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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/04/2019 in all areas

  1. The indigogo refunds is a very clear example of the high morale decency of Liangchen Chen. He had every right to say "Oh well, the money is spent and the project crashed, bye bye", as happens with most crowd-funded projects if they are cancelled. But he had the morale decency to offer people a FULL refund, or for those of us that preferred that, a voucher for this Pro1, and even with a higher value than what we paid for the Moto Mod, so we got a discount(!). And not only that; Those of us that ordered two Moto Mods were offered two coupons that could both be used on one Pro1, thus getting doub
    16 points
  2. Good news! We have now assigned the stock for your Pro1 order. The product is on its way from the factory to the regional fulfilment warehouse with customs clearance to follow. We will notify you once tracking details are available. Thanks for your support and continuous patience. Kind regards, F(x)tec Logistics
    12 points
  3. I am very happy for those who received their shipping notices, congratulations! 😁
    11 points
  4. I realize that I may be disqualified now from doing any more "Calm down and lets root for the team" posts πŸ™„, but I truly hope and expect that they will keep their promise that the second batch will follow on in short order and that batches will keep rolling. We don't know what size any batch is, but I sincerely hope all pre-orders will be handled in November. If only because my wife may want it when she sees mine and I don't want to have too wait to long for a new order once she takes mine. 😨 πŸ˜‚ Good luck to everyone.
    9 points
  5. Got my email. IGG coupon and QWERTY. US.
    8 points
  6. There we go and I live in Germany. My order number is in the low 5 digit area.
    7 points
  7. Another notification here. No Idea if it's EU or Asia fulfillment center, I'm right in the middle(Israel)
    7 points
  8. The communication is not only late, but often contradictory. Not official contradictory, but at least is a huge mess. We have following channels: Official Twitter, which does only spam Support-Team answers only direct Mails, no informations for the masses Official mails (spare) Website which has often wrong/old Information on it! This Forum which is the official Forum but we are more or less alone (Except Erik who does not communicate officially on behalf of the company) TMO where Chen does post but also not officially! On top of that, Eriks role was l
    7 points
  9. I think some people here don't appreciate how dependent F(x) Tec are on other people at this phase, how quickly things can change and, until you are an established company, you are low priority with all of them. They are not being dishonest. All they can give us is hopeful dates because a lot is not in their control. I guarantee you, they, especially Chen are even more frustrated than we are. What I see is a small group of people who have created a great product and are doing everything to get it to us as soon as possible. And I believe that will be soon. They can fix the communication
    7 points
  10. Yeah me too, but you must remember. What Chen is posting on TMO is no FxTec-Statement it is a private statement from Chen on a board he has used for years. So I think the actual problem is not in posting there but in the messy communication altogether.
    6 points
  11. I sure will do something when I get the final product. I'm not sure if it will be a new post or an update. I expect the primary visible difference to be the unshifted qwertZ keyboard, and of course the packing. (And yes I got the mail too)
    5 points
  12. Thanks for your message.As the first batch has now been delegated to it's orders, it doesn't look like your order will be included in this batch. Realistically, the next batch, which is much bigger than the first one, will arrive and it will be ready for shipping in the mid-November.Once your tracking information is available, it will be emailed to you. Feel free to let us know if there's anything else we can help you with. Kind regards, F(x)tec Support
    5 points
  13. That's not entirely true, people were in the same state as they currently are, expecting shipping times and getting angry because of an unclear situation. F(x)tec has been under the community's pressure for months now. They were not forced to give the 29th as a date, but they were kind of forced to give any date, to reuse your words.
    5 points
  14. Your analogy is seriously flawed. The restaurant hasn't opened yet. No one has received any food beyond a few samples, but those samples are like nothing else available elsewhere, and as a result people have placed preorders for their dinners when the restaurant opens as a means of ensuring that it does open. People are understandably annoyed that the restaurant is not yet open, when the plan was to have it open months ago, but setbacks happen. The restaurant will open, and people will get what they've been promised. In the meantime, no one is starving to death. Expressing annoyance with
    5 points
  15. My order number was 48xx and I have not received shipping notification. But I do not have the Moto mod coupon so hopefully I'll be in the second batch. US qwerty
    4 points
  16. Looks like I missed the first batch I guess that means there were more IGG orders than phones in the first batch. Oh well, I'm sure the second batch will be even better, you first-batchers are just the test run before mine is built The camera on my Droid 4 can't focus on QR codes and the battery keeps dying. If I can't hold out, I may just have to bust out my last one...
