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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/20/2019 in all areas

  1. Oh, it just occurred to me that the same issues I'm having with the vendor image are probably causing TWRP data decrypt to fail. So I'm pretty confident that once the vendor image works, I can build a TWRP with working data decrypt.
    7 points
  2. That's not true. A partner retailer in Switzerland expected stock by the end of this month as everyone else did, but they're not getting stock until the end of January - again, like everyone else. They have been accepting pre-orders, but they are not shipping anything until general availability by the end of January. Given the previous misinformation, we completely understand, and in a way, expect your doubts about your orders, and us in general. However, as mentioned before, retailers such as Clove and Dragonbox have been in discussions with us since MWC before any of the pre-orders
    6 points
  3. The team is going through them all, we are not ignoring anyone. Please be aware that replying to unanswered tickets will bump it to the end of the queue. That's how all help desks work from the back end, including the one we use - Zendesk. If you keep replying periodically without us having had a chance to check it, we will never get the message. Give it some time without replying and we'll get to your request. This is implemented to keep it fair for everyone - queries are answered from the oldest to the newest. A reply to a ticket, whether it's ours or yours, qualifies as an update, therefore
    5 points
  4. Just as an FYI: At 8:51AM today I sent an email to fxtec asking about a sales tax refund and what was the process. At 9:23AM today I got an email saying that my sales tax was refunded completely and attaching a receipt. So um... impressed and thank you.
    4 points
  5. Please pay attention if you plan to send it to your company address. Somehow the company name seems to get missing in the process. I am at least the second Person who had this issue. I advise you to inform UPS about your company name as soon as you get a TN.
    4 points
  6. The guy from AndroidAuthority really doesn't seem to like QWERTY phones 😅. BlackBerry Priv review from the same person: https://www.phonescoop.com/articles/article.php?a=17093&p=6693 "I'm not sold on the keyboard. The quality is fine, but the keys are a bit flat to me, They have BlackBerry's signature scalloped shape, but each individual key's profile could be more defined. Travel and feedback are solid enough. I pulled out the BlackBerry Classic (late 2014) and can tell you I like that keyboard much better. The Priv's keyboard feels a bit cramped and offers no benefit to me over
    4 points
  7. The reality is we have all been in circles. Yep we all had to pay and wait longer than expected and I have to admit it vexed me when, even a small number of devices, were sent out to be sold. As a business they need to do this or they will break a relationship with sellers of the Pro1 and future handsets (we are all hoping for). @PanicBrothers I think you raised some fair points and transparency is very important and I am happy that you got the phone and are giving an honest look into how you enjoy using it. I get other users want to also say how they don't mind the wait etc, however, one
    4 points
  8. So you know the age of all women on this forum and can judge by that whether they are women or girls? That would be somewhat creepy.
    4 points
  9. Because that takes whatever discount they had to give the reseller straight out of F(x)tec's pocket? That's a bad thing right now, as we need them to have money to make more of these things. I'm glad @sequestris is such a good ambassador for these things now, because it looks like a lot of people are just greedy cutthroats who don't care about anything beyond instant gratification. She got 7 more people to lay down bucks and get in line. Whatta girl! ;) Someone has to help F(x)tec survive its fickle customers and grumpy suppliers! :'(
    4 points
  10. @Rob. S. As I told in some Posts before...I'm a very correct German. It is a question of communication and principle. I write you now here a Mail with a Solution I guess: Hey FX Pre Order and IGG Coupon Customer: we are working long and hard and bla bla bla and so on and we have now the Situation that we can not produce more than 100 Devices per Day. Our quality standart and again bla bla bla We have send out also to some Resellers some devices to keep up our cashflow. If you order and get one there please tell us and we refund your order. All IGG Backer and
    4 points
  11. https://f-droid.org/en/packages/io.github.sds100.keymapper/ I tried this app on QWERTY Pro1 and think its worth a recommendation. It allows you to map keys and buttons to other keys or actions. Its very simple, you add the trigger (push whatever keys/buttons) then selection an action, and has search function too which helps find keycodes/etc quickly. All comments about current Phone behavior are based on software update from 10 December. I hope some of these type changes end up in stock, but until then... Some apps (all apps if you chose another keyboard lay
    3 points
  12. The community is for use by the community - it is unstaffed and it’s ran by the community. I am here out of personal interest only. We keep speech as free as possible. On a side note, we have a perfectly fine help desk where everyone gets timely and personal answers. The community forums are not a place to reach out to us, or to request official help, even though the forums are under our domain. We mostly monitor it without intervention, unless if something is terribly wrong.
