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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/28/2019 in Posts

  1. Hello, Just want to give a quick heads-up regarding the upcoming hot fix for the first few bugs we discovered with the users who received their units. We have sent the test version of this OTA to some users and found a small display issue in setting after the test OTA, due to the cache updating after locking fingerprint. The issue has been solved and OTA will go live shortly and we target to release on November. The fixes are: - Certain 3G bands has been improved (mainly Band 5 and Band 8 WCDMA) and user no longer to tune network setting. Also improved performance under mob
    15 points
  2. Thank you @silversolver for your kind words! We certainly cannot go this far without the kindness from supporters like you. Thank you! We are also very very thankful for your support, patience and encouragement during the journey. Especially we are thankful for the trust and understandings community given us, in the time when things did not move as expected. Sometimes the easiest part of the process can cause issues, and unexpected accidents. But every time when it happens, we are grateful to have you on our back and encourage us to solve them. This means a lot to our team and this
    12 points
  3. For those of you in the United States, (all three of us lol) this is a day we set aside nationally to focus on the things for which we are thankful. Traditionally, it is a day to give thanks to God for the blessings we have received personally and nationally, and that is how I celebrate it. However, this post is not specifically about the American holiday or how anyone observes it; rather, it is about a thought process spawned by the holiday. Since I'm thinking about being thankful, I'm thankful that @Waxberry and crew took the time, spent the treasure, and made the effort to make the Pro
    11 points
  4. I'm going to do a mini data dump of some issues I have noticed while bringing up LineageOS (a beta/test version is only a couple days away, I will post a thread here when it's ready).... * The WiFi and BT MAC addresses seem to be bogus on production devices. Mine is a prototype unit which is not expected to have valid MACs, but I have a report from at least one user that the retail version does not have proper MACs either. If anyone has a retail device with actual, real, valid MACs, please let me know! * The default BT device name is "QCOM-BTD". It should be customiz
    11 points
  5. As one of the 3 Americans here I have to say thank you 🤣 But seriously F(x)tec, I too am thankful someone is daring to make a product like the Pro1. The fact that each one is made by hand is quite something. I work in an orthodontist laboratory, where we pretty much make most things by hand. Its not an entirely easy process bending wire to exactly the patient’s anatomy ... I can only think to imagine how hard it could be with such smaller parts for an epic sliding phone. Either way I am still patiently waiting for my clack-tastic Pro1. Keep it up.
    7 points
  6. I think the thing is that being such a small company, this isn't likely to change majorly until after they're successfully over this project. They've made changes sure, but it's not going to be until everyone's back in the same place and they have a couple hours to spare to really go over every aspect of the project (as communication isn't the only hurdle they've hit!). To anyone from Fxtec that looks at the forums, as a start please at some point spend a commute listening to the 99PI episode Wait Wait...Tell Me! -- it provides a high-level overview of waiting. It's mostly in relation to
    6 points
  7. Since you ask. For me it came down to two aspects: I need a phone. It's an important tool for me to communicate among several different channels. Moreover without much time or opportunity to get my laptop out, my phone is my de facto primary computing device. I've been using a ropey old phone since June when I placed my Pro1 order, thinking "it only has to last a month". As you say, we may well be near the finish, but as another commenter put it - this marathon has been getting longer and longer. Given that we haven't been told that the second batch has left China yet, and given that the
    6 points
  8. The whole discussion if they already shipped or not sounds to me like reading tea leaves. The fact is, we really don't know. 🙄 I still fully trust Fxtec and I am willing to wait for my Pro1 even longer.. essential is that we get our Pro1 at all. But.. a little more communication would go a long way. Team Fxtex, the PR-guy.. just someone, please... once a week.... just turn on the Selfie camera on your Pro1 and film yourself, talk for2-4 minutes about current delays and estimated arrivals .. or tell us if something wet wrong and things take longer as planned (even if you have
    5 points
  9. Let me join the thanks. Especially to @Waxberry and all the crew for giving us what I have been waiting for, for so many years. But also thank you to the community for all the -mostly- sensible input, to keep this an informative and fun place. and for reporting on the spammers to keep things clean. I hope you all soon will get your devices too, and will help tracking down the last bugs when you do, so the Pro1 can become even better. And maybe even with some user requested features added.
