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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/03/2019 in all areas

  1. Hi All, Let me pre-fix this comment with saying that I have been a member of this forum since February 27, and since my first comment from that date, have been a silent lurker of these forums, as I felt I have nothing new to add. I am however, becoming more and more frustrated by the day, and having had conversations with the support team, have to agree with @glumreaper that they are doing the best that they can but the communication from others at the company is not forthcoming to them, or accurate. I was also advised by the support team not to share any of the information they have
    18 points
  2. I got a stock assigned mail on friday, despite having cancelled weeks ago (and gotten my refund). Lol. I contacted support (since I'm not an asshole), and now my order is finally marked as cancelled (today). So pretty sure this means that someone will get a stock assigned email today!
    8 points
  3. Quick update: I found the issue with vbmeta. Unfortunately, it looks like fixing it will take another day or two. I'm going to go ahead and (try to) switch lineage to FBE for the next build so that we can ditch FDE without looking back. I also started work on plumbing in make shift mac addrs for WiFi and BT. Neither fxtec nor the OEM seem to have valid OUI blocks assigned so I'm going to steal an unassigned block. Finally, I am in the process of building a full factory package. Once that is complete, we can have a discussion about custom partitio
    8 points
  4. The problem is that it would be a administrative nightmare to handle different grades of quality. How should they make them distinguishable? How to avoid that reviews were never confused? How should they price them? And on repairs, should you then be charged if what ever made it second grade was fixed as a side effect of the repair? And I guess many more questions would arise.... You can do stuff like that in a small closed group, like the preproduction unit I tested, that had several known bugs, e.g. some antennas not implemented, But it should never be sold as a real unit even with a discoun
    7 points
  5. People really shouldn't be coy about the lack of discrepancy between the company's hopeful wishes and what they present to customers as timeframes. At best it's unintentionally ignorant, at worst deceitful, and it's possible precisely because they have little to lose by way of cancellations and refunds. So no, most of us won't be punishing them for 6 months of interest, because the cost of re-acquiring it at a higher price comes to the same. But that doesn't mean we have to shut up about it either. A little tough love goes a long way and hopefully they can be more transparent.
    6 points
  6. Lots of good information in this post. Let's recap: 1) They got in over their heads and are struggling to recover as quickly as possible 2) They were hoping to get your phone in your hands by December 10th (doubtful, but possible) 3) They adjusted the time to: expected to ship by December 13th Ok, so sounds to me like you are on track to receive a phone sometime this month or next month. As I see it, all is well for a startup trying to pull off a feat as incredible as the one they have tackled.
    6 points
  7. A fresh one has landed!
    6 points
  8. Forget compensation or even the Pro1, if you know of an interest savings account paying 7% we're all going to be rich! Please tell us where we can get this? 🦄
    6 points
  9. This was an idea from @Tim6263 I personally will not be seeking a refund since there is no other device out there that compares to the Pro1's design, so I'm sticking with it.
    5 points
  10. Just get another phone now and the see later what i do regarding the Pro1. This is more of a principal issue for me at this point. This Pro1 is a "nice to have" not a "need to have" so since i only really have negatives to think about the whole project, ill just walk away.
    5 points
  11. There indeed should be a "hell no" option. I need the phone, will never cancel, not even if it takes them years. Nobody else is doing this, it's a challenging endeavor, they need all the support they can get and personally I really wish they succeed :).
    5 points
  12. Well @dt.white Thank you. it may sound silly but its great to see the journey you are taking on getting this phone and in all fairness you have received better information than most of us. I too am in the UK yet not an IGG backer so appreciate I may be 'back of the line' however like you mentioned it is more a case of honesty. When it comes to screens and leakage etc I recall emails going out about this back in September time (I think) where we would receive updates from the team. For me it is very simple, Honesty, this is all we have been waiting on and I know 100% i want this phone. But
    5 points
  13. Thank you for that comprehensive and well-written account. I really do sympathise with the FXtec support team. It sounds like they're also suffering from poor communication. Hopefully some clarity will be provided soon.
    5 points
  14. Well you know "Don't wake a sleeping bear". IMHO suggesting people a new Christmas wallpaper for a device most had expected to have long before Christmas, is not the most clever idea..... There are replies along these lines, so I'm not alone in combining the two.