    3 points
  13. I must've missed some update then, because all I see is a post by Erik saying "they have approached us since we first announced Pro1 at MWC in Feb and we've been in discussions with them since." No mention of the word "at" there, only "since", those are two pretty different words. Quote's from Nothing about being approached at MWC, nothing about there not being emails, nothing about it being a stand (though that was the case I think). Nothing about the discussions starting at MWC. Might be they got an email later because the stores saw their presence there based on this, then MWC would
    3 points
  14. He lost me with: (By the way, that's "horizontal slider") On the hinge... it takes a bit of training to finally get it, but you will, and once you do you will be grateful because the reason it is initially so hard to do is because a) the hinge is very strong and b)there is absolutely no wobble or looseness in the hinge. This is an industrial strength hinge that isn't going to wear out. I now can open it one handed. I love the hinge!!!!! Let me assure you that the Android Authority review does not get it It's not perfect (what is), but F(x) Tec get most everything that
    3 points
  15. Submitted a support ticket requesting a refund about 50 hours ago. F(x)Tec emailed to check I really did want to cancel, considering that devices were now being delivered. I confirmed that I did want to. Refund has now arrived in my account. So, at least in my case, they were quite prompt. Next step: Clove UK can provide me with the phone instead 🙂 ... cheaper, because they offer free-of-charge shipping in the UK.
    3 points
  16. According to my ID I'm an adult so I guess that makes me a woman by definition but I don't get offended if someone thinks I'm so young that girl is appropriate 🙂
    3 points
  17. I don't get your update-fear. I have a Samsung Note 1 sitting in my desk's drawer with Android 8 on it (as I bought the device in 2012 it cam with 2.7 IIRC). (It's running Android 8 and not 9, because I didn't use it for more than a year and therefore didn't bother to update) Why would a Snapdragon 835 be a problem? I am currently using a 825 and I could be happy with that little bugger for the next 10yrs to come, wouldn't the device lack a keyboard, that is.. 😉 835 ups the performance by around 30% - which is 30% faster than "already more than fast enough" in my book - but I'm
    3 points
  18. Well - I still got a fxtec device, but since it's almost the same price and I already got it (as opposed to paying slightly more and getting it I don't know when), I decided there's no reason to wait. I mean.. my order was around 650 first, but I didn't order it back then and when I did it was around 730. So I figured I could just buy a device from a reseller in ny country. Honestly - there have been about 2 months of wait time and no transparency from fxtec. If they told me we will be delivered after the resellers and told us the truth about when we were to get our phone, I might have wa
    3 points
  19. He bought his through a reseller who no doubt bullied F(x)tec with their lawyers to get product ahead of the real customers. He then cancelled his preorder and smugly patted himself on the back.
    3 points
  20. They disabled that because it was causing a serious problem, with I don't remember what. They said it will be restored once they can figure out how to stop the associated problem.
    3 points
  21. I wonder why they didn't close it the minute it was opened. It is their forum, they don't have to take abuse and slander. It's a strong point for them and their honesty that they don't immediately delete (not just close) such threads.
    2 points
  22. They either have to pay it to the state, or refund it. It would be a crime for them to charge sales tax and then keep it for themselves. So if they are not paying the state, they should refund everyone, not just people that ask, that's ridiculous.
    2 points
  23. For me, it's a matter of principle to keep my word/promises, for you, it 's not. Different species, as you've said. I've "missed" batch one, then batch 2, then again batch 3. The phone was sent to non IGG backers and to the retailers. They didn't even bother to issue a statement BEFORE that, explaining the reasons, not even that. I remained quiet, but there are limits. Mine were after batch 3 combined with the new FACTS. Funny, probably part of the stellar communication strategy, Eric choose to lock the thread "lies don't travel far". I wonder if the forum and/or the users will be "
    2 points
  24. Wow. By someone who doesn't really know what the keyboard even is for.
    2 points
  25. I hope that as many people as possible sign up for a Pro1. The better the sales, the greater likelihood we are to get a company that stays in business and provides us service and updates. I just don't want a year to go by, fxtec, be out of business, and my carrier won't provide me updates because my device is not supported.
    2 points
  26. I am now going to close this thread as there is no point in bumping it additionally. Click the link below for my explanation.
    2 points
  27. I can confirm that they replied to my question and that I didn't have time to confirm the cancellation so far. So they ARE processing the requests for sure.
    2 points
  28. Even so that still gives my 855 snappy a lifespan of close to 6 years assuming the hardware will be as solid as it first seems, compared to possibly up to 3 years on the pro1. For less than half the pesos. And I'm not saying one can't live without kernel updates - far from it, I've had my Mi Max Prime for over 3 years now, last 2 of those without any ROM updates to speak of. It's more of a "having an umbrella and not needing it vs needing it and not having" kind of situation. If there's a serious security bug discovered, like the ssl bleed or the spectre /meltdown stuff they found in chip
    2 points
  29. Snapdragon 835 is still at the same level with 730 or 730G on performance. CPU is little bit behind 730G but GPU is more powerful. Of course, it is not as power-efficient as newer 730G but very good anyway (10nm node). Also, keep in mind that Google Pixel 2 uses same chipset than Pro1 and Google has guaranteed to update Pixel 2 to Android R (or 11). Android updates are not tied to chipset manufacturer support anymore since Project Treble came in. There are other changes as well. The Linux Long-Term Support is now 6 years instead of 2 years. In my opinion, Snapdragon 835 was very good selection
    2 points
  30. I stand corrected then, didn't know this has been confirmed. Not great, but with proper communication *BEFORE* this decision was executed, I think the community here would've been more keen to understand the reasons behind that decision. Yet another show of just downright appalling job by the PR people.
