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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/28/2020 in Posts

  1. Hey guys! I know the subject of this thread won't be relevant to everyone, but we have had a few comments from customers who have been struggling to open and shut their Pro1... I just wanted to clarify that the Pro1's slider mechanism wasn't designed to simply slide open... you do need to hold the phone at such an angle that you lift the top of the screen up whilst also pushing up from the bottom simultaneously. After you have got the knack, it becomes a lot more straight forward and you will be able to slide it open much more quickly and seamlessly. I have attached a video for those
    9 points
  2. Send them the bill, all that matters is you getting your device! Expansys, working on our behalf, will later dispute their decision if the cost is higher than we have accounted for, but that's nothing that you should be worried about. This applies to everyone who is getting weird emails from Fedex.
    9 points
  3. I tried to make some four times slo-motion videos a while ago. of two different ways to open by pushing They are far from perfect, but perhaps you can see what is going on better slowed down. First the classic push slightly down, where the back lifts as you push a bit downwards (that is what you see above in full speed) Note the important detail that my thumb is NOT continuously pushing in the same direction, but follow the screen edge down and then up. YouCut_20191223_174454298.mp4
    6 points
  4. Today I haz clack. Order number 56KK, IGG coupon, QWERTY, ordered Feb 28th, paid Aug, shipped Jan 22nd, and delivered to Flyover, USA Jan 27th. My SN is 686. I didn't want to contribute until I had something positive. Yes, I was peeved to hear "Everyone will get their device by the end of next month" for three months in a row. But, I knew it was a startup. People are eagereagereager to get the cools out the door. And then Murphy happens. I would guess that the rest of the preorders will be delivered around the end of February or March. It is
    6 points
  5. This is a very satisfying thread.
    5 points
  6. ....And here another slow motion opening both the Pro1 and a flip case in one go by the lift front method. YouCut_20200123_155044091.mp4
    5 points
  7. I like to slow down how fast it opens by maintaining control of the back side of the screen. I only have one hand while filming but still easy enough :). please ignore the pimples btw, newly and badly applied screen protector xD
    5 points
  8. And here one where I on the contrary LIFTS the front, by rolling in the finger YouCut_20191223_192100210.mp4 And as a third method you can of course just lift the back edge up. Or you can also do a combo lifting the back while pushing the front. I most often lift with the right index after triggering the fingerprint scanner, while pushing with the left thumb.
    5 points
  9. Yes a scam where (nearly) everybody who already got the phone is really happy with it. But surely some of us must be bots...
    5 points
  10. I posted in my own thread, but I will post here too. Got my clack today. 785
    5 points
  11. As a West Coaster, my F(x)tec Pro1 also arrived two days before FedEx tracking said it would arrive. I am currently off at university, and the phone is at my parents' house. My parents will send it to me though. Edit/clarification: mine also arrived January 27 when FedEx said it would arrive January 29
    5 points
  12. If this happened after warranty I'd recommend checking the display cable which could have gone loose (or wasn't secured sufficiently in the first place). But I guess this would void your warranty so don't open the device yourself unless you're told so. I know, I'm a big help!
    4 points
  13. The real challenge is to open it silently i.e. in bed room while your partner sleeps ☺️
    4 points
  14. Disclaimer: i am not responsible for any harm that may come to your device as a result of following this tutorial. as it turns out, Google pay has detection mechanisms that enable it to detect magisk even when hide is enabled and even when you pass safetynet. this is annoying because some of use like to root our devices but would also like to be able to use features that were listed as a selling point for the phone. i found this topic on XDA which details steps to fool it into thinking the checks have passed, which I will copy below for your convenience. download an
    4 points
  15. The issue is that this strictly ISN'T a "slider". The screen flies like a Dolphin out of the water more than a boat sailing on the surface. And it is so incredible contra-intuitive that we shall NOT just push in a straight line along the keyboard. I remember people had exactly the same problems when Nokia had e.g. the N97. And the crazy thing is that once the fingers 'learnt it', you can not imagine how it was ever complicated. Like riding a bike.
    4 points
  16. Yes. these wild conspiracy theories are getting a bit tiresome. You really have to have a Donald brain to think that they would produce and send well over a thousand extra units if they planned to run. I guess the next wave of posts we will see from these guys are that F(x)tec is behind the Corona virus, as an excuse for not delivering 🤪😱
    4 points
  17. 1. Read 2. Listen 3. Ask Sorry, forgot 1. and 2. Thanks
    3 points
  18. If your partner sleeps you are doing it wrong 😁 Sorry, I'll take my coat now. 🥼
    3 points
  19. Alternatively, do it under a pillow to muffle the explosion. :-)
    3 points
  20. The way i do as in my video works for me, especially with 2 hands when it is easier to slow it down :).
    3 points
  21. It looks like the keyboard sometimes input the C key while the phone is closed. It's a rare occasion put does happen from time to time, most often when the phone sits tight in a snugly case. FxTec, could you guys please make sure the keyboard is disabled when the lid is closed?
    3 points
  22. Here is a video how I do it after 1 day of use. I just tilt the phone agaist me so that I can see the side of the phone. Then I push little bit downwards and rest of it is happening as if by itself.
    3 points
  23. I've received mine (S/N 1011). Ordered at the beginning of September after the request for payment came in (initial signup was in April). I have a few mixed feelings about how well Android works with landscape keyboards these days, and a few niggles about the implementation, but Fxtec have delivered exactly what was promised on the website.
