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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/30/2019 in all areas

  1. EU order with Indiegogo coupon. You'll be hearing from me if necessary. I've been waiting for keyboard hardware from these guys for a good while now. I'm a patient man.
    10 points
  2. From the quantity and quality of posts on the various general whining threads here and on t.m.o, I would have put money on the winning category being "~12"
    9 points
  3. Acknowledged. We will accept the chargeback. As some of you can confirm, we have never rejected a cancellation request, and we’ve always treated those with respect and understandings. Please bear in mind that cancellations and refunds are a much quicker, hassle-free method to get your funds back than submitting a dispute to your bank.
    9 points
  4. On other side, video shows you that it's not some faceless corporation, and that co-founders are super passionate about the product and heavily involved in the whole manufacturing/testing/shipping process.
    8 points
  5. I am one of the Indiegogo preorderers. I have received my payment request on the 1st of August at 9:56AM and payed it two minutes later (this is the arrival of my receipt mail). When I receive my unit, I will write a message on this forum (so when I will arrive to home and I hope I will not travel that day). Theoretically, that info may be good for some estimations...
    7 points
  6. I have worked at a Nokia factory 8 years ago and the assembly was far from a fully automated process at the time. The mainboard manufacturing and testing and the final testing was mostly automated but that's about it. Most of the assembly was done by humans, a lot of them.
    7 points
  7. As a 60+, I find it interesting that you had 5 year intervals and then 40+ πŸ˜‚
    7 points
  8. The phone is finally coming together. But there is a lot of critics again. That's why I thought a quick reminder to have a look at the overall picture may be a help. This whole project is a great achievement and the price feels not that high any more, since we know a worker has 4-5 hours to assemble the phone. Still I understand everyone complaining. Again there is a delay and they tried to sell it as "on track" to us. Communication is still suboptimal at best. But if you have a look at the video you should see what we all tend to forget. These guys are engineers not sales peo
    6 points
  9. I know it's an assumption on my part but I think this is the same video that Erik mentioned last week, and that it was created last week. That would also be a reason why Lianchen didn't mention shipping with the specific information Erik has provided us with in the meantime. My guess is that the news he (Erik) has gave us these last couple of days has gotten ahead of the video Lianchen made. Nevertheless I think the video is very cool to see. It is nice to hear that Fxtec is putting so much effort into the production and the finetuning of the product to make it a quality device. If they
    6 points
  10. I really don't get this whole "mid-range" phone stuff. Phones have hit the same technology innovation plateau that computers hit in 2005, such that Flagships up the gimmicks more than they up the innovation. In 2019, a mid-range phone is fine, except most mid-range phones have 6xx Snapdragons rather than an 835 and underwhelming screens and minimum internal memory. My wife's Pixel 2XL with the same SOC handles everything just fine. And for the kinds of productivity which presumably would make a slider keyboard attractive, the specs on this baby are serious overkill. This is a phone that mi
    6 points
  11. The communication style of F(x)tec is similar to some of our eager but naive junior engineers who try very hard to please. They spend a lot of hours fixing problems they didn't anticipate but say nothing about it at the time because they think they will be able to finish in time but they never do.
    5 points
  12. I think they are very very busy getting things out these day, so might be slow in replying. If there are any specific measurements or photos you want me to take, I could try on the "Final Sample" .
    5 points
  13. When I am staring at hose Elephone screen protectors...
    5 points
  14. Hello everyone this is Liangchen, co-founder of Fx Technology, and last time you saw my colleage Adrian so this is my turn now. So today I'm at factory and I just want to make sure the product is in the right quality and to deliver to you by this week. So umm, also we have already got a few, a few cartons of boxes of product ready and we are doing others as much as we can. So um there is a lot of parts with the assembly is required by hand make; it's more complicated than other products, especially like the force of the slider here or the feeling of the keyboard, so it takes quite a long time
    5 points
  15. Even if this is scam, Liangchen bought me. I can be scammed with pleasure πŸ˜„ You know, thats only one single device with slider and quantity of devices is too low for specially designated machines only for this model.
