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  1. I just received the same email on my request for an update. Also: So as an early preorder who payed the moment the payment mail arrived, I am not in the second batch either. I have been quiet for a long time giving FxTec the benefit of the doubt as a startup company, however if my order will not arrive before Christmas that is once again another promise broken and another month of delay. Going back in my email archive, the mail from Fxtec send 5th of September 2019: That is a 3 month delay to the original shipping plans where all pre order customers would likely ha
    5 points
  2. Mobile data should be fixed now. If anyone has SailfishOS already installed, please update packages by doing: zypper ref zypper update Newly CI built image should not need this, but it will take some time to finish and get first post updated.
    5 points
  3. I'm still cheering for you fxtec, months later! I'm checking this forum almost daily while I wait for my device.
    4 points
  4. First thing I do recommend before applying a protector is taking a nice hot shower. Then after getting dressed you have a nice humid room to work in with almost no dust particles left in the air.
    4 points
  5. There is a nice app, that now supports the Pro1 keyboard. FinQwerty improving the functionality. I have used test-versions of it for months for both QWERTY and QWERTZ, and it works just great! See the current layouts here http://android.onse.fi/finqwerty/#pro1, here a few examples It is (currently) especially great for those that wants to use the physical QWERTZ for standard US or for Scandinavian languages on either QWERTZ or QWERTY UPDATE: The authour @Anssi Hannula has added more layouts, including Czech, US-International, and improved version of
    3 points
  6. I have worked at Nokia, I saw how many problems can crop up at the start of the manufacturing of a new phone. Even if you have a lot of resources and experience in manufacturing and distribution, there are still a lot of things to work out. That's the reason I was afraid to pre-order the Pro1, it's an incredibly ambitious plan to create a phone like that from scratch. It would be great to have more transparency regarding the problems they are facing and not just when they are missing deadlines. That's something to improve for sure. I just hope they can survive this chaotic phase to manufacture
    3 points
  7. I honestly don't know how hard it is. I would love to hear more about what they are doing and what issues they encounter.
    3 points
  8. TL;DR "maybe next year" ...5-6 months after we took your money with the promise of a 2..3wk delivery time ...I'm sure they recognise that £650 in a 7% interest savings account for 6 months ~= £23 ...I wonder if they will be offering any compensation? Order 17xxx, July 14th; No IGG coupon; Money taken Aug 4th I am no longer excited to receive my phone, I'll just be relieved if/when it arrives and I can put the lube away. If this goes wrong now, I wonder where I stand getting my money back off the credit card company :/
    3 points
  9. 3 points
  10. There are three stages in the boot process that may enter EDL. The first is in the primary boot loader (PBL), which is in true ROM. It checks a specific pad on the mother board is shorted. This requires disassembling your device to activate. The second is in the secondary boot loader (SBL), which is in UFS (eg. flashable). It checks the USB data pin is shorted. This is what an EDL cable (or copper wire trick) triggers. The third is in the "aboot" or modern equivalent, aka the "boot loader" to Android, which is of course in UFS. It checks for both volume keys
    3 points
  11. Understood! However... your irritation came across, but not in an overly aggressive, or violent way. More like just blowing off some steam. I think our world has become way too thin skinned, and I believe society would greatly benefit (overall) if everyone would just be a bit more relaxed, and not be offended by every little thing. I grew up in such a world and can promise you that it was a much better place (in this regard) than the way we are today. Anyway, back to devices, have I convinced you get to stop using Google Pay? 😉 If not, maybe we can drag silversolver in the discussion as
    3 points
  12. I am pleased to announce test builds for LineageOS 16.0. Please note this thread is for test builds. These builds are not necessarily stable or suitable for daily use. You can find the build(s) and detailed installation instructions here: Lineage on FxTec Pro1 Test Builds Please report any issues here and I will do my best to fix them. Thanks!
    2 points
  13. This song is the stuff of nightmares and brought back horrifying memories of when I worked at Chuck E. Cheese lol.
    2 points
  14. Since I read that even IGG preorders are not guaranteed to be delivered before Christmas, my 40x-something-thousand-order will most likely not make it to me this year. Of course I am wishing FxTec all the best and hoping for my phone, but I guess it's rather unlikely to happen this year. So in order to get something for the money I spent, I also HOPE to have been right about FxTec, meaning they'll actually deliver. So... rooting for you guys. P.s.: I wish the communication was better; I wouldn't mind waiting if I knew what's happening / going on in regards with FxTec and the pro1-dev