    5 points
  15. You are right, but having an order number of the #116XX range and paying two minutes after receiving payment request and also being an IGG backer but not receiving stock assignment mail is a bit strange. Maybe it is related to the QWERTZ order but earlier they also said QWERTZ orders may also arrive earlier because of the relatively low amount. If all assignment mails have been sent out by this time, then it means I am not even in the second batch like also some others who wrote about also being IGG backers and QWERTZ orders. Also if the mentioned light leakage problem is affected
    5 points
  16. I have contacted support two times - the first time after all assignment emails were went out of batch 1 and the second time was today. I have also received some of the above "template information", but I had my eyes rolling on a similar sentence i quoted above. As having an order of QWERTZ device which they said being only a minority and speaking about compensation of US batch where none of the QWERTZ devices were sold to is a complete nonsense. (Not speaking about first batch had only a few devices towards EU and US but the package being returned from the USA contains a lot of phone
    4 points
  17. Aaaaaaah! The wait is killing me! OK, venting about it is helpful. Sorry all and thanks for letting me vent. hahah
    4 points
  18. Oh, so hey everyone. I have been staying silent all this time and stuff but I am getting extremely frustrated and angry. I pre-ordered on 28 FEB. Paid it on 31 JUL (requested QWERTZ unit as it became available on 29 JUL). Order number 61##. I am also in EU. Where. the. hell. is. my. phone.?? Weren't QWERTZ units supposed to be a very small number? Did they even manufacture those??? Did anyone in the EU receive a phone at all?? Also, NOBODY did any QA during production and now all these busted screens pop up???? I say nothing adds up here. The fact that I didn't make it
    4 points
  19. 3 points
  20. Requested a refund today. I have not enjoyed the journey these last few months with fxtec. The misscommunication, moving timelines, and defensiveness when called out on it instead of correcting have soured me on supporting them and the project. I will buy another (non-hardware keyboard) phone and hope the market receives more alternatives, or ill pick up a used one down the line perhaps. All the best to you all, hope you get yours for Christmas and it is worth the wait for you.
    3 points
  21. Leave him cookies and beer, he'll be back to your house first next year!!
    3 points
  22. For me, it highly depends on their communication. If they tell me on 5th december, that it can or will delay to january or even february, that's alright for me. If they tell me that the third batch will be sent out at latest on 15th december and then there will be absolutely no communication about the progress (as we experience it currently - again), then I will most probably refund. Especially, when they continue to promise stuff that they they know they can't fulfill. Anyways, although the communication is gone again, I'm still hopeful that we get the devices before christma
    3 points
  23. The MAC addrs are read from different places depending on the wlan chipset (the wlan chip is not part of the soc proper). The qcom wlan chip which is in the pro1 by default reads its MAC addrs from /persist/wlan_mac.bin. You should have a copy of that file and it should match the MAC addr that you see in your system settings. But the BSP spits out a default wlan_mac.bin with bogus addrs by default. The OEM is responsible for changing this file at factory programming time. Nobody bothered to do this on the pro1. It is a similar story for BT. Also of note, nearly every OEM has
    3 points
  24. Or simply that no one involved had the SLIGHTEST idea how difficult it really is to bring a project like this to fruition. I suspect this. This is a much bigger project than anything they had attempted previously, and I think they simply didn't realize how much of an uphill battle it is to do something like this. The fact that they're competing for resources with mega-craporations at a time of year when demand is high makes it that much worse. Also, I'm not a commusocialist who thinks all large corporations are evil; I just despise the major phone manufacturers for making crap slabs and not of
    3 points
  25. Hi, I have been reading the forum since June, without deciding to write, because really, nor will solve anything, but I am obliged to do so to notify future buyers, who may be more informed than the FXTEC company itself. My order was placed on June 18 and the payment was made from August 2, the order number begins with 18XXX and is for the EU (Spain). The communication since I paid has not existed, can not afford a product and has no news of when they lose it. The few news that was investigated, is that there are delays, more delays and again delays. A company, however
    3 points
  26. This is quiet true. I hate to say it as I really want this phone and the company to succeed, however, we are left in the dark so often questioning when the delivery will be made and when we do get a mail its vague. If we get a 100% answer saying we will all have stock by xmas it is then questioned in the next mail. To add to this responses are given to individuals in regards to delays and possible no delivery until after Xmas and no mass communication. These forum pages are fast becoming a 'Frustration Board'. I can probably only hold out until xmas as I honestly feel as if they are
    3 points
  27. This company is doing the equivalent of a starvation diet in order to get these pre orders produced, but if they can't get to general availability soon, it may strangle their ability to make money as more and more people wait for the original orderers to give feedback. I personally would gladly have taken a real keyboard phone with a ridiculously minor issue in terms of the backlight bleed versus the increasingly vaporware phone that they keep snatching away at the last second. Fxtec is starting to make me feel like a sucker...fool me once and all that.
    3 points
  28. To the last unfortunately yes. There have been posts here recently on that, and I believe it is not only late payers. And agree on the first parts. As I understand it, it is very important for them not to deliver a so-so quality device, so rather than just sending out the devices with this minor defect, they withheld them. Of course very annoying for those most in need of a new device NOW, but I think in the long run it is the right decision to not send out stuff in a lesser quality than what they want their name to be associated with. A new brand is very sensible to critique, so just a f
    3 points
  29. Silversolver does have a really good point. However, that doesn't take away from the fact that AdUps has been, and still can be, problematic. However, this is yet another reason to block OTA updates (although Adups is already in the stock firmware), and more reason to use a custom ROM. -Just saying.
