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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/13/2020 in all areas

  1. Hi everyone, Exciting update today. Liangchen is visiting the factory in China at the minute and he expects all of the pre-orders will be produced by the 18th of January, so in less than 5 days now. We have already produced a very significant number of pre-order devices, which are waiting for the full list to complete by the 18th. As you are all well aware by now, once the devices are all produced on the 18th, the stock will be rotated between our warehouses, so there will be, I'd say, 1 more week after complete production before you receive your tracking. Just so I don't overpromise
    33 points
  2. Thanks for pointing out before the mass panic :). Corrected to January as it was meant.
    14 points
  3. Just an update. Today I received the in-ear´s. No I don't have test it 🙂 The cable is "black transparent". [Pre-Order | IGG | QWERTZ]
    8 points
  4. @Erik From the math, it sounds like Feb 27th is a typo and you meant Jan 27th. Can you clarify?
    8 points
  5. [Note: This post is on an esoteric topic, and is only suitable for people who enjoy tinkering with their phones. Please don't try any of this if you aren't willing to erase everything on your Pro1] Project Treble made it possible in theory to run new versions of Android without requiring any OEM updates. If you've tried this in the past then you know the usability results can be 'mixed' 😉 The good news is that the Pro1 ships with fairly good Treble support, and you can find some information about how well it works while running an Android 10 generic system image (GSI) at https://github.co
    7 points
  6. It's either that, or using production devices, which we like to save for pre-orders at the minute. Right now that is the priority - we didn't want to affect the already small batch from 2 weeks ago by taking a bunch of devices to CES which will never be owned by a user.
    6 points
  7. Honestly while I find this really really nice. It may have been more important to have good devices at CES. In the end we all need you to survive. But in the end it is a nice move, thank you!
    5 points
  8. So just a quick update regarding Secure Boot. I had considered posting a new thread about this but I'm not sure it's warranted. So I'll just drop this here... I spoke with FxTec and they confirmed that they disabled Secure Boot intentionally. The rationale was that it makes the device more developer friendly, especially for non-Android OS's. I'm not sure I agree with this conclusion, but that is/was the decision. The one thing that disabling Secure Boot allows is building a custom abl (boot loader). I have yet to see anything that requires a custom abl. But it does leave the
    4 points
  9. Here's another (related) review - audio review/1st impressions from Steve Litchfield's and Ted Salmon's Phone Show Chat Ep. 533 (discussion of the Pro1 starts around 42'40"): https://ia801408.us.archive.org/30/items/psc533/psc533.mp3 I was pleasantly surprised at how complimentary Ted Salmon's comments were overall. He's definitely persuaded me to not cancel my order yet 🙂
    4 points
  10. Maybe all of fxtec should go on a business trip to the US and each member brings a set of phones in their carry-on.
    3 points
  11. Just wanna give an update as fast as possible. I just received a confirmation email of my refund a few minutes ago. Sorry to make a scene guys
    3 points
  12. Just a guess, but a reason for device manufacturers to not make call recording available could be legal, rather than technical. Under quite a number of jurisdictions call recording is illegal (without explicit consent of both parties)...
    3 points
  13. For me it's mostly solved simply by owning the phone a while. It's thicc enough that you can grab it without accidentally pressing the screen.
    3 points
  14. We use our own production units for sales meetings :).
    3 points
  15. In a pinch you can always try to enable the keyboard backlight manually with the command: This is inconvenient and doesn't work on stock, but it is better than nothing.
    3 points
  16. Some footage from CES. FYI, the CES demo units are early developer units (as you know we are very tight on stock with the pre-orders), hence the strange rotation behaviour in the video.
    3 points
  17. It is true that most likely nobody wants to attack eric directly. But it does feel like it, which is enough. I bet this is no fun for eric. Harsh critic is never constructive, even though it might have a constructive core. But one could never ever take it constructive. Either you block it because the tone was off, or you accept it but feel shitty because the asshole is right. Which will most likely result in a lower involvement. They term constructive critic may be technically what you describe but most modern definitions of "constructive criticism" do involve a friendly manner (And
    3 points
  18. ...I do not think I break any secrets by saying that something similar to edge null is already active in the hardware driver. The outer most pixels are not touch sensitive. The whole display was active on the early builds, where the problems was much more pronounced.
