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  1. Might be in another thread but wondering what features it lacked?
    5 points
  2. This is just a review I posted at another site. I am not a professional reviewer nor can I claim to be independent. 😉 http://forum.brighthand.com/threads/review-of-the-f-x-tec-pro1-keyboard-slider-smartphone-2019.293542/#post-1916292 My perspective is from a less-technical user and a writer. This is a site with a lot of folks who go way back, to PDAs.
    4 points
  3. My Christmas present to all the new(er) names I see posting recently, realism: 1st, by his own admission, @Erik updates are unofficial, so pls. do not think of this as a promise; either for batch shipping, or your personal order: this is only another 'expected'. 2nd, no matter how useful we customers might think they would be, F(x) never tell us the size of batches. So don't expect a reply, or anything helpful like that. And for the record, I have so completely lost faith in anything F(x) say, official or otherwise, that, sadly, I have formally requested a refund 😞. Selling t
    4 points
  4. Average usage (some video, some music, some browsing, emails and games) works for around 36 hours at the moment.
    3 points
  5. One and a half days for a modern smartphone, depending on how you define "moderate use," sounds pretty good. On the days I was testing the heck out of mine, I got down to 50% at bedtime. I consider that good.
    3 points
  6. Brief Christmas update. A small batch is shipping out this Friday, if UPS keeps its promises. It was meant to arrive today, but our staff availability is limited in the UK right now. No stock assignment letters for this one, as we are shipping them a little differently to avoid extra delays. Some of you will have tracking info on Friday. The big batch which should make a lot of you happy is expected to leave the factory in the 1st week of January, which is also when we expect you’ll have the tracking details. We would like to thank everyone for their patience. Merry
    3 points
  7. Some are having issues opening the Pro1. So just to make sure here a small thread with a few hints. Inspired by this question. There are (at the least) three ways to open it The easiest, Lift the back The classic push front down, horizontal and up Roll in, push the front UP and then horizontal See videos later in this thread, As I get stuff moved out of the long one.... ADD: To a more discrete opening with two hands I usually push with one thumb and restrain the rear with the index on the other hand.
    2 points
  8. For me, the most secure way is to rest it in the palm so it has much resistance on full back body. The Thumb press feels quite "light" then compared to only holding it at the outer edge on tiny space. https://mosushi.de/misc/VID_20191224_132828.mp4
    2 points
  9. No complains. But my usage these few days were in a home setting. But I have to say, the qc really charges it up fast.
    2 points
  10. For FinQWERTY have a look at the key-maps in the link above. For some languages It is shift, and for other Fn. E.g. For US it it us Fn+L, for US International Alt+L though. Things could easily be mapped very differently, but Anssi tried to keep it as close to the printed a possible.
    2 points
  11. Oh I have a suspicion you might be using the wrong layout! In general you get the yellow symbols with Fn (=Yellow arrow) with the correct stock layout 1) For stock/build in, If your device is qwertY do NOT select any language! That is clear ALL tick boxes. Do NOT select e.g. US. Fn+L gives a "?" if your device is qwertZ, only German is currently supported. Fn+ß gives a "?" 2) For FinQWERTY, choose one of the languages matching your pro1 hardware qwertY/qwertZ You can use either Shift or Fn I strongly recommend the second option.
    2 points
  12. Here a video trimmed&reduced below the limits YouCut_20191225_143841610.mp4
    2 points
  13. Another thing is, that those who actually got their device, are less likely to vote - simply because they are busy, while those waiting for one are more likely to vote as they are rather unsatisfied with the status quo. To give you a plastic example: I am busy with Christmas, family and my pro1 (in that order), so I did not feel like voting, because the poll does not really help.
    2 points
  14. Not that it matters considering all the reasons explained in the above posts, but since I am also into making guesses based on very incomplete data to estimate when we're likely to get a Pro1, here's the actual group size at the time of writing this post: 2,656. You can find it here.
