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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/17/2019 in all areas

  1. An early review of the F(x)tec Pro1. Early in my experience, (about a week) and early in the release timeline, probably. 1: Background I have been a fan of phones with Keyboards since at least 2002 with the Palm Treo 755p. After that, I had the Palm Treo Po (windows mobile), Samsung Epic 4G (my first horizontal slider and first android phone), and Motorola Photon Q. In 2015, I got tired of waiting for another high-end keyboard phone, and tried a Samsung Note 4, hoping that the larger screen real estate would make up for the missing keyboard. In 2017, when the Indiegogo campaign was laun
    17 points
  2. This thread be like: (loudness warning)
    6 points
  3. Well this kind of conspiracy's would at least be entertaining :D. However I see like the same discussions every two weeks now. What buggers me the most, is that we all know the problem is that @EskeRahn has ordered 250 devices himself.
    5 points
  4. Maybe you are right, I would not call myself an expert in humans, but, this might also be a thread to understand whether the orders are assigned based on a rule that was provided to us, namely: IGG + payment date + somewhat qwertz. From other places it might seem like this is no longer the case and one might think that they are forgotten, slipped through the cracks or whatever, this thread to me shows that we're all in this together, who ordered long ago, who paid immediately, some have IGG and still waiting somewhat patiently, just a pain-sharing group therapy thread, Pro1olics anonymous, I w
    5 points
  5. Screenshot from Pro¹ of DKC stretched to 16:9. The android buttons aren't usually visible, they popped up when I held down power for the screenshot menu. So I figured I'd give this a try and see what works well for Pro¹ when playing with keyboard. Two Main Issues: (1) Audio Crackle During Sound Effects. This happens on some android games too and I assume is a Pro¹ bug that will be fixed in an update, but if a certain emulator doesn't do it, please post! (2) Simultaneous Key-presses don't work on some keys, including the arrow keys. They do work on modifiers, and I found
    4 points
  6. Back when I saw fxtec would use pretty much the same mechanism as the E7 it was all I needed to know. You really have to build the muscle memory first but then it is the most satisfying thing. Your image illustrates it very well.
    4 points
  7. I have been waiting since 2012 for another landscape QWERTY keyboard phone. I can wait longer.
    4 points
  8. My Droid 4 (on it now) is aging fast too....if we call the Pro1's specs 2017, that will be 5 years newer, and the P1 is not really that dated in specs. On top of that, there's a limit to how much "specs" translate into actual usable performance. If a keyboard is a curiosity to you, I can understand your actions. If a keyboard is the heart and soul of your mobile life, as it is to me, then that would be cutting off your nose to spite your face. We all decide what is important to us. A real keyboard is far more important to me than meaningless specs that don't actually improve usability.
    4 points
  9. Those having issues opening: Two things * It is super easy to lift the rear rather than pushing the front * The problem pushing is that the intuitive thing to do is to push flat, but that is NOT the way to do it. It is super easy once you get it (like biking) but a bit complex the first few times. It is a movement of a few mm that is needed, and actually is a complex movement I tried to describe in an exaggerated image here and what those arguing for at completely flat screen does not realise is, that it would be HARD (if not impossible?) to open as pushing the top of a box shaped top.
    3 points
  10. Great review, @zurvan2 I agree pretty much with everything. This is by far the best Android phone I have ever owned (previously a title held by my Nexus 5 which I had 4 years). Although I felt this way long before I had a Pro 1 to hold in my hands, I just shake my head at people saying that the phones specs are aging. The phone has exactly what it needs to create a completely premium experience. On the fingerprint sensor, I just find it difficult, but not a problem as I prefer no to use it. In fact, I have my lockscreen set to swipe. I also plan to carry it without a case. Despi
    3 points
  11. I've a little bit time to vote. Update: Yes...2nd place with 493 votes
    3 points
  12. If we continue at the current pace it can reach 1st place before the end I think, but even 2nd place is good I think :). At least we have to prove pro1 is cooler than a supplement pill dispenser that tries to sell you a subscription :D.
    3 points
  13. We need to defend our 3rd place! But we got about 100 votes just in 24 hours and the gap to 2nd place is only 170 votes. It is not impossible to reach!
    3 points
  14. On the flip side... 😀 Since F(x)tec isn't being forthcoming with info about how many units have shipped, where things stand with production quantities, roughly how many pre-orders exist, etc., etc., etc., it is kind of nice to see some factual numbers, and get a feeling for where they are with fulfillment. It was only a couple of weeks ago that many people believed there was a real possibility of F(x)tec getting caught up by Christmas. However, I could tell from those posting these same numbers in other threads, that Christmas wasn't an actual possibility. However, many of those who believ
    3 points
  15. So besides the game supertux https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.lethargik.supertux2 I've got another app worth adding. https://f-droid.org/en/packages/be.ppareit.swiftp_free/ This is just a simple ftp server, but setting it up works fine in landscape with keyboard. You'll probably want it after a few days of using Pro¹ getting tired of hooking up USB cable to transfer files. Also the plus side of getting it from f-droid vs playstore is - no ads at all. While I'm suggesting apps, the F-Droid app works good in landscape with keyboard too, makes searching easy.
