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  1. Progress! After waaaaaaaay too long, I've finally fixed the wlan subsystem restart. Turns out the open source power HAL isn't working properly. The vendor power HAL works. So I'll use the vendor one for now and continue on with all the other stuff.
    8 points
  2. Hi Sorry for the issue regarding shipping. Our super hero Erik will on it shortly!
    6 points
  3. Really? I opended the box, took out the phone and was so amazed about the device that I forgot everything else……..
    6 points
  4. This is a problem with the keyboard driver which will be fixed in the next OTA update if all is right. It happens when you press a key down at the exact same time the driver is handling the key-up event from the next one. In Sailfish and mccrearies test builds this is already fixed if you need it in a hurry 🙂.
    6 points
  5. Okay it looks like Bluetooth, WiFi, GPS, and Fingerprint work. Still need to test/fix cell radio, on-device audio, and NFC. Note the WiFi signal strength indicator is still broken. That's going to be toward the end of the to-do list.
    5 points
  6. SYM as modifier key is definitely possible. That's a great suggestion! Making the staggered pop-up will require we make a custom Input Method, something I'd love to but will pose a huge cost... So maybe when we get bigger. But making Sym key as a edible modifier sounds great and achievable.
    5 points
  7. Did it reboot often afterwards? @sdxWill it be possible to test the unit under 4G only (Wifi off) see if it reboots? I think it might be WiFi related. I am using an August production prototype for more than 4 months, and only happened to me 2-3 times so far. But each time it did 2-3 reboots in a short period of time, then everything back to normal. We are still investigating where the problems are so if you can let me know if WiFi is related that would be great. Meanwhile if the device still constantly reboots, we will get it replaced for you.
    5 points
  8. Check to see that the physical keyboard language is "default"-- the slant arrow (which serves as the yellow FN key) + L will get you "?" Same for slant arrow + P fpr "/". If you have any other language than "default" selected, it won't work.
    5 points
  9. Hey guys! I know the subject of this thread won't be relevant to everyone, but we have had a few comments from customers who have been struggling to open and shut their Pro1... I just wanted to clarify that the Pro1's slider mechanism wasn't designed to simply slide open... you do need to hold the phone at such an angle that you lift the top of the screen up whilst also pushing up from the bottom simultaneously. After you have got the knack, it becomes a lot more straight forward and you will be able to slide it open much more quickly and seamlessly. I have attached a video for those
    4 points
  10. It happens with pretty much every courier out there when a last minute address change is requested. There are dozens of people involved for just one shipment, it's hard to update them all about the change. Most couriers don't look on their devices for address changes, instead they look on the label if the shipment is too far from a sorting facility.
    4 points
  11. We've emailed you about 10 minutes ago on this actually. Please reply to the email. This one was caused due to a confusion with DPD from the last minute address change request.
    4 points
  12. ....And here another slow motion opening both the Pro1 and a flip case in one go by the lift front method. YouCut_20200123_155044091.mp4
    4 points
  13. Haven't used an N900 since 2015 as a daily driver but I keep grabbing at the little switch on the right side (which isn't there but the N900 had) to unlock my pro1 when it's open. Damn muscle memory. 😄
    3 points
  14. For those of you wants to have word suggestions, try using Swift key instead of GBoard. It has most of the features, if not all, as a software keyboard. Because most users wants clean Android, we decided to only pre-load GBoard, and Google has dropped their support for hardware keyboard on GBoard unfortunately. So try Swift key and that will make a big difference. On the other side, we are aware of the issue with sometimes orientation does not turn, a quick fix will be enable/disable auto rotate in top drop down menu.
    3 points
  15. Thanks for the suggestion. I tried turning on/off the phone at various positions between opened and closed and it did not make a difference. Perhaps it is the ribbon cable, but I'm not going to mess with trying to take it apart and test. I'll wait for support to get back with me.