    2 points
  15. https://f-droid.org/en/packages/io.github.sds100.keymapper/ I tried this app on QWERTY Pro1 and think its worth a recommendation. It allows you to map keys and buttons to other keys or actions. Its very simple, you add the trigger (push whatever keys/buttons) then selection an action, and has search function too which helps find keycodes/etc quickly. All comments about current Phone behavior are based on software update from 10 December. I hope some of these type changes end up in stock, but until then... Some apps (all apps if you chose another keyboard lay
    1 point
  16. The signal would have been like that most of the 20 hours as it was mostly spent right here in my attic where the wifi is far, I do have to say some of my devices get slightly better wifi here (and some don't, given the distance I think it's acceptably working). Additionally most of that firefox time was playing youtube, and i had youtube from firefox overlayed on discord as picture-in-picture a fair amount of the time in that ( highly recommended: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/video-background-play-fix/ ). And I spent some time video calling. So I think it did great :).
    1 point
  17. even when i barely sleep it makes it trough the day fine 🙂
    1 point
  18. Suggestion No.2 was the culprit. English(UK) was selected. Disabled that and bingo. Thanks for the help and suggestions guys. I'll leave you all to carry on enjoying the festivities.🥧🍰🍺🍻
    1 point
  19. Just noting for clarity, at lest for the US Physical Qwerty selection under FinQwerty, you still have to use Fn to get ? or / since they are (insanely) on letter keys and so Shift isn't an option.
    1 point
  20. They never disclosed that info before, what makes you think they will do it now? I don't really know what the big deal is in divulging the number of orders. Unless they're holding onto that info to seem bigger than they appear
    1 point
  21. Happy Holidays and a very Clacky New Year to all! 😀
    1 point
  22. This is actually a variation of the method I have been using and it works very well for me.
    1 point
  23. Yes indeed, important detail, thanks. I actually usually do that. Just updated the primary post here on that.
    1 point
  24. I imagined you would do both - press (slightly) down with your thumb and hold the back (which lifts it) to prevent the loud "clack" which would draw unneeded attention. Is that not a realistic usecase? By the way thanks a lot (I have read your posts regarding this topic before, but this is still very helpful).
    1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. It's not about the Android experience, it's about the bugs with keyboard support and some other basic stuff (most of them can be resolved with a different laucher, though). Since the phone was designed to use Android natively, I don't expect any other system to work better than that at the moment. I just want to give them some time. Speaking of time, I wrote them about my hardware problem on Friday last week in the afternoon/evening, didn't hear from them so far 😞 but it's Christmas, I'll give them some more time... I also don't think they'll send the replacement parts yet - we know those
    1 point
  27. I haven't tried Opera, but some apps ignore Fxtecs modifications to the keyboard layout related to the slant arrow. And those apps the shift key will work normally on the number row, but you'll have to use virtual keyboard for slash and question mark... See my thread on keymapper for more a couple ways to work around that.
    1 point
  28. Veselé Vánoce ...on my old photon 🙂
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. statistically irrelevant numbers and missing parameters for a conclusion
    1 point
  31. Still far too low to actually say anything. To accurately estimate the results with smaller groups requires relatively larger sample sizes. And the results are very biased, a specific group of people visits here. The results are fun, but don't really tell anything aside from maybe that more people didn't get the phone then people who did get the phone.
    1 point
  32. Yes could have put it more politely, But I have always been a bad teacher that hated to repeat the same thing, that was already said (by my self or others) The magic is in the word "random", as it in many contexts are seen as "any", but not in math. IF we had picked a truely random set of all members, and they ALL had answered THEN we could have used it as representative. It is like an election poll, it is NOT a simple task. e.g. If you take an exit poll at 11 am, it is very likely to have an overweight of those that (for what ever reason) are not busy at that time of the day, so you
    1 point
  33. @Erik Would you kindly give us an idea on the "big batch" size? Is it around 50, or 100, or 150, or 300, or 1000 units? This will be very helpful to estimate one's chances of being in this batch, or if we should expect to need more patience, and calmly wait around for another batch, or two, or ten. Thank you, and Merry Christmas to you too!
    1 point
  34. To put it more politely than Eske 😉 – "representative" is not about the size of the sample, it is about the selection of the sample. A random subset is never representative and therefore does not allow to extrapolate observations onto the whole...
