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    • I agree It's experimental, but sure I will report here if it works and then find a way to make this in a cleaner way. I updated the last LOS and my two yellows key doesn't work anymore. Not a big deal as shift also works, but unclear if it's a software issue or if I broke something. The rest of the keyboard works like a charme.
    • Thanks for the suggestion, Hope it will work. My daily driver is getting these issues to a degree where it is getting a nuisance, so if it can be fixed with a few hours of fiddling it might be worth it,
    • It stopped working again. Let's hope for a Lineage, or app update. Other phones seem to have the same issue: https://www.reddit.com/r/LineageOS/comments/1i2hi9y/android_auto_broken_after_update_from_los_21_to/  
    • Please note that they at some point said that their Zendesk system moved pending cases to the back of the queue when a new mail arrives from the same mailaddress, If that is still the case, your repeated mails MIGHT have moved it backwards in the queue before it was ever handled. 😢 I do not KNOW if that is the case here, but it MIGHT be. I have no idea what is going to happen for any backers left after their Nov 8 update.
    • Hi everyone I think I found a trick to repair my old pro1 keyboard. Facts : -some models have keyboard problems since beginning -some users reported some problems after a few years of use -problems listed are everytime the same : some ghosting touch (example : you type 'a' and nothing appears, or a triple 'a' suddenly pop... -when I removed the keyboard cap (the things with the buttons) a few years ago it solved all keyboards problems, for a few months or so -Completely removing the keyboard "white things" (things with contact touch and led, no idea for the correct name), it appears that the keyboard works as expected. So the idea is that the glue must insulate things under keyboard, and with time of use, or bad quality glue or whatever you could imagine, the keyboard will report some weird results. Maybe. Then I put a thin paper (from an back-adhesive papers) between the metal and the white things, adding electrical insulation. ...and my pro1s keyboard is working again. The hard things is to glue everything back, I use some T7000 adhesive glue and press it with a pencil and books, to press where it should press. You can clean the extra glue with "Essence F" but don't wait too long.   If I'm correct this may be a solution, we will see....
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