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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/07/2020 in all areas

  1. I've started the process of making this official. Someone took the time to actually review the device stuff, so I am fixing that now. Should have a mostly final build in the next day or two. I also need to create lineage wiki pages for the device which is always a couple hours of fun tracking down the device specs, finding a sample picture, writing instructions, etc.
    6 points
  2. Inventory has been assigned! #28xxx QWERTY Japan It's a great day.
    5 points
  3. Allow me to put peoples attention to the below post, if anyone feel like sending TDM some (additional) 'beers' for his great work.
    4 points
  4. When my usage is limited to browsing and IM, I get a day's use easily. But some apps just burn through the juice. That being said, comparing the latest CPU optimizations with a 4500mAh battery (P30) to our three year old architecture with a 3200mAh battery is hardly fair. Sure, by now I've had faster slicker phones in my hands. Wouldn't trade them for my Pro1 though. Only wish it would take better pictures. That's it. And I feel the need to express my grattitude towards FxTec. Name me one other start-up that has deliverd the goods a year later... They all move to the Bahama's wiht
    4 points
  5. Allocations have been made to Japanese purchase It hasn't arrived yet, but I've had a beer toast to it.
    4 points
  6. Stock assigned! #15XXX Paid Aug 2nd 2019 and it's a QWERTY unit. Hooray! Power to the Keyboard!
    4 points
  7. STOCK ASSIGNED! I can't believe this day came: You’ll be pleased to hear that we have now allocated stock to your order, which is due to be shipped on Thursday/Friday this week. We will send you another email with your shipping information and tracking details in soon, so please keep an eye out for further updates. We would just like to say thank you so much for your ongoing patience and support, especially over the last few months. It has been tough but we are pushing through & we know the Pro1 will be worth the wait. Order #15XXX, paid on August 2nd 2019. Thank you f
    4 points
  8. Now the issue is that a lot of the vendor stuff would probably be taken 1:1 from the current OS where possible, so the dodgy sound config for example would likely persist on a fancy new Android version. Can't even tell what I'd want a newer Android version for... maybe for the dark mode, but that's it.
    3 points
  9. We're working on repairs, but there's a lot of stuff piled from the lockdown and your repair is in the queue as many others. I want to say this week, but I don't want to promise.
    3 points
  10. Could not confirm here. At first just flashed test18 over test17, but then rebooted to recovery, Wipe data / factory reset, sideloaded test18 to another slot, booted to initial setup and it passed the wifi setup with no problems (no sim card) and internet connection was present (time was updated). However - no gapps here.
    3 points
  11. Haven't heard that much before. Thought our battery was pretty good.
    3 points
  12. WooHoo. finally. after my nokia 6.1 kept turning off and on randomly, i decided to buy the Pro1 on august 31st. after waiting so long, and my nokia kept being garbage, i had to order a Nokia N9 off of ebay. Just few days ago, that phone wont turn on or charge. (maybe battery?) order number 341xx united states qwerty this hope of an assigned stock and ship date by friday gave me hope that this year might turn out better.
    3 points
  13. #33xxx QWERTZ, Germany: got my allocation-mail today for dispatching within this week. So you should just be a little bit more patient.
    3 points
  14. Hi guys i have a question. As we know there are still many pre orders waiting, its been almost a year now. will Pro1 ever be available for general orders or is it that after fulfilling all the pre orders it will stop I need to buy few more devices, so @Erik maybe can you also shed some light on it
    2 points
  15. I thought I was either going mad, or just being clumsy touching/catching the curved edge while holding the phone, but it seems like mine's also now haunted: https://www.dropbox.com/s/o6tfvb1jx4xwpwm/pro1_touchscreen_issue.mp4?raw=1 Most of the time it's actually fine, which I guess is why I was doubting myself. I've also had the Pro1 over 6 months now, and it's been in use every day. Phone was last charged over 30 hours ago when I took that video, so while I know chargers can cause touchscreen issues, I don't think that's my issue. I'll contact support and see what they recommend. Ph
    2 points
  16. Yes, and there was no way for me to know what had to be done. Like someone stated on a link I mentioned in the post, I cannot disclose any more info at this point, so my advise is simple: don't waste your time, don't wait and contact support if you have this issue, wish I did that sooner.
