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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/11/2020 in Posts

  1. the virus seems to have a better chance of reaching me than pro1 :(
    5 points
  2. Not sure if we've had much info on this officially but they at least Tweeted back on this... So if nothing else, then at least we know it's planned
    4 points
  3. This will take you to a poll which includes the fxtec pro1 as one of it's options. Let's make this happen.
    3 points
  4. @tdm I know you've got some ideas of what keycodes to assign the various modifier type keys, and recently I saw something about you doing some odd things with the slant-arrow keys that might restrict user customization, etc. I've chatted with mccreary a few times about my thoughts, and thus learned a lot of stuff, and wanted to share what I believe would be the ideal way to map keycodes in kernel that takes advantage of built-in AOSP features, and allows user to fully customize layout afterwards. Esc --> Esc Slant Arrows --> Meta (left & right - separate key codes ar
    3 points
  5. you can use camera on another phone for find sensor 🙂
    3 points
  6. I just found out about this phone, watched a vid, and am in looooove. Want to purchase (pre-purchase), but need to know-can this phone be locked/what kind of security features does it have?
    2 points
  7. So I've managed to restore my device to the original image. I was following the solution from Tom and using his tool from here: http://files.nwwn.com/android/pro1/factory.html However, I've faced the same problem which some people were posting here: "Connection time out". Have no idea what could be the reason of that. Nevertheless, in the end I managed to successfully reflash the phone. The trick is to have prepared tool for reflashing and to press a button as fast as possible immediately after you reboot the device (power + volume button down). Because device ins completely unrespo
    2 points
  8. Thanks. When Foxconn factories restart at Shenzhen it will be in the news. This news is about Zhengzhou: Apple supplier Foxconn restarts key China plant with 10% of workforce, source says "The company, however, has not yet been allowed to restart production in Shenzhen, a southern manufacturing hub, the source said."
    2 points
  9. I'll attach it as a screenshot for others who can't get into it: basically it's something for the "near future"
    2 points
  10. I think they don't know it - also their manufacturer doesn't really know that I think. Even our PCB production partner can not predict when they are able to assembly our panels - not related to F(x)tec.
    2 points
  11. EskeRahn posted a NVRAM variable here, but how do I set it in fastboot?
    1 point
  12. Let us help F(x)tec with some show casing! I hope everybody will flash it around and spread the word to everybody they think might be just a little bit interested, or might know one that is... At Crackberry a guy was asking where he could try it hands on. So if you are willing to be contacted by someone that wants a hands on before buying, here is a tread to post your Country, state/region, nearest larger town, Then people can create an account in here and send a PM to arrange further. Please mark the geography in bold and/or a larger font, to make i
    1 point
  13. Sure, it seems silly to me also. But that's the way the keyboard is printed. I would map the fn keys to something else but they are required to generate '/' and '?'. But the beauty of the new keyboard driver is that you can remap all the keys. The gpio keys aren't remappable yet but I'd like to make them remappable before I finish.
    1 point
  14. I'm on the 20200106 firmware but can't swear right now whether I was at the time.
    1 point
  15. I am going to make the default keymap as close to what one would expect by just looking at the keyboard as possible. That means: * The right-slant-arrows (fn-keys) are (dead) modifiers that allow generating the yellow symbols. * The FxTec key could be anything, really. Home would be fine, or any other reasonable suggestion. * Chording the FxTec key (FxTec+number) is sort of asking for two things at once -- you want it to be both a normal key and a modifier key. That's probably not easily doable. But I would like a way to generate F# keycodes. I was thinking maybe fn+ctrl+#
    1 point
  16. This happened to me too and I reported it in the Known Bugs thread. For me, it mysteriously started working again after firmly squeezing the phone shut, and it has worked since. I don't know if it was a hardware or a software problem because it hasn't happened since....
    1 point
  17. Fn does not go sticky on Alpha.
    1 point
  18. Windows 10, 64-bit, MTP (it's called "File Transfer" on the phone's USB menu) and, yes, USB debugging is enabled.
    1 point
  19. Well if if the Yellow arrows becomes Meta then why not let the Logo become Fn? And map Fn+] respectively Fn+Y as home (for qwertY and qwertZ), the key just above the logo, so very easy to press with one finger... And PERHAPS (similar to press and release Alt with Gboard) let Press and release Fn do Home as it currently does, if this does not require some special coding. Giving both the existing and potential additional behaviour.... Fn+1..0 plus next two could give F1 to F12.
    1 point
  20. I created another (bash-)script, modding the specific line in the recovery. I hope you like it: modbootimg Custom builds are available over my profile page -> My Profile - "About Me" tab
    1 point
  21. Thought this was worth reminding people of this while we wait for internal solution, as I've seen it referenced in a few other threads lately. Plus even if they fix the keyboard stuff, there's still plenty of use for this app.
    1 point
  22. I play ToonBlast. Other than that not playing anything currently, but I'd also rather like to buy a game instead of freemium where I have to pay more for coins or no-commercials-option.
    1 point
  23. My numbers come out the same. I have this card. https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B0758NHWS8/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Could this be because of being formatted FAT32? I have no rel knowledge in this area. I luckily don't often write large files to the card, just occasionally move some media over from my PC. What I have noticed is that if moving a large amount of media via USB connection to my computer, the connection will time out after a while. I discovered this when trying to move my whole music library to the card. It took 3 or 4 attempts to
    1 point
  24. Well it might work while closed, but I doubt they would stick when slid open, but could be worth a try. Note though that the hard edges could be complex to modify for the buttons and fingerprint reader. Being creative, what about modifying TWO sets? One for each part of the Pro1, cutting down the covering back on one case and the front on the other case...
