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  1. EvilDragon chiming in (yep, I'm the one running the DragonBox Shop). PLEASE KEEP IN MIND: Apart from selling the device, I am in no way affiliated with FXTec. So this is just a guesswork, my own opinion based on experiences. There can be other reasons, but that's my guess on the situation. I can understand the frustration you have - but there probably are reasons and I doubt this all is intentional. If I can say anything about producing such devices is: It ALWAYS takes longer than expected and there will always be issues. Unless you're Samsung, Sony or a similar company whic
    23 points
  2. I received mine today! First impressions: it's excellent and awesome!! Will tell more later, now too excited to care about forums.
    10 points
  3. Yeah, along that long 90 minute stretch of road...
    9 points
  4. Please note, this is not an official FxTec tool. It is my own creation. FxTec should not be expected to support this tool or any damage caused by its use. This tool will allow you to restore your Pro1 to a factory clean state no matter how badly it is messed up. You may use it to restore a "bricked" device or just load the latest firmware. You can find the software and detailed instructions here: Factory Restore for FxTec Pro1 Please report any issues here.
    6 points
  5. Please make sure that the "show virtual keyboard option" is off.
    5 points
  6. Hey Guys, Finally i got my Pro1 today!!!!!!
    5 points
  7. An early review of the F(x)tec Pro1. Early in my experience, (about a week) and early in the release timeline, probably. 1: Background I have been a fan of phones with Keyboards since at least 2002 with the Palm Treo 755p. After that, I had the Palm Treo Po (windows mobile), Samsung Epic 4G (my first horizontal slider and first android phone), and Motorola Photon Q. In 2015, I got tired of waiting for another high-end keyboard phone, and tried a Samsung Note 4, hoping that the larger screen real estate would make up for the missing keyboard. In 2017, when the Indiegogo campaign was laun
    4 points
  8. Yea, we gotta keep em coming! Stay better than the pill dispenser, and maybe even outdo the phone charger speaker lamp :D.
    4 points
  9. I just crossed out #2, cuz I accidentally discovered, Esc will wake it up. Ideally it would be any key, but now that I know which key, that's fine too.
    4 points
  10. https://f-droid.org/en/packages/io.github.sds100.keymapper/ I tried this app on QWERTY Pro1 and think its worth a recommendation. It allows you to map keys and buttons to other keys or actions. Its very simple, you add the trigger (push whatever keys/buttons) then selection an action, and has search function too which helps find keycodes/etc quickly. All comments about current Phone behavior are based on software update from 10 December. I hope some of these type changes end up in stock, but until then... Some apps (all apps if you chose another keyboard lay
    3 points
  11. A note to anyone updating Sailfish through the OBS repository: please flash the kernel after updating packages through pkcon/zypper. Currently it is not done automatically (needs to be investigated, can be a problem with https://github.com/sailfish-on-fxtecpro1/droid-config-t5/tree/master/sparse/var/lib/flash-partition). It can be done with the following command: dd if=/boot/hybris-boot.img of=/dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/boot_a The recent change was switching from userdebug to user build for Android adaptation bits (same as stock firmware), which uses different kernel config with lots
    3 points
  12. For a short time I was actually tempted to order with DragonBox (thanks to @EvilDragon for chiming in here, by the way), but my F(x)tec order in September was substantially cheaper and I'm not that desperate that I couldn't wait another few weeks 😉 I do not see any malevolence on F(x)tec's side, either. Except that things take (much) longer than they were supposed to, nothing so far suggests anything but honest business.
    3 points
  13. There are definitely people receiving phones from F(x)tec, it's just that the amount is pretty small, and people think retailers cut in line and snagged phones from people that technically paid earlier. And the promise was that the earlier you paid, the earlier you got the phone. It seems unfair to customers directly from F(x)tec.
