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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/23/2020 in all areas

  1. 12 points
  2. Background history Alright. So I broke my Pro1's screen. I don't know how the remaining scratches came to be, but the first one was the Pro1 falling off outside my bath tube (there was no water involved). I ordered a replacement as suggested on AliExpress. I ordered the screen on the 29th of December, it arrived on the 20th of January, I believe. I did not get to it until today. Replacing the screen The actual display seems to be the same as the one for the Elephone U / U Pro models. Replacing the screen is - probably - rather easy, though I managed to make some mistak
    12 points
  3. In theory, after Jan 3rd update there should be no more issues with screen frozen and keyboard lost. We are working on the current issues and hopefully to deliver a build not too long after the Chinese New Year: - To fix the driver with keyboard that enables any two keys to press together (already fixed under Sailfish OS) - To fix the sound cracking issue with some music and whatsapp - To Re-map the esc key back to esc instead of back - reduce the sensitivity of double clicking power button so the camera short cut doesn't launch often And more fixes on the pipelin
    11 points
  4. Correct. It excludes the factory labour, shipping, customs that we pay for, in addition to the hefty licensing costs with Qualcomm, certifications and everything else that is needed for the device to be on the market. Once all of that is deducted, the margin is actually very low compared to other technology/phone startups. We have made the decision to keep it low to allow more users to afford the Pro1. Our margin will increase in tandem with our production volume, as costs usually drop on larger scales.
    11 points
  5. Let me make it a little more clear. If you get these letters, simply sign them. The value might confuse you and I will explain why, but you should sign it and it is safe to do so. We are the ones importing the devices to your countries, as the device hasn't technically arrived into a European (or US) warehouse before shipping directly to you. Therefore, the value is defined similar to what the factory charges us (Fxtec) for the device, excluding transportation and labour. The value will not match what you paid, because we are importing the products to your countries based on our productio
    8 points
  6. For termux, just create ~/.termux/termux.properties with the line: back-key=escape See https://wiki.termux.com/wiki/Terminal_Settings
    5 points
  7. Can I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that it's my birthday and I don't want people mad at me? 🤐
    5 points
  8. Email us, please - [email protected] . I believe some courier partners get confused with the method we've chosen, which is unusual when shipments go directly to consumers. This method is typically used when we import the stock to our EU warehouse, but with this batch we wanted to ship orders as quickly as possible. They might be a little confused why it's going to consumers. Recipients in the UK haven't reported this, including most in Germany.
    5 points
  9. @tdm If you've not read before: I'm the shop where the device has been returned..... sadly I found out here in this thread that he KNOWS what went wrong, in the contact form he only mentioned that he followed the official documentation to use sailfish OS and something probably went wrong. Not nice, but, oh well, I'll try to get it back in working state. I also tried your flasher and can confirm it flashes the device successfully - but nothing happens afterwards. I've tried both with Windows and Linux and both firmware versions you offered. Of course, I want to get it back in a w
    5 points
  10. I just got my Pro1 delivered by Fedex, 1 day earlier than estimated! 🎉
    5 points
  11. I guess because the latest orders satisfied so far, of which we know, are around no. 32xxx, still pre-orders, dating back to August. I suppose you've got yours because, after a lot of earlier excitement about devices not being shipped in the proper order, like three small retailers getting a handful before all pre-orders were served, Fxtec feared things might get too calm around here, so they sent you that no. 42xxx phone before everyone else got theirs to make things more lively here again! 🎃
    4 points
  12. Nope, not here. And the standard IT-support question for almost anything: Have you tried rebooting? 😇😝
    4 points
  13. An that is not a uncommon high margin I expected it to be higher tbh. Other companies have more: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-apple-iphone/apples-iphone-x-has-higher-margin-than-iphone-8-analysis-idUSKBN1D62RZ
    4 points
  14. I'd like to remind you that we are the ones importing the device into your countries, and as this is DDP (delivered duty paid), we are the ones paying for it. Therefore, the value is defined similar to the cost that our factory sells it to us.
    4 points
  15. Got FedEx tracking number, ETA 27th. However, it's already in Köln today, so I don't really see how it can take that long to move it a bit further north to Stockholm, Sweden until then. 🙂 My GF said: And the shipment will contain a thank you card that says "God bless you for sending us your money", only. But let's see.
    4 points
  16. Today @Anssi Hannula has accepted my pull request for Hungarian layout in FinQwerty and he also put page up / page down / home / end functions for fn+arrows for all layouts so every layouts will be improved a bit. He told me I missed to include yellow combinations of some buttons in Hungarian layout, so I have also modified it so currently all yellow keys are available using alt+key combinations. That was part of my second pull request but now it is also included in FinQwerty. He said he will release next version soon, so it may be available in Play Store after some days. Hopefully
    3 points
  17. I did not change ESC behaviour though, but I think it will change with OTA also. Until then you can use Finqwerty to solve it (it can also do US qwerty layout and they fix ESC behaviour). Also you could edit the keymap manually if you have root, but I highly recommend Finqwerty instead because of convenience. If you do want to edit the keymap directly, it is in /system/usr/keychars/Vendor_181d_Product_5018_Version_0001.kcm and you have to remount / as rw first.
