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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/04/2020 in Posts

  1. 4 points
  2. Let's try to get a list of the USSD/MMI codes our phones support. For example, I was pleasantly surprised with *#06# When you enter this in your dialer it will present most of the information from the sticker we have on the back of our phones. This code is kind of universal and works on majority of devices. I am more interested in discovering Pro1 specific ones, though :) *#*#0000#*#* - Hardware information (like platform model, IMEI, etc.) *#*#4636#*#* - Brings an extensive testing application that gives lots of info about networking and app usage *#*#2432546#*#* (*#*#check
    4 points
  3. Not a huge loss. No root, no custom OS, portrait keyboards, etc. etc. 😀
    4 points
  4. I got a black carbon fiber skin from Skinomi for the Note 10, and the back piece is a pretty good fit. The camera and sensor holes are in the right place, although quite a bit larger than they need to be. I filled in some of the gap using other pieces from the kit. I also clipped the corners on the skin, much more than I needed to it turns out, but overall I'm pleased with the result. It looks nice, and it definitely makes the device much more "grippy" to hold.
    3 points
  5. Let us make things crystal clear: ADD: And just as I thought this was simple, there is a fourth: an even larger P20 lite (2019) ...sigh...
    3 points
  6. Bad. Very bad. Don't buy 🤮
    3 points
  7. Thats the problem these days no real differences between devices.
    3 points
  8. Competitor leaving the market is bad no matter what. You may not like the designs, lack of root, OS or whatever, but fact is it's one less option for people who want a keyboard. I was debating hard about getting a Priv when it came out a while back but the price was so high. I would've made soany compromises to get it too, but it was the only semi modern option for a keyboard phone
    3 points
  9. I have Switfkey installed already. I can confirm that editing /system/usr/keychars/Vendor_181d_Product_5018_Version_0001.kcm and changing type from FULL to ALPHA does make the shift key work as 'sticky'. However, the behaviour of the function (diagonal arrow) key is not changed. It would be great to change this to sticky also. Any ideas?
    3 points
  10. That is a shame. I was always holding out for them to upgrade the Priv with newer CPU, a bit more RAM, and a newer version of Android - that would have been my perfect phone. I do love my Priv - it's just getting rather slow these days!
    3 points
  11. At this rate I have friends coming back from Hong Kong soon... Can FxTec let them go to Expansys to pick it up directly for me? 😆
    3 points
  12. Chinese phone maker TCL took over when BlackBerry stopped making their own phones, now they call it quits: https://www.theregister.co.uk/2020/02/03/tcl_will_stop_making_new_blackberry_phones/
    2 points
  13. Sorry for the delay the last couple of days. I have been playing around with the keyboard driver because I really hate the way that idealte did the keyboard logic. It is, from my perspective, a gross hack that needs to go away. Background: the bulk of the keys are handled by the aw9523b keyboard driver. But the shift, ctrl, alt, fn (yellow arrows), and "fancy f" (aka. fxtec key) are wired up as gpio pins separately. The easiest way for the oem to deal with this was to map the yellow fn keys in userspace. It's a bit difficult to explain, so here's an example of how it works: wh
    2 points
  14. In stock ROM, audio only comes from the bottom speaker in handsfree mode. However, I have not received complains about using it despite of its position is really close to microphone. Anyway, I would like to also hear the top speaker to be a bit louder and also farther from microphone. Otherwise, it may be in connection with miswiring of speakers so it seems two speakers of Pro1 are interchanged which has to be solved in software. Maybe that is the cause of only bottom speaker has audio in handsfree mode instead of top one.
    2 points
  15. Yes, but I did the ask a question thing and they assured me it was for the Pro. And look at the order details.
    2 points
  16. Guess I didn't add enough smiley faces, or probably should have added a couple of wink ones as my comment was strictly in jest. While true I owned a Priv, never acclimated to it, and dumped it quickly, I would never want a company to stop making something just because I don't like it. To each their own, and in that regard, the more choices available to the consumer the better.