    3 points
  16. I think I've got the EDL tool working on all three platforms now. VirtualBox seems to be causing some issues with USB passthru so I'll have to test on bare metal. I hope to get that done tonight or in the morning. Then I'll be back on the lineage build. The next change, I think, needs to be to build and install the vendor partition. That's probably going to be a fair bit of work. I hope it won't take more than a day or two.
    3 points
  17. For greater visibility: The camera button seems to be hardcoded to launch the SnapdragonCamera. It should launch the DefaultCamera instead.
    2 points
  18. I hate throwing fuel into the fire, but I do have to question what ever happened to this third batch or whatever you want to call it. While they keep being silent about our units, the DragonBox Shop has confirmed they received their shipment of QWERTZ devices. DragonBox Shop customers (earliest possible order date November 12th) are going to receive their units before QWERTZ IGG backers. This is not cool. Was that shipment sent at the same time as our devices? Fair enough, but why the heck is not there not single peep about them now? Where are they?
    2 points
  19. Very nice review – and great to read you wrote most of it on the phone itself! Thank you!
    2 points
  20. Why? I'm not sure what the timeout is, but I want it to work regardless of screen lock settings. If pin/swipe/pattern is set to be required, still be required, same function as pressing power button, just don't want to have to reach around to the back.
    2 points
  21. As Eske said, we already have that feature. But it doesn't currently work for all apps, like discord. So that's an actual bug report, not feature request.
    2 points
  22. I have found it really helpful on opening the keyboard to grip it completely on the left half, one thumb near the left edge and one thumb in the middle. It allows me to provide more force without firing off the camera and I'm just more confident with it. I never ever used or trusted autobrightness on Android. I am quite capable of adjusting my own appropriate brightness and is almost always a lower setting than autobrightness. I tend to distrust anything in Android whose function name starts with "auto" 😄 Also, I forgot to comment above, the screen does very well in direct sun as
    2 points
  23. Nice review. I would recommend having a look at FinQWERTY. He is placing the final touch on an improved US for qwertY as well as an improved German for the qwertZ. It is basically to have shift combined with digits and some symbol keys giving the same as currently requires the Fn (Yellow arrow) key. Hopefully this will also be included in the stock drivers in a later OTA update. But I guess they are too busy with more important stuff to improve this. A pity in MHO as the keyboard is THE thing for this device, so it would have been better of it was closer to perfect at launch, than aw
    2 points
  24. What have happened? It is under 40 votes to 2nd place. If we keep up like this Pro1 can actually win the whole thing!
    2 points
  25. oh yea, forgot to vote from work computer 😄
    2 points
  26. Regarding 2.1.2: WiFi Calling: Another user reported working wifi calling with T-mobile after getting the phone "approved" by them.
    2 points
  27. - Order date: 3/20/2019 - Order number: 10183 - IGG coupon: Yes. - Model: QWERTY - Location: US - Day of payment: 8/1/2019 - Stock assigned mail (Yes, or No): Yes, both the first batch that got sent back to HK and the second batch - Tranking number received Date: 12/5/2019 - Phone received: YES! 12/11/2019
    2 points
  28. 99 votes left for 2nd place !
    2 points
  29. mine is still fine - but too slow and too little RAM 😞 otherwise - to date: by FAR the best smartphone ever! Touch, Pen, Keyboard, TV out, FM receiver AND sender, SDslot, headphone jack, stereo speakers, camera cover, built-in stand,... list goes on and on and on... Damn you, Stephen Elop!
    2 points
  30. Well, until we all started commenting on the data, it was actually one of the only "just the facts" threads. Granted the OP injected a tainted comment, but, past that, it was just about the data. Maybe if we go back to that format (meaning keeping all the commentary in other threads) we can avoid all the whining, complaining, and conspiracy theories in this one! None of us have any idea why. I, for one, don't have any conspiracy theories about any of the concepts floated in this or any other thread. I simply see the situation as: they are a small startup with manufacturing
    2 points
  31. That was literally the case 😅
    2 points
  32. Also it's not always possible to pull both keyboard and a phone. I've worked on client's servers while being on the bus to airport, there is no way that I would manage to perform it with bluetooth keyboard.
    2 points
  33. Though I agree in the principle, who are we to say what people should use their money for? Sure it is just convenience, But that convenience could be very valuable for some.
    2 points
  34. I see this as a simple way of researching for probable shipping dates. Every month we are told that all devices will be shipped by the end of the next month. In October it was the end of November, in November it was definitely before Christmas. In the latest mail they expect all devices to be shipped by the end of January. FxTec can't be trusted timewise, so it's our way of learning when (and which) devices are shipped. In opposite of the attitude of fxtec, I don't feel hate reading the numbers, I just change my expectations. Something that isn't really possible with FxTec timel
    2 points
  35. Hear, hear! The legal POV is such that if you don't like this delay, then request a refund and they'll process it asap. Exactly! What he said. In the same boat, agree completely.