    5 points
  16. Just got that email as well and am personally glad that the main concern is getting a quality phone out of the door.
    5 points
  17. Hmm,,,, I've had a unit in my hands at the fxtec office in London, it's an elaborate scam if so. Manufacturing in Shenzhen can be very hit and miss (I've been involved in the past with chinese vendors) so I'm not surprised at some of the delays particularly if a bigger customer wants that production line. Given the latest video says 4-5 hours of assembly time I can understand some of the pressures here and customs can always throw a spanner in the works. I'm slightly unhappy that money was taken with such a gap to shipping but meh that's in line with a long tradition of hi-tech in th
    5 points
  18. It will be interesting to know the age groups of users of this Keyboard Phone. Generally older people maybe more interested as they can relate to this technology, as they may have either used it before or seen others use them. I do not expect many from the younger generation to buy this. But I would love to be proved wrong!
    4 points
  19. I think what a lot of people tend to forget, is that the younguns all had QWERTY feature phones while smartphones were still in their infancy. πŸ˜‰
    4 points
  20. Hi, Thank You for the update-video ! I read all along this thread and I think, that you should direct your attention towards the good news: - The phone is beeng produced - It has an awsome keyboard - and it will arrive before Christmas ! So why don't you enjoy your life and wait for even better news ? You see, I am used to wait - someone heard of Open Pandora ? or Pyra. For my Padora I had to wait a year. So keep cool ! Grrreetings
    4 points
  21. Not sure about any miracles of people in general returning but there is still a pretty decent fan base of qwerty slider lovers. The real miriacle would be seeing one built that could match flagship specs at time of release. This is the closest we've been to that in a long time though and will def buy an upgraded Pro2 if this one gives them enough success for them to want to do that. Part of me thinks one of the reasons for the slider downfall is when they started making them with midrange specs only and many had to chose between great specs or kb and that's when they started jumping ship.
    4 points
  22. Is it too much to ask that they please, please include at the very least a link to a brief summary instead of just a video? I don't always check my email someplace where I can watch/listen to a video, and even when I can, I have some very mild but still present auditory processing issues (gee, I wonder why I'm so interested in a phone that makes it easier to text....) which means getting information by listening to something takes that much more extra effort. And I'm sure I can't be the only one who cringes whenever they receive an "update" only to find that the only option to get the inform
    3 points
  23. I totally agree. I'm at the lower end of the 18 - 24 spectrum and never used a keyboard phone before (except trying out some Blackberries in stores). I always used slabs. I always wanted a keyboard phone but never got one. I was to young when there were any and later they kinda disappeared. At first I wanted to get the Priv but then I decided against it because of some bad reviews. The KeyOne/2 was never an option because of it's weird aspect ratio. So when I heard of the Pro1, I pre-ordered it within a few days. Most people I showed it to thought it was really cool but they would
    3 points
  24. I never had a QWERTY smartphone, only feature/dumb phones. I wanted a Droid R2D2 at the time, my mom wanted the Galaxy S3 and said either you upgrade with me or don't upgrade at all. So me not realizing QWERTY's were on their way out, upgraded.
    3 points
  25. The reason is: the sample size is too small...
    3 points
  26. @rejujacob can't be that old himself since 40+ is implied to be "older" :D. I also thought so in the past, but on forum and discord there are some people who never owned a keyboard phone before even and age group seems all over the place πŸ™‚. My bet is that the somewhat even distribution of the poll will not change much even when the amount of votes becomes meaningful.
    3 points
  27. Now it works! The butterfly site opens
    3 points
  28. That something takes 4-5hours, does NOT mean a factory outputs only one unit in that period.... Both due to it not being one person only, and some processes are done by machines (We have seen videos on that long ago) Even though I hope all the best for them, I doubt it will ever be a product sold in millions. Should the miracle occur and people in general returns to usable keyboards, I'm sure they will find ways to have robots doing a larger part of the process than currently.
