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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/19/2019 in all areas

  1. We want to explain why a very small number of retailers have the Pro1. Firstly, they have approached us since we first announced Pro1 at MWC in Feb and we've been in discussions with them since. They have also promised to help with success of the Pro1 in the market place which is important for us. We have only given them a much smaller number of units than they asked for because of all the customer pre-orders. Our pre-orders are our most important customers. For us to be a strong company for you, we also have to build a sustainable business and if we turned those retailers away we would h
    15 points
  2. Thanks for the info erik. This is nothing new for me. It sucks but of course you must keep the big customers. But the problem is again communication (I know not your fault). Mostly that everything changes all the time: The batch goes to the UK again? I thought it will be sent directly? Are the production issues fixed now? This is great news but will it hold up tomorrow? You see there was so much of change in the official Information that nobody trust anything any more. The real problem is not that the stores already got stock. The real problem is that a lot of us hav
    10 points
  3. Yes, but the problem is: I think they planned to deliver the preorders first, then to the retailers. So they made a few deals with a few smaller retailers a while ago that they will have units available shortly before christmas. That didn't work out, unfortunately. So in order to NOT risk having to pay a retailer back (which are quite huge sums of money), they decided to do it like this. It's doubt it's because they want to piss anyone of. And yes, even if demand is high that won't help if they might need to pay back huge sums of money NOW. I'm pretty sure this company is working t
    9 points
  4. Very small batch shipping to the UK this week, and a large one covering 3/10ths of the full number will be in transit next week.
    7 points
  5. /wave Bye bye Pro1, see you again (hopefully) soon. So I sold my Pro1 to Kashif. It's an awesome phone, but after spending days trying to deGoogle it and finding LineageOS not quite ready for prime time I thought I may as well sell it/trade orders given his his eagerness and the fact me made me an offer I "couldn't refuse" As bad as my Droid4 is (currently turns off at random) I can live with it a bit longer. @kashif I'm glad you're enjoying it.
    6 points
  6. Now i know, i want my money back. Backed 2 Moto keyboards and one phone, but this is unpardonable from Fxtec company... Waiting 2 years for nothing...
    6 points
  7. It was so hard to come forward and say the truth? Until now, "officially", IGG backers were first in line, followed by pre-orders. Maybe I've missed an official statement that says otherwise and includes the retailers... I suspected that what you've said above it's the reality, but we found out how, by finding the stores on the net one by one? For you to be a strong company, you should start with frequent communication and, more important, transparency. Because, so far, you've said one thing and did another thing and this is not how it's built a business, started with and based on c
    6 points
  8. The team is going through them all, we are not ignoring anyone. Please be aware that replying to unanswered tickets will bump it to the end of the queue. That's how all help desks work from the back end, including the one we use - Zendesk. If you keep replying periodically without us having had a chance to check it, we will never get the message. Give it some time without replying and we'll get to your request. This is implemented to keep it fair for everyone - queries are answered from the oldest to the newest. A reply to a ticket, whether it's ours or yours, qualifies as an update, therefore
    5 points
  9. Hello, i just got my pro1 and wanted to root it. but i can't flash the patched boot.img (https://community.fxtec.com/topic/2537-magisk-install-step-by-step-root/) because the device is locked?! FAILED (remote: Flashing is not allowed in Lock State) it doesn't matter if i check the oem unlock slider in dev settings or not. i can't unlock my device 😞 "fastboot oem unlock" or "fastboot flashing unlock" throws; > fastboot oem unlock ... FAILED (remote: unknown command) finished. total time: 0.000s > fastboot flashing unlock ... FAILED (remote: Flashing Unlock is not a
    5 points
  10. Noob is awesome guy! he arranged all so quick. Thanks alot Noob 🙂
    5 points
  11. Tadaaa.....yesterday ordered at3pm and now in Hands before 12.... Order like a boss 😄 😄 😄 😄
    5 points
  12. A mistake it's a mistake, altough this kind of mistake says a lot. But if you add the later "mistakes", eg the phone hit the streets before our addresses, on top of other mistakes. Yes, that's greed, ups... STRATEGY. You do realize that some of us know businesses of all kinds and maybe it's our day job, right? If they've admitted, it's no more guess-work? Damn... Talking about allegations... PS: still the "bug" with no reaction option to my posts, since a little earlier 😄 I'll like yours, maybe the forum fairy will resolve the sudden problem
    5 points
  13. Allegations? Seriously? Even now? It's more than one case when a non-IGG received the phone. I have an email from fxtech and the say there were some mistakes. As if it's very hard to apply a filter in an xls, to keep it basic IT wise. Just guess-work, you say. ALL 3 stores, so far, were IGG backers, you say? And not only that there were backers, they've backed a LOT of orders. Really? C'mon, I've asked for some basic common sense... As you've observed, I was "quiet" until recently, but there are limits and facts. If this is the (pre)sale attitude from the fxtec regarding t
    5 points
  14. I'd suspect they may have had a few reseller contracts that they were going to get hammered on if they didn't deliver by Christmas. Not great for us in the pre-order queue, but understandable if they had to divert some stock to avoid getting hammered. And an alternate route for the impatient as we see here.
