month, at latest by the beginning of February (but with shippng starting in January. I've asking the support every month and in every mail there's a margin of around four weeks (and I'm a late order). I know your feel, but given that they really expected to fulfill their shipping schedule, the website would technically be correct... Were the expectations too high? Of course. But that's a d
    3 points
  5. Seems like keyboard unresponsiveness bug is almost gone by the OTA update. Actually it seemed to be totally gone, but yesterday my keyboard stopped working for few times. Every time it happened it was right after screen timeout while having keyboard out (I left the phone lying on the table with keyboard opened for a while.) But earlier only reboot helped to fix the issue, but now it started to work again after I closed the keyboard, rotated the phone to portrait, switched to some other app, opened virtual keyboard, typed something, opened the keyboard again, went back to original app and then
    3 points
  6. 2 points
  7. This discussion made me try something, just out of interest and also to see if the guys at F(x)tec were awake. 😛 I held the phone in landscape, with the slider closed. Then turned it through 180°, so it was upside down, then I opened the slider and rotated the phone back through 180°. I was half expecting the screen to be locked upside down. But I can confirm that all's good the screen does in fact swing back to the right orientation before locking. 😁😂
    2 points
  8. Det er temmeligt upraktisk hvis vi hver især skriver på vores eget sprog herinde.... Please: English only in this forum. Use personal messages if you want to communicate with another member with whom you share another language.
    2 points
  9. I'm pretty sure that FxTec stated somewhere that they initially would simply swap phones and not do repairs, for accepted warranty claims. (How long they would do that was not stated, as I remember)
    2 points
  10. I have no crystal ball, but it's in the pipeline so it'll definitely come at some point.
    2 points
  11. I did not mention letter shifted qwerty being a flaw at all. The wobble is in closed position at the bottom of the phone, it wobbles from the left to right making sounds when it moves. I asked people here about that and so far nobody else had the same issue. By "right side buttons" I meant volume, power and fingerprint sensor. Not the keyboard. I feel like you completely didn't understand my previous post. Where did I want a PC with phone capabilities? I wanted a smartphone with keyboard and issues I mentioned happen in portrait mode. The phone is annoying to use in portrait,
    2 points
  12. I have been playing with chroot on the Pro¹ lately, extremely happy with it, even though it is still rough around the edges. Even my N900 never felt so close to an actual pocketable computer. Therefore, moar pics. I typed this post and uploaded images using the Pro¹. cmus (not affected by SFOS volume, but it has its own volume settings anyway): cmus and nnn file manager side by side, I really appreciate tiling since SFOS does not allow that: And an additional tile for another tool: Some random programs in different terminals in Tilix and the sidebar showing c
    2 points
  13. Too bad. There are also those that do both charging and data-transfer, but does not allow the full set of stuff an USB-C can. The one you got can most likely do the full set.
    1 point
  14. I'm not sure, but probably yes, at least the other Unihertz were unlockable, but there don't seem to be much custom ROMs and it has a MediaTek SoC. The Titan also still seems to have Security Patch Level from August 2019
    1 point
  15. I have problems with Bluetooth audio devices. After connecting there is no audio and volume control. I opened a bug and can send you more information if you need.
    1 point
  16. Thanks for the hint. I can not get it to do reverse portrait in any of the Auto options. If it does on yours, what are your settings? "Forced Auto" and "Forced 3/4 auto" does not seem to work at all, But "Auto" does what I assume "Forced 3/4 auto" was supposed to do (=Anything but reverse portrait)
    1 point
  17. Strictly it depends on your settings, if you selected the classic buttons (Settings, System, Gestures, Swipe up on Home button), it would be the app-list button that is in this slot. (Autorotate is pushed further towards the edge)
    1 point
  18. Yes. It's a generic ubuntu 18.04 image apart from low-level integration into sailfish (or lack of) like host system sound mixer / power manager and input methods. Available gcc version is 8.3.0.
    1 point
  19. oh man, now I am struggling to decide which phone I want. The Titan looks nice and I was always pretty satisfied with my BB Q10 and always wanted to get a Passport but the end of BB10 stopped me. Titan with Sailfish would be the perfect match for me 🤔
    1 point
  20. I confused the mentioned Titan with the Cosmo, sorry. Ah! the top buttons! I thought you meant the buttons on the keyboard shifted to the right, my bad too. The fingerprint sensor is perfectly placed for the right index finger in landscape. For portrait the Pro1 is clearly designed for right handed people, that will hold the device in the left hand, and operate the display with the right. And here the sensor sits almost perfect for the left hand ring finger. I fail to see how your suggested placement would be better for right handed people in both landscape and portrait? Are you
    1 point
  21. Well, it was as clear as now that it wouldn't happen: We just don't know. It could have been a possibility that their expectations would have worked out since I don't think that they would intentionally lie to us. Were the expectations high? Of course. And they are again. But we often have big expectations for stuff that are usually out of our hands.
    1 point
  22. Easy there white Knight. I'm not attacking King FX. Just saying that they knew it wasn't ready for generak delivery in 4-6 and chose not to change that even after many many posts suggesting they do so at the time.