    3 points
  29. Cheers! Sorry for the nagging πŸ˜‰
    3 points
  30. I caved and bought another Relay 4G. That way I don't have to mess around with getting stuff up and running on another phone. I can just flash Clockwork Mod, restore my nandroid backup, and be in business immediately, with all my apps. I'll keep my fingers crossed that this one lasts until I can get the Pro1 in my hands and get it all set up for real use. 😁
    3 points
  31. Hey fxtec, nice video! 😊 Made me look at microSDXC cards πŸ˜…
    3 points
  32. We’re going to setup a cloudflare proxy, which should in theory bypass whatever block is causing this.
    3 points
  33. Honestly you are the most pathetic person on this board. I fully trust Eric that he has replied multiple times as stated. Now you even become defensive, going full on Karen mode, and complaining that they want some data from you, so they can help you for the fifth time. If I would do business with a guy like you, I would probably just cut the contract. People like you always mean trouble. Be happy they didn't start to ignore you after the second baseless complain.
    3 points
  34. @Jhonny B I've seen your posts before and someone from FXTec has responded multiple times that you haven't responded to them. This new forum has a way to send a message to a user. You could be using that to contact Erik with your order number or whatever is needed. Yet, you spend your time bitching and making threats instead. It seems more like you are trolling instead of trying to resolve your order issues. Even your "method" of cancelling shows your willingness to be an ass instead of cancelling using the proper option which is provided.
    3 points
  35. Is this criticism or aliexpress advertising ?
    3 points
  36. Since there is a lot of fuzz about the things that gone wrong (especially in other forums), I wanted to point out what this project has achieved so far and how remarkable that this is. This guys refused to let people down after the MotoMod Project got hit They started a own phone manufacturing company without using Crowdfunding They designed and tested a hinge so good, that nobody worries about it at all Every feedback from prototype devices where positive, including articles from tech magazines Answered a lot of questions to the phone at the beginning of the project D
    2 points
  37. Any preorder placed before the 24th of June, regardless of payment date. For anyone else, our accessories will be on the store shortly after all preorders are shipped.
    2 points
  38. Yes, i did that yesterday. Was a mistake from their side when i changed my keyboard to a QWERTZ so they forgot to update the status.
    2 points
  39. The post count seem to have been transferred, it is the reputation-count that have been cleared. And we were all marked as joined on Oct 24.
    2 points
  40. I recently read about a study during which teenagers were given a "walkman" device and a stereo casette, and they were asked to make use of these items. Most of them didn't have a clue about how to work with them which was really amusing. Technology has been progressing at a frightening pace in recent years, and the demise of keyboard phones is just one symptom of that. I'd be really surprised if the Pro1 catered to market of people <30 years of age. But I'm more than happy to be wrong for the sake of FXtec's marketing success and more forgotten designs being brought back to lif
    2 points
  41. We do not know that yet, the sample size is too small to draw conclusions :D.
    2 points
  42. The other ambiguity is we don't know exactly when this video was made. Given post-production and approval cycles (I'm assuming the videos are made by a professional third party), it could have been last week. So did he say "this week" last week and did he say it intending to refer to the week the video would be released rather than the week it was made. Lol
    2 points
  43. It's gonna be absolutely excellent being able to write so much text on a phone though, I also would not do that on a touchscreen :).
    2 points
  44. I understand people's frustrations, and I'm anxious as well, but constantly voicing complaints and throwing shade at fxtec isn't going to speed up the shipping times, or magically make the phones appear in our hands. All we can do is wait, and do our best to be supportive. We all can be excited that we're this much closer to getting the phones and finally being able to use a QWERTY keyboard again!
    2 points
  45. €20 says this is the same dude who kept going on TMO that fxtec is one big scam and all that bullshit.
    2 points
  46. Erik no I won't like to share my order details for my privacy just like you don't share any real info with us. All I can tell you is we ordered 3 units in May when you said it will be shipped in July. Now coming to the shipping , when I said last time that it won't be shipped on 29 Erik was so quick to respond that it's definitely shipping on 29th. And here comes 29th. I can say this with confidence that they have not shipped any at all. Does any of real customers here received shipping notification? I bet none. This is another trick to get couple of more months. They c
    2 points
  47. I assume it's referring to the phone battery, it will be charged at a later date. Couldn't charge it when you ordered as it wasn't ready.
    2 points
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