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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/24/2020 in all areas

  1. as soon as i saw the title i knew i'd see Eske in the comments talking about battery life lmao
    8 points
  2. For those getting their devices and wanting to root now, the recommended procedure has changed! This method should allow you to take future OTA updates keeping root using the A/B method linked earlier in thread. Steps have been reordered and updated since first post. 1. Install Android Platform Tools on PC (adb & fastboot) Ubuntu (and presumably debian): sudo apt install adb Windows: https://dl.google.com/android/repository/platform-tools-latest-windows.zip Windows/Mac/Linux: https://developer.android.com/studio/releases/platform-tools 2. Connect Phon
    7 points
  3. It does indeed charge fast when needed. But I will discourage the use of fast charging on a daily basis, as it heats the battery, and heat during charging shortens the lifespan of the battery significantly. So I advice to use the fast charge when in need, and a simple power source not above 5W (5V not above 1A) for daily usage. e.g. the USB port of a PC, or an old charger you got from an old phone. When charged while we are asleep, there are zero reasons to let it charge quickly. I usually compare fast charging with junk food, nice, convenient and it does not really harm if you eat it occ
    7 points
  4. Will get it corrected shortly!
    7 points
  5. I feel so sorry that there wasn't a better birthday present... Will an Fxtec T-Shirt make it up? Maybe we will try to put some kitty element. πŸ˜„
    7 points
  6. QuickCharging heat issue solved
    5 points
  7. Just took delivery of my clack πŸ˜„ My cats (one of them at least) were also happy with the delivery
    5 points
  8. That is the way how the "dark theme" is working on Android Pie. System wide dark theme comes with Android 10 so we need to wait for update. Or flash Lineage OS πŸ˜‰.
    5 points
  9. I really should read this thread more slowly. For a brief moment I was trying to figure out if launching lawnchairs was a traditional cultural activity or a new sport of bored rednecks. At some point one does grow bored with launching pumpkins, after all.....LOL!
    5 points
  10. This reminds me of my dog deciding to 'help' me do the garden, 4Β½ years ago so So I thought I could easily tease him to find another spot - but no, he just stayed...
    5 points
  11. You can do this pretty trivially with Tasker. Profile: * State: Keyboard out * add an innocuous task as the normal task * Add an exit task which has a step of Display -> System Lock. You need the exit task (as opposed to just inverting the state check) to be sure it doesn't constantly trigger.
    4 points
  12. I have no idea what "remote wipe" in e-mail is, but on mobile I've just migrated from K-9 mail, which used to be something like a halfway viable compromise for me so far, to FairEmail (a recommendation I got in these forums). Reason: FairEmail not only supports PGP/GPG encryption (something that I increasingly feel to be a good idea in these times of every company and every state trying to spy on everyone regardless of where someone is situated), but also multiple identities per mail account with different SMTP server settings (just like Thunderbird does for ages). It's the only Android e-mail
    4 points
  13. I wrote one also πŸ™‚ http://matland.be/?p=things&s=pro1review
    4 points
  14. Will be great if keyboard backlight can be enabled on each key press with opened slider.
    4 points
  15. That would help tremendously and I'd be proud to wear it. Send me a PM!
    4 points
  16. Uh .... a dusty screen, look out for @abielins 🀣😝
    4 points
  17. I'm starting this thread to list what I feel are some missing essential features in the stock version of Android. Not necessarily bugs, but things that are missing that would be great for FxTec to implement. Feel free to add others if you feel some essential feature is missing. #1 Sticky Modifiers. When shift/alt/ctrl/slantarrow is pressed then released, the next keypress should behave as if the modifier is still stuck down. Ideally the caps led would illuminate when shift is pressed (until next key is pressed). [Include a toggle in slider settings to disable if possible.] #2 W
    3 points
  18. I don't recall anyone mentioning when or whether stock will be upgraded to Q. Has anyone official chimed in on this? Lineage is getting close to releasing Q (which will be 17.1). By the time that happens, I should have Lineage running well and updating should hopefully be pretty easy.
    3 points
  19. Alright, so I got gnss fixed. I just did a fresh build and wipe and .... it boots. Unfortunately there are some broken things that need to be fixed before I can do another release (namely wifi and cell radio). But now that I've gotten it to boot, it should be all downhill from here. So I'll work on those and hopefully will have a working build within a few days. After that the bugs should fall quickly and official support won't be far off.
    3 points
  20. Very much like "The Beast" (Nokia N900). You could lock/unlock that in a number of ways. Little toggle button on the side. Pressing the power switch brings up the "Slide to unlock". A double press locked the phone Opening and closing the slider locked/unlocked the phone. Sliding open the camera cover unlocked the phone and started the camera app. You could even unlock the phone by waving a magnet over the screen. This made the phone unsuitable for cases with magnetic clasps.
    3 points
  21. Don't disable encryption. I'll get a TWRP that does decryption soon after I get Lineage in a usable state. But really you should have no need to decrypt data anyway.
    3 points
  22. I had fedex 'delivery scheduled' for next Tuesday. Checked tracking yesterday, showed the unit arriving in Japan. Got an email this morning 8am saying 'your delivery is on the van' (in the UK). Arrived by 10am Flashed SFOS by 11am Late for work - luckily I work for myself, so will give myself a stern talking to later on when I get a quiet moment. This evening I may buy myself a beer by way of an apology (QWERTY, order 48xx)
    3 points
  23. I think it is GREAT that they kept the Pro1 as close to stock as possible, and let the user choose, rather than infecting it with all kind of stuff we might or might not like. There are tonnes of mail-apps available, that works more or less good in landscape with a keyboard. I use K9
    3 points
  24. I just got my Pro1 from HK today. Got FedEx shipping notification on Wednesday saying it should be there on Monday but it was there by Friday already. That was a shipment to Germany outside Frankfurt. I'm still ok but then again it's 5 days incubation 😁 The phone itself is just awesome. Thanks FxTec!