    2 points
  17. There's a long thread about them. Alternatively, the TL;DR is here: https://eskerahn.dk/?p=3620
    2 points
  18. Yes, I had installed Gboard and only selected that to active. Xperia XZ1 Compact has three virtual keyboard installed by stock: Xperia keyboard Japan and China, SwiftKey. I am able to disable Xperia keyboards from app settings but only thing what I can do for SwiftKey is force close. But if I go to keyboard settings I am able to disable SwiftKey from there. It is still listed but grayed out. So I only had Gboard enabled from the keyboard settings and same result. I am able to put space without erasing the cell. I don't know if SwiftKey has any effects here since it is pre-installed.
    2 points
  19. OK, I didn't quite understand first. I tested with bluetooth keyboard also and the space did not erase the cell (Xperia XZ1 Compact).
    2 points
  20. Fully Agree, hang on, it is worth the wait!
    2 points
  21. I usek BB KeyOne before Pro1. KeyOne is a very decent phone, very convenient to use. You can, for example, type on physical keyboard while it is locked in car holder. I also set Tasker to use physical keyboard shortcuts to run different apps easily, no matter what app was running at the moment. Very, very convenient. Unfortunately it is still locked and root-proof, didn't get updates past Oreo. Even though I still find it a great phone.
    2 points
  22. I'm sure you could get a kit to assemble yourself 😁 Feeling for you guys who are still waiting for it. Hang in there, it is worth the wait.
    2 points
  23. I was never in the BB team being a Nokia Communicator user long before they became a thing. Still as I was starved from physical keyboard smartphones I remember considering those Android BBs when they came out and decided not to, square screen and fixed keyboards are just not for me. Still too bad they stop doing it.
    2 points
  24. ok, folks, i got my Pro1 an hour ago today, in Montréal Canada, featuring S/N 711. very nice piece of heavy duty material, feels like metal, feels like a Leica M. my Nokia N900 is still operational after 10 years but feels so small and a bit cheap too, as compared to this new FxTec. anyway, let me now start setting it up, then register it with Bell, get a SIM card etc, then install openVPN and Termux and so on...
    2 points
  25. LOL It takes all kinds What's the word on the latest greatest screen protector to get? Really comes down to one that doesn't look/feel much worse than using it naked. Like LINGERIE
    2 points
  26. On my Motorola G6, I used to pick which card to use before placing a call. By default, Pro1 initiated the call on 1st card and I could change it to 2nd card, but I found the exact same behaviour which worked on my Moto G6 somewhere in settings. So Pro1's software also have the option to specify which card to use before initiating a call. So the difference is Motorola's software had a wizard to choose these options but Pro1 had a default value which had to be changed but it also works well. So I'm sure second option is exists as I use it that way. One thing I missed was to sp
    2 points
  27. If you like the the stock setup, there is an odd way. You can Install FinQwerty that extends the list of layouts to the system. But if you select the "None" there, you will get the stock with no modifications (Hence the None) It is made for this exact purpose, to have The Stock, and perhaps other languages, that you can cycle through with Ctrl-Space. Swiftkey is also an interesting app for the Pro1 enhancing the physical keyboard by offering word predictions - but that is another story....
    1 point
  28. I wonder if the mule trick would work here like it does for Verizon. Of course, you'd have to have an AT&T enabled phone that you didn't need anymore, which is unlikely as you were Verizon. Just curious.
    1 point
  29. I know. Still it's no use to get upset, which is just bad for your blood pressure and won't help you get your phone one second earlier. Ordered in September and still waiting. After not getting it for Christmas, which had seemed possible back in November, it's now clear I won't get it for my birthday, either, which is early February. But getting upset about that, or about others getting it earlier than me, won't bring it on earlier, either. Again, mistakes happen. Especially in startup ventures like this. It could have completely failed with us having to take legal action to
    1 point
  30. You might want to consider two small holes in the leather. One for the secondary mic on the back near the cameras, and one for the notification LED.