    2 points
  36. The 6 months are likely about charge-backs. The actual period during which you have this option solely depends on your bank, as far as I know. It's also a last measure kind of thing, and it's not warranted here. Basically, the bank protects your from fraudulent merchants that fail to deliver without reimbursing you. It breaks the suspicion of innocence on the merchant's part: by default, the customer wins, unless the merchant can prove they did nothing wrong. Do not use this against F(x)tec at this time. You would basically be abusing a rather significant customer protection law (and thus, pro
    2 points
  37. I dropped mine on day 2, slid out of my hand while taking a call. Fortunately only a short distance to a table, but still a moment of heart-stopping horror I could do without during the 2-3 week wait for some Huawei P20 Pro cases to arrive. To anyone else with this problem - I've added some Dragon Grips; no more slipping. Might even try to make Sugru corner bumpers eventually. I wish they could have sorted out the 2-piece case issues, or released the specs to 3D print.
    2 points
  38. This thread feels really nasty to me. I feel as though the OP is just trying to make F(x)tec out to be liars. I didn't order until November, but wouldn't put my info here if I had been part of the initial preorder because this just feels like twisting a rope to use to hang someone. The OP practically said as much. Kill the dream? Seriously? Please, stop posting your info, and remove it if you already did. This is nothing more than someone with a grudge trying to build hatred. Don't feed the hate, and don't feed the troll!
    2 points
  39. @EskeRahn the best dogs choose their owner. Im sorry for your loss. I am happy that you both got an awesome friend. With that being said, heres a pic of my boy when he decided to play with wasps this summer. Im sure you got similar memories to enjoy! Wrong thread, search for “off topic edible pets”
    2 points
  40. put there end of feb[r]uary... Yes, or even better, MUCH better would be IF they wrote: "Our desire is for everyone who pre-ordered to receive their devices by the end of February. However, with all that's happened the past few months, we have learned that we cannot predict what will happen. Thus, the end of February isn't a guarantee, but we are trying as hard as we can to make it happen. Thank you for all your help, encouragement, support, and, especially, your understanding."
    2 points
  41. That's actually the model number, not the codename. The codename for Pro¹ appears to be T5. For reference, PQ is asanti and z2f is nash. maserati certainly the coolest of the four, but at least ours isn't bacon.
    2 points
  42. Remains to be seen. I feel so much better now that I ordered another one. I don't care what the wait its. Today I went into a T-Mobile store with my husband's okay to get whatever I wanted with no regards to cost. I left the store almost in tears because nothing would do. I guess maybe I needed to learn this lesson to know what I really wanted. And I missed all you guys ❤️
    2 points
  43. You are clearly not an engineer. This is a common "problem" of engineers (note: I'm myself one), you always pursue of perfection without accounting costs or other stuff. Probably this is even "worse" if you are a startup, because your first product will mostly define your way if your survive or not. But honestly why do people buy a 650€ phone if you don't have the money in your pocket? This is a dangerous ride for just a phone (even if it is with a keyboard)
    2 points
  44. I appreciate the update, and I truly hope it to be true. At this point I just can't trust the promises made about when things will be shipping though. Too many things have been said that turned out to be at least slightly off. This update didn't change my expectations, I still have it set to zero and am just waiting until my buyer protection is about to run out. If I get a personally assigned message like a stock assigned email, I'll be pleasantly surprised. If not, I won't be disappointed. If the update's true, then it at least still shows F(x)tec cares about delivering a good phone, and
    2 points
  45. Supertux! It does require remapping the keys (in the game options menu) to use keys that by default are et up to allow multiple keypresses. Note that supertux calls the Sym key 'left super' and both slant arrows 'right super' and both control keys 'left control'. So in my case, I'm using the right control to jump and the right slant arrow to shoot (and alt/sym on the left to move). On screen controls lake the peek function and I rarely use it, but put that on the arrows works good. You can turn off on the on-screen touchscreen controls overlay thing from the sdl settings at the begi
    2 points
  46. Question - have any US-based customers received their pre-order post "customs made us give up and ship directly"? If so, did you have to pay any extra customs costs? The US has stopped some tariffs intended to take effect on China (does HK being a SAR put them out of scope for those tariffs in this case?), trying to see if that helps us not have to cough up an additional $xxx fee.
    1 point
  47. woah hey I’m famous!! 😂 But on a serious note there is an app or possibly a few apps available for rooted android devices that can force landscape and lock the app in that orientation.
    1 point
  48. Oh sorry thought it was clear. Games often gave you ingame credits if you rate the game on google play. Google wants no well written reviews. Else there wouldn't be games with gambling mechanics an 4.5 stars. Google wants to show you an endless stream of highly rated content.
    1 point
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