    2 points
  15. Was pretty chill so far. Feel the growing need to vent. Can someone recommend a good place to do that?
    2 points
  16. I'm not an IGG backer, can't say I'm not disappointed with the news of 2nd batch not covering all preorders, and I imagine how you feel. Having said that, I hope you did not get yours because the faulty-screened devices included QWERTZ, which I imagine was a more "limited edition" to begin with, and not some randomness in stock assignment as one might imply from the above conversation of the past few days. I doubt we'll get any more transparency than we already have, unfortunately. I'd say we can handle it, but some of us obviously cannot. Still you're not making it easy to love you,
    2 points
  17. only youuuuuuu.... its Nokia n950 with desktop debian inside 🙂 Qt creator, arm-none-eabi-gcc, minGW, x86 compiler, and avr-gcc... etc.. Writing programm for anything!!
    2 points
  18. Yeah, A rather bold ad to post - let us hope it is not Hybris... 🤭
    2 points
  19. As I said earlier I really admire what they are trying to do. I know how hard it is, especially for a small company like F(x)tec. I hope they will be able to overcome all the difficulties because I would like to buy a Pro1 next year.
    2 points
  20. As i just ran into trouble while applying the screen protector that came with the Pro1, i would like to discuss a safe way to do it. There where no instructions included with my protector. Since there are many different types of protective films, first of all it helps to know that the one supplied is of the variety consisting of 3 layers, 2 protective layers sandwiching a very thin rubbery actual protective film that wraps around the curved screen when all is done. Had i know that, i would have not tried to peel that tiny white sticker off the upper protective layer which i assumed to be
    2 points
  21. I have brotect on Jolla Phones, Jolla Tablet, intex aquafish, Xperia X and XA2 since years and all is good. The Xperia X is most comparable to Pro1 curved screen from the devices i have and brotect sticks really good to the curved edges. Also i think it is a move worth to support that protectionfilm24 listed Fxtec Pro1 by name already. Will buy some. Maybe the resistive screen of N900 has other needs than capacitive ones. I have a very cheap 2€ for 6pc foils on my N900 which work perfectly but still like brotect on glass screens.
    2 points
  22. According to their posts, anonim001 is from Poland, does not have an IGG coupon, has a fairly high order number (12xxx), and did not paid very fast. netman has no coupon either. On the Discord channel, we've been trying to figure out what logic was behind the "stock assigned" messages that were sent, but so far, no theory fits all 6. Except maybe that it's a ploy by F(x)tec to drive us crazy. 😄
    2 points
  23. @netman and I are from Europe.
    2 points
  24. The data partition is still shared, so you need operating systems that don't have any conflicting information in the data partition, which generally means it needs to be the same OS. I don't know if LOS and Android would be close enough to allow for this. I haven't researched if anyone out there has done it. As for how to manually switch partitions, you do it with fastboot: fastboot --set-active=a or fastboot --set-active=b As for knowing which partition is currently active, so that you know which one to switch to, that is done with: fastboot getvar all Look
    2 points
  25. As I understand it, batches 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 were on the ship. However, the phones which float back up to the surface will be returned to Hong Kong for redistribution via alternate means. Although this will considerably delay the phones getting to you, there's nothing to worry about because they are still on track for Christmas delivery. 😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉 Sorry I couldn't resist. 😈
    2 points
  26. Since its December now and we're all waiting for this phone... It felt proper to say "All I want for Christmas is You" Fxtec Pro1!
    1 point
  27. Well said on all accounts. I have a friend who has been manufacturing electronic items at factories in China for about ten years now. Over the years, I have helped him come up with many of the designs, and there's one thing that is certain, and that's nothing is certain, lol. I can't count how many times, over the years, he missed deadlines and was blindsided by unforeseen events. Every time he missed a deadline, he was only really hurting his bottom line as it delayed getting the newer products to the market. His customers were very content using the latest generation (his products are n
    1 point
  28. Just for clarification... I wasn't saying, or implying, that we, as a society, should return in every way to the Good Ol' Days. Not at all, I said it was my belief that it would benefit society if we did so "in this regard," meaning everyone not being so thin skinned and offended by every little thing. This is case in point. I don't think it would have done any good for me to have become offended by your remarks. Intent is also important, and often forgot in these situations. However, your and my concepts aren't mutually exclusive! Mine (just stated) along with your idea of us "strive[in
    1 point
  29. But it is rather confusing the whole thing for sure. The order numbers reflects the time the order was put, And this affected when emails requesting payment were sent. And the reception of payment gives the queue position. (So the order numbers are not unimportant, as equally fast payers will end in that order) And then the IGG coupons add further to the confusion given priority among those paid.