    1 point
  35. That only holds IF (and that is a HUGE if here!!!) the subset is representative of the population in question. I'm not going to give you a math course here, look elsewhere.
    1 point
  36. https://de.ifixit.com/Teardown/Fairphone+3+Teardown/125573 https://shop.fairphone.com/en/spare-parts
    1 point
  37. It was not part of this discussion but the biggest problem for me is that secondary functions are used with the yellow arrow not shift. This is so uncommon that I would have long to get used to it. But FinQwerty solves that problem greatly!
    1 point
  38. And for T-Mobile, in particular: https://support.t-mobile.com/docs/DOC-2090
    1 point
  39. I'm hoping for a Christmas Miracle. Is there a real Santa Claus? Does anyone in the USA have one yet?
    1 point
  40. Very few of us have a Pro1, give it some time 😛
    1 point
  41. Quick demo of my modified driver, keep in mind i'm also limited by the my thumbs and trying somewhat randomly to press this and that to give an idea what is possible.
    1 point
  42. ....Here a trimmed and reduced 0.25x slow motion video showing it in more detail. Note how the back lifts as the first, as the initial push is slightly downwards on the front edge. YouCut_20191223_174454298.mp4
    1 point
  43. Yes, but the problem is: I think they planned to deliver the preorders first, then to the retailers. So they made a few deals with a few smaller retailers a while ago that they will have units available shortly before christmas. That didn't work out, unfortunately. So in order to NOT risk having to pay a retailer back (which are quite huge sums of money), they decided to do it like this. It's doubt it's because they want to piss anyone of. And yes, even if demand is high that won't help if they might need to pay back huge sums of money NOW. I'm pretty sure this company is working t
    1 point
  44. Thanks for the info erik. This is nothing new for me. It sucks but of course you must keep the big customers. But the problem is again communication (I know not your fault). Mostly that everything changes all the time: The batch goes to the UK again? I thought it will be sent directly? Are the production issues fixed now? This is great news but will it hold up tomorrow? You see there was so much of change in the official Information that nobody trust anything any more. The real problem is not that the stores already got stock. The real problem is that a lot of us hav
    1 point
  45. We want to explain why a very small number of retailers have the Pro1. Firstly, they have approached us since we first announced Pro1 at MWC in Feb and we've been in discussions with them since. They have also promised to help with success of the Pro1 in the market place which is important for us. We have only given them a much smaller number of units than they asked for because of all the customer pre-orders. Our pre-orders are our most important customers. For us to be a strong company for you, we also have to build a sustainable business and if we turned those retailers away we would h
    1 point
  46. EvilDragon chiming in (yep, I'm the one running the DragonBox Shop). PLEASE KEEP IN MIND: Apart from selling the device, I am in no way affiliated with FXTec. So this is just a guesswork, my own opinion based on experiences. There can be other reasons, but that's my guess on the situation. I can understand the frustration you have - but there probably are reasons and I doubt this all is intentional. If I can say anything about producing such devices is: It ALWAYS takes longer than expected and there will always be issues. Unless you're Samsung, Sony or a similar company whic
    1 point
  47. I've requested a refund and it was handled in a timely manner so at least this still works. I was reluctant to do it but I simply can't do business with someone I don't trust at all. I still wish the company the best and I wish everybody with better nerves to receive their phones soon. I still would do everything I can to support creation of physical keyboard phone but without requiring my trust now. The only thing I can think of is promissing to buy that phone when it's generally available. Heck, I can also promise that I will pay the phone if they send it to me according to my original order
    0 points
  48. It's a shame about the production delays. My old phone recently experienced a significant hardware failure and as much as I want a phone with a keyboard, I can't wait an indefinite amount of time for it to be shipped, especially with the price increase. It's a lot of money to be tied up uselessly. I was hoping for more concrete information here. If I don't see anything definite by the end of the holidays I'll have to go buy a Samsung.
    0 points
  49. Hello Erik, Your support told me that my device will be shipped by the end of December or the first week of January. So I will wait until the 6th of January 2020 before I will cancel my order. After a year of waiting it's enough. I hoped to give the device to my wife today. So I feel frustrated and disappointed.
    0 points
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