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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/03/2020 in all areas

  1. Fx Service is an Android application notably enabling Pro1 smart case support. It also provides various solutions to common Pro1 problems or simply new features including: Smart case support: configurable lock and wake functionalities. Screen filter overlay to lower display brightness beyond system settings. Configurable vibration upon keyboard key action. Alternative auto-rotate solution to bypass system auto-rotate which tends to get stuck. Filter out unwanted system key input. Feel free to post here to discuss bugs and feature requests.
    8 points
  2. F(x)tec Team: I remain hopeful that the Pro1 will make it. It is very important to me that it does, especially with the demise of the Blackberry QWERTY cellphone keyboards that will occur this coming October 2020. I have learned that if you are a visionary, it is often a lonely place. It is a curse when you are the only one in the room that sees what you envision. In my case, my friends and co-workers laughed at me in 1989 when I created an electronic health record database software system (today known as Ezpro - https://ezprosystem.com/?page_id=74, https://ezprosystem.com/?page_id=6
    6 points
  3. Modem crashes are always fatal, eg. reboot AFAIK. And the modem software is completely closed source. The OEM may have the source, I don't know. If they do, I might be able to build a kernel that crashes to ramdump mode. This would allow you to pull a copy of the device state at the time of the crash and send it to the OEM for analysis.
    5 points
  4. I got a rough 3d scan of it as a starting point for making a case. Here is the obj file if anyone is interested: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/uee2exvq1k9l0g8/AADEZnXLLar2HUjdHvcaj3O1a?dl=0 It got some artifacts due to the fact that I had to cover it in tape for the scan to work (can't scan non-reflective black surfaces or surfaces with specular reflections).
    5 points
  5. Well, I did a quick test file yesterday as well, might give printing it a try this evening:)
    4 points
  6. @Khalid I'll refer you to a post that I made a bit over a week ago: https://community.fxtec.com/topic/2809-after-a-solid-month-i-give-up-i-need-to-vent/?do=findComment&comment=45253 The tldr of it is that yes, FxTec nerfed the software and as a result they don't even really have control over the OTA contents or timing. Big mistake? Absolutely. End of the world? Not even close. Software will improve over time and there are alternative ROMs to choose from. Lineage, in particular, is now quite usable except for the notification light (which will be fixed in short
    4 points
  7. Already gone. Damn that went so fast. Whoever bought the phone got a smoking deal... Sorry the phone didn't work out for you OP.
    3 points
  8. Very interesting, thanks! I tag @Waxberry to make sure he sees this, so It can be forwarded to the right people. 🙂 Especially interesting that they even got a workaround..
    3 points
  9. There it is: Fx Service. For better and easier Pro1 integration with smart case cover.
    3 points
  10. I googled a bit and I think that I might have found something to resolve this issue. Some Sony Xperia devices (XZ1 Compact and XZ Premium) with same chipset (SD835, MSM8998) have also suffered from random reboots. There were very similar symptoms. "I'll add that it's still ongoing and I've noticed it happens in the same physical place with some consistency. I take a train for my daily commute and it usually happens in the area between two particular stations. Perhaps relevant is that this area has always had a bad radio signal." "I was able to reproduce it consistently during
    3 points
  11. I forced my phone to use only WCDMA and traveled that 70km but I was not able to produce random reboot. When I was driving back I selected GSM/WCDMA preferred but no reboot. I checked that my phone was connected to both B1 and B8 bands during the trip. This was a trip that I had not drove before so I don't know if there would be reboot with stock settings anyway. I started to think about a new scenario that maybe WiFi 2.4G issue is related to assumed network issue. I have 2.4G WiFi at home but I haven't faced reboots at home. Maybe there is a really specific usage scenario where both W
    3 points
  12. Title, selling my Pro 1. Took it out of the box and couldn't get it to work on my carrier, back in the box it went. Never spent a second in a pocket or on a table, still has the IMEI sticker on the back. Selling at a loss just to get some of my cash back. Asking $550. https://www.ebay.com/itm/223934674653
    2 points
  13. Yeah that is probably a good idea, I'll update that. When I have something that prints ok I will post all files. The entire thing did not fit in my printer, but I printed the top part for testing and the camera hole is correct (camera position is actually visible in scan), but other holes need some adjustment.