    3 points
  14. Since I requested cancelation I can finaly write here what I really think. What everyone who has been cheated at least once in their life learns is, that there actually is a logical reason to persistently and deliberately miscomunicate. That reason is when the truth is so bad that any miscomunication, no matter how bad, is still better then the truth. Although I had my opinion on fxtec because of this knowledge I have not canceled my order as I have considered it a risky investment - high risk, high reward. However I find latest development as a final stage of this endeavor. Again, it seems il
    3 points
  15. No Fx did not send me any yet, they are not going to be that efficient. I bout it from a seller
    3 points
  16. My wife received the parcel a minute ago and sent me a picture of it, as I'm at work. UPS delivered the phone even faster than they announced at first. I'm sorry for all of the France people, but you also have to see, that your people are taking action while in Germany everyone is just complaining, without changing anything, not even in their personal circle of influence. Always, have some relaxing holidays 🙂
    3 points
  17. My phone is currently somewhere in the 8th sphere of parcel hell (thanks ups). But I can assure you that I haven't contacted support in anyway to jump the queue. There must be other issues. I in fact did not contact the support at all.
    3 points
  18. Looks like they are making good on their promise that phones will be available for public purchase by Christmas. 😀
    3 points
  19. And digitec.ch says 9 - 11 days if you order now, with 5 units ordered from the manufacturer. Didn't quite hit me at first, but it has kind of sunken in now. What the hell, F(x)tec? I will not cancel my order as I still want a keyboard slider, would lose the value of my IGG coupon and overall won't get away any cheaper elsewhere. But for sure I will never pre-order anything from you again. It clearly leaves me in a worse spot than anyone else, even when "prioritized". I can stomach and excuse a lot of things, but this was 100% avoidable. Conspiracy theory time: The shipment that went o
    3 points
  20. OK. Factory reset complete and now just getting app updates. I'll see how things go from here onward. Thanks for the assistance guys. 🍺🍺
    2 points
  21. It shows 5 phones still in stock. https://www.dragonbox.de/en/handhelds/handhelds-running-android/fxtec-pro1-dualsim-smartphone-with-keyboard-qwertz
    2 points
  22. I got an email from F(x)tec saying my order was completed and got tracking info the same day the status changed.. so @OliverTypes I'd check your email, and if not contact fxtec support to see if they made a mistake like with ravelo...
    2 points
  23. Well, I had to pay upfront for them, so technically it was a preorder as well. But these are the normal retail units, and coming directly from the factory means that FXTec should also have received the units for the normal preorderers as well.
    2 points
  24. As I remember, there were retailers who backed keyboard-mod-packages. Maybe they had a Pro1-"deal" like the IGG-Coupon, too.
    2 points
  25. Remember also that the Pro¹ is not crowdfunded (I know some will say it is almost the same due to the delays since payments, but well, it still is not a crowdfunded project), meaning F(x)tec had investors. I am not saying those investors included retailers, but that' is a possibility, especially as Clove seems to be UK-based. Or they could just be pre-orderers or IGG backers too. In both cases, it wouldn't be shocking that they get devices at the same time as pre-orderers.What increases the feeling of being fooled is the slow production followed by long export process. I don't think anyone wou
    2 points
  26. Clove is out of stock: "OUT OF STOCK - next Due in January". I also think that what is happening is an absurd. Not only this, it's already known that shipping order is also a mess. Normally I would wait for my order instead of doing something like this but I lost every bit of trust in Fxtec a long time ago. Now January, next February, them March etc. I had enough of this.
    2 points
  27. One thing I'd like to see, since I do a lot of document/manuscript/large text file editing is to add the equivalents to PgUP, PgDn, Go to top of document, Go to bottom of document. Seems to me this could be accomplished by using, say, Ctrl or Alt with the up and down arrows. Already Ctrl-left arrow and CTRL-right arrow can be used to jump a word. So I'd like to see something like (doesn't have to be these exact combinations: ALt-right arrow - Jump to end of line Alt-left arrow - jump to beginning of line Ctrl-up arrow - Jump to top of file Ctrl-down arrow - Jump to end o
    2 points
  28. Really now? People getting phones from other sellers? What was the point of pre-ordering....
    2 points
  29. To be fair, it is possible that these retailers were IGG backers also. There was a possibility to select retailers bundle during Moto Mod campaing.
    2 points
  30. I Overlooked all the posts on inserting the sim, it is really simple to do BUT a bit odd! And NOT like described in their leaflet(!!) You should insert/remove the SIMs and/or SD with the phone having the display facing DOWN The dent to grab it for opening (use your nail or a dental stick) is on the (display) side, that then faces downwards. Once you realised that, everything is straight forward and easy. But unfortunately the leaflet that comes with the phone got it wrong (and shows an earlier prototype of the card tray to confuse further)....
