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  1. Thank you @Waxberry and @Erik -
    6 points
  2. Here is an amateur review of Pro1 written by me if you want check it out. It is in Finnish so you might not understand everything but you can give a try to Google translator. At least, you can check the photos that I took with Pro1 (Snapdragon vs. Google Camera (PocoPhone F1 port)). Original link: https://www.io-tech.fi/artikkelit/lukijatestissa-fxtec-pro1/ Translated by Google: https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=&sl=fi&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.io-tech.fi%2Fartikkelit%2Flukijatestissa-fxtec-pro1%2F Short summary: Pro1 might not be a perfect device but i
    6 points
  3. @EskeRahn yes, just sending KEY_WAKEUP and KEY_SLEEP could work for a simple cover. But if there is a window in the cover, the system needs to know when the cover is opened and closed to show the appropriate information through the window (this is done via the FlipFlap package in Lineage). So I guess we'll see what kinds of covers show up, if any. @mcdinner I'll have to look into the backlight code. It's currently in the lights HAL (this is where @Sean McCreary put it). I don't think the lights HAL will get notified on lid events, so it may need to spawn a thread and listen to
    6 points
  4. I've done a bit of testing with SIP this morning because I haven't gotten voice working with my cell provider. Both inbound and outbound SIP calls seem to work fine. So any calling issues must be with the actual cell radio.
    4 points
  5. I just wanted to mention that I don't care about an aged processor. We knew they had no other choice on it and we also know about the problems they encountered. Corona is one of the bigger ones impacting even big companies. I just want to make sure that they will earn some profit to be able to design a Pro2. And seriously, who cares about some cheap headphones in the package? I'd rather have a bugfree system with high usability than headphones that would get replaced soon after receiving them. Wasting fees and shipping costs for headphones really doesn't make sense.
    4 points
  6. @EskeRahn is extremely obsessed with cases! ๐Ÿ™‚
    3 points
  7. You have a good point here. The apps that get permanent root on my phone are apps that I use daily. Thankfully, Magisk has an option to revoke root privileges automatically when an app gets updated. Edit: Was I wrong about Magisk revoking root after an app update? I can't find a corresponding setting in the Magisk Manager. Did I mistake Magisk SU with SuperSU? Was I blinded by wishful thinking?
    3 points
  8. Nudger: People who want to make use of the nail side of their thumbs just as much as the soft typing side. Slide each thumb nail between the two halves and nudge the screen forward, easily opening. Or one thumb opening, and other hand keeping the phone from making a racket, by slowing down the screen until final impact.
    3 points
  9. My issues with call quality, under Sailfish OS, are as described below: 1) without loudspeaker mode: while my voice can be heard loud and clear on the other side (I speak into the tiny microphone hole of Fxtec Pro1), the interlocutor's voice is quiet (at least, clear) and I find it difficult to hear; 2) with loudspeaker mode: interlocutor hears lots of echoes, words are overlapped, difficult to hear me; I hear interlocutor at moderate volume, clear, but their voice can be garbled a bit, as if they are under water. I have tried to install patch to Increase Speaker Volume. Is it f
    3 points
  10. I don't care about the aged processor as well. First, it is not slow at all... second, my Moto G6 had weaker processor and it was also working well (except the slow flash). As long as the processor and its components are supported in kernel, updates are expected without real problems. I don't know the ratio of closed-source blobs in Pro1's kernel but it may be related to long-term support... so the less closed (not maintainble by 3rd-party) part, the higher chance to be maintainable by community or even by F(x)tec. So higher closed-source parts causes higher dependency of others (manufac
    3 points
  11. FYI .. I'm heading out of town shortly and won't be back until Monday. No new builds until then. I'll leave you with a Lineage splash that I made just for fun: Lineage Splash Flash this to the "splash" partition with fastboot. Here's the original in case you want to go back: Stock Splash
    2 points
  12. Just tried to install LineageOS, and it went much smoother than I had hoped. The guide was 100% correct, no guessing needing, and everything went perfectly smooth. (Yes yes, a few documented bugs are still there), So big kudos to @tdm and others that have been involved, awesome job. ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž
    2 points
  13. Now he can finally afford to catch up with his relations in Belize! :P
    2 points
  14. It is a translation error. Finnish iso very hard language to translators. I was looking for a word robust or sturdy. I might try to translate it to English by myself If I have time.