    2 points
  31. Some resellers and FxTec (Eric) affirmed that these phones were not regularly preordered, but they sent them a (small) batch anyways to allow christmas shipping for the resellers. It's a market decision to ship to resellers first in order to earn some more money and reputation. But apart from these wrong timelines they still follow (we've reached 3/10 of preorders and again they talk about shipping by end of january), this is a decision against the entire community which worked hard to make this happen.
    2 points
  32. Not because of the miscommunication (I will still assume it was not out of malevolence, but incompetence and poor judgement on the part of the PR team in F(x)Tec), but because of a few different factors, I decided not to buy the Pro1 in the end. As someone here already pointed out, because of all the delays, if I could even get hold of the phone in Q1 2020, it will be based on a 3 year old chip that peformance-wise is now on par with 7xx series or maybe even the higher end of 6xx chips in Qualcomm's offering. While I couldn't care less about the performance drop, the chip being 3 years o
    2 points
  33. I'd say it's not too hard to interpret The important part is "even though". In simple English: Even though it is about 700€ (which is a lot of money), I stil do not have more energy to keep arguing on this topic. Kinda the opposite of what you tried to interpret into it.
    2 points
  34. Should be a lot of cases laying around for Note 7 that people would love to move since all the actual devices are crushed by now...... Am I a bad person that the hotspot SSID on my Droid 4 is "Samsung Galaxy Note 7_1097" because I think it's funny? :O
    2 points
  35. It was because it was related to the screen refusing to accept input until you reboot, I believe.
    2 points
  36. Shhh......if they keep bumping to the end, maybe they'll get their device. :)
    2 points
  37. Is it worth to say "YOU BASTARD??" 😄 Nothing against you, just being jealous 😉 Lucky you! :)
    2 points
  38. @Val I know. And things went badly. But not hopelessly bad, and most importantly, not fraudulently bad. Yes, I paid for the Moto Mod in March 2017, too. And I got an offer of a full refund, which I requested and immediately got paid in October 2018. While it already was clear that the Keyboard Mod's problems had not been their fault, this was another piece of evidence for me that these people are honest. And yes, their Pro1 shipping order may have become different from what they planned and promised. But now that the delivery finally seems to be within reach, people get their knickers in a twi
    2 points
  39. Ok, I know that, under some circumstances, to be made waiting can constitute an act that borders on torture 😉 – and thereby may possibly do strange things to someone's brains, too... But I wouldn't ever have thought it could go as far as that the banal fact that two or three tiny resellers have each gotten a minuscule dozen or two of devices, too, between all those phones already shipped, the ones on its way right now and those which yet have to be shipped and manufactured, could make someone actually and in all seriousness construe a betrayal-conspiracy theory directed against thousands
    2 points
  40. We want to explain why a very small number of retailers have the Pro1. Firstly, they have approached us since we first announced Pro1 at MWC in Feb and we've been in discussions with them since. They have also promised to help with success of the Pro1 in the market place which is important for us. We have only given them a much smaller number of units than they asked for because of all the customer pre-orders. Our pre-orders are our most important customers. For us to be a strong company for you, we also have to build a sustainable business and if we turned those retailers away we would h
    2 points
  41. I'd suspect they may have had a few reseller contracts that they were going to get hammered on if they didn't deliver by Christmas. Not great for us in the pre-order queue, but understandable if they had to divert some stock to avoid getting hammered. And an alternate route for the impatient as we see here.
    2 points
  42. EvilDragon chiming in (yep, I'm the one running the DragonBox Shop). PLEASE KEEP IN MIND: Apart from selling the device, I am in no way affiliated with FXTec. So this is just a guesswork, my own opinion based on experiences. There can be other reasons, but that's my guess on the situation. I can understand the frustration you have - but there probably are reasons and I doubt this all is intentional. If I can say anything about producing such devices is: It ALWAYS takes longer than expected and there will always be issues. Unless you're Samsung, Sony or a similar company whic
    2 points
  43. Here's a friendly tip... Plan on June 2020 and be pleasantly surprised when it arrives before then.
    2 points
  44. Yeah. This isnt' a fast UI for doing a major remap. I'm thinking about doing slant arrow+number row to be F1-F12, and that'll take some time... I spoke with the author, he's going to implement a feature to import/export profiles, so that means we could share keymaps (and maybe edit it with a text editor!), but that's not likely til next summer. I think he's going to add in labels for our special keys shortly tho, so they dont just come up as blank ovals, which will be nice.
    1 point
  45. @agent008 when you hit the @ symbol and begin to type someone's name, a drop down menu should appear and you can select their name from it.
    1 point
  46. Yes, but the problem is: I think they planned to deliver the preorders first, then to the retailers. So they made a few deals with a few smaller retailers a while ago that they will have units available shortly before christmas. That didn't work out, unfortunately. So in order to NOT risk having to pay a retailer back (which are quite huge sums of money), they decided to do it like this. It's doubt it's because they want to piss anyone of. And yes, even if demand is high that won't help if they might need to pay back huge sums of money NOW. I'm pretty sure this company is working t
    1 point
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