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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/24/2019 in all areas

  1. Brief Christmas update. A small batch is shipping out this Friday, if UPS keeps its promises. It was meant to arrive today, but our staff availability is limited in the UK right now. No stock assignment letters for this one, as we are shipping them a little differently to avoid extra delays. Some of you will have tracking info on Friday. The big batch which should make a lot of you happy is expected to leave the factory in the 1st week of January, which is also when we expect you’ll have the tracking details. We would like to thank everyone for their patience. Merry
    20 points
  2. Say Pro 1 three times fast (I'm not the originator of this idea)... 😉
    6 points
  3. Mwerrtry Chjridstmasd, evbertybody. (Sent from my Priv with a way too tiny keyboad)
    4 points
  4. ...Or the numbers could reflect that this is the umpteenth poll/thread reflecting the understandable impatience for those that unfortunately have not got it yet.
    4 points
  5. It's very damning to see all their official updates in one post.... If you told me it would be at least 6 to 8 months from when I paid I wouldn't have gone through with my pre order at all. And even after all this, they continue to give murky updates as usual and continue to miss deadlines
    3 points
  6. Ordered 29.3.2019, payed 1.8.2019, order #11xxx, EU - Czech Republic, QWERTY. Edit: No IGG backer. I was not at home yesterday (23.12.2019) and received UPS note in mailbox about them not being able to catch me, stating that next delivery will happen on next working day except bank holidays. Which makes it Friday 27.12.2019. It's most likely the Pro 1 as I'm not expecting anything else which might be delivered by UPS. So it looks like I'm one of the EU bunch who is receiving the unit directly from HK without 'stock assigned' ritual. I don't mind being missed by UPS and getting the pho
    3 points
  7. I set a hard deadline that if my phone would not be shipped by christmas I would cancel my pre-order. Sadly this has become reality and I have just send out my cancellation (hey, thats 1 phone closer in queue for someone else on the list😄). With the newly stated delivery date (end of January), utter lack of transparency from Fxtec concerning delays, order priority and a true number on how many phones have been produced by now, I can no longer put my trust in them. I wish the company all the best and hope they manage to get everything sorted out eventually. Hopefully they will learn that t
    3 points
  8. Nothing beats this keyboard.
    3 points
  9. Well I haven't really been following 'Erik' but this is what I received in official emails, to put things in chronological perspective. I'm a total sucker for niche PKB devices but the internal components in the world of cellphones do age very quickly, and there might not be another PKB device when this one becomes obsolete, which begs the question of whether it's worth making the jump to VKB earlier and sort of gulp down the distasteful medicine that we are a dying breed. 😅 But that would be a logical/rational decision and I'm emotional and stubborn about the things I want. 😙 The
    3 points
  10. Merry Christmas God Jul 聖誕快樂 メリークリスマス Feliz Navidad Buon Natale Joyeux Noël Vrolijk kerstfeest Giáng Sinh vui vẻ Veselé Vánoce Feliz Natal 성탄을 축하드려요 Wesołych Świąt С рождеством! Santa is on the way. And it is a long way from Rovaniemi. Joulu
    2 points
  11. Just wondering how many of us actually have the device we're here to talk about, now that it's almost Christmas.
    2 points
  12. Still far too low to actually say anything. To accurately estimate the results with smaller groups requires relatively larger sample sizes. And the results are very biased, a specific group of people visits here. The results are fun, but don't really tell anything aside from maybe that more people didn't get the phone then people who did get the phone.
    2 points
  13. Yes could have put it more politely, But I have always been a bad teacher that hated to repeat the same thing, that was already said (by my self or others) The magic is in the word "random", as it in many contexts are seen as "any", but not in math. IF we had picked a truely random set of all members, and they ALL had answered THEN we could have used it as representative. It is like an election poll, it is NOT a simple task. e.g. If you take an exit poll at 11 am, it is very likely to have an overweight of those that (for what ever reason) are not busy at that time of the day, so you
    2 points
  14. To put it more politely than Eske 😉 – "representative" is not about the size of the sample, it is about the selection of the sample. A random subset is never representative and therefore does not allow to extrapolate observations onto the whole...