    3 points
  30. Indeed, and let us hope the last mail they sent is a start of a new trend explaining more.
    3 points
  31. You've heard of under promise and over deliver, right? They did too, just got it a bit confused and thought it was over promise and under deliver. LOL. Those in manufacturing learn very quickly not to make promises until well after post production. This is their first time, it's all a learning experience for them, and they have tackled a giant. Thus, I know it's frustrating, but they are going to need time. I just wish they would be a bit more forthcoming with where they are, and where they are hoping to be a couple of weeks out (about the best one can hope for, as anything else is
    3 points
  32. Do you do business with other companies based on the perceived morality of its staff, or based on the ability of the company to deliver a relevant product or service? In other words, are you consistent, or just venting? Amazon, Apple, Walmart, McDonalds, Samsung......do you evaluate every manufacturer and vendor this way, or just the ones who don't give you your cookies as quickly as you expected?
    3 points
  33. It is also possible that the issue was created in an attempt to produce units more quickly. Grandma used to say, "the hurrier I go the behinder I get." Grandma's always right!
    3 points
  34. Oh, the one issue with switching to FBE is TWRP. If stock uses FDE and custom ROMs use FBE, there may be a need to hack something up to support both. And speaking of TWRP, if a good version doesn't appear by the time I've got a reasonably stable lineage build, I'll do that also. Which kind of sounds strange, as I'm the lineage recovery maintainer... 😛
    3 points
  35. Truer words were never spoken.
    3 points
  36. I have worked at Nokia, I saw how many problems can crop up at the start of the manufacturing of a new phone. Even if you have a lot of resources and experience in manufacturing and distribution, there are still a lot of things to work out. That's the reason I was afraid to pre-order the Pro1, it's an incredibly ambitious plan to create a phone like that from scratch. It would be great to have more transparency regarding the problems they are facing and not just when they are missing deadlines. That's something to improve for sure. I just hope they can survive this chaotic phase to manufacture
    3 points
  37. I feel like the option "I haven't the faintest idea" is missing there. ..I really don't know, maybe I will get my "stock assigned" message tomorrow, maybe just in february or even later... Okay,the most important thing for me is to get my Pro1 at all. But when? The fulfillment centers seem to ship entirely at random.😞
    2 points
  38. I will not request refund as I would like their success and also would like to own this phone.
    2 points
  39. The specs on my Droid 4 have been aging since 2012, so I have limited sympathy with this point of view LOL. It's going to be an awesome device, and a few more horsepower (so to speak) from a newer SOC is not going to change much in the user experience IMO. Useful CPU power plateau-ed a long time ago, and more RAM and storage is what us Droid holdouts are eager to get. And to the other point, Gandalf: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U206PQSMMLc
    2 points
  40. I would not happy to see many of us requesting refund because they have definitively did something valuable and they definitively need time to resolve issues. If most of us go for refund it will affect their stability and rather than that, I would like their success. I think it is not easy to get out of this situation for them - it seems appropriate quality phones were much less than their expectation. If they are able to resolve issues, many of the phones could be shipped if they are really only have this screen issue... but saying to everyone they could send only say 100 devices as 2n
    2 points
  41. Heck yes! Please tell me where there is a savings account paying 7% these days. I'll be right there depositing!
    2 points
  42. Interesting that it didn't seem to affect the first batch. If it did, you would think the second batch wouldn't have been assembled until the problem was resolved. If it didn't affect the first batch, then there is a question of why it didn't. Unless they didn't notice the issue at all, and some people have screen bleed on 1st batch phones. It might be such a minor issue that it isn't noticeable, but fxtec felt the need to correct it when they found it in the second batch. (all this is speculation)
    2 points
  43. I'm sure it concerns them even more.
    2 points
  44. My email did not say how big the second batch was. I'm just speculating that it wasn't nearly as big as they had communicated it to be in the weeks before it was shipped. Although I'd really like to have my phone and I'm not happy with how things have gone and how they have been communicated, what I'm really concerned about is the financial impact it will have to fxtec to miss Christmas for general availability. Getting someone a phone that won't be there by Christmas is infinitely different than one that will be. I can see them losing a lot of sales by not reaching general availabili
    2 points
  45. only youuuuuuu.... its Nokia n950 with desktop debian inside 🙂 Qt creator, arm-none-eabi-gcc, minGW, x86 compiler, and avr-gcc... etc.. Writing programm for anything!!
    2 points
  46. Would it be possible to get an updated firmware with the November OTA update?
    2 points
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