    3 points
  25. Dear All I had to recreate a profile to end the mystery. The closure of my account has nothing to do with the community. I enjoyed this community. I want to reduce my involvement as I am spending too much time on this forum. The best way to do so is to delete my profile. If not I will keep posting. Now I need to asks fxtec to delete another profile. Sorry about this. Full success to the pro1 and fxtec Bye
    3 points
  26. I don't know about headaches but it may cause respiratory infections 😁
    3 points
  27. That's perfect, as long as there's no trouble with you receiving your package :). Our shipping partner Expansys can later dispute their decision, but even if they don't, the amount of people that reported to have this issue is relatively small compared to the shipped orders, so it's not going to hurt us in any way. We have accounted for possible lost devices in transit and little things like this already. Expansys was used to deliver some of Google's devices, including the pixel, so they know what they're doing.
    3 points
  28. Try rolling cheese πŸ˜„
    3 points
  29. - Multiple people have reported that the phone doesn't come with a built-in Recovery - Can't boot into a custom recovery with fastboot, without flashing, by using: fastboot boot boot.img - Instructions for how to remove encryption so that TWRP and ADB can read the /data partition
    3 points
  30. You guys really rock. Thank you for giving us this world.
    3 points
  31. 3 points
  32. Correct. It excludes the factory labour, shipping, customs that we pay for, in addition to the hefty licensing costs with Qualcomm, certifications and everything else that is needed for the device to be on the market. Once all of that is deducted, the margin is actually very low compared to other technology/phone startups. We have made the decision to keep it low to allow more users to afford the Pro1. Our margin will increase in tandem with our production volume, as costs usually drop on larger scales.
    3 points
  33. I have actually done that to my current phone. When the battery gets very low, it heats up when charging and the safety protection kicks in and stops charging, so the phone runs out of battery and dies. It doesn't always happen, but has happened sometimes. I think when the battery is older/degraded, it happens more. So what I have done is to put it between ice packs while charging. :-)
    2 points
  34. Could we have a slider setting entry to optionally lock the phone when closing it?
    2 points
  35. The Beast was The Best. But I too would love a Lock upon closing. I'll check if Tasker can suit my goals.
    2 points
  36. I have been using the mob armor magnet holder for acouple years on multiple phones in all of my vehicles and I love it. Works perfect for landscape because the phone can spin freely. Very strong magnet and all it requires on the phone or case is a very thin metal sticker(included)
    2 points
  37. Received this morning in France, without any issue, no extra to pay. Thanks a lot F()xtec ! I yet love the phone
    2 points
  38. You should try calling yourself from your new phone to ask yourself to come in for a stern talking toπŸ˜†πŸ˜‹. I am unsure at the moment what to do. My current phone has never been de-googled, but I have a few lying around with google-free custom roms (native and GSI). I was actually considering to give it a go but I still have to investigate which rom to choose for this (Google free stock/Lineage/Sailfish/ ...)
    2 points
  39. Definitively. I have used Pro1 for this purpose and it worked perfectly (having a non-shifted physical QWERTZ layout anyway using standard QWERTY layout). [I am currently waiting for my pre-order having IGG coupon to arrive but I have bought another one so I can use it since the very end of last year.] I have tried to do similar things on my Moto G6 software keyboard and it was really inconvenient so I have almost never used it to do such things as it is extremely inconvenient. So with Pro1, I am having similar feelings I had with my N900 earlier but it is even better. πŸ™‚
    2 points
  40. I think some branches really don't understand what DDP is, but given the little volume of these reports, feel free to pay for the difference, and we'll refund it to you.
    2 points
  41. I love all of you guys. You really are amazing and totally made my day.
    2 points
  42. PLEASE take the potatoes? TAKE THE POTATOES OFF ME!!!!! For the record, he really didn't care that much. He was napping peacefully, and my wife thought it would be funny to park a potato next to him. I dunno....same shape or something.....anyway, that became 3 potatoes next to him, then a wall of potatoes in front of him, then most of 10 pounds (4 kilos) of potatoes piled all over him. He was still asleep for most of it, and when he did awaken, he stayed for a long time. He eventually got tired of being the "spud" of jokes and left to do something else. :O Tom is an
    2 points
  43. I guess because the latest orders satisfied so far, of which we know, are around no. 32xxx, still pre-orders, dating back to August. I suppose you've got yours because, after a lot of earlier excitement about devices not being shipped in the proper order, like three small retailers getting a handful before all pre-orders were served, Fxtec feared things might get too calm around here, so they sent you that no. 42xxx phone before everyone else got theirs to make things more lively here again! πŸŽƒ
    2 points
  44. Bought one (Β£15) that arived today, and it seems to do HDMI just fine, both landscape and portrait. The icons looks a bit overwhelming in landscape on a 43" monitor though πŸ˜‚ In landscape it Letterboxes on my current 16:9 screen, but in portrait I get gigantic side borders. Ending as 36% black + 28% display + 36 black. But in Landscape it is just fine with 5Β½% black + 89% display + 5Β½%. Though the monitor used might offer PIP or various split-modes, that could be useful. PIP could make a lot of sense on a large monitor. Trying a restart, The display is broadcasted before
    2 points
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