    2 points
  15. It's over nine a thousand!
    2 points
  16. Only because we have no other data does not mean this data is true or better than no data at all...
    2 points
  17. Because a small, random number of cases is never representative for a much larger total. One of the fundamentals of statistics (which, if more widely known and applied, could theoretically prevent a massive amount of prejudice in this world, by the way)... In our case we simply don't know how many of the pre-orderers who never came here in the first place got their phones and how many didn't. It could easily be that within that group the proportion of those who got their devices is significantly larger. But maybe it isn't. We simply cannot know.
    2 points
  18. Santa is here in Finland now. I just saw him!
    2 points
  19. This poll is not representative whatsoever, it is not wise to make conclusions based on this
    2 points
  20. My friend had all three, I was extremely jealous of him.
    2 points
  21. We have lost our 1st place. Xmas is good time to ask friends and family to vote Pro1. Happy Xmas fellas!
    2 points
  22. Awesome. Remember that it also offers US-International, as well as standard US
    2 points
  23. FYI, I have imported the Pro1 FinQwerty v1.5.1 key character maps (kcm files) into my LineageOS builds. If there are other kcm files that people have worked out for the Pro1, I'd be happy to add them as well. The current FinQwerty maps add support for Czech, Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, and Swedish, as well as the alternate German mapping. For reference, you can find the patches required to add additional kcm files to a device build here: https://github.com/mccreary/android_device_fxtec_pro1/commits/lineage-16.0/AsantiKeypad The last of the three is not necessary for the stock Pr
    2 points
  24. Settings, Mobile Network, select tab for Sim, Advanced, Access Point Names (Select an existing or Add a new one with info from carrier)
    2 points
  25. The Open source FinQwerty extends the layout to something I would have expected the Pro1 had out of the box. Including an improved German for qwertZ, but also other layouts. So I will highly recommend that people consider it over the default "German" as this is currently implemented. Especially shift doubling for Fn on the yellow-printed keys, except the letter keys. e.g. Shift+1 gives "!" and not just "1".
    2 points
  26. Come on mate, call me out by name 😉 The reason i'm complaining is simply because the author didn't tailor the review to any particular audience. Is it for a general purpose smartphone user? Is it for a keyboard enthusiast? Is it for a power user? If it was meant for Joe Sixpack, play some games. Take some social media pictures. How does that work? What about the keyboard? Of course there's going to be a learning curve. Getting acquainted with a new keyboard was always a day or two long process that wasn't that hard at all. h This review was all over the place. The whole thing c
    2 points
  27. I've created a small tutorial that might help you to get around some quirks you might have with your F(x) Tec Pro1. Let me know what you think about it and if you have further suggestions which I can add to it :) It's available both in German and English and you can find it here: https://www.dragonbox.de/index.php?fc=module&module=ybc_blog&controller=blog&id_post=9
    2 points
  28. They put them on the curved edges. But since the curved edges distort what is displayed, you won't notice them. Joking.
    2 points
  29. Known Networks: (updated 2/3/2020) 1&1 (DE): Must add APN manually to enable LTE data, no problems observed after adding APN from carrier web site (1 report) 3.dk (DK): Working with no problems observed (1 report) AldiMobile (Telstra) (AU): Working with fully-patched stock OS, cannot place calls with LineageOS or unpatched stock OS (1 report) AT&T (US): Working with no problems (2 reports) D2 (Vodafone) (DE): Working with no problems observed (1 report) Deutsche Telekom (D1) (DE): Basic functions working, no LTE (1 report) FreedomPop (AT&T) (US):
    1 point
  30. @Erik Would you kindly give us an idea on the "big batch" size? Is it around 50, or 100, or 150, or 300, or 1000 units? This will be very helpful to estimate one's chances of being in this batch, or if we should expect to need more patience, and calmly wait around for another batch, or two, or ten. Thank you, and Merry Christmas to you too!