    2 points
  17. Yeah. That's the position the magnet jumped to. Put a tiny blob of glue on it then closed the case cover for a couple minutes so the magnet stuck to the cover. I then stuck a piece of tape over the magnet so it doesn't mark the screen over time.
    2 points
  18. And twice on this thread already. It does not harm though 😀
    2 points
  19. Is the Wireless Update new since the 20200620 update? The app, com.adups.fota, does not just "shine" with frequent notifications, it also comes with a Google ads activity, Google app measurement and Firebase messaging. These are things I do not want to see in a critical system app! Btw., the app is listening to a connectivity change, boot complete, date change, power disconnection and media mounting. I guess that's why it is checking for updates way too often, and showing a notification in the process ... (You can check and control app services, receivers and activities with MyAndroi
    2 points
  20. I have it the other way round. The most annoying bugs should have highest priority. Most likely what ever customisation they do can be moved over from P to Q at some point. And I would much rather have a stable P than a buggy unstable Q
    2 points
  21. We will see. I was on a BB PRIV for 3 years, never changed anything on it and it still works..it's just..super slow and didn't age well. Battery still holds full charge and can last a day. One thing I learned from it though, never use an OLED display on maximum brightness. I ended up burning a game into the screen lol (was really into Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links at that time, you can still see the life points on the edges). So from day 1 I only used the Pro1 on half brightness. (currently I am really into a gacha called Princess Connect Re:Dive) So far I had no problems with anything. Hopefully i
    2 points
  22. I can live without HDMI on SfOS, but I am still waiting for G-apps support O:-) I am happy that things are moving and I am open for some financial support that FxTEC would get official SfOS support which can use google apps 🙂
    2 points
  23. I also feel the Pro1 hardware is more than enough and the keyboard is a huge plus, so I would not trade my Pro1 for anything else... However, about photos... have you tried GCam mods like "Poco F1"? It takes really good photos even in dark environment - so basically also its camera is good, just need a better software than stock one.
    2 points
  24. Just for clarification: The wizard does connect to WiFi, but it doesn't proceed after the connection is established. Thanks for uploading the image, will try it tomorrow!
    2 points
  25. #25xxx Ordered 29 July 2019 Paid 2 August 2019 QWERTY USA
    2 points
  26. Since about March, Fxtec had been keeping communication with me about my phone repair/replacement (although, only because i kept following up) but two weeks ago I got the following email: They were talking about Thursday 18th of June and since then there's been no communication whatsoever. I tried following up a few times as this used to get me a response, but now I haven't sent anything for 8 days.
    1 point
  27. I think the only thing I'm missing is getting SafetyNet/ctsProfile working for google pay, then there's no going back to stock 🙂 Thanks again for all the hard work!
    1 point
  28. @tdm *ringring* *you got a sms* 🤝🍺
    1 point
  29. Have a look at the workarounds section here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15uE12Yv5nMvIF42U33cY5FQoF6M66QIn00cC876uf7Y/edit#gid=907103536
    1 point
  30. Yes, Greenify is an excellent app but there are dozens of "Task Killers" and "RAM Boosters" that users should not install. Closing Apps to Save Your Battery Only Makes Things WorseWorse Why RAM Boosters and Task Killers Are Bad for Your Android
    1 point
  31. Odd, I never have any problem with it, outside the fact that it takes 2 seconds to respond. It would be if they exposed it properly. However I doubt they have fixed that or even reported the problem upstream. @Erik @Waxberry ?
    1 point
  32. Dammit. Got it working fine up until this morning. It seems that something is disabling my prox sensor after a while. Magnet still works though. Here's an idea though. Is it possible to use the magnet to wake the screen instead/as well as the prox sensor? *EDIT* I've just done a few checks with the "My Sensors" app and it looks like my prox sensor is very slow to react or sometimes doesn't detect any movement. 🤔
    1 point
  33. Dark mode and full screen gesture navigation.
    1 point
  34. If the product is successful I doubt they will ever have the production capability to get ahead of the orders. That means order with long lead time or secondhand buy are probably your only options.