    3 points
  18. 3 points
  19. In case your husband is looking for last minute gift ideas: And for his next birthday...
    3 points
  20. Europe, Order 116xx, IGG, Arrived today and I'm SO HAPPY with it!
    3 points
  21. Happy birthday Unicorn? Ok...
    3 points
  22. I don't envy you... Your annual cost of bandaids and neosporin myust be astronomical. Thank you ❤️
    3 points
  23. 3 points
  24. Came back home from work this afternoon and found the Pro1 on my kitchen table! What a surprise!!!
    3 points
  25. ...And on the value part. Before people think that is a huge profit, remember this is the value of pure raw hardware out of the factory. The margin up to the sales price has to cover all the common base cost like he development costs, financing plus all other F(x)tec costs. And then licensing, delivery, customs and taxes are on top. For a low volume product as the Pro1, these base expenses makes a huge impact on each device (On a millions selling device they would be spread out to a few dollars each) A guessing calculation: Let us guess they are selling 20K devices, this would mean
    3 points
  26. 3 points
  27. I am not a big fan of the shifted layout either, but after using it for a few weeks I have to say it is not bad. You get used to it and your fingers are nicely centered in the middle of the phone.
    3 points
  28. I wouldn't consider anything BlackBerry a suitable replacement for the clack, but to each their own. I find the extremely abbreviated and rather tiny keyboards on BB devices very frustrating. I can use them, but prefer my Droid 4 keyboard, which is similar to the Pro1. Moreover I despise working in portrait, so my PRIV mostly sits, in spite of being faster and having a nicer screen. For me, the keyboard is where it's at. To each their own. I'm sure someone will happily relieve you of your clack.
    3 points
  29. She may have been bumped ahead because they were looking at the date her account was created, not the date the order was placed, which made her look like an older order because they didn't realize that she had already gotten one and this was a second one. Just a theory. She received her first one very early in shipping, so may have been one of the very first to order....the first time. At any rate I don't imagine there's any dishonesty here, but perhaps a touch of being disorganized LOL
    3 points
  30. Update, got my tracking number this morning, estimated delivery Monday (27th).
    3 points
  31. I finally replaced the screen - and took some photos (using my daughter's S8) while at it. Will post them as well as some comments today or tomorrow, so stay tuned. One thing ahead: the Elephone U screen fits perfectly.
    3 points
  32. I have no idea where it is manufactured but fyi, bleach kills everything. Ebola, HIV, everything. On another note, it looks like the coronavirus has an estimated 2 days lifespan so I guess waiting a month would do the trick. Likely it'll be dead by the team it reaches you due to shipping. Reference on Corona virus: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2863430/
    2 points
  33. I've been in contact with both FX and Fedex, FX gave me a form to forward, Fedex was OK with a "oh, right, so you're not a company and only a person delivering it to an address which happens to be a company?" confirmation. If they're going to start with "here's an invoice because we want money" I have the DDP on-hand...
    2 points
  34. I wish you all the margin in the world. I hope your volume ends up scaling to where you make 300 shekels a device. This is a project that should be rewarding. It took courage, foresight, planning, and determination. After all, if this one makes money, you'll do it again. :)
    2 points
  35. Thanks, guys! Waiting for OTA.
    2 points
  36. I liked the idea, then was more confused by it than I anticipated. Now got used to it and think it's fine 🙂.
    2 points
  37. Hope it includes lost fingerprints...
    2 points
  38. Please let us know when/if this works out. If this turns into a regular "thing" I think it would a good idea if Fxtec provided customers with the corresponding invoice right along with their shipping notification.
    2 points
  39. I'm using Total Launcher, as you set up different layouts and even widgets for Landscape and Portrait 🙂
    2 points
  40. Just for the record: 275 here. But you probably noticed that the deliveries are rolling out now :D
    2 points
  41. Closing this thread as it is a bit misleading. Email [email protected] for quick support and to chase your request if necessary.
    2 points
  42. The way people are acting in other threads, I would expect it to be torn from his hands in seconds *LOL*
    2 points
  43. Stereo speakers, left and right are transposed. I guess this is an easy one. Build: QX1000_EEA_20200106110245
    2 points
  44. The last big company I worked for, our gross margin target was 42%. CEO's gotta make their millions somewhere.
    2 points
  45. Delivery reached office. Too bad am on leave today. Will hug the package tomorrow
    2 points
  46. Thanks a million! I better buy one of those as a spare... And now we can easily see what was meant by the extra two holes, making access to the lower screws easy when the screen part is off!
    2 points
  47. this "concept" looks much better for me 🙂 ...teally good idea is e-ink under kb 🙂
    2 points
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