    5 points
  15. Please note, this is not an official FxTec tool. It is my own creation. FxTec should not be expected to support this tool or any damage caused by its use. This tool will allow you to restore your Pro1 to a factory clean state no matter how badly it is messed up. You may use it to restore a "bricked" device or just load the latest firmware. You can find the software and detailed instructions here: Factory Restore for FxTec Pro1 Please report any issues here.
    4 points
  16. Making a working vendor image is proving to be quite the adventure. But! ... I just got a good boot with a hacked up vendor image. 🙂 So the next step is to retrace my steps and figure out how to translate my hacks into a working build. I may be able to get that done tomorrow, but I'm not sure.
    4 points
  17. Hi! I've had this problem before with other phones. Even Netflix themselfe share an .apk . You can find it here. Have fun with it
    4 points
  18. England and Switzerland so far... But rumour has it its coming to Amazon.... (to be clear, I mean the reseller, not the rainforest... so not a real answer to actual where they are...)
    4 points
  19. EvilDragon chiming in (yep, I'm the one running the DragonBox Shop). PLEASE KEEP IN MIND: Apart from selling the device, I am in no way affiliated with FXTec. So this is just a guesswork, my own opinion based on experiences. There can be other reasons, but that's my guess on the situation. I can understand the frustration you have - but there probably are reasons and I doubt this all is intentional. If I can say anything about producing such devices is: It ALWAYS takes longer than expected and there will always be issues. Unless you're Samsung, Sony or a similar company whic
    4 points
  20. @Rob. S. As I told in some Posts before...I'm a very correct German. It is a question of communication and principle. I write you now here a Mail with a Solution I guess: Hey FX Pre Order and IGG Coupon Customer: we are working long and hard and bla bla bla and so on and we have now the Situation that we can not produce more than 100 Devices per Day. Our quality standart and again bla bla bla We have send out also to some Resellers some devices to keep up our cashflow. If you order and get one there please tell us and we refund your order. All IGG Backer and
    3 points
  21. Not only that, it's the gesture based home button thing. If you're looking for the 3 touch buttons, you can get them back in the settings. Somewhere in the gesture menu I think.
    3 points
  22. I just don't get it. There are people who get pissed off because two or three tiny resellers got twenty phones before they got theirs? If I hear something like that, it makes me embarassed for belonging to the same species.
    3 points
  23. Just be aware those instructions for enabling Unknown Sources don't apply anymore. Just download the apk. It will ask you to enable Unknown Sources for the specific app doing the installation. It is no longer a global setting. 🙂
    3 points
  24. When I was typing on the one I had, I was able to set it down and do the 10-finger thing. It was very nice. I think also, I had a lot of practice on my Sidekick and when the Pro1 was announced, I booted that puppy up (lord knows why it still works) and practiced using the keyboard every day.
    3 points
  25. Just to update that I received the phone on Tuesday, and am happily playing about with it. So far works as expected!
    3 points
  26. I'm sitting behind my front door to wait the UPS deliveryman just like a dog waits for his master all day. Standing in excitment every time I hear a vehicle in the street.
    3 points
  27. You can say that again. I'm lost. The "small batch" that is being sent this week, is it the one that was indicated as sent more than a week ago (batch 3)? Or is it batch 4? Or is it batch 5 being timely? What does "being sent" mean now? Are we back to sending to the UK for the EU, or, as per the email of three days ago, sending directly to the customers?
    3 points
  28. I would not expect any comments from their side or any other exact answer, rather than further charades like contract terms etc. That's a cruel reality, but business partners will always be more important than a single order and there's nothing we can do about it. Yet, that does not change a fact that what they did is just pure meanness. At least they could forbid them to sell the devices until it gets general availability... Edit: don't You think that the devices available in other shops got sold out put in a pretty long time as for a device with "THAT big" interest? I have a feel
    3 points
  29. I have facts: 1. the phone was sent to non IGG backes - a mistake they/you say 2. the phone was sold trough the stores - another mistake"? Those are assumptions? Maybe that's why some of us choose to buy it, AGAIN, from a third party and cancel the original order. Another assumption, i know. Assumptions everywhere, just from one side. Superb, indeed.