    4 points
  17. This may be relevant here http://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p=1561591&postcount=2791
    4 points
  18. They have answered multiple times that it will say "Processing" until it is sent FROM the Fulfilment Warehouses - yes a bit confusing....
    4 points
  19. I don't think anyone is getting upset that it's taking longer, or that they are not shipping their CEO to the warehouses for real-time GPS updates. There seems to be some kind of framing going on that people are flailing around ranting about not having a tracking number. In my opinion that is wrong, and fxtec dug their hole themselves. Everyone was surprised when they announced shipping to pre-orders on Oct. 29. Nobody forced them to give that concrete date. Likewise nobody forced them to claim batches would be sent within days, and that pre-orders would be completed by end of october.
    4 points
  20. I won't blame Erik if he decides not to come back. This thread has become a nightmare. Even Liangchen is upset. I hope everyone on the f(x)tec team will take a few days to de-stress before returning with a clear head. They're all doing great work, and shouldn't let a few forum trolls and troublemakers distract them from that work. I hope folks on this thread will recognize that the f(x)tec team is doing their best to deliver. Being less than perfect communicators doesn't make them liars or scammers. They can't control delays that happen after the phones leave their hands.
    4 points
  21. isn't that pretty much an apple store before iphone launch day?
    4 points
  22. Having been using nothing but keyboard phones since I've used a smartphone, it won't change my usage at all. My current phone is a Droid 4, before that a Droid 3, before that a Droid 1, before that a Treo 700p, before that a Treo 650p, before that a flip phone lol. I basically use the Droid like a pocket laptop. I use K9 mail, Brave browser in Desktop Mode, and VLC player, and little else. I do not have the GApps installed at all, and hope that they can be removed from the Pro1, either with a custom ROM or just root access. I don't use "apps" for much; I use the desktop web sites. Essentially,
    4 points
  23. They are people too, and have feelings, and can be disheartened like anyone else. Encouragement makes the world better. If you're reading this, Mr. Chen, just know that most of us are grateful that you are doing this at all, and understand that setbacks happen, and eagerly but patiently await the final glory of a new portrait keyboard slider. :)
    4 points
  24. And more in accordance with reality, the same goes for "sorry something did not go as planned and the shipping has been delayed because X" It is more than likely that the delays are related to things outside their control.
    4 points
  25. I would have to put my 5 favourite qwerty keyboard phones in this order: 1. Blackberry Passport SE 2. Blackberry Passport SE 3. Blackberry Passport SE 4. Blackberry Passport SE 5. Blackberrry Passport SE πŸ˜€
    3 points
  26. Still possible, since we don't know if everyone included in the first batch received an E-Mail. My estimation is, that Fxtec arranged the first shipments already, working with their order list, and as promised filtered for IGG backers, forwarded these order infos to the fulfillment centers and sent out the Mails. This way the distribution logistics can quickly forward the devices to the end users as soon as they arrive. If all those orders are processed, Fxtec will continue with filtering their orders and continue giving these info to the fulfillment centers. I'm sure not everyone in the first
    3 points
  27. ^ This! I am also expecting to send some people F(x)tecs way once they see mine :). Not everyone is desperate/brave/stupid/cool enough to join a pre-order, especially before seeing completely ready final hardware. The faster retail straightforward sales begin the easier it'd be for the phones to advertise themselves and bring keyboards back in style :).
    3 points
  28. Thats great news! so finally its happening and hope everyone will get this notification soon. Congratulation to the lucky ones who got the notifications. you guys must be very happy, enjoy! Although my order is 9xxx but i am not with Indiegogo coupon, so i guess for me its still a long wait.
    3 points
  29. I received the same mail. QWERTZ with indiegogo coupon (Germany) But I ordered two phones. I think, I will get only one phone. This with my coupon (fairness!)
