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  1. First testprint made last night. I've split the bottom up in 2 parts to figure out how well the fit is. there is some slight (2mm) missalignment of the buttons and usb-c header and the camera placement is slightly off. I can now properly add the chamfer which is about 1.5mm (eyeballed, stil got to measure that tonight) and correct these errors. I expect the next version to be a perfect tight fit. from thereon I can start designing the mold and order some silicone to give it a try. @EskeRahn I will try to add a slight "edge" to the top of the cover to latch on the phone
    7 points
  2. It's an urge. I need to disassemble everything. Don't lend me a Pen. I don't have a Pro1 yet, otherwise I would already done it.
    6 points
  3. F(x)tec assigning stock across pre-orders as fair as possible (2020, colorized) (I'm pretty happy with what I got, but we can still poke some fun, right?) Edit: I did not intend to have the post here, rather than the meme thread, but it happened and is here now. Don't take this too seriously.
    5 points
  4. If the keyboard is not THE important thing for you, then sure you can get more bang for your bucks with a slab. And you might consider a bluetooth keyboard. On a desk the functionality is quite similar. For some of us the keyboard is THE most important thing, and the rest just 'has to work'. To each their own, Different devices for different people & use cases.
    4 points
  5. Or just cover it completely it is not that useful anyway πŸ˜„
    4 points
  6. I'd be interested in what exactly you would think their financial gain was in there for which someone would purposefully make such a decision, as opposed to it being just another effect of things not turning out as planned because of a long queue of unforeseen circumstances.
    3 points
  7. It's just the quirks of the web interface, don't worry about it. We all have that until we get the tracking numbers.
    3 points
  8. Give it 12-24 hours. Fedex are just picking those packages up now πŸ™‚
    3 points
  9. Stock assigned 1/20/2020. USA, non-IGG, QWERTY, #7174, paid August 2nd 2019. Update... Got tracking number and Order Complete e-mail. Delivery expected Jan 29th. Any info on whether customs duty has to be paid?
    3 points
  10. I guess I was right that my very late order is still waiting. 😞 Oh well. Droid 4 still working. I think it would keep working for another 10 years if Veri$on wasn't determined to kill it.....
    3 points
  11. We have one of those reported in this thread yesterday, but I do not know if that was a general mail or a personal answer to a support question. But would be nice if they sent out a mail to the remaining 30%, to clear things up, and not leaving people with a false hope of a missed mail,
    3 points
  12. Bought one (Β£15) that arived today, and it seems to do HDMI just fine, both landscape and portrait. The icons looks a bit overwhelming in landscape on a 43" monitor though πŸ˜‚ In landscape it Letterboxes on my current 16:9 screen, but in portrait I get gigantic side borders. Ending as 36% black + 28% display + 36 black. But in Landscape it is just fine with 5Β½% black + 89% display + 5Β½%. Though the monitor used might offer PIP or various split-modes, that could be useful. PIP could make a lot of sense on a large monitor. Trying a restart, The display is broadcasted before
    3 points
  13. Tracking info received, expected delivery in Atlantic Canada is Jan 28th.
    3 points
  14. Got my tracking number. Scheduled for Germany Friday January 24, 2020.
    3 points
  15. I'm still expecting either a "stock assigned" or an "apology" mail - I don't believe they're quite done yet with mails. I've had some exposure with automailer programs and I know finding the right value for "mails per minute" without being immediately blacklisted can be tricky.
    3 points
  16. Well they clearly stated that they PLAN to do all preorders. And maybe they are not the only company trying to get stuff out before chinese new year. So there could be reasons like the logistic company giving them a slot on a certain day. It could be a difference of 30% if they have to send the phones today or on the 25 of january,
    3 points
  17. Where do you get this info? Except for pretty small amount of what I assume were pre-ordered retail units pretty much everyone is waiting, including those who had cancelled and had to move to the back of the line. as you might have noticed, most people payed on 31-st of July, so it kiinda sticks to the rules set, except for that country-based nonsense, which no one really knows how it works anyway.
    3 points
  18. As far as what I know the only relevant we got recently is this but that was quite pessimistic it seems only expecting stock assigned by the end of next week, and it seems that at the least a fair portion of those have already been emailed today. Earlier batches via warehouse took about two weeks from stock assigned to it arrived on the doorsteps in Europe. You can see some examples browsing in this, Mine took 15 days. Four days between tracking code and delivery to DK.
    3 points
  19. Here we go again with the accusation, just wind this thread back about 100 pages or so, so we do not need to all repeat ourselves.
    3 points
  20. Got the stock assigned mail yesterday, preorder no #7xxx placed wayy back 3rd march 2019 from Italy still no tracking number tho, you guys are getting me pretty anxious and I really can't wait!😁
    2 points
  21. My fedex email had gone to junk -so I didn't see it till half hour ago when I remembered to check there...
    2 points
  22. Sorry - in my haste I forgot to put in all the relevant info.. Got stock assigned yesterday (20th) at 11:43 (GMT) Got tracking number Today at 9:46 Delivery: January 27th before 6pm Keyboard: QWERTY Destination: UK Order: 17xxx Paid on: Aug 4th IGG: No
    2 points
  23. That doesn't answer my question. Where exactly would be the financial gain in that? The devices obviously have already been paid. No observer of the market will care whether the device came five months later than anticipated or six, even if someone except the few who actually ordered and their immediate surroundings would even notice. In another post I already offered the question asking where exactly the line has been drawn between pre-orders and orders, something that hasn't become totally clear until now either. It may well be, for example, that the whole of August went into the 'pre-
    2 points
  24. When someone posts a twitter link and uses the default embedding whatever, it looks messy from my end, and I can't follow the link easily (or at all?), if I click on it it just hides the mess that was there in the first place.