    5 points
  10. A big thanks to the F(x)tec folks from Europe also for making good phones a reality again :). And a thanks to the customs people who will from now on let the pallets of phones trough no questions asked 😂. And on a more general note I feel quite thankful and lucky that I can afford to buy one myself and hope that everyone who wants one can. And thanks to y'all for making this forum nice :).
    5 points
  11. Craig, you are TOTALLY wrong, he NEVER said he was willing to pay $3k, he said he was willing to pay OVER $3k.... 🤪
    5 points
  12. Is it though? It's currently mile 25.9, but that would be of the estimated 10 miles, which has shifted by 2 miles every time the end got close. The marathon might just end at mile 100. You have to draw the line somewhere.
    5 points
  13. We already have the source code required to build our own alternative ROMs. The kernel source is on GitHub, as well as a device tree for LineageOS. This may still be at a pre-release level of reliability, but that is just a matter of debugging effort. The future is only limited by the effort people are willing to put into development for the Pro1, and not by any sort of licensing restrictions.
    4 points
  14. I bet there are more than 3 Americans here, though maybe only 3 post often, me being one of them. Thanks to FxTec and everyone here. I have learned so much waiting for this phone as I am not nearly as knowledgeable as most of the folks here. It's great to have such a phone becoming available, but it's also great to have a community that supports it.
    4 points
  15. This is my dog and the tuberous companions my wife gave him while he was sleeping. :P
    4 points
  16. That's what I meant. They're much closer to a fully-functioning 9 than 10, and it would make sense to finish it first so that people with the devices can be fully functioning while 10 is under development.
    4 points
  17. Slow-mo video with 0.25x speed. Please ignore the video quality. https://streamable.com/sc6na
    4 points
  18. Just to be transparent here, that info came from me / my device which is from the first batch.
    4 points
  19. That's hilarious. I'd definitely have paid for them to ship it individually from China or wherever directly to me. Although I think that should have been included, given being told we should rush to pay to get in line for September... But what bugs me more is I'm pretty sure we were supposed to get a case, no? A sleeve is basically a pocket. As a man I have plenty of those. It's not like it's gonna be loosely banging against stuff in a purse. You don't have 2K but wouldn't sell it for 20k? I'm beginning to understand your money troubles haha. The wait is killing me
    4 points
  20. I think it is no need of a selfie camera or any cameras... No need of a camera, no need of watch what was recorded, no need to record it again if something happens and no need to edit the video. ...but a few words written as update of facts by regular basis would be very welcome.
    3 points
  21. Did I miss something? Oh, I guess not. Which signs? Just the message that they're supposed to leave this week? Because I haven't seen any updates past that, and I wouldn't call that a high likelihood to the second batch being shipped already. In fact the absence of any message makes it seem likely they haven't been shipped yet in my opinion.
    3 points
  22. 3 points
  23. Well, I have come to some important conclusions about you. 1. You're a rational person who composes great essays and keeps a level head even when booed. :O 2. You'll be back for one later. :) I am sorry that life happened and you had to do something different. It does look like you quit at the finish line, as it sounds like the second batch has already left the factory, but sometimes we do have to choose between what we'd prefer and what we can get to meet an urgent need right now, and this was clearly one of those cases. I am sad that trust has become an issue for you. I'm sure that
    3 points
  24. Well, not everybody is willing to never cancel. Some people would rather get their money back if in a hypothetical situation, the ship might be sinking, or they'd still wouldn't have the phone in 2022. But good to know you're willing to do that then.
    3 points
  25. Absolutely right. I would also accept the phone if it was in pure nature with only the boot loader working having to install the operating system a few weeks later... 🙂 Moreover, I would also accept it if it would be in separate pieces and I would have to do the final assembly... 🙂 Seriously.
    2 points
  26. Any chance the reason why they keep having to delay is that whatever transport they've booked is contingent on other bookings being made so that the journey is as profitable as possible for the shipping company, hence the delays being imposed until that point is reached? It would make sense, but I would be surprised if such deals did not include some kind of deadline at which point shipping has to occur regardless. Again, that's pure speculation since we have not been getting that kind of details so far. I took it to mean that the shipping of devices started, i.e., pointing out th
    2 points
  27. Thank you @Waxberry for the Update. Glad you figured that out! Can't wait for my Unit to arrive :) One Question tho, do you plan to release updates also as flashable images? That would be awesome. Keep going!!!