    3 points
  16. Another more silent way is to pick it up holding the screen, pushing the bottom down with the middle finger. This can be combined with pushing at the fingerprint scanner unlocking it. (it is dampened by gravity, and stopped by the thumb) YouCut_20200129_120706253.mp4
    3 points
  17. Okay. Unselected English US and now I'm good. Thanks @Hook
    3 points
  18. The vast majority of devices were produced towards the end of this window, limited production while bugs are worked out is quite normal in a high tech product so an average of 6 phones a day is not exactly a fair description. What is fair is to say that they didn't have a manufactureable phone when they said "We are beginning the manufacturing in the next few weeks with estimated first shipping to pre-order customers during the 2nd week of September." in the request for payment email. They may have had a few mockups or pre designed-for-manufacture prototypes by then but nothing that was rea
    3 points
  19. If your partner sleeps you are doing it wrong 😁 Sorry, I'll take my coat now. 🥼
    3 points
  20. This is a very satisfying thread.
    3 points
  21. I tried to make some four times slo-motion videos a while ago. of two different ways to open by pushing They are far from perfect, but perhaps you can see what is going on better slowed down. First the classic push slightly down, where the back lifts as you push a bit downwards (that is what you see above in full speed) Note the important detail that my thumb is NOT continuously pushing in the same direction, but follow the screen edge down and then up. YouCut_20191223_174454298.mp4
    3 points
  22. Or put it face down while sleeping 😁
    3 points
  23. It was controllable early on, but they changed that, as the placement of the individual RGB had the effect that in some angles one were more or less blocked, giving a wrong resulting colour. So what is best/worst is hard to say. But as so many details, it COULD be an option people could choose. ADD: If is still controllable here, though the simple app that previously worked for me no longer does, the one linked in the above two posts does work.
    3 points
  24. If the 12 is not something locked by android but within your control, it would be SUPER elegant, if you rather than twelve had one for each of the letter&symbol-keys so we pressing the Sym had a staggered keyboard map pop up, and then pressing say the M got what ever symbol we put there. (Optimally with the HW-printed letter&symbols in faint small print, and the symbols in clear print in this helper display) If Sym was used as a modifier with the M, we could have the symbol directly without the helper screen popping up. And this system could be expanded to allow Sym+modifier
    3 points
  25. Thanks to the creator of FinQWERTY that adds its function. There were work carried out regarding the SYM key, that user can define 12 symbols and will bring up the selection box in text input when SYM is pressed. (Like attached) But then team is busy fixing all the bugs, and the development was postponed until the nasty bugs are squashed, which we are still working on. I will do best to continue the development of this feature!
    3 points
  26. On-device audio and nfc now work. I'm out of time for the day, so I'll try to get this wrapped up tomorrow. Remaining "big" items blocking test3: - test/fix cell radio (should be working or require minor tweaks). - fix front camera (it's not recognized, probably a missing file). - fix notification light. - fix FM radio. - figure out why the fingerprint sensor loses its data at reboot (at least for me). - add keyboard layout file.
    2 points
  27. The Nokia E7 had that on the long left side / the front towards you when opened. It was a neat little switch that was very easy to find and use but also hard to operate by mistake, much unlike a simple button. It also turned on the flashlight when you held it. Very satisfying. Hey fxtec, can we have a switch like that on the Pro2?
    2 points
  28. Not sure what happened - first time I put the nano SIM in, it wasn't registering that it even had a SIM card. There's only one way the SIM card can go in so I'm pretty sure I didn't have it flipped. Pulled it out and put it back in, noticed that it was very easy to jar the card loose from the tray, so maybe it had been shifted a little the first time? Now working fine - test call, test text message got through to my other phone... just gotta figure out how to transfer all the data, contacts, etc from her other phone now.
    2 points
  29. Opening with no clack is pretty easy on mine. Instead of stating from the front, I lift the back slightly and just push up with my thumb, guiding the screen into place rather than just letting it fly. It also requires the back fingers to slide down the back of the screen as you open it. A little slower, but easy to do if you need to open it quietly.
    2 points
  30. Ah, I see. This one is fairly easy to split. If you go for the black or blue, the debris left is much less noticeable than the 'yellow'. And it is ONLY noticeable when folded FULLY open.
    2 points
  31. I just tried it - it doesn't seem to let you turn off the LED when it's charging, just control the lights for different app notifications. Guess I'll have to go back to keeping the phone face-down when it's charging overnight...
    2 points
  32. I made a Swiss - French keyboard that I sent to Anssi Hannula (along with money beer). This could also benefit others as I tried to be as standard as possible, there are a lot of special characters not often used but I put them anyway as they are in the Swiss - French layout.
    2 points
  33. In case anyone is missing autocorrect, automatic capitalization, or predictive text, I learned that SwiftKey gives you the option to add a row of that at the bottom of the screen. I have the best of both worlds now.