    2 points
  19. Edge Null, works pretty well for me. You do have to remember to take it off battery optimization or Android 9 will keep closing it after a while. Like Netman, I was okay after some use, but this app just makes it so I don't have to think about it. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.meatcube.edgenull&hl=en_US
    2 points
  20. There are build tools available natively under Sailfish too, and I'm pretty sure QT is fully supported. I'm not a developer, but for fun I tried to build mupen64plus (N64 emulator) from 2.5.9 source pack on Pro¹, and was able to do it. I noted every package I installed to get the make to work, and other than one of the video plugins saying it didnt support aarch64, make worked fine, and the output runs. zypper install SDL2 SDL2-devel libpng libpng-devel freetype freetype-devel zlib zlib-devel gcc make nasm gcc-c++ libhybris-libGLESv2-devel boost-devel Point being, if that worked so e
    2 points
  21. Well not for me, but only because I often use it one handed. Once I reach all the way to the left with my thumb my palm does touch the right edge.
    2 points
  22. @Doktor Oswaldo @Zamasu Let's chill. This isn't fun for anyone watching people bicker (whether it be you two or anyone else, as many people have). I understand this specific thread has gotten completely off its original goal but I can assure you nobody cares to watch an internet fight go on here. We all want the same result, and many of us are frustrated; were cut from the same cloth here. If you have problems: congratulations, you're not alone. If you want to defend fxtec to the your dying minute, happy to hear it. But either way, stop arguing on something that has no value added one way or a
    2 points
  23. Thanks for the link 😊 I installed FinQwerty v1.5.2 on the Jan 10th Android 10 GSI build and it seems to work.
    2 points
  24. You can get the latest apk here: https://github.com/anssih/finqwerty/releases
    2 points
  25. Glad to hear his positive tone, but it was really too bad the software wasn't working as smoothly as the production units do. Not just the bad screen orientation behavior, but the screen keyboard popping up in landscape ( that has never happened to me). Someone seeing only this video might get scared away.
    2 points
  26. 2 points
  27. I did not mention letter shifted qwerty being a flaw at all. The wobble is in closed position at the bottom of the phone, it wobbles from the left to right making sounds when it moves. I asked people here about that and so far nobody else had the same issue. By "right side buttons" I meant volume, power and fingerprint sensor. Not the keyboard. I feel like you completely didn't understand my previous post. Where did I want a PC with phone capabilities? I wanted a smartphone with keyboard and issues I mentioned happen in portrait mode. The phone is annoying to use in portrait,
    2 points
  28. 1 point
  29. So I've spent the better part of a day trying to figure out what's wrong with voice calls. I can't see anything wrong. I've got reports from several people that voice calls work fine on Lineage. The one person that reported an issue on github says that it doesn't work on either stock or Lineage, so that's not a Lineage specific issue. My experience is that I can get SMS and data, but no voice calls, both on Lineage and on stock. I have to assume this has something to do with my carrier and the IMEI, because there really isn't anything else that I can see that would
    1 point
  30. Ermahgerrrd... Is it really happening!? The world will clack in joy! #TheClackening
    1 point
  31. And "annoying" is what, a constructive argument? If being "annoyed" makes you continue to annoy others, do you really think that will make the situation become less annoying for you? Or do you mean others should shut up, after your utterances of annoyance? Just because you repeatedly accuse people of things ("fallacies" is only one of them; I've been on the receiving end of that already, too), that does not make it a correct description of reality. And even if what you wrote contained "constructive criticism" once, any constructivity that might have existed went away in the sheer repetit
    1 point
  32. The only problem with edge null, is that it is touch only, so interaction along the edges are no longer possible. If you open e.g. the apps list, you can not pull the scroll bar slider. But it is for sure a big help for those having issues.
    1 point
  33. For me it changed a lot when I added a case, And I'm still using the rather bulky (21mm) flip case, as the device is not currently easy replaceable. But I guess I will go back to a shell protecting the bottom half, but that had about the same effect, as the fingers grab the case, and thus about 1mm from the device (and fingerprint scanner), unless I deliberately grab and unlock it in one go. (The pre production unit that can not connect to the net, I keep in a simple shell)
    1 point
  34. This link does not provide a definition for "constructive--criticism" only for "constructive". Well it does contain: "helping to improve; promoting further development or advancement (opposed to destructive):". So if it is rude and nobody listens to it it is also not constructive by this definition because it does not help. But that is not the point, I said a lot of definitions: https://www.definitions.net/definition/CONSTRUCTIVE+CRITICISM http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/constructive-criticism.html Just the top google results. (The links do contain what I said, that is why
    1 point
  35. Thanks. I missed it when I scanned back.
    1 point
  36. It's kinda sad how this video also shows right away how prone the display is to accidental touches on the edges. Hopefully we'll have some solution for that working with both orientations in the future.