    2 points
  31. I think it is about time, FxTec does another update on current status!
    2 points
  32. Tab is supported pretty well by android itself. Alt-tab, for example, can be used to switch apps. Specific apps seem to vary quite a bit in how they treat Tab. I don't particularly care about generic android apps... My use cases are not "use regular android apps with a keyboard" but rather "use apps designed for a full keyboard." The latter category support Tab just fine.
    2 points
  33. There is no need to buy a converter since all models include a power supply with US, European and UK plugs, so they can be used internationally.
    2 points
  34. Pro1 has 500 votes now. 💪
    2 points
  35. I tried key mapper from f-droid. I was able to map camera button longpress to open gcam or default cam (and change quite a few other things while i was at it) but dont see a way to make focus/shutter work.
    2 points
  36. Only by 3 votes 😅. We got 300 votes in 2 days and we need 300 votes more to 1st place.
    2 points
  37. 2 points
  38. @Erik I was told by support that all IGG backers would be in that batch. I wasn't, and many others neither. What happened?
    2 points
  39. It is just like riding a bike, hard at first, but then super easy....
    2 points
  40. Yup. If you (when closed) try to push it parallel, it 'locks', but if you try to push it slightly DOWNwards you will see, that the back lifts up, and I guess that is what you do manually. You really only need a single thumb, and not a hard press at all, when you get the odd movement in your muscle memory. The whole movement is a few mm only. Exagerrated here: We should have someone good at making videos do a nice slow motion close up video of it, so people can get an "AHA, is that all it takes!"
    2 points
  41. What David said is right - with the caveat that you'll ONLY be getting LTE service and using voice over LTE. Although Pro¹ has the radios for it, Verizon isn't letting Pro¹ on their CDMA network at this time, which is tied to the device (MEID/IMEI), not the simcard. LTE is tied to the simcard. So Verizon won't activate a Pro¹, but if you have a working SIM card from a device they did activate, that supports voice over LTE, then you can move that simcard to pro1 and use it LTE only.
    2 points
  42. I think I've got the EDL tool working on all three platforms now. VirtualBox seems to be causing some issues with USB passthru so I'll have to test on bare metal. I hope to get that done tonight or in the morning. Then I'll be back on the lineage build. The next change, I think, needs to be to build and install the vendor partition. That's probably going to be a fair bit of work. I hope it won't take more than a day or two.
    2 points
  43. Ok Guys, I have ordered my Phone in Feb. 2019..and I pay 30 minutes after I got the payment mail. Pre-order and best fx-customer and of course you will get first and bla bla bla. I'm with you all here in the Forum and wait for my device, because it is a good Idea and I'm thankfull somebody did it and produce this. After long wait and a lot of sorry here and sorry there and Screen issues with batches and warehouse excuses. Let me tell it now, this are all "lies". I order today at a german reseller Shop at around 14 pm German time with UPS express and I got now my tracki
    1 point
  44. Thanks guys. Just going through the checks now. AFAIK all updates are installed too.
    1 point
  45. Check this unboxing video. It is containing 3 plugs.
    1 point
  46. Have a sneak view of the extra layouts he is experimenting with: https://android.onse.fi/finqwerty/pro1-test18.html
    1 point
  47. Yeah, now that I understand the two step, I have finally been able to start doing it one handed (on a surface, lol). Getting much easier now. (until tomorrow morning when I have to relearn it again. 😄 )
    1 point
  48. I was a little oversimplifying with my previous description and I suspect I am doing what you describe here. What I experience it as is that when I give a quick push with my thumbs, the screen travels a very short distance, my fingers grip the rear causing the rear of the screen to ride up on the fingers. Then without lifting the back any more (I find it fights you if you try to do that) a second harder push from the front snaps the screen back and into place behind the keyboard. The first few times it's really clumsy and awkward, but pretty soon it's a quick and simple two-step. Then a
    1 point
  49. I have to agree here - even when You are poor, just searching for a job as, let's say, sales manager, using professional tools during the interview can give You a good first impression, which is very important. I myself bought me the PRIV for this purpose (not only of course, and it was back in the days when it was considered modern and very professional). It can be seen as a sort of investment.
    1 point
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