    1 point
  23. Basically, its camera is good for my needs. It can take very good photos in daylight. I have not noticed the strange blur then sharpen type noise filtering scheme which can be found in the software of several phones. However, it has some noise filtering settings which I have not experienced with. In darker environment, it may be a bit noisy, I don't know what filter algorithm do with it or what other phones do in the same situation. Which is important for me is I can also take photos of subjects in the closer range - it can set focus very precisely. For example, I could ta
    1 point
  24. ...and even Fruit Ninja is more fun in landscape mode. 😉
    1 point
  25. Sure, why not. Anyway, I would like to try Sailfish OS on it (after checked if it works correctly using stock firmware) after having some protection foils also on that device. I may also try other things but definitively not as much as if I were a beta tester as I would not like to worn out it's built-in flash too far as being my spare device to be used later in case my current Pro1 has problems.
    1 point
  26. Yep, I hate that you cut in line. I hate that some lawyer presumably put F(x)tec in a bad position and made it possible. I'm sure you will get your original money back. What with people out for the holidays and now admins in factories instead of offices, I'm sure it's just a delay. Do know that the system resets your position in line when you send another message, so patience is more than just a virtue; it's necessary if you wish to get a response at all. Also, I'm glad that you like the device. People who have already received their devices and like them is the only reason there has
    1 point
  27. Hold up, edgy boy. Pro1 is not any "genius" work and you talk about it like Fxtec is some kind of world savior or god emperor and everyone who doesn't follow your Fxtec religion is worthless. I just wanted a $720 phone that is perfectly usable. If you think that posting flaws and telling what is wrong with the phone is a bad thing then you are just a fanatic.
    1 point
  28. I have stopped caring, and at this point, I wouldn't blame Fxtec for doing the same. This world doesn't deserve to benefit from genius any longer. Welcome to the Idiocracy.
    1 point
  29. This is definitely not by design, impossible on my unit, the whole edge of the glass is supposed to be recessed. I think the screen is even supposed to be glued (not strongly but enough to dustproof) on the edge. I think you should contact support to get it repaired or replaced.
    1 point
  30. (Calm down, it's just a meme)
    1 point
  31. Lineage OS is dropping the support for its own root access, starting from LOS 17 (Android 10). Magisk is the way to go in future. LineageOS is dropping its own superuser implementation, making Magisk the de facto solution
    1 point
  32. We should just not forget that this is an insanely hard task to develop HW like this. And you are the bottom of the pond: 1. Prio: Chinese companies 2. Prio: Big companies 3. Prio: Small contracts which are ordered spontanious 4. Prio: These weird british startup So if something goes wrong like protests and stuff, you are fucked! P.S. I am sorry for you, hope you will get your Cosmo soon. But is is inferior to the all mighty prawn anyway 😄
    1 point
  33. I would like that as an option too. But let the user choose. It is not an issue if the Pro1 is in a flip case, with the flip on the button side, but it is an issue if used without. For the unit in a plain shell type case (and I would guess the same with a flip to the other side) it only very rarely happens, so here it is a matter of taste if you would want the option On or Off..
    1 point
  34. If that is your approach to analogies, you better never try to read the Bible. 🤣
    1 point
  35. I worded the question in such a way that your group in this poll, will not actually change with time 😉 I'm sneaky like that sometimes.
    1 point
  36. Welcome to the real world... honestly the only drawback of me buying the phone from a reseller (for FxTec) is that they got slightly less bucks from that device. But so what? Don't be so self-righteous - your behavior reminds me of a fanatic. This was not about instant gratification, but about cheaper price + sooner at my house vs higher price + I don't know when it arrives... I know you don't want to understand because the only truth to everything is your own, but then just stop stinking around. Yes I got my phone earlier, yes I paid less, no I don't regret it, yes the screen is broken,
    1 point
  37. You know you can just paypal fxtec some money if you so badly want to go above and beyond to help them? Taking a net negative (waiting longer AND paying more AND giving them a zero interest loan in the meantime) is literally the same as giving them money, so you might as well just do that..... If you want to give fxtec the "absolute best future possible" just give them all your money. You can't put out absolute statements like that and then not follow it up. There is no line in the sand if you want the "absolute best future possible". Why not work for them for free, too?
    1 point
  38. I just hope that referring to the phone as "the Clack" never catches on.
    1 point
  39. Ubu chroot on Pro¹ running SFOS: Thanks Preflex and TheKit!
    1 point
  40. So I have spent most of the day today trying to get TWRP to decrypt FBE. It has been quite an adventure, as my only prior experience with TWRP decrypt has been FDE on Android 7.0 which is quite simple to support. FBE on Android 9.0 requires a lot of infrastructure that I had not known about. I'm not done yet. Hope to have it working in the next couple of days. I'm also preparing an EDL package for user consumption. This will allow anyone to un-brick their device and restore the stock factory image no matter how badly they damage the software. But don't go erasing your entire
    1 point
  41. I can think of one reason I certainly wouldn't mind deep flash; if it involved the installation of a multi-boot bootloader. It would be great to have stock, LOS, SFOS, and whatever porters/devs come up with next, all on the same device.
    1 point
  42. It's called EDL, also sometimes called "deep flash". This is a protocol baked into the device boot ROM (real ROM -- read only memory). The factory uses this to flash the device from scratch. I have access to it.
    1 point
  43. Got my magnetic adapter through today. It's blummin' huge!!! 🥺🥺 Way bigger than I thought it would be and (yes EskeRahn) the phone is slightly raised at the bottom end when it's in place. I suppose it's due to the fact that the connector is also for data transfer, whereas the round connectors that I have are charging only.
    0 points
  44. Good idea, fire departments are not good at recovering money from internet purchases. I think instead my CC will help... They shake down any payment over 200€ Challenge accepted!
    0 points
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