    3 points
  30. Greed, not giving a f.ck, not keeping their word, doesn't make them crooks and I didn't say that, you did. If i didn't know that you've received your phone, I would say that you're making a projection. 😄 On the contrary, I understood a LOT of delays, mistakes, non-communication, you name it, until now and you can check my posts, but there are limits. Re-read my "arguments", as you say, and try to do it with some basic common sense, based on the facts. I liked the strawman type part. Lots of "arguments" and "answers" (dis)regarding the facts. Yes, I repeated the word fact, because it
    3 points
  31. You have heard the expression "Assumptions are the mother of all fuck ups" right? Neither you or I know what is going on. And hence can not judge them either way. Sure it looks odd, but wait to hear their answers, before throwing all kind of allegations around. And as you already know, if you read the slightest bit in this thread, it does not matter if you are IGG backer no 1 or 1653! But they told us that what matters is when FxTec received your payment. And they also told us that IGG backers would have priority. ALL the rest is just guess-work, as we do not know. These shops a
    3 points
  32. I have just ordered a Pro1 at Dragonbox. Despite I am an IGG backer, I see no chance of receiving my Pro1 prior Christmas and almost no chance to receive it between Christmas and the new year. (I gave relatively high chance for the stock to disappear as I ate my dinner and waited a bit, but availability was still there and temptation was extremely high.) As I will not work from this Friday to the second week in January, I will definitively have much more time spending with Pro1 (so moving to it) than in January which is the expected arrival of my Pro1 pre-order and also January (an
    3 points
  33. @agent008 when you hit the @ symbol and begin to type someone's name, a drop down menu should appear and you can select their name from it.
    2 points
  34. @Val I know. And things went badly. But not hopelessly bad, and most importantly, not fraudulently bad. Yes, I paid for the Moto Mod in March 2017, too. And I got an offer of a full refund, which I requested and immediately got paid in October 2018. While it already was clear that the Keyboard Mod's problems had not been their fault, this was another piece of evidence for me that these people are honest. And yes, their Pro1 shipping order may have become different from what they planned and promised. But now that the delivery finally seems to be within reach, people get their knickers in a twi
    2 points
  35. Good one! I sell HK branded products. Wife also loves her. Besides a very loved character, the company behind her (Sanrio) is very respectable. Went to Tokyo for the 2017 licensees convention. Really interesting and crazy how many products they have licensed.
    2 points
  36. Whatevs. Gives me more time to get a Hello Kitty case made :D
    2 points
  37. I got my Pro1 from Clove, sent yesterday, picked up today. This is phone no.119 so it's quite interesting because this is a second batch phone.. So how many phones really were in first batch? I asked for a refund of my original preorder already. In my eyes it's extremely unfair towards everyone else, especially IGG backers but that's just Fxtec fault for allowing something like this to happen, especially because batches are supposed to be extremely small now, again, like first batch.
    2 points
  38. Nice! I can't even do 10-finger touch typing on a standard PC keyboard so I don't think I will on a phone-sized one XD. I have slightly shaky hands from medication I started taking last year though and that makes virtual keyboards somewhat difficult to use so I'm looking forward to having a physical one on my phone 😎
    2 points
  39. Don't abandon the forum. Just abandon this thread (if you click on Eric's profile, you see just his contributions to this thread 😉 ).
    2 points
  40. Honestly.... This hurts!!!! I can not believe that they have taken this opportunity to send to sellers and just forget about the pre-orders. The phone looks amazing but... I think my F(x)tec journey is over...
    2 points
  41. Well, others have since proven your suspicion wrong, but maybe you mihgt be the only girl here in the forums who already received their Pro1?
    2 points
  42. There are apps doing that, but not working well. So it most likely should be build a little 'deeper'. I have suggested the same thing since spring... Optional 'dead' zones, the user can choose the optimal size for. Could be all four edges, As a few pixels in the ends, would give a completely rectangular active display, for those that prefer that..
    2 points
  43. Just a long shot, as I don't know if it's possible. I find the curved-edge screen a bit of an issue when handling the phone or opening the slider. Most of the time I find I'm activating shortcuts/widgets by accident. Would it be possible to add the ability to enable a "Dead Zone" around the edge of the screen in the display settings?
    2 points
  44. Isn't it just for nothing if you refund now? I do get the frustration about the delays and lack of communication, but I don't really understand why you would drop out after such a long time. Does one or two months more really still matter at that point? Especially as they are shipping now. Slowly, but they are.
    2 points
  45. FxTec, take lessons from whoever sent this package.
    2 points
  46. It is looking suspicious that it got more votes than views.....
    2 points
  47. Yes, it may be the reason. However, I would have been much happier if I read that in one of their update e-mails / messages. I understand that there is not always worth to share some information with wide public but if something strange will definitively happen then some prior information may help to understand the situation. Also, they may be some earlier IGG backers but most likely their partners who have contracts with them. ...and as of this, they may loose much more money based on a clause of their contract or a possibility of loosing a partner may have higher impact on sold
    2 points
  48. There are definitely people receiving phones from F(x)tec, it's just that the amount is pretty small, and people think retailers cut in line and snagged phones from people that technically paid earlier. And the promise was that the earlier you paid, the earlier you got the phone. It seems unfair to customers directly from F(x)tec.
    2 points
  49. Since I requested cancelation I can finaly write here what I really think. What everyone who has been cheated at least once in their life learns is, that there actually is a logical reason to persistently and deliberately miscomunicate. That reason is when the truth is so bad that any miscomunication, no matter how bad, is still better then the truth. Although I had my opinion on fxtec because of this knowledge I have not canceled my order as I have considered it a risky investment - high risk, high reward. However I find latest development as a final stage of this endeavor. Again, it seems il
    2 points
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