    1 point
  25. Thank you for answer. I'm on Magisk. When I was starting with Pro1 I was searching for method to not encrypt data partition (for future backups) but cannot find one...
    1 point
  26. The data is encrypted by default. You can set a lock screen code or pattern, as well as a separate one at boot time. It is pretty much stock android. There isn't a built in app locker, that I know of, but you can use apps like Smart AppLock for that.
    1 point
  27. That would be a good thing but you can also make system wide shortcuts by using Keyboard/Button Mapper. It has a functionality to add specific shotcuts to key press combos.
    1 point
  28. My phone tried to brick itself when the SD card I set up as adoptable storage failed. I ended up having to flash back to stock, reapply the OTAs, and re-root as well. I had to take it back to Verizon along with my old Samsung so they could deactivate and reactivate my SIM. Until they did that, the Pro 1 would get stuck trying to register in the switch. That was per the Verizon tech watching what was going on from their end. Steps were: 1) put SIM back in Samsung and establish everything works; 2) deactivate and reactivate SIM, establish everything works; 3) put SIM back in Pro 1 and verif
    1 point
  29. Well we expected at the least the first part see discussions on the different variants with front-over-back or back-over-front previous in this thread.
    1 point
  30. ...Well I received a P20 Pro split case like the one shown above today. Unfortunately because the screen half slips over the rear half it is too big to sit over the Pro1 screen. ☹️ The thing is the rear half also seemed slightly too big to stay on the screen. ...One thing I have found out is the Pro1 screen is far easier to open with the protectors over the screen, just need to find one that fits...
    1 point
  31. Just curious. Are they a-holes because they only want to support mainstream phones with a large enough customer base to be profitable or are they actually a-holes? 😉
    1 point
  32. That happened to me once. I then managed to mess up and brick my phone (trying to unroot and take OTA... not sure how but I refer to it in Magisk thread). I recovered by reflashing the October original factory image, took all the updates including the January one I had been trying to unroot for. When I set Verizon up again everything was magically working and has ever since. And, no, I don't suggest you try my remedy. 😉 🙄 Make sure you set everything back up, including all the LTE provisioning and selecting the right preferred network(s). "Global" works great for me. There's a l
    1 point
  33. One I spammed in the forum before, still happy with it 🙂 https://f-droid.org/en/packages/net.gsantner.markor/
    1 point
  34. CORRECTION #2 : testing the indicator LED actually worked just once, for missed phone calls - now it doesn't make a blink, nada. i suppose the Android permission settings in my Pro1 don't suit the requirements for the Light Manager 2 app. oh man, how much do i miss the CLI - there at least i know what and when i do something wrong... is there any other app out there that could help here ? HOPPALAH ! the LED is now blinking yellowish and greenish alternatingly, perhaps some 10min after i had started the last test ! there is even some red in the light. as you say, VaZso, a light d
    1 point
  35. Regarding the bug a few posts back where things found in the search results can't be found on the linked topic/page.... The problem appears to be when posts have been moved by a moderator to another topic. The search data isn't updated for whatever reason. I'm not sure if some index can be rebuilt for that or if it is a more ingrained bug with the forum software. It doesn't happen with every post moved. It could be that the search lags behind the move and that the instance I found today will be resolved when more time has passed.
    1 point
  36. It is slightly left of the speaker. Note that it got quite a delay in reacting to changes, but pressing power off and on, triggers a new read.
    1 point
  37. I saw in the long case thread @wilhelmfitzpatrick has fitted a carbon fibre skin for a note 10, and it looked quite good.
    1 point
  38. The router does both, of course, but my Pro1 is connected to the 5.8Ghz access point
    1 point
  39. That's weird - I thought a posted (another) response... I got it working by allowing updates over data/the network (instead of just wifi). All sorted. 👍
    1 point
  40. Speedtest also works fine on mine. And I did the ADB thing to allow charging when turned off, but I am not currently rooted, stock firmware. My BL is unlocked as it came to me that way and I have never changed that.
    1 point
  41. Yes that is what I wrote: Android Market , http://market.android.com/ ...I know i'm old, but I'm not going to use the silly alias
    1 point
  42. Didn't see it in the list, so Telus (Canada) working with no issues. 4G, calls, SMS, MMS, other data, all good.
    1 point
  43. Ah Thanks! That explains the difference! And yes silly limit, could have been a range. Let us hop they fixed that in 10 also. Setting the font to small also, does not seem to offer more options.
    1 point
  44. You need to have usb debugging enabled, and ADB installed. Then we can execute fastboot oem off-mode-charge 1 EDIT: from fastboot mode, see Craig's correction below.
    1 point
  45. Hooray! The problem seems to be solved, after flashing some of the partitions, as described in thread of Factory Restore Tool, with command-line tool qfpkg_cli . Apparently, Sailfish OS makes it very easy for user to format internal phone partitions, under mistaken belief of them being memory card partitions... In short: don't go and format a partition just because GUI recommends to do so - it is not necessarily a good enough reason. Thank you! Best wishes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Per aspera ad astra...
    1 point
  46. Yeah, it is so big you can use the back as a plate eating 😇😜 It is nice that it is rugged though 👍, To me the Passport design offers the worst of two worlds: A cramped always out keyboard and yet too big to possibly operate even partly one handed. The Key½ design I can understand, as you get a keyboard (though cramped), and a screen that at the least to some extend can be one hand operated. I mean the Titan is really Titan-sized, it is humongous. Liiterally like three SonyEricsson txt pro landscape-keyboard-sliders side by side--- (including the weight)
    1 point
  47. If I was F(x)tec I would get a portrait device in development to cover that section of the market.
    1 point
  48. Thats the problem these days no real differences between devices.
    1 point
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