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  1. I'm so sick of all this whining and blaming.... Yes their communication could clearly have been better. Have you guys ever been involved in a company manufacturing anything complex? Do you even have a clue on what you are talking about? If you want to be sure, why did you even consider to do a pre-order rather than wait for a on-the-shelf-product? If you do not understand or can accept that things happens in a manufacturing process that is out of the manufacturers control, your are just torturing yourself by doing pre-orders. I'm surprised that many in here can be so naΓ―ve as to expe
    15 points
  2. Hello all, As we all know Pro1 has passed Google's SafetyNet Certification previously and we have everything completed. However, due to the units shipped so far has unlocked bootloader, the device will still shown as "Uncertified" despite we have passed the security certification. (For users intended to root the phone, installing Lineage OS and Sailfish OS, please ignore the remaining and no future actions needed.) For users to activate Google Pay, and other features that requires SafetyNet approval, please do the following procedures to re-lock the bootloader: - Upda
    14 points
  3. I have contacted support yesterday and had some mail conversation. Today they have shared some valuable information with me and I have asked if I am allowed to share their reply with you. As now I have permission to share it, here is what support wrote:
    14 points
  4. You guys are cruel. I went doing some stuff for one hour and got that "35+ new replies" notification on my browser when I came back. I was pretty sure that was the sign an official statement had been posted.
    11 points
  5. Got FBE working. Should have a new build tomorrow morning (about 12 to 14 hours from now).
    11 points
  6. Okay test2 build is up at the page linked in the OP. Please note the instructions have changed. I have switched to MindTheGapps. This is a gapps package maintained by a Lineage developer and it plays nicely with A/B. Enjoy!
    8 points
  7. Jerk. πŸ˜‰ Sorry, couldn't resist!
    8 points
  8. actually I should work in software right now, but no motivation so I post here....
    7 points
  9. I have to repeat my old man's motto. "Never compliment! It'll just make people f*** up." That didn't take long. People are losing their chill -- what a coincidence!
    6 points
  10. The stock firmware has been certified, you need to re-lock the bootloader to make that activated:
    5 points
  11. This is a WARNING! Stop deliberately spreading hyperboloid stuff where you already have been corrected by others and me. The first is NOT these guys, The second is an outright lie, where all were offered full refunds. (And they offered existing prototypes, or Pro1 coupons for those that preferred that) (My strike outs)
    5 points
  12. Maybe - on hardware, they may be called workarounds. πŸ™‚ Like working with an SPI sensor which does not release MISO line when CS pin goes high (although datasheet says it does) but has another operation mode when it releases it. So there is a workaround possibility to switch operational modes before and after using that sensor. Another case, same (big) manufacturer, another SPI device, same problem but written in data sheet (in a separate place at interface documentation), however, without any possible workarounds at all. ...had to redesign the circuit and it went to I2C. ...anyway,
    5 points
  13. On the financial point, if they were having troubles I would be happy to donate or join some crowdfunding campaign for some semi-useless shit, buy a branded shirt, a paper bag from wallmart or a maga hat or something, I don't care. I want this company not only to deliver a device to me, but be successful enough to sell me a new one, make one for my gf with different needs etc. I know this is not the right place to tell this as no one from FX prolly reads this mess of a thread, but for me honesty would be the best strategy regardless. From what some are saying, they are very decent p
    5 points
  14. It is utterly important to keep critics valid and focused. There is a point where they could do better (communications) and there are a lot of points where it is insanely hard to do better without having a name first. For example the order of the fulfilment. Imagine this: First batch had problems with logistics, it was just to complicated for the partner Since the second batch should be big enough, they told logistics to just forget the order and deliver to anybody on the list. Second batch has a production issue (without a lot of experience this is unlikely to be fore
    5 points
  15. And do you think he is not disappointed? He is the one not getting the sales they had hoped for. Don't you guys get that they are at least as eager to deliver as we are to get them?
    5 points
  16. this is my mobile "desktop" solution. i want to make it with my pro1.
    5 points
  17. Since we're off topic and talking about the weather. I'd like to thank all of you for being a decent group. For all the frustration and aggravation of the waiting and not knowing everyone seems to be pretty chill. It's nice not seeing name calling and all the other trash that could be here.