    2 points
  14. This is great!! One thing that i missed from my old phone was smart cover function. I tried android program that was doing same with just a proximity sensor but i didn't like that as it shut down the screen when ever i placed my hand even a little bit over the phone. Getting your program to work was bit difficult at first because i didn'n know that you had to allow it to work from accessibility menu. Also getting the magnet to line up perfectly with the hall sensor needed a few tries.
    2 points
  15. Similar to pretty much any other Android phone, you do a build by pulling binaries off the device. I don't know if FxTec has provided any "official" kernel sources but this repo has the full OEM history, which is a step above your typical "here's a tarball" that most every other OEM does: https://github.com/tdm/android_kernel_idealte_msm8998/commits/oem-history
    2 points
  16. I believe this is the OEM: http://www.idealte.com/ check posts from tdm he has mentioned.
    2 points
  17. Tactus Technology actually showed this kind of implementation few years ago. There were "bubbles" on the touch screen surface. I don't know what happened to that technology since I haven't seen that later. Imagine that technology with Galaxy Fold. However, I would still pick up Pro1 anytime because of slider.
    2 points
  18. This energy spike thing could seem plausible. I also live in a large town in the UK which has good signal coverage, but my specific house has none. It could be the increase of transmit power to compensate for the loss of cellular signal combined with the reconnection of the device to my home wifi at the same time that causes this - maybe due to mail syncing at the same time, but I can't explain why 5Ghz doesn't seem to do the same. It used to be even when I popped outside and the phone got a sniff of a cellular signal it would reboot too - didn't even have to arrive home just walk out ont
    2 points
  19. Don't think so. In my case I was never connected to WiFi, during the reboot. The theory with energy spike causing reboot seems more plausible, I have dual-sim with multiple mail and messenger accounts always syncing.
    2 points
  20. It's wild how different the experiences with their customer service are. Due to financial issues I had to cancel my order and ask for a refund yesterday (really not an easy decision) and just 9hrs later I got an answer and an email confirming my refund. After reading what other customers had to deal with I was expecting the worst but it seems I got extremely lucky...
    2 points
  21. oops, you are right, tdm, i should have specified who owns root here, sorry about that ! i meant root on the host (and i did not yet need to be root on the phone). you are most probably right regarding the udev rules and i googled similar notes elsewhere on the web. interestingly jmtpf worked over the last few worked for the "PTP"-mode - but as i started to play also with the "File transfer" mode it broke my previous access to the phone photo data. so neither access worked for me as regular user as of today but for root both worked just fine. anyway, i assume the number will be th
    2 points
  22. Thank you, yeah I figured it is still technically a second hand device since I opened the box so I wanted to make sure the value is there for someone to pick it up. The money's going to go back in my rainy day fund to try again in a couple of months, once maybe F(x) opens up some more possibilities with other carriers.
    2 points
  23. Too bad you can not get it working. Some US carriers require some trickery. Have you seen this thread?
    2 points
  24. i am not sure if i mentioned it already in this forum (my search before didn't help) but i experienced some two weeks ago the very same problem as alexmarzulli did in that the upper 16% or so of the screen became unresponsive to touch, out of the blue, for no clear reason. i used the built-in factory test mode which revealed that the area of the last two upper rows with red circles are indeed unresponsive to touch as i can't erase them like the others lower down : i contacted Fxtec and they promised me a replacement screen in the coming weeks - see my recent post in this forum. ob
    2 points
  25. I yesterday got the old SCH-U750 aka Zeal aka Alias 2. Very interesting. There are little movement of each key, but to my surprise it looks like the e-ink move with the key, so it is not just a transparent mat on top of a common e-ink display, But it looks like it is 42 individual matrix e-ink displays! And a warning to @abielins: The below is AFTER a thorough cleaning attempt. You do NOT want to know how it looked before. I believe it might have been an entire eco-system....