    2 points
  28. Yes, and now read my whole post, specifically this part: " Support seems to just be wrong, No way the phones are due to arrive at the end of this month considering nobody received tracking yet. End of next month doesn't mean much either. " We should've gotten tracking codes yesterday if they were to arrive before the weekend. It'll take at least 3 more weeks for the phones to arrive. Please don't make people think they'll get them tomorrow.
    2 points
  29. Great to see issues are quickly taken care of, and the Pro1 step by step getting closer to its awesome full potential! Will the devices yet undelivered (batch 2 and further) have the update pre-installed, or are we to do it ourselves?
    2 points
  30. Awesome! Keep up the great work! I can't wait to get my hands on a device.
    2 points
  31. I see what you are saying. It also does seem a lot of people are getting a bit OTT about whether people should keep their order or ask for a refund. As far as I am concerned at this present time I can hold out for a bit longer, however, £650 is actually a notable amount to be out of my Bank Account so I will have to make an assessment towards the end of December. You raised a good point in regards to to no comm's. I used to love the updates in regards to the glass being used and software upgrades and how things were coming along. Now it does seem a little radio silence has kicked in
    2 points
  32. The method can't be used twice, because you notice after the first time. Even with the current procedure of locked bootloader + encrypted data, you notice when your phone has been tampered with as your data is gone. However, you only notice after you have given away the passphrase for your encryption. With the 3-stage scenario, you notice after giving away the stage 1 password (because the stage 2 password displayed by your phone is wrong), so you can stop before you enter the stage 3 password (which is the important one, because it is your encryption key / the key to your encryption key).
    2 points
  33. on that note if anyone here in Mtl gets theirs before me, can I come stare at you use it for a bit? just to take the edge off? I'll stay 3 feet away. I just need to live vicariously through that. edit: maybe touch it too. softly
    2 points
  34. If we don't have enough frames, why not just make some up? Not a serious alternative, but I find that version still very satisfying to watch, despite the artifacts.
    2 points
  35. Damn fedex and US customs. Thanks to Erik for the updates. I wasn't part of the first batch but those import issues were making me uncomfortable so its good to hear they have a plan to solve it.
    2 points
  36. I can afford to lose my investment in my Pro1 if the ship sinks, though I don't see that happening, and I fully expect to have it before 2020, but again, I can wait longer if need be. My Droid 4 and Priv still work.
    2 points
  37. and please get the facts right, i did not offered previously 3k or anything, its the first time i made the offer of 2k.
    2 points
  38. I am no expert in logistics, but the US has specific requirements when a foreign importer as ourselves imports a mass shipment into a US warehouse for general sale. It's not as simple as sending something with Fedex and it landing at your door the next day. Not when we haven't traded in the US before. I will try to get a response from one of our directors in charge of US logistics. The issue has been resolved already for our new batches.
    2 points
  39. I agree But if the Pro1 would hurry up a bit on its journey to my doorstep, it would be appreciated. 😉😁
    1 point
  40. An interesting question. But remember that under any F(x)tec modifications for the Pro1 are some code for supporting the hardware, and THAT might well be protected by some copyrights, so it might not be up to F(x)tec to disclose the source, no matter if they would like to do so or not....
    1 point
  41. I would definitely prefer to get my device ASAP and then deal with bugs like that later. IMHO none of the known bugs is so bad that it would justify holding devices back.
    1 point
  42. They both should be running TBH at this stage but 9 as said just needs polishing.
    1 point
  43. There not supposed to be altering android it self should just be drivers they are sorting.
    1 point
  44. that would click well with me here in Montréal, no clack !
    1 point
  45. What kind of non sense are you talking? what negative idea?
    1 point
  46. Well I offer to pay $2000 plus the shipping cost. Message me if anyone is interested in selling
    1 point
  47. Glad I set my expectations to getting the phone some time before Christmas. Assuming the same shipping time as the first batch, and if they're sent this week, I should be getting it in week 51, the week before Christmas. If they slip past Friday, it'll be week 52. I don't really see how they expect to get the second batch to customers then, but also have general availability then. Only way to get that is to send enough phones this week to fulfill all pre-orders and have enough for general availability, effectively negating the whole batch idea.
    1 point
  48. "okay google set alarm for 6am tomorrow morning", "I'm sorry Eskerahn, I can't do that."
    1 point
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