    2 points
  15. Nice and thorough review, thanks. ๐Ÿ˜ A tiny detail in the conclusion, that may be a translation error. The translation says "rugged", many would expect that to include some IP-rating. So maybe add the lack of that as a Con, so people do not get the wrong impression.
    2 points
  16. Ok so i just bought google chromecast today and tested it with Pro1. it was pretty easy and quick and it works fine. so here is how i set it up: connect chromecast to hmdi port of any monitor or tv connect micro usb to chromecast usb port for power in few seconds it will show chromecast screen on the tv or monitor now download Google home app from play to any phone in order to setup your chromecast. i installed it on my Note8. then run Google home app and setup chromecast to your wifi, its pretty straight forward, it will detect your chromecast device and just fill in
    2 points
  17. That was kinda your whole argument, that the order page said something that apparently you don't remember 100% completely. I see no reason to believe the order page made any mention of earbuds with your pre-order when you ordered then. So, fully fair. No reason to expect something you didn't order.
    2 points
  18. As you say, the phone is going to be technologically deprecated before back-orders are fulfilled. But $700 wasted?! Why not just cancel your order and get a refund?! ...My experience getting a refund was quite painful but, from what I have read here, that is unusual.
    2 points
  19. Think they were a gift ๐Ÿ™‚
    2 points
  20. I'm the same way, no ringtone set, no sound, which is why it is so important that the notification LED work properly.
    2 points
  21. We should consider this in the how-to-open thread.... Another option is to add some of the adhesive anti-slip tape intended for stairs (black or transparent) e.g. this And cut a roughly 2-3 x 150mm piece (Use a hobby knife or similar, as the sand kills the blade, do not use a good pair of scissors...), and put along the back edge. (so it does somewhat belong in the casing thread...) This will give you a VERY easy lift. (The same material is GREAT for compact cameras with slippery surfaces like Sony RX100 III) Mine ended on 3mm+ and could/should have been less.
    2 points
  22. Ah, so my July 15 preorder probably won't get them. I don't really like those in-ear style headphones anyway, would have liked the stickers though...
    2 points
  23. I think the cut for this offer were somewhere end of June or early July. They originally stopped it on June 17 (+/-) but then extended it a (few?) week(s).
    2 points
  24. Well, I partly answered my own question. I found the location of the motor. It is up by the headphone jack. And it is the "good kind" of motor -- Linear Motor, not ERM. This is going off information online where people indicated that high end phones use the Linear Motor type vibration motors. So it might just be that this particular brand/model is a dud. It looks like the back reads: 0612 and +9431 to me. Off to search for it.
    2 points
  25. As an aside, I passed his along to T-Mobile today:
    2 points
  26. Just west of PHILADELPHIA, PA, USA Heck, if you like it I'm willing to sell!
    2 points
  27. like others i bought a Snakehive P20 Pro leather case but it didn't hold my Pro1 safely. i exchanged the original TPU holder with a TIYA P20 Pro TPU case which fits the Pro1 much better. one still needs to cut a hole or two into the TPU. importantly, opening the keyboard is now much easier, a klacks :) now i just need to find the right glue to bind the TPU plastic to the Snakehive leather case. i would refrain from the Spigen P20 Pro hybrid case - it just doesn't fit the Pro1, is too hard, too tight and too deep so that opening of the keyboard becomes a nightmare.
    2 points
  28. I do want to mention that i bought 6 Nokia E7s 8 years ago. they are all packed in original boxes and never been used. But after every 2 or 3 months i charge them all together. and after 8 years all the phones have good batteries and in good health. so i guess if you regularly charge them, dont over charge them and keep in dry and dark place then these batteries can go on for long time.
    2 points
  29. Have you checked the options for "When the screen in off" under the "Custom restrictions" menu? Mine behaved the same way until I unchecked the "Don't turn on screen." I also unchecked "Don't wake for notifications," but I think it was doing that anyway...?