    2 points
  25. FWIW, the SIM will certainly NOT be the cause of the slow down - that will *most likely* be some badly written app ...I'll bet when you factory reset the phone it will go back to running silky smooth πŸ˜‰
    2 points
  26. It's just very poor wording everyone's says the same.
    2 points
  27. Might have to do something with the customs clearance which we are arranging for some countries. But from our side, we are not rescheduling any shipments or anything.. Why would we do that for something that we already paid Fedex to ship out?
    2 points
  28. Nothing in these two examples can contradict our current understanding of the sorting order (or imply that one of them should have gotten a message), since neither got stock assigned. Have you perhaps made a mistake in the example you chose?
    2 points
  29. How can you say that? "The specifications of my old phone" includes a fast processor AND fabulous hardware keyboard? Which unicorn is that? The obsession with processor specifications is like some people's obsession with car horsepower.....how much can you really use in the real world? The Pro1 has plenty of "specs" for any use case other than functioning as a server.
    2 points
  30. Got tracking for Friday, Germany, IGG, QWERTZ, #12XXX. Finally.
    2 points
  31. You can find this info at the bottom of the fxtec.com page.
    2 points
  32. Thanks for sharing your experience with automailers. It would be nice to have an 'apology' message indeed. In that way, no doubt would be possible.
    2 points
  33. Got stock assigned yesterday (20th) at 11:43 (GMT) Got tracking number Today at 9:44 (GMT) Delivery is planned to be January 24th Keyboard: QWERTZ Destination: Switzerland Contribution: 48xx Paid on: July 31st IGG: No
    2 points
  34. juhuuh, got my tracking number this morning for MontrΓ©al, Canada :
    2 points
  35. Do you think they finished with the assignment mails ? I'm a bit sad, I have to admit. I thought I paid rather quickly, the 1st of August, few hours after mail reception. (damn it's a lot of money, better not think about it) Well, see you in a month I suppose ! πŸ˜”
    2 points
  36. Looks like they're not messing around with the postage and delivery times, that's nice to see.
    2 points
  37. Awesome job! On the buttons, I commonly see cases where the buttons are covered BUT the material is thinned around the 'block' covering the button. That is, there is a thin flex-zone that allows the button to move, . Apart from that, in my experience cutting cases for the Pro1, the opening for the fingerprint reader need to be rather large, and preferably with slanted edges towards the device Tried to make a rough and exaggerated sketch, blue button, orange case, read fingerprint reader
    2 points
  38. Have not found a setting to change that, but I was quite happy with them just predictably being slammed to the top instead of ending up being subject to me making a mess of the layout xD. There are quite a few settings and things you can do that are fairly buried, but it grown on me after spending some time to make it nice.
    2 points
  39. Though always a good idea to vote for people like that, promoting that to a "solution" is a bit on the optimistic side IMHO. But at the least it can remove the option of doing stuff like that legally. A part of the solution is open source, so all the shady stuff can be detected, as is needed before it can be avoided.
    2 points
  40. On the optimistic side, I got my 'stock assigned' email yesterday. Let us hope that my Pro1 arrives within 2 weeks
    2 points
  41. Too bad they didn't actually kept to it... Fingers crossed that there will be more stock assigned e-mails going out today but I am not amused so far. Pre-ordered early, paid early, but I will most likely get screwed with waiting yet another 1-1,5 month because I am from a small country. Totally fair...
    2 points
  42. I do not mean lawnchair, both are nice though πŸ˜‰ https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.quaap.launchtime/
    2 points
  43. launchtime is awesome (also in landscape mode) after some configuring
    2 points
  44. Its not a new thing, From the day one they were not keeping their words.
    2 points
  45. Hi everybody! Have been lurking on this thread for quite a while... waiting has been and still is an exercise in patience it seems πŸ™‚ Just to add a little bit of my info to the order statistics for which I also did not yet receive a "stock assigned" email. #23xxx ordered: July 26th paid: August 2nd county: Netherlands/Holland no coupon QWERTY What I'm going to say next is supposed to sound crazy πŸ™ƒ but I'm not joking; "I thank FXtec for being so open in their communication." It was dangerously open though as it triggered false hope many time
    2 points
  46. So No IGG, in the Netherlands Pre-ordered 2019-06-13 Ordernr. 173## Received payment link on 2019-07-31 Paid by CC on 2019-08-02 Received stock assigned yesterday (2020-01-20 at 12:43 local time) Received tracking e-mail and txt today (2020-01-21 at 10:44 local time) Expected delivery here in NL, sometime this friday 2020-01-24. EDIT: Ordered me a qwerty keyboard
    1 point
  47. Tracking # received! A shipment was picked up by FedEx today 12247040XXXX : EXPANSYS (HONG KONG) LIMITED A shipment was picked up by FedEx today and is planned for delivery to you by Saturday, 25. January 2020.
    1 point
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