    3 points
  30. I got the e-mail notification too. Did we all get it? Otherwise, it probably is just for the first batch.
    3 points
  31. If history has taught us one thing, it's that equating people online to toddlers solves problems reliably!! If you don't understand people who paid money to a company that provides no updates or false updates for no reason at all are upset then you can get bent... as you recognized people are excited about the device so there was no reason to hype the batches being sent "within days" instead of telling the truth, that the first batch is very small and that the second large batch will follow in mid november. If your toddler pays you for a cookie, and you keep telling tomorrow but then
    3 points
  32. Wow. Just wow. I have not lost any faith in F(x)tec as a result of this thread, but I have lost a lot of faith in humanity. Some of you sound like screaming toddlers whose parents didn't get them a cookie fast enough. Some others of you sound like very reasonable people trying to calm down the hyperventilating children, and I commend you, but I question whether you are the majority. I hope so. Wake up, children! This little company is attempting to fill a market segment that the mainstream phone companies have completely abandoned with a skeleton crew and very limited resources. Governmen
    3 points
  33. I've been reading the forum since I placed my preorder in February of this year and now I'm glad the phones are finally starting to move. With a 54XX order number I'm guessing I'm also in the second batch but I'm not in a hurry as my KeyOne still works perfectly fine. Back then when I heard about the Pro1 from websites I follow I sent my order in right away since I've been waiting almost a decade for a device in this form factor. Congratulations to the Fxtec team for getting this far! Can't wait to hear about the first-batch users' comments and reviews!
    2 points
  34. I was asked to keep that a secret, sorry about that πŸ˜„ (edit: but I can't take credit myself, wish I was that smooth).
    2 points
  35. Dang, guess I must not be first batch. Couple more weeks for me then at least probably. Oh well hope some of you guys get your phones soon
    2 points
  36. Great news folks, thanks for sharing. Keep us up to date! πŸ™‚
    2 points
  37. If shipped within EU customs should not be involved anymore.
    2 points
  38. I ordered QWERTZ and used an Idiegogo voucher as well. I'm guessing your email will arrive shortly. In any case, depending on how they ship these, it will take at least 7 to 10 days until these devices arrive. Just for customs you need to add 2 days since these are the first devices of that type to go through customs (I had the pleasure of that experience a decade ago...had to come to the customs office. People that had ordered the same device after me and that were in the area of that same custom office didn't have to go once mine got through) If they go by ship...well, takes at least 3
    2 points
  39. They had at one point stated that this is meant as a user-to-user forum. But of course that does not yet make much sense until we all have our Pro1s and can share experiences. Currently it is a 'one way street' of info...
    2 points
  40. I dared to get a belt holster pouch thingy, without knowing if it would annoy me to have. I tried carrying the pouch now to see if that is a solution for me, and I'm quite surprised, the only time I notice the hoslter is when I get in my car. It's made of leather, sits safely on the belt, the cover is closed by magnets and feels very soft inside.
    2 points
  41. I think there is a big difference between someone rationally ventilating ones annoyance about the lack of communications about the (unforeseen) delays, and people that get so angry about the delays and lack of communication that they just start to 'yell' wild accusations, assumptions and destructive criticism. I think it's seriously damaging to claim things like 'F(x)tec is a huge scam', 'they are liars' or 'they promise things and then don't come through'. Although the lack of communication can cause feelings like that I really miss these commenters lack of rationally approaching t
    2 points
  42. I guess that my expectations have been high. As Liangchen Chen is now focusing and deflecting with comments about them not being in control of Logistics (which you can control/mitigate by choosing the right carrier, and sending products in good time) and why give updates as people are calling us liars and demanding to much, instead of addressing the reasonable complaints people have (communication, slipping dates, removal of hardcase) I feel bad for Erik being left alone to deal with the community. I know he is in a difficult position with limited information. No blame on you. I
    2 points
  43. Haha, pretty much. It's amazing how excited people get about having a latest thing that 1% different from the previous latest thing, and often has functionality removed. iCult members are strange to me.....
    2 points
  44. i have got for my "vintage" phone collection japan phone sharp willcom w-zero WS007SH....and i must say that this keyboard is amazing! BUT for me was the best android qwerty phone droid 3....5row keyboard , cool design and metal frame! only problem was 512 ram, pentile display and not unlockable bootloader. Droid 4 was good, but too much small display for its size 😞 Soo i am now on my sim modded Photon Q πŸ™‚
    2 points
  45. I can already imagine people standing in line in front of a restaurant for months xDD Not a pretty picture. But I understand what you mean, meanwhile you can go to a different restaurant, and in our case different phone manufacturers.
    2 points
  46. Well with a HUGE emphasize on "or similar" Cosmo is a folder, and this means you can not use it as a slab, but only as a 'mini laptop'. So similar when open, but very different when closed.....
    2 points
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