    2 points
  26. That video does the pause when rotating before each level that I was trying to describe. first time is right at the 1 minute mark..... then again around 725-735... I'llsee if I can make my own video... but my behavior seems same on Pro¹ edit: made a video, but it probably wont be online for a couple hours, my upload b/w is slow
    1 point
  27. I thought Mario Kart Wii was one of the games I thought you listed, that's why I tried it... I'll try it now see if I can display fps and report back. I did play it once more since posting, and it does that slowdown on every single level intro before each race.... edit: Ok so it jumps around, its not stable at 60. During a race it seemed to get down as low as 39 but usually in the 40s, and sometimes up to 62... I also tried Luigi's mansion gamecube. Its around 29/30 most of the time, but jumps to 59/60 for in game movies and certain scenes like a closeup of when I tr
    1 point
  28. I don't remember any problems accessing it under Debian using jmtpfs except that it was extremely slow so I have used everything else other than that... tried FTP servers, Samba network and even my e-mail server by saving as draft... The best way would be for me to run an ssh server on it and able to access userdata including SDCARD but I still don't know if it is possible in a proper way like in my N900 was.
    1 point
  29. i'd say hardly noticeable but frankly i don't notice any difference at all. the pro1 doesn't seem to have the wake lock issue, battery drain is nearly 0.
    1 point
  30. The title is a lie and plain clickbait, but let's have a laugh while we wait :).
    1 point
  31. i use Slackware linux - depending on your linux flavor things may look a bit different. 1) you need to install jmtpfs on your linux box. in my case it's v0.5 2) add yourself to the uucp group : /etc/group : uucp:x:14:uucp,YourUserName 3) /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules : SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="18d1", ATTR{idProduct}=="4ee2", MODE="0660", GROUP="uucp", ENV{ID_MTP_DEVICE}="1", SYMLINK+="libmtp" 4) as root, do : udevadm control --reload 5) mkdir ~/mtp ; jmtpfs ~/mtp/ ; 6) do your copy/move/delete jobs... 7) fusermount -u ~/mtp
    1 point
  32. I dunno why I'm replying to old stuff, I think I'm trying to stir up trouble, the forums have been so slow lately with people just reporting problems we already know about and eveyrone else just waiting for corona/etc to subdue and fxtec to start shipping again and pushing out OTA updates.... It's not that I doubt the Russian Government may possibly be involved in some cyber hacking stuff etc that may possibly be be harmful to western nations... it's just I don't think ppl publishing apps on openrepos for sfos are very likely to be russian-government-funded-hackers-trying-to-harm-us. As y
    1 point
  33. It just stays silent. Still generates logs and silently fails launching there, though. I'm using that side-effect to make use of the camera button via Tasker this way. The process is easily reversible (do "pm install" instead of "pm uninstall"), though I guess if you get rid of a truly essential system app it could break something... I used this post as reference when I did it. I don't have my phone with me right now, but there's only one app pre-installed that has "camera" in its package name, fully written out, if I remember correctly. How to get ADB to work is not expl
    1 point
  34. And now, with test8, the stuff I'd done in custom keymaps is built in as an option, I don't even need to use the custom keymap I made: In the future I hope/imagine there may be an option there to use the the right slant arrow as slash/questionmark (which I will use) or maybe even right shift or right control incase someone needs one of those keys for something, or prefers an easier to reach right shift. Can also see he's working on a switch for qwertz, rumour has it the qwertz fn-keymap doesn't match print completely, but I suspect it will be soon. (And with sym key as
    1 point
  35. One thing to bear in mind bluetooth while using power uses no where near as much as wifi. I actually have mine on all the time to pair my watch.