    1 point
  37. Very interesting. Did you try it with FinQwerty? I suppose that would fix the keyboard issues with Fn (=Yellow arrow)
    1 point
  38. I have problems with Bluetooth audio devices. After connecting there is no audio and volume control. I opened a bug and can send you more information if you need.
    1 point
  39. Used to have this issue. Installed an app called ultimate rotation control to deal with the rotation. Working perfectly for my use case.
    1 point
  40. Well, in October they expected delivery by end of that month, in November it was the 29th and in december "before Christmas". Currently they say that all orders will be completed by the end of this month, at latest by the beginning of February (but with shippng starting in January. I've asking the support every month and in every mail there's a margin of around four weeks (and I'm a late order). I know your feel, but given that they really expected to fulfill their shipping schedule, the website would technically be correct... Were the expectations too high? Of course. But that's a d
    1 point
  41. I understand that and believe me, I'm not being negative just realistic. If the last website update was in fact November, and they expected pre-orders to be done by Christmas and be ready for general sales at that time then it was an unrealistic expectation to think that new orders not covered under the preorder price would be delivered in 4-6 weeks. Most people on the forum knew that and there were multiple suggestions by others to change the site so no new buyers felt mislead like they apparently do now. Things can happen and that's understandable but it really is their responsibility to d
    1 point
  42. I have no crystal ball, but it's in the pipeline so it'll definitely come at some point.
    1 point
  43. I don't feel the situation as bad as @Gon009 feels. Personally, I have learned these button placements. I agree fingerprint sensor could have been placed a bit higher as I have also touched it occasionally but otherwise I can find convenient positions of my fingers to use it, so it may not be a huge problem. However, it still has bugs in software like forgetting fingerprint settings after reboot. For me, it is a really good device. Performance-wise it is very good, keyboard is awesome, and the image quality of the screen is brilliant, GPS reception is perfect (better than on my prev
    1 point
  44. Then you should be aware of the differences between that and a company like F(x)tec. Differences which substantiate different judgements about delays for both, the perhaps most obvious being one sounds more like B2B and the other is B2C. If you cannot see that for yourself, or what such differences actually mean, I wish you good luck with your small company, which you then might need more than you might like. P.S.: I would have ordered the Pro¹ for the price they were asking even if it would have come with the Snapdragon 636 I've currently got in my Moto Z3 Play, which is already more tha
    1 point
  45. The original driver may indeed miss keypresses if you type fast, I tested similarly typing "fjfjfjfjfjfjfjfj" and similar sequences fast and it would give something the likes of "fjfjffjffjjfj". Currently all I can provide is a boot+vendor image that require a factory reset to be installed and break OTA but fix this issue (if you need it let me know, i haven't written proper instructions down as of yet and it's sorta confusing), but soon an OTA update should come that fixes this. [edit] Note that if I am not mistaken this happens in the relatively rare situation where the driver is still
    1 point
  46. (Calm down, it's just a meme)
    1 point
  47. That's an interesting perspective. May I ask how you came to that conclusion? My feeling is exactly opposite. The OEM may or may not provide security updates for a period of time after release. My copy of the BSP is on tag LA.UM.7.4.r1-05500-8x98.0 which was released August 23, 2019. Incremental updates may have newer code, I'm not sure because I don't do OTAs. But either way, IdeaLTE will stop publishing updates at some point. As a member of Lineage and former Cyanogen employee, I can assure you that many/most of the Lineage developers care a great deal about secu
    1 point
  48. The keys with special functions include: Esc: This has two functions; Android Back and also Wake from sleep. Note it does not behave as Esc in applications under Android (but does in SailfishOS). Fx [F(x)tec logo]: Android Home (No function in SailfishOS) Fn [slanted yellow arrows]: Modifier key. If no layout is selected in Android, it can be used to get / and ? with P and L, and also symbols normally associated with shift, as printed in yellow on the keyboard. (SailfishOS uses this key as Right Alt for use as a modifier, for example used for 3rd level symbols with us-intl-al
    1 point
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