    2 points
  34. Tbh I only found it because I wondered where the screen protector was 😄
    2 points
  35. Thanks to you both! @Erik just replied to the email. Very grateful you helped out 🙂 I still think it's very strange tho that DPD offers this service, while it obviously doesn't work in their own system... It just seems unfair that you guys got a penalty for the return, since it's a flaw in their own delivery system (why would you offer a service that doesn't work and then penalize the sending party over that? It's just strange) So big tip for people who want to use that service if they ever get DPD: don't use it and use one of the drop-off servicepoints instead.. Unfortu
    2 points
  36. I was no IGG and got order # 5xxx and got my device last week. Serial No. is 227 and I was a bit surprised about the difference between the order No. and the Serial No. But now I am lucky with the phone and it is running so smooth....
    2 points
  37. I think he is describing the same movement you described in this picture:
    2 points
  38. I don't want things to be smaller on my screen. But it is a good point that it should also adjust to fit if someone does pick "Large" in that screen, not just work with "Default". UPDATE: Oddly enough, it *does* work when set to "Large", because it reduces the icons to one row instead of two. That's probably more by luck than design. Default still needs to work though.
    2 points
  39. I cut out a groove to about half width of the bottom right holder. From the bottom to about 7mm. Rubber stayed on.
    2 points
  40. I spoke too soon though. Got my phone yesterday, then went and got my old n97 from the basement. They both have the same issue. A small gap. And i actually remember the extra noise noise the phone made each hard tap i made. Were can one get that felt tape? Any recommendations? (I live in sweden)
    2 points
  41. I have not seen that happen when connected to my laptop. I have had that happen with phones in the past and there are constant sounds of Windows recognizing the phone appearing and disappearing. I am using a 3rd party Type A to Type C cable, not the one it shipped with. Could it be your cable? If it is the port, you might want to talk to support about it. It could just be an issue with your particular port. I really hope it doesn't become a wide spread issue, because that is one of the huge benefits of USB-C vs micro USB. On the other hand, the USB-C port is supposed to be mo
    2 points
  42. Occasionally some of my random keys gets stuck (not physically). So it keeps typing same letter until I stop it with backspace. I am using default keyboard. Anyone else facing this issue? Can this be sorted through software update? PS: Really need a sticky "shift" key. Otherwise so difficult to type and hold 2 keys on this super wide keyboard even with my big hands!
    2 points
  43. Clacker has arrived! Ordered on March 3rd, #7XXX, Toronto, scheduled for delivery tomorrow 29 Jan but arrived today. Phew! Have applied all the updates and just getting used to the keyboard now. So far so good. But terrified of dropping it! Must figure out a case asap...
    2 points
  44. I have compeltly different method. I slightly pushing slider both to the bottom and front. to the front a bit weaker. Exacty like in N97.
    2 points
  45. i have purchased pre-curved PET screen protector 🙂 It is for elephone from ali
    2 points
  46. No fear, you are even still in the given delivery timeframe of 4-6 weeks. But to already prepare you, it is not likely you will receive your Pro¹ before end of February (hopefully during march) since the devices produced pre chinese new year have been sent out and new ones are only produced starting from this week. There have been delays even in the month since you ordered sadly. And prepare for (friendly) laughter from other members triggered by your attitude. You are literally complaining amongst folk that waited for the original moto-mod since Feb 2017. Personally i was lucky and at
    2 points
  47. Here is a video how I do it after 1 day of use. I just tilt the phone agaist me so that I can see the side of the phone. Then I push little bit downwards and rest of it is happening as if by itself.
    2 points
  48. I like to slow down how fast it opens by maintaining control of the back side of the screen. I only have one hand while filming but still easy enough :). please ignore the pimples btw, newly and badly applied screen protector xD
    2 points
  49. And here one where I on the contrary LIFTS the front, by rolling in the finger YouCut_20191223_192100210.mp4 And as a third method you can of course just lift the back edge up. Or you can also do a combo lifting the back while pushing the front. I most often lift with the right index after triggering the fingerprint scanner, while pushing with the left thumb.
    2 points
  50. I haven't contacted support yet. To be honest, Erik's response above kinda put me off. But I have had success with some felt pads. Putting one where @EskeRahn suggested didn't seem to help so I have one pad in each corner underneath the screen. This seems to have greatly reduced the problem down to an acceptable level - not perfect, but a couple more pads might do it. I used felt approx 1 mm thick and double sided tape. Hopefully this will last.
    2 points
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