    1 point
  35. testing branch just got fingerprint support reader working. now i think the only big thing left is hdmi as far as pro¹ port goes.
    1 point
  36. So figured I'd outline one method to get incognito mode stuck in notifications, even when fulguris has been killed. This hapened to me today accidentally and I'm sure there's other ways to get into this state, but this seems repeatable. 1. open fulguris (comes up with my old tabs from previous session before reboot) 2. click the lightning bolt and select 'Go incognito' (opens what i assume is set for default, in my case google search) 3. Open launcher home. (i.e. home button or equivilent) (Incognito notification present, but not unexpected now) 4. Open fulguris (com
    1 point
  37. Just to clarify, my order is also a pre-order. I hope my being glad stock was finally assigned isn't off-putting or anxiety-inducing for anyone, sorry. The idea behind my posting about it is also to let people know that things are moving along.
    1 point
  38. I'm Sorry for your job. Hope situation get well soon. I accept pandemic is there, But I'm real angry on Fx Tec.. because Even people order after pre-order are getting deliveries, retailers also have the device but the pre order are still waiting...one year after making payment.
    1 point
  39. Don't really know how helpful this will be. I got mine last December and that was a really different world, for shipping as well. I was told on Thursday December 5th that my order was completed. I'm pretty sure I had a notification from FedEx the next day showing the package in Hong King. It then sat there the entire week-end and then began moving on Monday. It went to Alaska before coming into the big FedEx hub in Memphis and still managed to reach me in Virginia by Tuesday afternoon. International shipping has been affected like everything else by the Covid stuff, so I would probab
    1 point
  40. anything new with jolla in july ? i am looking forward to try jolla once i get the pro1 this month.
    1 point
  41. http://files.nwwn.com/android/pro1/lineage-16.0-pro1-test18-boot-permissive.img Just flash this with fastboot and see if the setup wizard can connect to wifi. Thanks!
    1 point
  42. Well out of the blue today all of the updates started coming through and I'm now on the latest. So if anybody else runs into this issue it ended up taking five days to resolve by itself and a little patience!
    1 point
  43. oops sorry wrong thread. i'll reboot when i get home and see if its repeatable and post in right thread. right now still have the ntoif i cant get rid of.
    1 point
  44. I get a notification that i have an incognito tab open. cant get rid of it. closed every single app, still there.
    1 point
  45. test18 is up. The only changes are fixing device specific selinux rules (for eg. fingerprint, keyboard, touchscreen margins, etc.) Again, this is on the verge of being submitted for official Lineage builds. Please report any issues. Also pushed up code changes to github. Enjoy!
    1 point
  46. New mailing from Fxtec: Hello! We hope you are well and keeping safe. We just wanted to get in touch to give you an update with regards to manufacturing and shipping of remaining customer orders, but also to fill you in on everything that has been going on with the F(x)tec team. We are still currently understaffed as some of the F(x)tec team are on on furlough. This has undoubtedly resulted in our customer service and email responses taking much longer than usual to sort through and respond to, and for this we really do apologise. We are working through queries as quickly as we ca
    1 point
  47. I do, since December 2019, but not for sale. And I was waiting since 2017; IGG backer.
    1 point
  48. Of course I did. They answered once on June 9. Following was their reply. Unfortunately, we aren’t able to provide precise shipping dates for each order. However, we have surprised a lot of our customers by shipping it earlier than initially expected. Based on the least optimistic estimate, we’ll have your device shipped by August. We’re getting another batch in 2 weeks, but we can’t promise any of our customers, as we simply have a lot of pre-orders to process. Then Japanese distributer announced they start to sell the phone from July 4. So I asked them by using their web form, but
    1 point
  49. Yes, this is what I'm most excited about. Being able to bore out the main swiss-cheese "lens" portion, to be left with only a "surround" of rubbery protection, helps open the device and reduces edge-of-touchscreen accidentals. In theory, anyway. It's lucky that the vol / pwr / etc. buttons are NOT on the top brick (screen), because cutting out the entire screen portion AND extra button holes might make it too weak to rely on. Top-brick: Cut main face, leave sides intact. Bottom-brick: Cut sides for ports, leave main face intact (or small adjustment for camera). Seems legit! I don't mean t
    1 point
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