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Everything posted by Hook

  1. I think the others above have been making this point, but while I understand this thinking (I also remember JFK), I think smartphones have hit the same CPU plateau computers hit in the mid 2000s. Succeeding generations of chips get faster on the benchmarks, but in real life, performance isn't getting that much better and, in fact, battery consumption may be getting worse for what little performance benefit you get. I don't think there is a lot that an 835 SD CPU and 6 Gb won't be able to handle for some time to come. For the same reason, I don't even care if I have the latest version of And
  2. I'd guess their cheapest LTE capable pre-paid phone. 😉
  3. What I was told was that the Pro1 could not be activated on their CDMA network-- they tried to do it and had to give up. The impression I got was that if it was an already approved Phone, it could still be activated on the CDMA network but not a non-approved, untested phone. (This was before January 1st). I also got the impression that it is only the CDMA network that requires some kind of certification or verification, not LTE. I agree with Richard that there is great variability in how good the techs are, but my shop is pretty good and I had 3 different techs really trying hard, So
  4. I'm certainly having no problems with Magisk (first time using. My previous experience has been with SuperSU), Safetynet is good, no complaints from my bank app, Netflix works. The only thing that remins untested is taking OTAs. Have to wait for an OTA... 😉
  5. I have ordered one that is much narrower and long rather than round and will see if that works out better. I'll take pics if it does.
  6. That's pretty much what I did, as described in my earlier post in this thread: The tricky part is that they won't officially activate the Pro 1 on their network because it isn't certified by them. This was working with them in the shop. So my pro 1 has the sim from my Moto G6 and the network thinks my Pro 1 is my Moto G6 (which Verizon is fine with-- they know). It's something to do with, until they convert fully over to LTE and ditch the CDMA network, the phone has to be certified on the CDMA network still, but only certified phones are allowed. But, yes, the phone works fine as a
  7. I tend to think Chen wouldn't have put this out there on his personal twitter unless he was very sure. But, sure, no one knows. There have been a flurry of TNs this morning, as promised, probably the small batch Erik referred to.
  8. Okay, that was weird. Noticed this morning that my phone wasn't working. No calls, no texts, etc. It occurred to me to try what @EskeRahn suggested above, but when I went into the phone menu, I discovered all the switches had been turned off. I switched them back on and everything is fine. It's tempting to think this was some side effect of rooting, since that is the only change I have made lately. I'm not sure how (these hidden settings are stored in boot sector?), and to be clear it may be coincidence. However, I would prefer that to be the case rather than "There's this weir
  9. It does. However, as I don't use a case, it isn't a problem. In fact, I hadn't even noticed that-- it isn't by much and does not make a noticeable difference typing on a surface (which I don't do often). It has the advantage of giving me a little additional purchase while holding it and thumb typing ( right index finger wraps it). EDIT: Yeah, okay, so I failed to notice this was a thread about cases when I was looking at the magnetic USB posts. Lol. Sorry.
  10. I am using this one, which works very well for charging and file transfer and ADB for rooting 😉 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07Q3F33H5/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  11. I haven't had any of the problems described with the camera and in fact find it a good camera. On my unit, the thumbnail shortcut to my gallery always shows up unless I activate camera using the button while locked. Changing from rear camera to front camera in HDR works fine. Are you sure you have latest update (December 10th on mine)? I hope I'm not just lucky and this is a QC issue. By the way, the Yellow F key is just a Home key. It can't be assigned (I'm now using Nova Launcher, so I don't assign keys at all-- that is a function of the stock launcher)
  12. I finally got around to doing the steps listed in the OP and it worked flawlessly. I'm now rooted with Magisk. Thanks, @Craig
  13. On #2. The phone is compatible with Verizon but that doesn't mean Verizon is going to support it and there is very little a small foreign company can do to change that. Mine works fine where i am, probably because we have good VoLTE coverage and don't need Verizon's CDMA network, which is where the problems with Verizon arise. Knowing Verizon well, I anticipated the problem and made a plan B (AT&T Prepaid) when I made the decision to buy the phone. I am grateful my area seems to have good VoLTE coverage, so I didn't need my Plan B after all. #12 probably deserves it's own th
  14. Yeah, I have a different preferred network set in settings (no CDMA). What you see in my screenshot was the default setting and I didn't touch it because everything worked after throwing the switches.
  15. Actualy, I think I'm wrong. I remembered 3 switches, so thought it was a fourth switch, which it was-- but that mobile radio switch had to have been on ll the time, so, tes this was the third switch I threw way back when. Lol.
  16. No, actually it is on by default. To provision VoLTE I had to flip 3 switches (go back to my original description). This is a fourth switch and I didn't have to flip it. Not sure why VoWiFI would be enabled and VoLTE not as a default, but that is apparently what I had. Lol.
  17. @EskeRahn How do you do that? I put text in "About Me", but it doesn't show up. Or is that a moderator only trick?
  18. Member title wasn't my suggestion. 😉
  19. That'll work, but does require an extra step. I'm lazy. 😉
  20. My sideloaded Netflix lets me download for offline (my bootloader is unlocked-- haven't rooted yet).
  21. At this point, it would really be nice to have signatures on our posts. Maybe text only, to keep things from going over the top. But it would be nice to know if the poster has a Pro 1, what they are running on it, carrier, case or other accessories, maybe even key software, just to provide some instant context. Not a big deal and certainly not worth distracting from getting folks their clacks, but nice if it's easy.
  22. I just tried it and it works fine on Verizon. I tested it both by turning off my mobile radio (I was still able to make calls-- since I don't have CDMA, it had to be via WiFi) and by making a Farcebook Messenger call (I know, it's embarrassing to have that on such a fine phone, but it's how my wife chooses to communicate). There is no setting I could find to turn VoWifi on or off. If you search settings it lists Wifi Calling, but when you tap it, it sends you to Network settings and there is nothing specific there. EDIT: Okay, found it. It's also provisioned on the menu you get
  23. You'll find these features in alternate launchers, Although I've never used it, I know Nova has a setting to allow widgets to overlap (I don't use a lot of widgets myself). The trouble is going to be that widget placement suffers the most in switching from Portrait to Landscape. You might look at what widget management Total Launcher has as it allows unique layouts for portrait and landscape rather than reapportioning one layout. I don't know if it allows overlap.
  24. This is just a review I posted at another site. I am not a professional reviewer nor can I claim to be independent. 😉 http://forum.brighthand.com/threads/review-of-the-f-x-tec-pro1-keyboard-slider-smartphone-2019.293542/#post-1916292 My perspective is from a less-technical user and a writer. This is a site with a lot of folks who go way back, to PDAs.
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