    3 points
  24. It is somewhere at Settings / System / Special / System updates. Sorry if they are not exact names but they should be called similarly. Hmm, I have just noticed, in this place, Current (version) was translated to a word not meaning actual but electrical current in my language. 😄
    3 points
  25. Set up my Pro1 this evening on T-Mobile, in Seattle. Shortly after finishing setup, I got a text, presumably from T-Mobile that said: "We see your phone does not have correct settings to access the internet or send MMS. Settings will be sent to your handset." Subsequently, I'm getting LTE (I believe, it says 4G), mobile data works and I can send and receive MMS. So I suspect that T-Mobile has noticed the Pro1 on its network and is sending the correct network configuration to it when it joins, which is very nice.
    3 points
  26. Woo! Just arrived!! Would have been here a day earlier if not for a national holiday... Serial #698, nothing special. Already (mis)applied a screen protector (why include a protector and not actually have it preinstalled?), now to start the task of rooting it before I actually set it up for use (since you need to wipe it to root it).
    3 points
  27. Arrived today, two days "early" and ahead of the storm bearing down on the Eastern US!
    3 points
  28. Yes could have been handy, I only got a delete button, but I think that would be overkill. Despite some of the accusations could be seen as slander I leave some slack for rants, unless the staff feels otherwise.
    3 points
  29. I bought the phone last Dec 29th, I have not any news, when I check it on the web page on the orders tab, I can just see "processing". Anyone could help me, I don't like to feel me scammed. Thanks
    2 points
  30. For anyone interested in trying an Android 10 GSI, I highly recommend using my patched boot.img and vendor.img from this thread. The latest versions of both are regularly updated at https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ey6g1N1ORYZ34oRXLYsF4zCCL6_KGRCi These patched images include several important fixes for improved Treble compatibility, including a refined key character map, better keyboard slide behavior, and a working keyboard backlight. The latest boot.img also includes the new keyboard driver from @netman and a fix for the swapped stereo channels on the built-in speakers. Please r
    2 points
  31. No fear, you are even still in the given delivery timeframe of 4-6 weeks. But to already prepare you, it is not likely you will receive your Pro¹ before end of February (hopefully during march) since the devices produced pre chinese new year have been sent out and new ones are only produced starting from this week. There have been delays even in the month since you ordered sadly. And prepare for (friendly) laughter from other members triggered by your attitude. You are literally complaining amongst folk that waited for the original moto-mod since Feb 2017. Personally i was lucky and at
    2 points
  32. I find pushing my right thumb's fingernail under the right hand side of the screen panel is the best way to open that brick almost one handed without causing unwanted inputs. By the end of that movement it should also unlock without having to think about it as your index falls naturally on the fingerprint reader. As an added bonus, when doing that down the pub, you can also enjoy the envious stare of fellow geeky patrons languishing with envy. Clack, clack, clack! 🍺
    2 points
  33. the right part of my screen does not touch the landing pad either, it´s exactly as in the picture above. But I don´t have that rattle when typing, only when i shake the phone up- and down quickly. (just did that only to verify the posted issue). only when I hit the keys unnaturaly with my thumbs i can get the rattle to occur while typing, but usually i don´t even lift my thumbs from the keyboard while typing.. I expect the rattle to change over time, either through wear or debris which makes the movement harder, not sure if it will become worse or better.
    2 points
  34. I wasn't interested in a replacement app for messaging, and (after some troubleshooting attempts) Google Fi's support concluded that the Pro1 isn't supported. I ended up simply switching to T-Mobile, which activated without any problems. That was back on the 5th, and I haven't had any issues with T-Mobile so far (other than their poor coverage in my area).
    2 points
  35. Yeah, I can confirm this too. Rebooting seems to just "finish" the process. Be sure to check for updates again, once I had mine there was 2 or 3 updates, each needing a reboot if I recall it right.
    2 points
  36. You might be blocking the mic that's on the back, though.
    2 points
  37. I use Contacts+ and love it. I changed the limiting option and now all size MMSes go through :)
    2 points
  38. Thanks for the pointer at removing gesture support, I'm not a huge fan of Android 9 so far. After turning off the assistant and removing gesture support it's a tad more usable.
    2 points
  39. Only if you have an ISO style enter key, being used to US qwerty layout, the Pro1's layout makes sense in this regard to me.
    2 points
  40. I really disagree. It sits PERFECT for using in landscape with right index, and also for right handed people holding it in the left operating with the right. Or for one handed usage with the left BUT it is not good for holding in the right hand, and neither operating with left hand or right thumb. Actually for using held in the right hand, it is better to hold it speaker down(!) but unfortunately stock android does not support that rotation, though there are apps that handles this. I Hope F(x)tec will handle this, to make it easier to hold in the right, to the benefit of primarily le
    2 points
  41. Oh you are right, we can actually see the fingers also holding a mobile. Would never have imagined they did not use a real camera 🤣
    2 points
  42. I had a similar issue at first, kept hitting del instead of backspace. But I got used to that fairly quickly. Esc key is currently mapped to Android Back (not Esc) although this may change soon. That being said, you can probably do that with key-mapper: https://community.fxtec.com/topic/2557-key-mapper-foss-app-to-bind-keys-buttons-to-other-keys-or-actions/?tab=comments#comment-37604
    2 points
  43. That's something I haven't heard of in a while. Any connection to the the shareware dos/os2 versions from the 80s/90s?
    2 points
  44. There have been some people who have purchased replacement screens for the Elephone U/U Pro (which is the same screen the Pro1 uses) from chinese suppliers and had issues with green lines (or other colored lines in some cases). It didn't look exactly like your situation, but is related, so I'm posting for added info.
    2 points
  45. The crackling bug is supposed to be fixed in the upcoming OTA update. It only affect certain apps. It might depend on on the API used, in particular we have deducted that OpenSL and AAudio do crackle in an app where you can choose the backend, while AudioTrack and AudioTrack N do not. This may not be the only factor, however. Dunno about doubled sounds though.
    2 points
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