    1 point
  30. I just realized that, and edited. Thanks, got it!
    1 point
  31. Yeah it is really complex, to cover the different variants, Especially with the US, Already complex without taking into account the IGG coupon (or the one that somehow went up on ebay from the US).
    1 point
  32. I tried brotect once on my N900, it's garbage, my touchscreen stopped working correctly after applying.
    1 point
  33. It's very easy to get a refund, you almost certainly don't need to go through your CC. Especially before christmas they're almost certain to find someone else to ship the stock to, so it's not like if you refund they will have tons of pro1s on their hand and no buyers.
    1 point
  34. pre-order 14906 placed May 16., paid August 2. then Fully refunded on Aug.12, arrived back to my account 14th. pre-order 314xx placed August 14., e-mail confirmed and paid on Aug15. (VAT excluded).
    1 point
  35. I put mine on really badly, but still all but about 3 or 4 air bubbles disappeared over a few days. But as soon as I did it I was pretty annoyed with myself and bought some replacements straight away. I found these specifically for the Pro1, if anyone's interested (they also have an eBay store). If only I had waited a few days; they just emailed me with 15% for Black Friday (if anyone's interested, use the code BLACK15). That page also has a very detailed instruction video (if only I saw it beforehand there wouldn't be dust particles trapped inside). As far as using Windex or harsh cl
    1 point
  36. There are several out there, and of different types. See the thread on screen protectors(!) and have a look at ebay and/or aliexpress. I'm currently using these ones
    1 point
  37. Oh, heck yes works well with much of the PLC older DOS based programming software! I also use it regularly for EPROM/EEPROM programming, alarm panel programming, serial data stream capturing, mobile radio programming, remote control of all sorts of equipment, and much more. Very handy! Just beware that there is no external video output so you are limited to the 640x200 built in screen. It's scroll back and forth for higher resolutions, but it's just a simple 8-bit DOS CGA video system! The Priv, oh geez, don't get me started on how bad I found that keyboard. Actually, I never liked B
    1 point
  38. Messenger in desktop mode is why I use it that way LOL. It is cumbersome on a marginally-specced device, though. My Droid 4 requires patience doing this. It also requires you to actually have it open.....but that's OK with me. :)
    1 point
  39. It takes serious good character to admit when you make a mistake. It's nice to know some people still do!
    1 point
  40. Just for reference, what I wrote is not acceptable, I wouldn't find it acceptable if someone talked to me that way. The first sentence alone should have been written in a lot more respectful manner and the rest is just full of hyperbolic statements and black/white thinking. That could be okay in a longer discussion to make a point, however that isn't what I had in mind when I wrote that. I was just irritated.
    1 point
  41. Only way I access Facebook lol, their app is a damn battery hog too!
    1 point
  42. Yes, buy a screen protector made for Elephone U Pro.
    1 point
  43. Does anyone have first hand experience with an OLED screen having light bleed? If so, I am curious about the following: - Does the screen have light bleed only after being used for some period of time, or from the time it is born? - Is it not possible to plug a screen into a test machine before installing it in a phone and needing to go through a lengthy and costly process of disassembling the phone to replace it with another untested screen? It seems to me that testing each screen, outside of a phone (or at least outside of a locked down, fully assembled phone...maybe the test
    1 point
  44. I don't like those shutter sounds anyway, I may feel the lack of it as a feature instead of bug. Is it really necessary? (However, there may be regulations which say it is necessary, just I feel that sound is a noise.)
    1 point
  45. Even though my mail came, I still don't trust them. As Eske suggested, I'm not expecting anything until I get my tracking number. FxTec is lying (sorry, can't find a different word than that) all the time, that's nothing new. I would suggest to just accept the fact like I did, don't listen what they say and wait until You get the tracking number 🙂
    1 point
  46. For those of you in the United States, (all three of us lol) this is a day we set aside nationally to focus on the things for which we are thankful. Traditionally, it is a day to give thanks to God for the blessings we have received personally and nationally, and that is how I celebrate it. However, this post is not specifically about the American holiday or how anyone observes it; rather, it is about a thought process spawned by the holiday. Since I'm thinking about being thankful, I'm thankful that @Waxberry and crew took the time, spent the treasure, and made the effort to make the Pro
    1 point
  47. Hi everyone, A small update for you today. As some of you know our US shipment from the first batch has still not reached our US customers due to strict US customs regulations. According to the latest, the first US batch is being returned to our Hong Kong hub, but it's currently being queued in a customs office's sorting facility. We know the stock will arrive back, but by the time that happens, our next batches from the factory will be ready for shipping. Consequently, we will be bumping up the numbers of units in the next batches to accommodate for the customers designated from the firs
    1 point
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