    2 points
  30. I believe the LEDs weren't working for me before, but they appear to be working, for the most part, now. I did do the LED tests from the secret screen, but I can't say if they started working after that or before. I am pretty sure they were working before then. Here is what I can say, based on my testing. I am not saying the results are right or wrong, just reporting how things act and how I have thing set up. - In each app tested, I have "Blink light" turned on in the notification settings of the apps. The "Phone" app doesn't have this setting in its settings. - At the syst
    2 points
  31. I'd be happy to send you a working SIM card you could use if you would ever want to play around with it.
    2 points
  32. I've started going through the issues on the github issue tracker. There are relatively few things left to fix to get a good stable build, shown below in rough order of severity (IMHO anyway): * General stability. @Craig reported that test4 was unstable. Please try test6 and report back. * Phone call audio issues. * a2dp does not work. * Virtual keyboard showing and hiding at appropriate times. * FM Radio does not work. * WiFi signal strength does not work. * selinux is permissive. Other less severe issues that probably shouldn't be considered
    2 points
  33. Yes, I'm using one of the tiny, first-generation Chromecast dongles for most of what I watch on the living room TV, and it has been such a decent experience over the years that I'm not even inclined to upgrade it. Android connects easily to those devices, and I either use my phone* or a tablet to operate the dongle, or sometimes the (Vivaldi or Chromium) browser on my Linux laptop. As others said, depending on whether you cast the smartphone's screen or use a cast-enabled app, the smartphone either streams its screen content to the Chromecast dongle over WiFi, or the app tells the Chromecast d
    2 points
  34. So what happens is either of two things: 1) You mirror the screen of your phone onto a TV screen; 2) You tell an app with Castability to go and load something onto the screen. The first drains your battery. The second doesn't, because after it gives the command, that's it. Your phone now works like a remote control, nothing else. But for all this to work, your TV needs to either have a built-in Chromecast (most smart TVs nowadays do) or a Chromecast dongle, which you put in a free HDMI port. In both cases, you need to have a wifi network set up and running. After plugging in t
    2 points
  35. But it looks like simply replacing sending KEYCODE_F4 (86h) with KEYCODE_WAKEUP (E0h) and KEYCODE_F3 (85h) with KEYCODE_SLEEP (DFh) in current logic will do the trick with no other changes. ๐Ÿ˜Ž YouCut_20200218_095817803.mp4
    2 points
  36. No no no, use the link.... It is MAGNETIC and works in either landscape or portrait....
    2 points
  37. For all the curious, changing the charging state and trying a different USB c cable seems to have solved the issue. The original cable still works, but I'll just leave him in the desk for now.
    1 point
  38. I tried BSG port earlier and it was not working great even so that people are reporting great pictures on Twitter with that port. I don't know if they have tested it in bad low light condions. See the examples below:
    1 point
  39. I think we have somewhere found the VID and PID of the device, though I do not recall what they are. But this is a general file for the device and if it went in that way, and the file does not exist, it should use the generic.kl as I understand the Location section at the top of this So I will guess that it is is not sending a scancode as a keycode, but rather fake a keycode, similar to what I guess a fake keyboard like GBoard does. Otherwise we should have been able to look up reversely and sees what generate the Fn F3 and F4, and that was what we tried... Of course it COULD be
    1 point
  40. yeah the problem is if you install a broken magisk module you can't boot. You can boot if you install the original bootloader but when you boot with it you can't uninstall the magisk module. That is why the "core" bootloader.
    1 point
  41. I moved it to the sailfish thread. ๐Ÿ™‚
    1 point
  42. As said in other posts I think the problem here is simple physics: The counterweight of the vibrator is a standard one, designed for a 2-3 times lighter phone. So they would have needed a larger counter-weight and thus a larger motor, adding weight to the whole system (and as these would likely not be standard components, also additional costs)... But I struggle too, especially walking. As I 99.9% of the time use my phone with vibrate only. I have not even set the ringtone on my Pro1, so do not know how it would sound....
    1 point
  43. Exactly my point! Orders from today should be considered pre-orders. If fxtec confirms that, I will order a phone right away. Seeing all the delays, they really should give us a reason to place orders these days, or to not cancel pending orders.
    1 point
  44. thank you, EskeRahn, the sub-LED test worked just fine, all three colors, that's reassuring - but as observed by others, the notification system for messages and phone calls seems to dead, sadly. perhaps a future software upgrade will help here. or an Fxtec-supported Android 10 install, if/when available ? ADDENDUM : Light Manager 2 finally started to work as described here in this forum (which wasn't the case for me earlier). i guess my recent manipulations with this sub-LED test did something to some permission settings, and now my calls/SMS/etc get their LED spot light attention, fi
    1 point
  45. Dresden, Germany I have a qwerty one And hope that I get my QWERTZ soon
    1 point
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