    1 point
  36. i had to ask Fxtec recently to replace my screen (i suggested to pay for it) because the upper 16% became unresponsive to touch after which they promised to send me for free a replacement screen & installation video within in a few weeks. i was quite happy with their response and added to my response letter to Fxtex the following few lines : i have my own experience (a little bit) what it means to start a company : it's incredibly and painfully difficult and one also needs a (metric) ton of unpredictable luck for that - all my kudos to Fxtec !
    1 point
  37. I tried a few things today, but no luck. HOWEVER, I did find something interesting and it also explains why I thought it was fixed. If there is crackling audio, simply plug in or unplug the usb, then it stops until the app shutdowns or phone goes to sleep again. I'm not sure whether or not it because another sound is being played when that occurs or if something else is somehow being triggered. I grabbed some adb logs of it occurring but haven't narrowed it down to anything yet.
    1 point
  38. As a pre-orderer [sic] I would easily scrap the earphones for a proper case or discount towards a case.
    1 point
  39. On my TOH with TOHKBD, the Aliendalvik was working fine with the tohkbd daemon. If the XA2 Aliendalvik package really works with Pro1, but I can't confirm it, it will not be so hard to get the input from the hardware keyboard. It was already done with the first device - TOH. I can install the rpms, but the aliendalvik service is unable to start. Can anyone help me with starting of the aliendalvik service? [root@Sailfish nemo]# systemctl start aliendalvik Job for aliendalvik.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status aliendalvik.service"
    1 point
  40. There is another appstore for community apps besides the Jolla-account-required-store. use browser to go to openrepos.net and install the storeman app(store). Some apps are dupes with jolla store, but if so the storeman version is same or newer. Be aware some apps there are old and dont work with current sfos or current external api calls. Its easy enough to publish an app, even I did it. But not all apps are updated/maintained. But also be aware sfos is linux and has gcc. You can build apps from source yourself.
    1 point
  41. I tend to think that things like batteries could be changed without having to recertify the device as it has nothing whatever to do with the radios, as stated. We could always take the approach I used on my old VHS movie camera. I removed the sealed lead battery from its battery pack and turned it into an adapter that went via speaker wire to a lawnmower battery I wore in a backpack while filming. I ran it for days and never EVER ran out of juice while filming. :)
    1 point
  42. Regarding the slider causing the device to sleep, this is a build time configuration that, as far as I know, has no run time setting. So I guess whichever people like the most is what should be done. Personally, I find it very frustrating when the device goes to sleep on closing the slider because I frequently open the slider to type some text and then close it to go back to portrait/touch mode. Regarding wake on keypress, I've got an idea for that and it is both pretty simple and should work for all systems (including sailfish). Just track the screen state in the keyboard drive
    1 point
  43. My device has sound quality issues on speaker phone I am told it is really difficult to hear me on the other end of the call when on speakerphone Also the phone rebooted twice when attempting a WhatsApp videocall
    1 point
  44. Thanks everyone for some badly needed diversion during my lunch break! I would go for the GPS version, but as a paraglider I'd prefer a variometer edition, of course with built-in thermal detection and guidance system. Of, for use in winter, with avalanche beacon and built-in avalanche hotspot scanner (take a photo of the mountainside, and it'l tell you precisely which points to avoid in order not to trigger the avalanche for -finally!- safe skiing in risk level 5). Sorry, not enough time and skill to graphically elaborate these..
    1 point
  45. Let me just cancel my order really quick so I can afford the ProPro and the Pro T9 as a secondary phone when it releases
    1 point
  46. If I remember right We would not be able to use the full 2160x1080 resolution. A bit of googling indicates that the max is 1920x1080 with 16 colours only.
    1 point
  47. yea heh, i'd actually legit consider buying that one
    1 point
  48. I like the stealth edition with backlit keys 😂😂😂
    1 point
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