    5 points
  18. I do not think F(x) Tec is lying to me. I have my "stock assigned" email #2. Maybe I will get a tracking number in a week and believe that is their intention, but I will not feel lied to if I don't see that tracking number before Jan 2020. I believe they are a very small, new company with too much optimism and not enough experience or influence on the third parties they depend on. Could their communication be better about those facts. Theoretically-- but pragmatically, when you are knee deep in a project not going as you envisioned, my observation is that good communication is first to
    5 points
  19. By "short order" I meant f(x)tec got in over their heads very early on and haven't recovered from it yet. NOT that they were only in deep water for a short time period. I don't see how you are throwing away Β£660. I have personally witnessed a different company manufacture newly designed electronic devices to be shipped worldwide. I can promise you that everything that has happened with f(x)tec is par for the course! I agree they should have handled communication better than they have, and it comes across like they are being dishonest. However, I don't believe there is any dishonesty
    5 points
  20. To be fair, the Moto mod was not discontinued because of Livermorium, but because of Motorola dropping everything.
    4 points
  21. Read that reply further, he only gives estimates when there are no big risks and even then he adds extra buffer for problems along the way. This works great when your clients accept that but not every project is like that.
    4 points
  22. What has it to do with anything that I got my retail device?? Are you saying that you would not be whining if someone else had been receiving the unit I got??? And if you look in the statistics in here, questioning if I followed the discussion is just... - well I will try to avoid using the words I feel would describe it. Their INTENTION was not to take money before shortly before, but they CLEARLY changed that before they actually asked for the money.Or did you happen to not follow that part of the journey? And yes Chen tried to get the Moto Mod keyboard up and running. But in
    4 points
  23. Alright, who here is named Richard?
    4 points
  24. I have to agree! I’ve been thinking the same thing. I never see anyone like....being dicks. Lol You guys rock!
    4 points
  25. Now that we have a working Lineage install, I think we need an issue tracker. I think the easiest thing to do is to use github since it has a built-in issue tracker for projects. https://github.com/tdm/android_device_fxtec_pro1/issues
    3 points
  26. Flash successful. No issues this time. Just remember kids: use a USB 3 cable connected to a USB 3 slot on your computer. It might just be my machine being weird though. But if the process gets stuck, just give it a try. I'm going to update this post as stuff happens or bugs appear. First bug: I'm using German keyboard layout, during the initialization Android asks you if you want to connect to a WIFI network. When trying to enter a password, the virtual keyboard does not pop up. When I open the physical keyboard, the screen does not change orientation and the keys I press do not ma
    3 points
  27. If this is what you are doing, I have a suggestion that might be helpful. Stop hoping for info to come across these threads and just wait for official emails. It takes much less out of you and you'll always be updated before you get your phone. πŸ˜€
    3 points
  28. A must have if you do not disable ALL the google stuff IMHO.
    3 points
  29. Forgive me pls, if I repeat what someone else may have said today, as I have not time yet to read all of today's posts ... but today @ 15:17 support wrote: "We are finding the recent developments in the forum surprising given that we are now finally shipping new batches every week." my only thought, I've not heard this before...
    3 points
  30. I have a feeling that i will get my pro1 just before xmas or shortly after. Although @EskeRahn and @mcdinner are trying their best to stop my order from being processed πŸ˜‹
    3 points
  31. Well, in my desperation I asked support. Just assuming on my part they were not given false information by management, another EU batch is due to leave the factory by the end of this week. Stock assignments should start going out early next week. I am heavily skeptical but fingers crossed......for now.
    3 points
  32. Not me, RF hardware generally. I only write software to throw my mean callous, heartless exterior into sharp relief. (Or was that the poetry?)
    3 points
  33. Of course there was, to all those, and many more and worse situations. I haven't complained at all about late delivery, nor would I. Communications is a whole other topic though. A simple 'official' statement along the lines of 'batch no x has left the factory for shipment to customers, this will complete x% of preorders' is all that is really required. Statements of when it is hoped batches will leave serve little purpose, especially with no indication of the size of the batches, relative to number of outstanding preorders.
    3 points
  34. Well.. I ordered mine back a month or so for 736€. And yet when connecting to my Ubuntu server via RDP from my phone yesterday I was once again reminded why there's no alternative to waiting patiently for the pro1 to arrive: keyboard input was nearly impossible. So while I most certainly can understand the disappointment in regards to fxtec not delivering on time, I see no other way than to wait and keep the fingers crossed. The only real other way is to ask for a refund - which apparently does work, too. But as mentioned above: it's not an option for me.