    1 point
  31. Some device schematics would be a great help too, for those that are inclined to mod some aspects of the device.
    1 point
  32. @cube48, from what you write I gather F(x)tec didn't sent you neither a "stock assigned" note nor a tracking number? Did you take the number you found on the note in your letterbox and check the UPS website to make sure it's the phone?
    1 point
  33. It was not part of this discussion but the biggest problem for me is that secondary functions are used with the yellow arrow not shift. This is so uncommon that I would have long to get used to it. But FinQwerty solves that problem greatly!
    1 point
  34. To be honest, if I were to get a stock assigned/tracking number on Christmas eve or day that would be perfectly ok with me. 👍🏼
    1 point
  35. That means you can get a backup clack without worrying about it going missing, the clackiverse will be in the palm of your hands!
    1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. @netman is the community developer we need, but don't deserve!
    1 point
  38. That I have reason to believe it will come as part of an official update at some point :).
    1 point
  39. That bug has been fixed with the latest OTA update, yes 🙂
    1 point
  40. Performance is OK for me, Xfce4 starts fast, and navigation in the menus or in the browser is smooth. Video playback works, but I don't know if it's hardware decoded. I installed vainfo but it doesn't display anything useful. I am not sure about the pointer, I haven't looked into it yet. You would want something like Teamviewer mobile, right? At the moment, it works like a touch screen, not a touchpad, and you cannot pinch to zoom, so you need better accuracy than with an emulated touch pad. Perhaps there are ways to do it though, I'm not sure. You can change the dpi to change the U
    1 point
  41. Maybe. I had assumed/hoped it wouldnt matter... if for example 35 extra pixels displaying that can't be touched on the bottom row (which is what I found worked alright to avoid bumping screen while typing and not having stuff wrap around the curved part). Since that portion is mostly on the curved part anyway, it's not like I was swiping from there before... But yeah that's certainly a concern and it would have to be properly implemented to avoid such concerns.
    1 point
  42. I would venture to say most of us don't want any of that, having a keyboard gives me full control of that myself..... however that doesn't mean the toggles to turn it on/off shouldn't be there for people like you that dont get annoyed by it, I usually just turn that stuff off if its enabled. Now that wouldn't be bad. A one line bar of suggestions. There's an app I've tried key mapper, doesn't require root, for this. (In fact I factory reset and unrooted now and its working fine). I started a thread about it.
    1 point
  43. Mine is the 9th too, so DutchFix and I get to jump the line for whatever random reasons we can dream up, related to this 1/365 1/183 chance occurrence. 😂
    1 point
  44. Got mine! From a retailer, but since it was about as cheap as fxtec was selling them - I don't know why I shouldn't have jumped ships. As far as I could figure out, it works (with android). Gonna take me a while to figure everything out. German retailer, about 720 Euro, next-day-delivery. Thank you, you know who you are! Edit: it's quite thick, but the sound and keyboard are awesome.
    1 point
  45. Late to the party and didn't thoroughly read the 3 pages, but PostmarketOS (based on Alpine) will be an interesting option. It's not very advanced on the Pro¹ yet, but I discussed with PostmarketOS people and they said the OS comes with its own kernel and is mostly device-agnostic, so it should be able to boot on the Pro¹ relatively easily (which does not mean everything will work out of the box of course). I've talked with someone with a pre-production Pro¹ who said there is still a bit of work before it boots, but I got the impression that it would be very feasible. Interestingly, Postm
    1 point
  46. It would be good to have an option to define custom layouts as well. I have not even tried to locate appropriate files under Android but I hope the system can be easily modified to achieve this (however, I strongly think root access will be required), so I mean a somewhat similar way what worked under my N900. For me, I would be happy if I could easily use national (Hungarian) characters with the help of Pro1's modifier keys. (I mean characters like áéíóöőúüű / ÁÉÍÓÖŐÚÜŰ) On my N900, I could write very fast using my redefined layout and the modifier key. Pro1 should be mu
    1 point
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