    1 point
  31. Well I was sent one by mistake so if anyone would like it for 769.69 +s/h hit up ya boy
    1 point
  32. I have been using Pro1 as a daily driver for a week now and call quality has been good so far. My friends have not complain about audio. I am holding the phone with my right hand during calls.
    1 point
  33. Agreed. Blackberry isn't even really a competitor just like Gemini and Cosmo; there's some crososver but it's another niche. Not to mention that at least the Blackberry brand had the power to have keyboard devices shown in store. It's also another justification for people to go "I guess not enough people want keyboard phones!".
    1 point
  34. Apart from the keyboard being cramped in the wrong direction I loved my Priv. I really liked their keyboard app, getting a lot out of their keyboard. I never used any of the classic BB stuff. Just disabled their Hub and all the rest, I just weeks ago tried to see how long the Idle stamina still was with WiFi on, but no sim inserted. I got to 400 hours or 17 days, before reaching 15%... So tired of all the BS of it having poor stamina, it was just all the junk people had installed, not the device. Oh - and it is the original battery, that has just been treated reasonable well! Su
    1 point
  35. If not, others can... 😇
    1 point
  36. They were always terrible with having fluid software... but I loved all their hardware. I know the die-hard enthusiasts will scoff and say that the Priv/Key keyboards weren't as good as the old Blackberries and while that's true, they were still a hell of a lot better than the software keyboard. Not to mention some of us are way better with portrait qwerty than landscape -- I'm still getting used to it!
    1 point
  37. Yeah I'd expect that as well probably only admin type staff in UK.
    1 point
  38. I believe that @VaZso was talking about the sticker in the back.
    1 point
  39. I tend to ask my phone what time it is when I wake up in the morning, and I haven't been able to do that with the Pro1; Google Assistant voice commands don't work if my Pro1's screen is off. If I press the power button to turn the screen on then it responds to "hey google" from the lock screen (as I would expect it to). But if the screen is off, I do not get any response. Is this a known issue? Is anyone else having this problem? Are there any fixes?
    1 point
  40. Bummer. If they were rootable and got updated past oreo I would probably still be using my Key2. Pour one out...
    1 point
  41. Portrait keyboard is fine (yeah, fight me)... it's losing part of the display that's the bigger issue. And besides, a portrait screen with two apps running top/bottom split would've worked great for the Priv, if only it got updated to Nougat to get the said functionality.
    1 point
  42. The official number of dead that's being reported from China is about as accurate as a flat earth theory. Once it gets outside out China, expect the number of dead to rise astronomically. Stay safe out there guys. We live in interesting times.
    1 point
  43. While you may be right in stating that some news tend to be exaggerated, the 25,000 fatalities in Germany's 2018/2019 flu season were an extreme outlier. Between 1998 and 2015, the number of deaths through influenza varied between 66 and 447 per season. The coronavirus outbreak is something completely different, and it is definitely no fun – just as the SARS outbreak in 2002/2003 wasn't, which it has already topped in dangerousness.
    1 point
  44. A workaround is using Swiftkey. I sheet all the time 😁. Just temporary switch to Swiftkey and you'll be fine. I switch because I haven't figured out yet how to make the emoticons shortcut work in Swiftkey, which I use a lot.
    1 point
  45. Hi there, Don't know if it's the right place. If I may, I have 1 potential bug and a request. It happens time to time that 4 specific keys, once pressed, are repeating themselves until I press another one. Such as the 'Key pressed' event is recorded but not the 'key release' event. It concerns keys [6][7][n][m], and it is not always the case. It give a text like "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm" or "66666666666". It happened maybe 10 times this past week. This behavior can disappear if I close the keyboard and switch the phone to sleep, but not always. I have the stock android, with last update.
    1 point
  46. @rejujacob Use SwiftKey Keyboard.
    1 point
  47. @Slion, if everyone did like you and made a new thread on any thing they wondered or wished, without even doing a search first, this forum would quickly become an unusable mess. Or require a huge number of moderators finding and merging stuff.....
    1 point
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