    3 points
  35. It's already on the list. https://androidenterprisepartners.withgoogle.com/device/#!/lxFC2xORT5VGOQd1DUYS
    3 points
  36. No, I don't think it was ever intentionally toying with anyone, but the roller coaster of fxtec getting excited and saying soon only to come back and more or less say well not that soon a few days later felt that way.
    3 points
  37. They are definitively more than two guys but yes, they were able to manage the project from scratch. There are really much technical knowledge had to be there to design a phone (including schematics, PCB, antenna system, mechanical parts, outfit design and tune all of them together - the process is much more longer). They also had to prepare manufacturing documentation, organize manufacturing process, had to check how it is going, etc. Prior to that, they had to do tests, apply for certification (and design the whole thing including PCB and antenna system to pass these tests), etc... ..
    3 points
  38. A bit of news on MAC addrs. The OEM writes /persist/wlan_mac.bin on boot using the binary /vendor/bin/macplugin. They checked this binary into their device tree without any source, so I don't know the exact algorithm. i'm in the process of reverse engineering it. It seems to generate 02:aa:xx:xx:xx:xx where "xx" is random. The kernel driver picks this up and strips the private bit so you get 00:aa:xx:xx:xx:xx. So there you go -- each device gets a unique, random, bogus MAC address. πŸ˜„ I'll investigate BT at some point soon. I would not be surprised if that got skipped entir
    3 points
  39. If you didn't Know Santas name originates from where he was first found - San Quentin. Santa be a real OG! Don't play on my man you know! He sneaks in and outta your home... Leave him a crap snack and he gonna go mad as sin! #SantaTheGangsta πŸŽ… At least this is what I tell all my nieces and nephews! πŸ™‚ (Gotta do all you can as an uncle)
    3 points
  40. I second for ol' St. Nick James Bonding us our Pro1s
    3 points
  41. Hi All, Let me pre-fix this comment with saying that I have been a member of this forum since February 27, and since my first comment from that date, have been a silent lurker of these forums, as I felt I have nothing new to add. I am however, becoming more and more frustrated by the day, and having had conversations with the support team, have to agree with @glumreaper that they are doing the best that they can but the communication from others at the company is not forthcoming to them, or accurate. I was also advised by the support team not to share any of the information they have
    3 points
  42. I voted "I don't expect to receive it in this year." though I don't particularly think that has a higher chance than before Christmas. At this point, it's all up in the air and I have no idea, so I have set my expectations to sometime next year.
    2 points
  43. Nice to know. πŸ™‚ That sounds familiar, so I take it we get one batch per week. The info is rather incomplete without even an order of magnitude for what constitutes a batch though.
    2 points
  44. sorry mate, did not want to offend you, that was not my intention, I just wanted to point out that miscalculations in deadlines are a normal situation in just about anything be that software, hardware, renovation, bridge building or anything else, new stuff comes in and adjustments have to be made, sometimes to budget, sometimes to deadlines, sometimes both, that is life, at least from my experience.
    2 points
  45. Hmm..... Same old fight is started all over again. I dont think picking at @EskeRahn will get anyone their devices. But i do want to say that EskeRahn dont make this mistake of saying "and they might not even get to that point until after (or best case very short before) Christmas". because same thing was said in mid sep that just two more weeks, and then in october that just by the end of october and so on.... Lets just say we dont know when, could be 6 months or more. and for me its doesnt count whatever next date or time is given, i will only be certain when i will
    2 points
  46. That did not make much sense... Of course you want your devices, but don't use that frustration to throw nasty words at the guys that are at least as eager to actually deliver them to you...
    2 points
  47. Late to the party and didn't thoroughly read the 3 pages, but PostmarketOS (based on Alpine) will be an interesting option. It's not very advanced on the ProΒΉ yet, but I discussed with PostmarketOS people and they said the OS comes with its own kernel and is mostly device-agnostic, so it should be able to boot on the ProΒΉ relatively easily (which does not mean everything will work out of the box of course). I've talked with someone with a pre-production ProΒΉ who said there is still a bit of work before it boots, but I got the impression that it would be very feasible. Interestingly, Postm
    2 points
  48. Maybe that can explain some heated comments in here? πŸ˜‡
    2 points
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